3,174 research outputs found

    Claiming expertise from betwixt and between: Digital humanities librarians, emotional labor, and genre theory

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    Librarians\u27 liminal (intermediate) position within academia situates us to make unique contributions to digital humanities (DH). In this article, we use genre theory, feminist theory, and theories of emotional labor to explore the importance of discourse mediation and affective labor to DH and the interplay between these areas and academic structural inequality. By claiming our expertise and making explicit work that is often not visible, we can advocate for new and varied roles for librarians in digital humanities. Our analysis is informed by both theory and practice, and it takes a dialogic approach that depends upon the interactions between the two

    Myths and Realities of Rateless Coding

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    Fixed-rate and rateless channel codes are generally treated separately in the related research literature and so, a novice in the field inevitably gets the impression that these channel codes are unrelated. By contrast, in this treatise, we endeavor to further develop a link between the traditional fixed-rate codes and the recently developed rateless codes by delving into their underlying attributes. This joint treatment is beneficial for two principal reasons. First, it facilitates the task of researchers and practitioners, who might be familiar with fixed-rate codes and would like to jump-start their understanding of the recently developed concepts in the rateless reality. Second, it provides grounds for extending the use of the well-understood code design tools — originally contrived for fixed-rate codes — to the realm of rateless codes. Indeed, these versatile tools proved to be vital in the design of diverse fixed-rate-coded communications systems, and thus our hope is that they will further elucidate the associated performance ramifications of the rateless coded schemes

    Coaching and mentoring entrepreneurs; more definitions won't work

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    Since entrepreneurship is essential to economic growth, there is a keen interest in the developing effective support programs for entrepreneurship. Within these programs, the support given to the entrepreneur as a person is key. Unfortunately, authors use various labels and definitions when referring to the personal support of the entrepreneur - the most wellknown labels being coaching and mentoring. To map out this conceptual battlefield, we compare a number of definitions and streams in the literature to put personal support in perspective. Already mentioned in Homer’s Odyssey, personal support has been around for centuries, leading to a large variety of definitions, theories and methodologies. Nonetheless the literature about personal support of entrepreneurs is rather scarce. Only since the start of this century the amount of publications is growing, of which most deal with developmental interactions. Also the use of the terms coaching and mentoring can be very confusing, as some authors use them interchangeably while, others emphasize the differences. This conceptual unclarity makes is very difficult to measure the effectiveness of personal support. The elements that most researchers use in describing personal support are the agenda: i.e. the amount of control that is being used by the supporter, and the role, i.e. the focus of the support. The agenda can vary from a directive way of support to a non-directive way of support. The role can vary from focusing on the business problems or skills needed to focusing on personal development or personal growth. These two dimensions leads to a matrix of four types of support, which is called problem solving, solution oriented, focus on insight, and personal focus (Haan & Burger, 2007). In total 15 top management, entrepreneurship and psychology journals have been searched for coaching and mentoring papers. They have been refined on the use of coaching or mentoring for entrepreneurial purposes and the description of these terms. Then these descriptions were scored on the two dimensions; role and agenda. In total 1,116 papers were found in these journals. After a selecting on abstract, 71 papers were left for scoring. 51 of these papers had a complete description of either coaching mentoring, or both. In most papers we did not observe much difference in the description of coaching and mentoring. This confirms that the difference between coaching and mentoring is not clear in the entrepreneurship literature. Although most of the support is described as focusing on the development of skills or the business, some of the support is described as focusing on the personal growth. A few papers describe personal support as a free, nondirective sort of support, while the majority is described as a rather directive sort of support. For further research it would be interesting to see if the different sorts of support also have is any difference in results


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    Many educators still use conventional teaching materials, namely teaching materials that are ready to use, just buy, instant, without the effort of planning, preparing, and compiling their own and less attracting children's attention in learning. So the image media is used as a development effort in learning Indonesian. This study aims to determine the quality of teaching materials based on the validation of material experts and media experts, to determine the attractiveness of teaching materials based on student responses, and to determine the average increase in student achievement based on pretest and posttest scores. This research was carried out at SDN 101938 Adolina, Perbaungan District, for the 2021-2022 academic year. This research is development research. The subjects of the study were the fifth grade students of SDN 101938 Adolina, Perbaungan District, for the academic year 2021-2022 with a total of 36 students. Data collection techniques used are tests, questionnaires, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the percentage and the average. The results of the overall quality of teaching materials are good with a percentage of 78%. The results of the attractiveness of teaching materials based on student responses in the limited trial obtained a percentage of 87% with a very interesting category, while in the large group trial a percentage of 85% was obtained with a very attractive category. The average value of the pretest is 6.09, while the average value of the posttest is 8.44, so it can be concluded that there is an increase in the average student achievement

    A Study of Academic Leadership Capabilities of Teachers in a Selected No. 2 Basic Education High School in Myanmar

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    This is a study of academic leadership capabilities perceived by teachers in a selected No.2 Basic Education High School in Myanmar. 45 teachers participated in this school. This study is aimed at determining the expectations from the current academic leadership capabilities demonstrated by the teachers in a selected school. This study is a descriptive study and a survey questionnaire based. To study academic leadership capabilities, this research mainly focuses on three interlocked core elements: personal, interpersonal and cognitive capabilities. The findings show that there were significant academic leadership capabilities that were expected from the teachers, such as maintaining a good work/life balance, keeping things in perspective and being bound by a school’s code of ethics. In contrast, the least significant ones were having an ability to engage their peers in analyzing and using information to strengthen instructors, working constructively with people who are resistors or are over-enthusiastic and willing to take a hard decision. On the other hand, the academic leadership capabilities that the teachers believed that they had were having energy, passion, enthusiasm for learning and teaching, maintaining a good work/life balance and keeping things in perspective, and being bound by a school’s code of ethics while the least ones were willing to take a hard decision, having ability to serve as a mentor for novice teachers, and understanding the curriculum of the subjects that they teach and use them in planning instruction and assessment. Nevertheless, there remain some interesting findings on differences between expected qualities and current academic leadership capabilities practiced by the teachers. In personal capabilities, the highest different level between expected and current personal capabilities was being willing to take a hard decision which differences level is at .98. In interpersonal capabilities, the highest differences between expected and current interpersonal capabilities were having ability to serve as a mentor for novice teachers. The different level was at 1.22. About cognitive capabilities, the highest difference between expected and current capabilities was learning from experiences. The different level was at 1.78. While teachers’ expectation was too high on these capabilities,the capabilities that they perceived currently were the least ones. Taking into account these interesting differences between expected and current academic leadership capabilities perceived by the teachers, a school leader should pay close attention of how to bridge the gap. This study provides fruitful solutions to improve teachers’ leadership capabilities. This study could also be useful for deans, administrators, department heads, principles and head masters who could help enhance academic leadership capabilities of their teachers

    Yemaya, No. 43, July 2013

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    South Africa- Shifting livelihoods, Viet Nam-Strengthening livelihoods, Chile - gains and challenges, Uganda- making changes possible, Maritza Mena from Costa Rica, Ground-breaking gender indicators, You tube resource
