87 research outputs found

    Fixed-time Adaptive Neural Control for Physical Human-Robot Collaboration with Time-Varying Workspace Constraints

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    Physical human-robot collaboration (pHRC) requires both compliance and safety guarantees since robots coordinate with human actions in a shared workspace. This paper presents a novel fixed-time adaptive neural control methodology for handling time-varying workspace constraints that occur in physical human-robot collaboration while also guaranteeing compliance during intended force interactions. The proposed methodology combines the benefits of compliance control, time-varying integral barrier Lyapunov function (TVIBLF) and fixed-time techniques, which not only achieve compliance during physical contact with human operators but also guarantee time-varying workspace constraints and fast tracking error convergence without any restriction on the initial conditions. Furthermore, a neural adaptive control law is designed to compensate for the unknown dynamics and disturbances of the robot manipulator such that the proposed control framework is overall fixed-time converged and capable of online learning without any prior knowledge of robot dynamics and disturbances. The proposed approach is finally validated on a simulated two-link robot manipulator. Simulation results show that the proposed controller is superior in the sense of both tracking error and convergence time compared with the existing barrier Lyapunov functions based controllers, while simultaneously guaranteeing compliance and safety

    Adaptive Control of Unknown Pure Feedback Systems with Pure State Constraints

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    This paper deals with the tracking control problem for a class of unknown pure feedback system with pure state constraints on the state variables and unknown time-varying bounded disturbances. An adaptive controller is presented for such systems for the very first time. The controller is designed using the backstepping method. While designing it, Barrier Lyapunov Functions is used so that the state variables do not contravene its constraints. In order to cope with the unknown dynamics of the system, an online approximator is designed using a neural network with a novel adaptive law for its weight update. In the stability analysis of the system, the time derivative of Lyapunov function involves known virtual control coefficient with unknown direction and to deal with such problem Nussbaum gain is used to design the control law. Furthermore, to make the controller robust and computationally inexpensive, a novel disturbance observer is designed to estimate the disturbance along with neural network approximation error and the time derivative of virtual control input. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated through a simulation study on the third-order nonlinear system

    Adaptive neural control of nonlinear systems with hysteresis

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    Nonlinear Model-Based Control for Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation

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    Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is a technology where skeletal muscles are externally stimulated by electrodes to help restore functionality to human limbs with motor neuron disorder. This dissertation is concerned with the model-based feedback control of the NMES quadriceps muscle group-knee joint dynamics. A class of nonlinear controllers is presented based on various levels of model structures and uncertainties. The two main control techniques used throughout this work are backstepping control and Lyapunov stability theory. In the first control strategy, we design a model-based nonlinear control law for the system with the exactly known passive mechanical that ensures asymptotical tracking. This first design is used as a stepping stone for the other control strategies in which we consider that uncertainties exist. In the next four control strategies, techniques for adaptive control of nonlinearly parameterized systems are applied to handle the unknown physical constant parameters that appear nonlinearly in the model. By exploiting the Lipschitzian nature or the concavity/convexity of the nonlinearly parameterized functions in the model, we design two adaptive controllers and two robust adaptive controllers that ensure practical tracking. The next set of controllers are based on a NMES model that includes the uncertain muscle contractile mechanics. In this case, neural network-based controllers are designed to deal with this uncertainty. We consider here voltage inputs without and with saturation. For the latter, the Nussbaum gain is applied to handle the input saturation. The last two control strategies are based on a more refined NMES model that accounts for the muscle activation dynamics. The main challenge here is that the activation state is unmeasurable. In the first design, we design a model-based observer that directly estimates the unmeasured state for a certain activation model. The second design introduces a nonlinear filter with an adaptive control law to handle parametric uncertainty in the activation dynamics. Both the observer- and filter-based, partial-state feedback controllers ensure asymptotical tracking. Throughout this dissertation, the performance of the proposed control schemes are illustrated via computer simulations

    Adaptive Control of Uncertain Constrained Nonlinear Systems

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    Optimal control and robust estimation for ocean wave energy converters

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    This thesis deals with the optimal control of wave energy converters and some associated observer design problems. The first part of the thesis will investigate model predictive control of an ocean wave energy converter to maximize extracted power. A generic heaving converter that can have both linear dampers and active elements as a power take-off system is considered and an efficient optimal control algorithm is developed for use within a receding horizon control framework. The optimal control is also characterized analytically. A direct transcription of the optimal control problem is also considered as a general nonlinear program. A variation of the projected gradient optimization scheme is formulated and shown to be feasible and computationally inexpensive compared to a standard nonlinear program solver. Since the system model is bilinear and the cost function is not convex quadratic, the resulting optimization problem is shown not to be a quadratic program. Results are compared with other methods like optimal latching to demonstrate the improvement in absorbed power under irregular sea condition simulations. In the second part, robust estimation of the radiation forces and states inherent in the optimal control of wave energy converters is considered. Motivated by this, low order H∞ observer design for bilinear systems with input constraints is investigated and numerically tractable methods for design are developed. A bilinear Luenberger type observer is formulated and the resulting synthesis problem reformulated as that for a linear parameter varying system. A bilinear matrix inequality problem is then solved to find nominal and robust quadratically stable observers. The performance of these observers is compared with that of an extended Kalman filter. The robustness of the observers to parameter uncertainty and to variation in the radiation subsystem model order is also investigated. This thesis also explores the numerical integration of bilinear control systems with zero-order hold on the control inputs. Making use of exponential integrators, exact to high accuracy integration is proposed for such systems. New a priori bounds are derived on the computational complexity of integrating bilinear systems with a given error tolerance. Employing our new bounds on computational complexity, we propose a direct exponential integrator to solve bilinear ODEs via the solution of sparse linear systems of equations. Based on this, a novel sparse direct collocation of bilinear systems for optimal control is proposed. These integration schemes are also used within the indirect optimal control method discussed in the first part.Open Acces