368 research outputs found

    Robust Feature Detection and Local Classification for Surfaces Based on Moment Analysis

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    The stable local classification of discrete surfaces with respect to features such as edges and corners or concave and convex regions, respectively, is as quite difficult as well as indispensable for many surface processing applications. Usually, the feature detection is done via a local curvature analysis. If concerned with large triangular and irregular grids, e.g., generated via a marching cube algorithm, the detectors are tedious to treat and a robust classification is hard to achieve. Here, a local classification method on surfaces is presented which avoids the evaluation of discretized curvature quantities. Moreover, it provides an indicator for smoothness of a given discrete surface and comes together with a built-in multiscale. The proposed classification tool is based on local zero and first moments on the discrete surface. The corresponding integral quantities are stable to compute and they give less noisy results compared to discrete curvature quantities. The stencil width for the integration of the moments turns out to be the scale parameter. Prospective surface processing applications are the segmentation on surfaces, surface comparison, and matching and surface modeling. Here, a method for feature preserving fairing of surfaces is discussed to underline the applicability of the presented approach.

    Triangular surface mesh fairing via Gaussian curvature flow

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    AbstractSurface mesh fairing by the mean curvature flow and its various modifications have become a popular topic. However, very few researches have been attempted on using the Gaussian curvature flow in surface fairing. The aim of this paper is to investigate such a problem. We find that Gaussian curvature flow can only be used to smooth convex meshes. Hence, it cannot be used to smooth noisy surface meshes because a noisy surface mesh is not convex. To overcome this difficulty, we design a new diffusion equation whose evolution direction depends on the mean curvature normal and the magnitude is a properly defined function of the Gaussian curvature. Experimental results show that the designed fairing scheme can effectively remove the noise and simultaneously preserve the sharp features, such as corners and edges

    Dictionary Learning-based Inpainting on Triangular Meshes

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    The problem of inpainting consists of filling missing or damaged regions in images and videos in such a way that the filling pattern does not produce artifacts that deviate from the original data. In addition to restoring the missing data, the inpainting technique can also be used to remove undesired objects. In this work, we address the problem of inpainting on surfaces through a new method based on dictionary learning and sparse coding. Our method learns the dictionary through the subdivision of the mesh into patches and rebuilds the mesh via a method of reconstruction inspired by the Non-local Means method on the computed sparse codes. One of the advantages of our method is that it is capable of filling the missing regions and simultaneously removes noise and enhances important features of the mesh. Moreover, the inpainting result is globally coherent as the representation based on the dictionaries captures all the geometric information in the transformed domain. We present two variations of the method: a direct one, in which the model is reconstructed and restored directly from the representation in the transformed domain and a second one, adaptive, in which the missing regions are recreated iteratively through the successive propagation of the sparse code computed in the hole boundaries, which guides the local reconstructions. The second method produces better results for large regions because the sparse codes of the patches are adapted according to the sparse codes of the boundary patches. Finally, we present and analyze experimental results that demonstrate the performance of our method compared to the literature

    Towards recovery of complex shapes in meshes using digital images for reverse engineering applications

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    When an object owns complex shapes, or when its outer surfaces are simply inaccessible, some of its parts may not be captured during its reverse engineering. These deficiencies in the point cloud result in a set of holes in the reconstructed mesh. This paper deals with the use of information extracted from digital images to recover missing areas of a physical object. The proposed algorithm fills in these holes by solving an optimization problem that combines two kinds of information: (1) the geometric information available on the surrounding of the holes, (2) the information contained in an image of the real object. The constraints come from the image irradiance equation, a first-order non-linear partial differential equation that links the position of the mesh vertices to the light intensity of the image pixels. The blending conditions are satisfied by using an objective function based on a mechanical model of bar network that simulates the curvature evolution over the mesh. The inherent shortcomings both to the current holefilling algorithms and the resolution of the image irradiance equations are overcom

    Geometric Surface Processing and Virtual Modeling

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    In this work we focus on two main topics "Geometric Surface Processing" and "Virtual Modeling". The inspiration and coordination for most of the research work contained in the thesis has been driven by the project New Interactive and Innovative Technologies for CAD (NIIT4CAD), funded by the European Eurostars Programme. NIIT4CAD has the ambitious aim of overcoming the limitations of the traditional approach to surface modeling of current 3D CAD systems by introducing new methodologies and technologies based on subdivision surfaces in a new virtual modeling framework. These innovations will allow designers and engineers to transform quickly and intuitively an idea of shape in a high-quality geometrical model suited for engineering and manufacturing purposes. One of the objective of the thesis is indeed the reconstruction and modeling of surfaces, representing arbitrary topology objects, starting from 3D irregular curve networks acquired through an ad-hoc smart-pen device. The thesis is organized in two main parts: "Geometric Surface Processing" and "Virtual Modeling". During the development of the geometric pipeline in our Virtual Modeling system, we faced many challenges that captured our interest and opened new areas of research and experimentation. In the first part, we present these theories and some applications to Geometric Surface Processing. This allowed us to better formalize and give a broader understanding on some of the techniques used in our latest advancements on virtual modeling and surface reconstruction. The research on both topics led to important results that have been published and presented in articles and conferences of international relevance

    Non-Iterative, Feature-Preserving Mesh Smoothing

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    With the increasing use of geometry scanners to create 3D models, there is a rising need for fast and robust mesh smoothing to remove inevitable noise in the measurements. While most previous work has favored diffusion-based iterative techniques for feature-preserving smoothing, we propose a radically different approach, based on robust statistics and local first-order predictors of the surface. The robustness of our local estimates allows us to derive a non-iterative feature-preserving filtering technique applicable to arbitrary "triangle soups". We demonstrate its simplicity of implementation and its efficiency, which make it an excellent solution for smoothing large, noisy, and non-manifold meshes.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Flexible G1 Interpolation of Quad Meshes

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    International audienceTransforming an arbitrary mesh into a smooth G1 surface has been the subject of intensive research works. To get a visual pleasing shape without any imperfection even in the presence of extraordinary mesh vertices is still a challenging problem in particular when interpolation of the mesh vertices is required. We present a new local method, which produces visually smooth shapes while solving the interpolation problem. It consists of combining low degree biquartic BĂ©zier patches with minimum number of pieces per mesh face, assembled together with G1-continuity. All surface control points are given explicitly. The construction is local and free of zero-twists. We further show that within this economical class of surfaces it is however possible to derive a sufficient number of meaningful degrees of freedom so that standard optimization techniques result in high quality surfaces

    Discrete schemes for Gaussian curvature and their convergence

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    In this paper, several discrete schemes for Gaussian curvature are surveyed. The convergence property of a modified discrete scheme for the Gaussian curvature is considered. Furthermore, a new discrete scheme for Gaussian curvature is resented. We prove that the new scheme converges at the regular vertex with valence not less than 5. By constructing a counterexample, we also show that it is impossible for building a discrete scheme for Gaussian curvature which converges over the regular vertex with valence 4. Finally, asymptotic errors of several discrete scheme for Gaussian curvature are compared
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