11 research outputs found

    Optimal Customized Content Dissemination for Rich Content Format in Pub/Sub Framework

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    Publish-Subscribe system is a message passing system which categorized into two types i.e. topic based system and content based system. The publisher is the sender who is responsible for deciding the classes or topics of publish messages to which subscribers can able to subscribe. Subscriber is a receiver who will receive all messages published to the class to which they subscribe. A content based publish-subscribe framework that delivers the content by matching constraints to the subscribers into their required format. Such framework enables the publish-subscribe system to adapt richer content formats including larger text files containing huge number of events to be published with different properties and other content. In Customized Content Dissemination, user’s i.e. consumers in addition to specifying their information needs, also specify their profile information which includes the device characteristics used to obtain the content. Our pub sub system as being responsible for matching and distributing the published content, also responsible for converting the content into the desired format for subscribers. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15073

    Efficient Event Notification Middleware for Smart Microgrids over P2P Networks

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Microgrids are moving towards large-scale smart distributed networks which demand an efficient and reliable communication infrastructure to manage, control and monitor energy resources. With regard to this, publisher/subscriber eventbased middleware has become relevant for large-scale distributed time applications because it allows decouple time and space between senders and receivers. Particularly the content publish/subscribe systems over structured peer-to-peer (P2P) networks has emerged to enhance scalability and dynamism of notification middleware systems. However, this type of systems use multicast routing schemes that still generate much network traffic and as a consequence an overload of the communication channel is produced. This results in inefficient network utilization and rapid depletion of network resources leading to unreliable operations, degradation of system performance and even instability of the microgrid. In this paper, a new content-based publish/subscribe notification middleware over structured P2P systems is proposed, such that smart microgrid communication requirements are met. This proposed system organizes the publications and subscriptions in a one dimensional representation using the Hilbert space filling curve. Through this representation, an innovative routing and matching algorithms are developed. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed publisher/subscribe system significantly enhance efficiency of the system, network performance and the use of computational resources.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under Grant ENE2015- 64087- C2- 2 R. This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under BES- 2013- 064539.Marzal-Romeu, S.; Salas-Puente, RA.; González-Medina, R.; Garcerá, G.; Figueres Amorós, E. (2018). Efficient Event Notification Middleware for Smart Microgrids over P2P Networks. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. https://doi.org/10.1109/TSG.2018.2865432

    Scaling Construction of Low Fan-out Overlays for Topic-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems

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    Decentralized Orchestration of Open Services- Achieving High Scalability and Reliability with Continuation-Passing Messaging

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    The papers of this thesis are not available in Munin. Paper I: Yu, W.,Haque, A. A. M. “Decentralised web- services orchestration with continuation-passing messaging”. Available in International Journal of Web and Grid Services 2011, 7(3):304–330. Paper II: Haque, A. A. M., Yu, W.: “Peer-to-peer orchestration of web mashups”. Available in International Journal of Adaptive, Resilient and Autonomic Systems 2014, 5(3):40-60. Paper V: Haque, A. A. M., Yu, W.: “Decentralized and reliable orchestration of open services”. In:Service Computation 2014. International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA) 2014 ISBN 978-1-61208-337-7.An ever-increasing number of web applications are providing open services to a wide range of applications. Whilst traditional centralized approaches to services orchestration are successful for enterprise service-oriented systems, they are subject to serious limitations for orchestrating the wider range of open services. Dealing with these limitations calls for decentralized approaches. However, decentralized approaches are themselves faced with a number of challenges, including the possibility of loss of dynamic run-time states that are spread over the distributed environment. This thesis presents a fully decentralized approach to orchestration of open services. Our flow-aware dynamic replication scheme supports both exceptional handling, failure of orchestration agents and recovers from fail situations. During execution, open services are conducted by a network of orchestration agents which collectively orchestrate open services using continuation-passing messaging. Our performance study showed that decentralized orchestration improves the scalability and enhances the reliability of open services. Our orchestration approach has a clear performance advantage over traditional centralized orchestration as well as over the current practice of web mashups where application servers themselves conduct the execution of the composition of open web services. Finally, in our empirical study we presented the overhead of the replication approach for services orchestration

    Specifying Single-user and Collaborative Profiles for Alerting Systems

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    The 21st century is the age of information overload. Often, humans are incapable of processing all of the information that surrounds them and determining its relevance. The impact of overlooking crucial information ranges from annoying to fatal. Alerting systems help users deal with this vast amount of information by employing a push-based rather than a pull-based approach to information delivery. In this way, users receive the information they require at the appropriate moment. Users specify their alerting needs in a profile that is subscribed to the alerting system. The alerting system is continuously fed with data, and filters this data against all subscribed profiles. Whenever incoming data matches a profile, the subscriber is alerted. Although alerting systems solve the problem of information overload, the potential of these systems has not been fully put into practice. Alerting systems are either realised as dedicated systems that, at best, offer a set of possible profiles to choose from or, at worst, offer a preset profile for one purpose only. Alternatively, they are application frameworks that offer no support for the average user; that is, the specification of profiles is realised using a programming interface. Collaboration between users when specifying profiles is not supported. This thesis verifies the described situation by considering the example application domain of health care. Within this context, a requirements analysis was undertaken involving a patient-based online survey and interviews with health care providers. This analysis revealed the utility of alerting systems but a need for support for profile specification by end-users. It also identified the need for such a system to support the collaborative nature of health care. The shortcomings of alerting systems identified for the health-care area also exist in other domains. Hence, a variety of application areas will benefit from providing universal solutions to eliminate these shortcomings. Based on these findings, this thesis proposes the graphical profile specification language GPDL and an interactive single-user software tool that supports its use (GPDL-UI). The thesis introduces a novel collaborative alerting model for Information Systems. A collaborative extension of GPDL is implemented in the software tool CoastEd, an editor for the graphical specification of collaborative profiles. The developed languages and software tools target average users who have no expertise in specifying profiles involving logics and temporal constraints. The efficacy of the proposed languages and software were evaluated through three user studies. The first study examined interpretation and specification with GPDL. Based on the results of this first study, the single-user system GPDL-UI was designed and implemented and then evaluated in a second study. In turn, the lessons learned from the implementation and user studies for the single-user system influenced the development of the collaborative approach CoastEd; this editor was evaluated in the third study. The studies have shown that GPDL and GPDL-UI are suitable means for average users to effectively specify profiles in single-user alerting systems. High levels of accuracy were reached for specification and interpretation in both studies. GPDL-UI turned out to be a usable and effective software tool. The collaborative approach and CoastEd succeed in conveying the idea of collaborative profile specification to average users. Most types of collaborative profiles were successfully specified by users. For the initiator of the collaborative profile specification process, two types of profiles call for further research. Overall, the approach, languages and software tools developed are shown to be effective and merit future research in that area

    Adaptive Content-based Routing In General Overlay Topologies

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    Abstract. This paper develops content-based publish/subscribe algorithms to support general overlay topologies, as opposed to traditional acyclic or tree-based topologies. Among other benefits, message routes can adapt to dynamic conditions by choosing among alternate routing paths, and composite events can be detected at optimal points in the network. The algorithms are implemented in the PADRES publish/subscribe system and evaluated in a controlled local environment and a wide-area PlanetLab deployment. Atomic subscription notification delivery time improves by 20 % in a well connected network, and composite subscriptions can be processed with 80 % less network traffic and notifications delivered with about half the end to end delay.