182 research outputs found

    Adaptive alert throttling for intrusion detection systems

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    Adaptive alert throttling for intrusion detection systems

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    A Novel Efficient Dynamic Throttling Strategy for Blockchain-Based Intrusion Detection Systems in 6G-Enabled VSNs

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    Vehicular Social Networks (VSNs) have emerged as a new social interaction paradigm, where vehicles can form social networks on the roads to improve the convenience/safety of passengers. VSNs are part of Vehicle to Everything (V2X) services, which is one of the industrial verticals in the coming sixth generation (6G) networks. The lower latency, higher connection density, and near-100% coverage envisaged in 6G will enable more efficient implementation of VSNs applications. The purpose of this study is to address the problem of lateral movements of attackers who could compromise one device in a VSN, given the large number of connected devices and services in VSNs and attack other devices and vehicles. This challenge is addressed via our proposed Blockchain-based Collaborative Distributed Intrusion Detection (BCDID) system with a novel Dynamic Throttling Strategy (DTS) to detect and prevent attackers’ lateral movements in VSNs. Our experiments showed how the proposed DTS improve the effectiveness of the BCDID system in terms of detection capabilities and handling queries three times faster than the default strategy with 350k queries tested. We concluded that our DTS strategy can increase transaction processing capacity in the BCDID system and improve its performance while maintaining the integrity of data on-chain

    A Network Worm Vaccine Architecture

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    The ability of worms to spread at rates that effectively preclude human-directed reaction has elevated them to a first-class security threat to distributed systems. We present the first reaction mechanism that seeks to automatically patch vulnerable software. Our system employs a collection of sensors that detect and capture potential worm infection vectors. We automatically test the effects of these vectors on appropriately-instrumented sandboxed instances of the targeted application, trying to identify the exploited software weakness. Our heuristics allow us to automatically generate patches that can protect against certain classes of attack, and test the resistance of the patched application against the infection vector. We describe our system architecture, discuss the various components, and propose directions for future research

    Centralized prevention of denial of service attacks

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    The world has come to depend on the Internet at an increasing rate for communication, e-commerce, and many other essential services. As such, the Internet has become an integral part of the workings of society at large. This has lead to an increased vulnerability to remotely controlled disruption of vital commercial and government operations---with obvious implications. This disruption can be caused by an attack on one or more specific networks which will deny service to legitimate users or an attack on the Internet itself by creating large amounts of spurious traffic (which will deny services to many or all networks). Individual organizations can take steps to protect themselves but this does not solve the problem of an Internet wide attack. This thesis focuses on an analysis of the different types of Denial of Service attacks and suggests an approach to prevent both categories by centralized detection and limitation of excessive packet flows

    Probabilistic Modeling and Inference for Obfuscated Network Attack Sequences

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    Prevalent computing devices with networking capabilities have become critical network infrastructure for government, industry, academia and every-day life. As their value rises, the motivation driving network attacks on this infrastructure has shifted from the pursuit of notoriety to the pursuit of profit or political gains, leading to network attack on various scales. Facing diverse network attack strategies and overwhelming alters, much work has been devoted to correlate observed malicious events to pre-defined scenarios, attempting to deduce the attack plans based on expert models of how network attacks may transpire. We started the exploration of characterizing network attacks by investigating how temporal and spatial features of attack sequence can be used to describe different types of attack sources in real data set. Attack sequence models were built from real data set to describe different attack strategies. Based on the probabilistic attack sequence model, attack predictions were made to actively predict next possible actions. Experiments through attack predictions have revealed that sophisticated attackers can employ a number of obfuscation techniques to confuse the alert correlation engine or classifier. Unfortunately, most exiting work treats attack obfuscations by developing ad-hoc fixes to specific obfuscation technique. To this end, we developed an attack modeling framework that enables a systematical analysis of obfuscations. The proposed framework represents network attack strategies as general finite order Markov models and integrates it with different attack obfuscation models to form probabilistic graphical model models. A set of algorithms is developed to inference the network attack strategies given the models and the observed sequences, which are likely to be obfuscated. The algorithms enable an efficient analysis of the impact of different obfuscation techniques and attack strategies, by determining the expected classification accuracy of the obfuscated sequences. The algorithms are developed by integrating the recursion concept in dynamic programming and the Monte-Carlo method. The primary contributions of this work include the development of the formal framework and the algorithms to evaluate the impact of attack obfuscations. Several knowledge-driven attack obfuscation models are developed and analyzed to demonstrate the impact of different types of commonly used obfuscation techniques. The framework and algorithms developed in this work can also be applied to other contexts beyond network security. Any behavior sequences that might suffer from noise and require matching to pre-defined models can use this work to recover the most likely original sequence or evaluate quantitatively the expected classification accuracy one can achieve to separate the sequences
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