163 research outputs found

    Cross-domain analysis of discourse markers in European Portuguese

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    This paper presents an analysis of discourse markers in two spontaneous speech corpora for European Portuguese - university lectures and map-task dialogues - and also in a collection of tweets, aiming at contributing to their categorization, scarcely existent for European Portuguese. Our results show that the selection of discourse markers is domain and speaker dependent. We also found that the most frequent discourse markers are similar in all three corpora, despite tweets containing discourse markers not found in the other two corpora. In this multidisciplinary study, comprising both a linguistic perspective and a computational approach, discourse markers are also automatically discriminated from other structural metadata events, namely sentence-like units and disfluencies. Our results show that discourse markers and disfluencies tend to co-occur in the dialogue corpus, but have a complementary distribution in the university lectures. We used three acoustic-prosodic feature sets and machine learning to automatically distinguish between discourse markers, disfluencies and sentence-like units. Our in-domain experiments achieved an accuracy of about 87% in university lectures and 84% in dialogues, in line with our previous results. The eGeMAPS features, commonly used for other paralinguistic tasks, achieved a considerable performance on our data, especially considering the small size of the feature set. Our results suggest that turn-initial discourse markers are usually easier to classify than disfluencies, a result also previously reported in the literature. We conducted a cross-domain evaluation in order to evaluate the robustness of the models across domains. The results achieved are about 11%-12% lower, but we conclude that data from one domain can still be used to classify the same events in the other. Overall, despite the complexity of this task, these are very encouraging state-of-the-art results. Ultimately, using exclusively acoustic-prosodic cues, discourse markers can be fairly discriminated from disfluencies and SUs. In order to better understand the contribution of each feature, we have also reported the impact of the features in both the dialogues and the university lectures. Pitch features are the most relevant ones for the distinction between discourse markers and disfluencies, namely pitch slopes. These features are in line with the wide pitch range of discourse markers, in a continuum from a very compressed pitch range to a very wide one, expressed by total deaccented material or H+L* L* contours, with upstep H tones.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cross-domain analysis of discourse markers in European Portuguese

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    This paper presents an analysis of discourse markers in two spontaneous speech corpora for European Portuguese - university lectures and map-task dialogues - and also in a collection of tweets, aiming at contributing to their categorization, scarcely existent for European Portuguese. Our results show that the selection of discourse markers is domain and speaker dependent. We also found that the most frequent discourse markers are similar in all three corpora, despite tweets containing discourse markers not found in the other two corpora. In this multidisciplinary study, comprising both a linguistic perspective and a computational approach, discourse markers are also automatically discriminated from other structural metadata events, namely sentence-like units and disfluencies. Our results show that discourse markers and disfluencies tend to co-occur in the dialogue corpus, but have a complementary distribution in the university lectures. We used three acoustic-prosodic feature sets and machine learning to automatically distinguish between discourse markers, disfluencies and sentence-like units. Our in-domain experiments achieved an accuracy of about 87% in university lectures and 84% in dialogues, in line with our previous results. The eGeMAPS features, commonly used for other paralinguistic tasks, achieved a considerable performance on our data, especially considering the small size of the feature set. Our results suggest that turn-initial discourse markers are usually easier to classify than disfluencies, a result also previously reported in the literature. We conducted a cross-domain evaluation in order to evaluate the robustness of the models across domains. The results achieved are about 11%-12% lower, but we conclude that data from one domain can still be used to classify the same events in the other. Overall, despite the complexity of this task, these are very encouraging state-of-the-art results. Ultimately, using exclusively acoustic-prosodic cues, discourse markers can be fairly discriminated from disfluencies and SUs. In order to better understand the contribution of each feature, we have also reported the impact of the features in both the dialogues and the university lectures. Pitch features are the most relevant ones for the distinction between discourse markers and disfluencies, namely pitch slopes. These features are in line with the wide pitch range of discourse markers, in a continuum from a very compressed pitch range to a very wide one, expressed by total deaccented material or H+L* L* contours, with upstep H tones

    Error-correction and extraction in request dialogs

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    We propose a component that gets a request and a correction and outputs a corrected request. To get this corrected request, the entities in the correction phrase replace their corresponding entities in the request. In addition, the proposed component outputs these pairs of corresponding reparandum and repair entity. These entity pairs can be used, for example, for learning in a life-long learning component of a dialog system to reduce the need for correction in future dialogs. For the approach described in this work, we fine-tune BERT for sequence labeling. We created a dataset to evaluate our component; for which we got an accuracy of 93.28 %. An accuracy of 88.58 % has been achieved for out-of-domain data. This accuracy shows that the proposed component is learning the concept of corrections and can be developed to be used as an upstream component to avoid the need for collecting data for request corrections for every new domain.Comment: 6 page

    Incremental Disfluency Detection for Spoken Learner English

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    Dialogue-based computer-assisted language learning (CALL) concerns the application and analysis of automated systems that engage with a language learner through dialogue. Routed in an interactionist perspective of second language acquisition, dialogue-based CALL systems assume the role of a speaking partner, providing learners the opportunity for spontaneous production of their second language. One area of interest for such systems is the implementation of corrective feedback. However, the feedback strategies employed by such systems remain fairly limited. In particular, there are currently no provisions for learners to initiate the correction of their own errors, despite this being the most frequently occurring and most preferred type of error correction in learner speech. To address this gap, this thesis proposes a framework for implementing such functionality, identifying incremental self-initiated self-repair (i.e. disfluency) detection as a key area for research. Taking an interdisciplinary approach to the exploration of this topic, this thesis outlines the steps taken to optimise an incremental disfluency detection model for use with spoken learner English. To begin, a linguistic comparative analysis of native and learner disfluency corpora explored the differences between the disfluency behaviour of native and learner speech, highlighting key features of learner speech not previously explored in disfluency detection model analysis. Following this, in order to identify a suitable baseline model for further experimentation, two state-of-the-art incremental self-repair detection models were trained and tested with a learner speech corpus. An error analysis of the models' outputs found an LSTM model using word embeddings and part-of-speech tags to be the most suitable for learner speech, thanks to its lower number of false positives triggered by learner errors in the corpus. Following this, several adaptations to the model were tested to improve performance. Namely, the inclusion of character embeddings, silence and laughter features, separating edit term detection from disfluency detection, lemmatization and the inclusion of learners' prior proficiency scores led to over an eight percent model improvement over the baseline. Findings from this thesis illustrate how the analysis of language characteristics specific to learner speech can positively inform model adaptation and provide a starting point for further investigation into the implementation of effective corrective feedback strategies in dialogue-based CALL systems
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