94,589 research outputs found

    Adapting performance and emotional support feedback to cultural differences

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    This paper investigates adaptation of feedback to learners' cultural backgrounds. First, we investigate how to portray the cultural background of a learner. Second, we present a qualitative focus-group study, investigating how participants from different cultures believe culture affects the kind of feedback given to a learner. Finally, we present an empirical study on how humans adapt feedback based on the cultural background of learners to inspire an algorithm. Our investigations resulted in a set of stories which can be used to reliably portray a person's culture when investigating cultural adaptation in indirect experiments and user as wizard studies. They also provided insights into the adaptations people make to cultural differences

    Resiliency training in Indian children: A pilot investigation of the Penn Resiliency Program

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    © 2014 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).This paper examines the effectiveness of the Penn Resiliency Program (PRP) in an urban Indian setting. The PRP is a program to prevent depression in early adolescence and has proved successful in changing children’s attributional style of life events. While the program has been successful in preventing symptoms of depression in Western populations, the current study explored whether this program could be effective with an Indian sample. The aim of the current study was twofold; first, to study the attributional style of early adolescents in India and identify negative effects (if any) and second, to gain insights in using the PRP as a tool to change explanatory styles in Indian children. A total of 58 children participated in the study (Intervention group n = 29 and Control group n = 29). An Analysis of Covariance comparing post-test scores on Children’s Attributional Style Questionnaire (CASQ) while controlling for baseline scores indicated that children in the intervention group exhibited a significant reduction in pessimistic explanatory style and an increase in optimistic orientation compared to children in the control group. This indicates that the program was effective in changing negative attribution styles among upper-class Indian school children. Future work may look into the longer impact of the program as well as further considerations into adapting the program for a middle class population

    Pockets of poverty : the challenge for schools with small proportions of Fsm pupils

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    Affective automotive user interfaces

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    Technological progress in the fields of ubiquitous sensing and machine learning has been fueling the development of user-aware human-computer interaction in recent years. Especially natural user interfaces, like digital voice assistants, can benefit from understanding their users in order to provide a more naturalistic experience. Such systems can, for example, detect the emotional state of users and accordingly act in an empathic way. One major research field working on this topic is Affective Computing, where psycho-physiological measures, speech input, and facial expressions are used to sense human emotions. Affective data allows natural user interfaces to respond to emotions, providing promising perspectives not only for user experience design but also for safety aspects. In automotive environments, informed estimations of the driver’s state can potentially avoid dangerous errors and evoking positive emotions can improve the experience of driving. This dissertation explores Affective Automotive User Interfaces using two basic interaction paradigms: firstly, emotion regulation systems react to the current emotional state of the user based on live sensing data, allowing for quick interventions. Secondly, emotional interaction synthesizes experiences which resonate with the user on an emotional level. The constituted goals of these two interaction approaches are the promotion of safe behavior and an improvement of user experience. Promoting safe behavior through emotion regulation: Systems which detect and react to the driver’s state are expected to have great potential for improving road safety. This work presents a model and methods needed to investigate such systems and an exploration of several approaches to keep the driver in a safe state. The presented methods include techniques to induce emotions and to sample the emotional state of drivers. Three driving simulator studies investigate the impacts of emotionaware interventions in the form of implicit cues, visual mirroring and empathic speech synthesis. We envision emotion-awareness as a safety feature which can detect if a driver is unfit or in need of support, based on the propagation of robust emotion detection technology. Improving user experience with emotional interaction: Emotional perception is an essential part of user experience. This thesis entails methods to build emotional experiences derived from a variety of lab and simulator studies, expert feedback, car-storming sessions and design thinking workshops. Systems capable of adapting to the user’s preferences and traits in order to create an emotionally satisfactory user experience do not require the input of emotion detection. They rather create value through general knowledge about the user by adapting the output they generate. During this research, cultural and generational influences became evident, which have to be considered when implementing affective automotive user interfaces in future cars. We argue that the future of user-aware interaction lies in adapting not only to the driver’s preferences and settings but also to their current state. This paves the way for the regulation of safe behavior, especially in safety-critical environments like cars, and an improvement of the driving experience.Aktuelle Fortschritte in den Bereichen des Machine Learning und Ubiquitous Computing ermöglichen es heute adaptive Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen zu realisieren. Vor allem natürliche Interaktion, wie wir sie von Sprachassistenten kennen, profitiert von einem verbesserten Verständnis des Nutzerverhaltens. Zum Beispiel kann ein Assistent mit Informationen über den emotionalen Zustand des Nutzers natürlicher interagieren, vielleicht sogar Empathie zeigen. Affective Computing ist das damit verbundene Forschungsfeld, das sich damit beschäftigt menschliche Emotionen durch Beobachtung von physiologischen Daten, Sprache und Mimik zu erkennen. Dabei ermöglicht Emotionserkennung natürliche Interaktion auf Basis des Fahrer/innenzustands, was nicht nur vielversprechend in Bezug auf die Gestaltung des Nutzerelebnisses klingt, sondern auch Anwendungen im Bereich der Verkehrssicherheit hat. Ein Einsatz im Fahrkontext könnte so vermeidbare Unfälle verringern und gleichzeitig Fahrer durch emotionale Interaktion begeistern. Diese Dissertation beleuchtet Affective Automotive User Interfaces – zu Deutsch in etwa Emotionsadaptive Benutzerschnittstellen im Fahrzeug – auf Basis zweier inhaltlicher Säulen: erstens benutzen wir Ansätze zur Emotionsregulierung, um im Falle gefährlicher Fahrerzustände einzugreifen. Zweitens erzeugen wir emotional aufgeladene Interaktionen, um das Nutzererlebnis zu verbessern. Erhöhte Sicherheit durch Emotionsregulierung: Emotionsadaptiven Systemen wird ein großes Potenzial zur Verbesserung der Verkehrssicherheit zugeschrieben. Wir stellen ein Modell und Methoden vor, die zur Untersuchung solcher Systeme benötigt werden und erforschen Ansätze, die dazu dienen Fahrer in einer Gefühlslage zu halten, die sicheres Handeln erlaubt. Die vorgestellten Methoden beinhalten Ansätze zur Emotionsinduktion und -erkennung, sowie drei Fahrsimulatorstudien zur Beeinflussung von Fahrern durch indirekte Reize, Spiegeln von Emotionen und empathischer Sprachinteraktion. Emotionsadaptive Sicherheitssysteme können in Zukunft beeinträchtigten Fahrern Unterstützung leisten und so den Verkehr sicherer machen, vorausgesetzt die technischen Grundlagen der Emotionserkennung gewinnen an Reife. Verbesserung des Nutzererlebnisses durch emotionale Interaktion: Emotionen tragen einen großen Teil zum Nutzerlebnis bei, darum ist es nur sinnvoll den zweiten Fokuspunkt dieser Arbeit auf systeminitiierte emotionale Interaktion zu legen.Wir stellen die Ergebnisse nutzerzentrierter Ideenfindung und mehrer Evaluationsstudien der resultierenden Systeme vor. Um sich den Vorlieben und Eigenschaften von Nutzern anzupassen wird nicht zwingend Emotionserkennung benötigt. Der Mehrwert solcher Systeme besteht vielmehr darin, auf Basis verfügbarer Verhaltensdaten ein emotional anspruchsvolles Erlebnis zu ermöglichen. In unserer Arbeit stoßen wir außerdem auf kulturelle und demografische Einflüsse, die es bei der Gestaltung von emotionsadaptiven Nutzerschnittstellen zu beachten gibt. Wir sehen die Zukunft nutzeradaptiver Interaktion im Fahrzeug nicht in einer rein verhaltensbasierten Anpassung, sondern erwarten ebenso emotionsbezogene Innovationen. Dadurch können zukünftige Systeme sicherheitsrelevantes Verhalten regulieren und gleichzeitig das Fortbestehen der Freude am Fahren ermöglichen

    Alter ego, state of the art on user profiling: an overview of the most relevant organisational and behavioural aspects regarding User Profiling.

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    This report gives an overview of the most relevant organisational and\ud behavioural aspects regarding user profiling. It discusses not only the\ud most important aims of user profiling from both an organisation’s as\ud well as a user’s perspective, it will also discuss organisational motives\ud and barriers for user profiling and the most important conditions for\ud the success of user profiling. Finally recommendations are made and\ud suggestions for further research are given

    Affective automotive user interfaces

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    Technological progress in the fields of ubiquitous sensing and machine learning has been fueling the development of user-aware human-computer interaction in recent years. Especially natural user interfaces, like digital voice assistants, can benefit from understanding their users in order to provide a more naturalistic experience. Such systems can, for example, detect the emotional state of users and accordingly act in an empathic way. One major research field working on this topic is Affective Computing, where psycho-physiological measures, speech input, and facial expressions are used to sense human emotions. Affective data allows natural user interfaces to respond to emotions, providing promising perspectives not only for user experience design but also for safety aspects. In automotive environments, informed estimations of the driver’s state can potentially avoid dangerous errors and evoking positive emotions can improve the experience of driving. This dissertation explores Affective Automotive User Interfaces using two basic interaction paradigms: firstly, emotion regulation systems react to the current emotional state of the user based on live sensing data, allowing for quick interventions. Secondly, emotional interaction synthesizes experiences which resonate with the user on an emotional level. The constituted goals of these two interaction approaches are the promotion of safe behavior and an improvement of user experience. Promoting safe behavior through emotion regulation: Systems which detect and react to the driver’s state are expected to have great potential for improving road safety. This work presents a model and methods needed to investigate such systems and an exploration of several approaches to keep the driver in a safe state. The presented methods include techniques to induce emotions and to sample the emotional state of drivers. Three driving simulator studies investigate the impacts of emotionaware interventions in the form of implicit cues, visual mirroring and empathic speech synthesis. We envision emotion-awareness as a safety feature which can detect if a driver is unfit or in need of support, based on the propagation of robust emotion detection technology. Improving user experience with emotional interaction: Emotional perception is an essential part of user experience. This thesis entails methods to build emotional experiences derived from a variety of lab and simulator studies, expert feedback, car-storming sessions and design thinking workshops. Systems capable of adapting to the user’s preferences and traits in order to create an emotionally satisfactory user experience do not require the input of emotion detection. They rather create value through general knowledge about the user by adapting the output they generate. During this research, cultural and generational influences became evident, which have to be considered when implementing affective automotive user interfaces in future cars. We argue that the future of user-aware interaction lies in adapting not only to the driver’s preferences and settings but also to their current state. This paves the way for the regulation of safe behavior, especially in safety-critical environments like cars, and an improvement of the driving experience.Aktuelle Fortschritte in den Bereichen des Machine Learning und Ubiquitous Computing ermöglichen es heute adaptive Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen zu realisieren. Vor allem natürliche Interaktion, wie wir sie von Sprachassistenten kennen, profitiert von einem verbesserten Verständnis des Nutzerverhaltens. Zum Beispiel kann ein Assistent mit Informationen über den emotionalen Zustand des Nutzers natürlicher interagieren, vielleicht sogar Empathie zeigen. Affective Computing ist das damit verbundene Forschungsfeld, das sich damit beschäftigt menschliche Emotionen durch Beobachtung von physiologischen Daten, Sprache und Mimik zu erkennen. Dabei ermöglicht Emotionserkennung natürliche Interaktion auf Basis des Fahrer/innenzustands, was nicht nur vielversprechend in Bezug auf die Gestaltung des Nutzerelebnisses klingt, sondern auch Anwendungen im Bereich der Verkehrssicherheit hat. Ein Einsatz im Fahrkontext könnte so vermeidbare Unfälle verringern und gleichzeitig Fahrer durch emotionale Interaktion begeistern. Diese Dissertation beleuchtet Affective Automotive User Interfaces – zu Deutsch in etwa Emotionsadaptive Benutzerschnittstellen im Fahrzeug – auf Basis zweier inhaltlicher Säulen: erstens benutzen wir Ansätze zur Emotionsregulierung, um im Falle gefährlicher Fahrerzustände einzugreifen. Zweitens erzeugen wir emotional aufgeladene Interaktionen, um das Nutzererlebnis zu verbessern. Erhöhte Sicherheit durch Emotionsregulierung: Emotionsadaptiven Systemen wird ein großes Potenzial zur Verbesserung der Verkehrssicherheit zugeschrieben. Wir stellen ein Modell und Methoden vor, die zur Untersuchung solcher Systeme benötigt werden und erforschen Ansätze, die dazu dienen Fahrer in einer Gefühlslage zu halten, die sicheres Handeln erlaubt. Die vorgestellten Methoden beinhalten Ansätze zur Emotionsinduktion und -erkennung, sowie drei Fahrsimulatorstudien zur Beeinflussung von Fahrern durch indirekte Reize, Spiegeln von Emotionen und empathischer Sprachinteraktion. Emotionsadaptive Sicherheitssysteme können in Zukunft beeinträchtigten Fahrern Unterstützung leisten und so den Verkehr sicherer machen, vorausgesetzt die technischen Grundlagen der Emotionserkennung gewinnen an Reife. Verbesserung des Nutzererlebnisses durch emotionale Interaktion: Emotionen tragen einen großen Teil zum Nutzerlebnis bei, darum ist es nur sinnvoll den zweiten Fokuspunkt dieser Arbeit auf systeminitiierte emotionale Interaktion zu legen.Wir stellen die Ergebnisse nutzerzentrierter Ideenfindung und mehrer Evaluationsstudien der resultierenden Systeme vor. Um sich den Vorlieben und Eigenschaften von Nutzern anzupassen wird nicht zwingend Emotionserkennung benötigt. Der Mehrwert solcher Systeme besteht vielmehr darin, auf Basis verfügbarer Verhaltensdaten ein emotional anspruchsvolles Erlebnis zu ermöglichen. In unserer Arbeit stoßen wir außerdem auf kulturelle und demografische Einflüsse, die es bei der Gestaltung von emotionsadaptiven Nutzerschnittstellen zu beachten gibt. Wir sehen die Zukunft nutzeradaptiver Interaktion im Fahrzeug nicht in einer rein verhaltensbasierten Anpassung, sondern erwarten ebenso emotionsbezogene Innovationen. Dadurch können zukünftige Systeme sicherheitsrelevantes Verhalten regulieren und gleichzeitig das Fortbestehen der Freude am Fahren ermöglichen

    Linking Disability and Intercultural Studies: the adaptation journey of the visually impaired migrant in Ireland

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    This study focuses on the lived experiences of the visually impaired migrant in Ireland and this is the first study to document the lives of these members of Irish society. It examines how visually impaired migrants are simultaneously adapting to their disability and a new cultural environment while living in Ireland. In so doing this study aims to link the two academic fields of Intercultural Studies and Disability Studies and theoretical underpinnings for this study are drawn and woven together from both fields. As such this study draws from the development of theories relating to disability as well as the intercultural aspects of migration. Qualitative in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 22 participants living in the larger Dublin region, which comprised of two groups; migrant users and providers of services for the visually impaired. Data analysis was assisted through the software package Atlas.ti. A grounded theory approach to collecting and analysing data was adopted as this facilitates the flow from raw data to codes to concepts. Purposive sampling was employed and the typical method of grounded theory of constant comparison was not used, rather interviews were analysed individually once they were all completed then compared. Research findings indicate that the cultural perceptions of disability may help or hinder the individual’s adaptation process both to their visual impairment and to living and integrating into a new culture in Ireland. Findings cluster around the three areas of cultural perceptions of disability, support networks and cultural barriers to adaptation. Synergising theoretical concepts and data steered the development of a new integrative model which identifies the inhibitors and facilitators for the process of adaptation to visual impairment for a migrant in Ireland

    Key Challenges of On-Line Education in Multi-Cultural Context

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    In meeting the ever-growing educational needs of culturally diverse student populations, universities and colleges still seek to maintain high quality standards, both for in situ and on line education. Despite the latter's reportedly high effectiveness potential, online degree courses tend to have low students' persistence and satisfaction rates. In this pape, r we examine the role that students' and instructors' national cultures play in the way individuals learn at a distance. We argue that students' individual culture dimensions may prove influential in achieving overall learning outcomes. The key complexities for students involve understanding the instructor's role in a socio-constructivist approach, adapting online collaborative learning and acquiring academic skills. These can become crucial barriers to effective online learning. No less a challenge is presented by online distance education for instructors. Academic institutions' managements have high expectations in terms of utilizing up-to-date teaching techniques, enhancing competitive edge and maximizing cost-effectiveness. Thus, the teaching staff is expected to play an increasingly essential role in the new environment. We conclude that instructors have to develop strategies to motivate, support and counsel students with the aim of facilitating the students' on-line learning experience. This implies that teaching staff have to acquire new skills and competences vital for multicultural online education. Robert Kennedy College, whose experience is reflected in this paper, shares much of the issues of other institutions aiming to utilize distance online learning, but has the advantage that it was set up from the start as an online institution. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Can absent leadership be positive in team conflicts? An examination of leaders' avoidance behavior in China

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    Purpose – Although conflict avoidance is one of the most commonly used conflict resolution styles in China, there has surprisingly been no explicit investigation of the effects of leaders’ avoidance. This paper therefore examines how leaders’ avoidance influences followers’ attitudes and well-being in China. Design/methodology/approach – Data was collected from 245 subordinates in three large companies in the People’s Republic of China through an online survey. Multiple regression analysis was adopted to test three sets of competing hypotheses. Findings – Leaders’ avoidance behaviour is positively related to followers’ perception of justice, supervisory trust and emotional well-being in Chinese organizations. Originality/value - Our paper joins growing attempts to consider conflict management in the context of leadership. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to examine empirically the relationships between a team leader’s avoidance behaviour and his or her subordinates’ perceptions of justice, supervisory trust, and emotional well-being in a single study. The findings are provoking by illustrating positive effect of leader's conflict avoidance behaviour in China. Our paper supports that conflict avoidance could be a sustainable rather than one-off strategy by a leader, and that identifying conditions (e.g. culture) that affect the outcomes of conflict avoidance is important

    Quality Services, Better Outcomes: A Quality Framework for Achieving Outcomes.

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    The Childhood Development Initiative (CDI) is an innovative, community based response to a comprehensive consultation process undertaken in Tallaght West. Working with a wide range of locally established service providers, CDI is delivering services to children and families which meet identified needs. Etch of these is being rigorously evaluated, and considerable attention is being given to quality assurance, promotion of reflective practice, and professional training and support. The insights gained, and techniques developed during this process are central to delivering high quality services with the view to improving our understanding of what enables children to meet their potential, gain their developmental milestones within appropriate timeframes and become healthy and active citizens. This Workbook describes key processes relating to practice, organisational culture and systems change which support the implementation of evidence-based and evidence-informed programmes and practices. From CDI's experience, implementing evidence-based programmes not only requires specific structures and processes in place to support programme implementation and fidelity (e.g. training, coaching, and supervision) but also necessities a focus on the more generic aspects of delivering quality services (e.g. engaging in reflective practice in order to promote and maintain fidelity to a programme). The Workbook also addresses some fundamental areas in relation to monitoring and evaluation as a way of determining whether an intervention was effective or not. In effect, this Workbook hopes to explain the 'what', 'why', 'how' and 'did we?' of evidence-based practice. The Workbook is intended to provide readers with a comprehensive introduction to both the shared language and concepts underpinning the science and practice of implementation. It complements the 'What Works Process' guide published by the Centre for Effective Services (CES, 2011) which supports services in assessing how effective they are in improving outcomes for children and helps them to think about what works