596,349 research outputs found

    Adaptation Knowledge from the Case Base

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    Case adaptation continues to be one of the more difficult aspects of case-based reasoning to automate. This paper looks at several techniques for utilising the implicit knowledge contained in a case base for case adaptation in case-based reasoning systems. The most significant of the techniques proposed are a moderately successful data mining technique and a highly successful artificial neural network technique. Their effectiveness was evaluated on a footwear design problem

    Adaptation Knowledge Discovery from a Case Base

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    In case-based reasoning, the adaptation step depends in general on domain-dependent knowledge, which motivates studies on adaptation knowledge acquisition (AKA). CABAMAKA is an AKA system based on principles of knowledge discovery from databases. This system explores the variations within the case base to elicit adaptation knowledge. It has been successfully tested in an application of case-based decision support to breast cancer treatment

    Case Base Mining for Adaptation Knowledge Acquisition

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    In case-based reasoning, the adaptation of a source case in order to solve the target problem is at the same time crucial and difficult to implement. The reason for this difficulty is that, in general, adaptation strongly depends on domain-dependent knowledge. This fact motivates research on adaptation knowledge acquisition (AKA). This paper presents an approach to AKA based on the principles and techniques of knowledge discovery from databases and data-mining. It is implemented in CABAMAKA, a system that explores the variations within the case base to elicit adaptation knowledge. This system has been successfully tested in an application of case-based reasoning to decision support in the domain of breast cancer treatment

    Algorithm for Adapting Cases Represented in a Tractable Description Logic

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    Case-based reasoning (CBR) based on description logics (DLs) has gained a lot of attention lately. Adaptation is a basic task in the CBR inference that can be modeled as the knowledge base revision problem and solved in propositional logic. However, in DLs, it is still a challenge problem since existing revision operators only work well for strictly restricted DLs of the \emph{DL-Lite} family, and it is difficult to design a revision algorithm which is syntax-independent and fine-grained. In this paper, we present a new method for adaptation based on the DL EL⊥\mathcal{EL_{\bot}}. Following the idea of adaptation as revision, we firstly extend the logical basis for describing cases from propositional logic to the DL EL⊥\mathcal{EL_{\bot}}, and present a formalism for adaptation based on EL⊥\mathcal{EL_{\bot}}. Then we present an adaptation algorithm for this formalism and demonstrate that our algorithm is syntax-independent and fine-grained. Our work provides a logical basis for adaptation in CBR systems where cases and domain knowledge are described by the tractable DL EL⊥\mathcal{EL_{\bot}}.Comment: 21 pages. ICCBR 201

    Knowledge-light adaptation approaches in case-based reasoning for radiotherapy treatment planning

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    Objective: Radiotherapy treatment planning aims at delivering a sufficient radiation dose to cancerous tumour cells while sparing healthy organs in the tumour-surrounding area. It is a time-consuming trial-and-error process that requires the expertise of a group of medical experts including oncologists and medical physicists and can take from 2 to 3 h to a few days. Our objective is to improve the performance of our previously built case-based reasoning (CBR) system for brain tumour radiotherapy treatment planning. In this system, a treatment plan for a new patient is retrieved from a case base containing patient cases treated in the past and their treatment plans. However, this system does not perform any adaptation, which is needed to account for any difference between the new and retrieved cases. Generally, the adaptation phase is considered to be intrinsically knowledge-intensive and domain-dependent. Therefore, an adaptation often requires a large amount of domain-specific knowledge, which can be difficult to acquire and often is not readily available. In this study, we investigate approaches to adaptation that do not require much domain knowledge, referred to as knowledge-light adaptation. Methodology: We developed two adaptation approaches: adaptation based on machine-learning tools and adaptation-guided retrieval. They were used to adapt the beam number and beam angles suggested in the retrieved case. Two machine-learning tools, neural networks and naive Bayes classifier, were used in the adaptation to learn how the difference in attribute values between the retrieved and new cases affects the output of these two cases. The adaptation-guided retrieval takes into consideration not only the similarity between the new and retrieved cases, but also how to adapt the retrieved case. Results: The research was carried out in collaboration with medical physicists at the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, City Hospital Campus, UK. All experiments were performed using real-world brain cancer patient cases treated with three-dimensional (3D)-conformal radiotherapy. Neural networks-based adaptation improved the success rate of the CBR system with no adaptation by 12%. However, naive Bayes classifier did not improve the current retrieval results as it did not consider the interplay among attributes. The adaptation-guided retrieval of the case for beam number improved the success rate of the CBR system by 29%. However, it did not demonstrate good performance for the beam angle adaptation. Its success rate was 29% versus 39% when no adaptation was performed. Conclusions: The obtained empirical results demonstrate that the proposed adaptation methods improve the performance of the existing CBR system in recommending the number of beams to use. However, we also conclude that to be effective, the proposed adaptation of beam angles requires a large number of relevant cases in the case base

    Adaptation Knowledge Discovery from a Case Base

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    In case-based reasoning, the adaptation step depends in general on domain-dependent knowledge, which motivates studies on adaptation knowledge acquisition (AKA). CABAMAKA is an AKA system based on principles of knowledge discovery from databases. This system explores the variations within the case base to elicit adaptation knowledge. It has been successfully tested in an application of case-based decision support to breast cancer treatment

    Application of the Revision Theory to Adaptation in Case-Based Reasoning: the Conservative Adaptation

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    International audienceCase-based reasoning aims at solving a problem by the adaptation of the solution of an already solved problem that has been retrieved in a case base. This paper defines an approach to adaptation called conservative adaptation; it consists in keeping as much as possible from the solution to be adapted, while being consistent with the domain knowledge. This idea can be related to the theory of revision: the revision of an old knowledge base by a new one consists in making a minimal change on the former, while being consistent with the latter. This leads to a formalization of conservative adaptation based on a revision operator in propositional logic. Then, this theory of conservative adaptation is confronted to an application of case-based decision support to oncology: a problem of this application is the description of a patient ill with breast cancer, and a solution, the therapeutic recommendation for this patient. Examples of adaptations that have actually been performed by experts and that can be captured by conservative adaptation are presented. These examples show a way of adapting contraindicated treatment recommendations and treatment recommendations that cannot be applied

    Adapting upland ecosystem services to climate change: planning for the future at community level

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    The purpose of this workshop was to initiate participatory discussions on climate change adaptation among a wide range of stakeholders from upland environments. The focus was on: the identification of vulnerabilities; the adaptation options based on scenarios of an average 2°C temperature rise; capacity for uptake of adaptation options based on integration with other land management and community pressures; the role of governance in adaptation; the development of demonstration projects and the sharing of case studies. In particular, the workshop allowed for an international comparison of adaptation actions relevant to uplands and mountains and international comparisons of the role of differing forms of governance in the development and success of these actions. The discussions were aimed at knowledge sharing, consensus building and developing a shared base for the initiation of international adaptation projects and knowledge sharing networks on resilience and adaptation options

    Approaches to knowledge-light adaptation in case-based reasoning for radiotherapy treatment planning

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    In radiotherapy, ionised radiation beams are used to destroy cancerous cells. A radiotherapy treatment plan needs to be created to deliver a sufficient radiation dose to cancerous cells while sparing nearby organs at risk and healthy tissue. The development of such a treatment plan is a time consuming trial and error process which can take from a few hours up to a few days. This thesis builds on the previously developed Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) system for radiotherapy treatment planning for brain cancer that was developed in collaboration with Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, City Hospital Campus, UK. The original CBR system focused on the retrieval stage of CBR, where the most similar case was retrieved for the new patient case. The results obtained were promising but adaptation needed to be performed for them to be suitable for the new patient. Testing of the CBR system by medical physicists has revealed that some of the retrieved radiation beams were not suitable for the tumour position of the new cases and thus could not be used. To avoid this the clustering of cases by their tumour positions was implemented to only retrieve cases with similar tumour positions. The revised CBR system should now retrieve treatment plans with better suited beams. Adaptation requires a lot of domain knowledge which is often difficult to acquire. In this research we present adaptation approaches which are knowledge-light, i.e. they utilise knowledge available in the case base without requiring interaction with medical experts. Adaptation methods based on machine learning algorithms, in particular neural networks, the naive Bayes classifier, and support vector machines, were developed. Also, an adaptation-guided retrieval approach is presented, in which the case is retrieved only if it can be adapted. In addition, a pair of similar cases are retrieved with it, which guide the adaptation process. The developed knowledge-light adaptation methods have improved the results of the original CBR system. In addition, the proposed adaptation methods are general and could be used in domains where the available amount of knowledge is limited
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