6 research outputs found

    The proposed alignment framework in enterprise architecture development for the Omani public sector

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    The misalignment between Enterprise Architecture (EA) development and stakeholders’ goals plays a vital role in the low acceptance of EA in organizations and governments. Literature has highlighted the need for an alignment framework to support enterprise architects to align the development process of EA with the stakeholders’ goals. Hence, this research developed an alignment framework to align the EA development process with the stakeholders to produce an agreed architecture that supports the architects. Multiple Perspectives Theory (MPT) was used to develop a preliminary research model that provided the initial guidance in data collection and analysis. The research employed a qualitative case study approach to build an in-depth understanding of EA development process, enterprise architects and stakeholders’ roles, as well as the factors influencing the alignment between them. The Government Architecture Framework (GAF) of the Omani public sector was used as the case study that included GAF documentation review, and interviews with architects and stakeholders who participated in the development of GAF. The findings showed that twelve alignment factors influenced the development of GAF which are standardization, development scope, principles, governance, top management support, culture, commitment, awareness, communication, value of EA, change management capability and experience. These factors were used as the base to develop the alignment framework followed by a focus group session with GAF architects was organized to validate the final framework. As a conclusion, the study has shown that the alignment framework provides a comprehensive understanding for practitioners and academicians about the factors and their influences at each EA development step

    Investigation on the Future of Enterprise Architecture in Dynamic Environments

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    En la economía actual, el cambio constante se ha convertido en la nueva normalidad. Las consecuencias de este desarrollo son vívidamente visibles. La dinámica en los entornos corporativos está aumentando y las empresas que no se adapten a las condiciones cambiantes serán menos exitosas y finalmente acabarán en cierre. Mientras el desarrollo y la mejora de las capacidades de adaptación para tener éxito en los entornos dinámicos requieren el trabajo conjunto de muchas partes dentro de la empresa, la Arquitectura Empresarial (Enterprise Architecture - EA) puede suponer una parte vital al habilitar y guiar a distintos elementos organizacionales para ser más efectivos en entornos dinámicos. Sin embargo, para poder hacerlo, la EA necesita transformarse a sí misma. Esta tesis ofrece resultados que describen cómo la EA puede ser efectiva en entornos dinámicos. Los resultados se han estructurado de acuerdo con las siguientes cuatro áreas. Primero, se presenta una revisión del estado del arte sobre EA, en el que se describe el desarrollo de la disciplina a lo largo de las últimas tres décadas. Desde el análisis, es evidente que el enfoque de la investigación de EA se ha movido desde la comprensión y la definición de la EA hacia gestionar eficazmente la disciplina en entornos empresariales complejos. Las partes posteriores de esta tesis ponen énfasis en la gestión efectiva de la EA también al proporcionar enfoques de EA para circunstancias específicas, es decir, entornos con un mayor ritmo de cambio. En segundo lugar, esta tesis ofrece una descripción formal de cómo los efectos del ritmo creciente de cambio influyen en la efectividad de la EA. El resultado primario de esta parte es un modelo, basado en la teoría de la complejidad, que resume las siguientes dependencias: El ritmo creciente del cambio conduce a una mayor complejidad dinámica para EA ya que existe la necesidad de administrar partes que están cambiando más y más rápido. Esta complejidad debe considerarse desde un punto de vista de negocio y tecnológico. En el modelo final, La complejidad dinámica de negocios y tecnológica se consideran como factores contextuales, los cuales influyen en el uso correcto de la EA y, en consecuencia, la efectividad de la disciplina. Tercero, se presenta una colección de enfoques para mejorar la efectividad de la EA en ambientes dinámicos. Estos están estructurados en torno a cuatro dimensiones: la competencia EA, la cual considera quién en la organización está trabajando en EA; la metodología EA, que considera cómo se ejecuta EA en la organización; el contenido de EA, que considera la salida de EA; EA Tools que considera con qué EA está siendo creado y mantenido. Cuarto, la parte final de esta tesis presenta los resultados en forma de arquitectura de referencia para EA en entornos dinámicos. Los enfoques de EA son nuevamente estructurados de acuerdo con las dimensiones descritas anteriormente. La arquitectura de referencia se describe en el nivel de los enfoques individuales, así como en el nivel de dimensión. En resumen, la competencia EA debe integrarse bien en la empresa. Además de esto, la metodología EA debe estar alineada con prácticas ágiles que permitan decisiones arquitectónicas rápidas. El contenido EA resultante debe ser adaptativo, lo que significa que la arquitectura se puede ajustar fácilmente en caso de que sea necesario. Por último, los arquitectos y otras partes interesadas de EA deberían recibir el soporte de las modernas herramientas de EA. Esta tesis muestra que el objetivo subyacente de EA, en concreto, asegurar la alineación de diferentes facetas dentro de la empresa, incluso en las condiciones cambiantes de hoy en día, sigue siendo necesario. Sin embargo, los arquitectos trabajando en entornos dinámicos deberían revisar las dimensiones descritas (¿quién? - ¿cómo? - ¿qué? - ¿con qué?) en su práctica de la EA para seguir siendo efectivos. Con sus resultados, esta tesis presenta una guía para profesionales para que puedan tomar decisiones adecuadas y así optimizar la efectividad de la EA en entornos dinámicos. Al mismo tiempo, esta tesis contribuye al conocimiento académico sobre EA. Los modelos y enfoques presentados abordan la brecha con respecto al enfoque holístico actual de la EA en entornos dinámicos. Además, esta tesis señala diversas áreas que brindan oportunidades para futuras investigaciones. Se espera que estas inspirarán a investigadores a impulsar aún más la evolución de la EA desde el punto de vista académico.Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Adaptable enterprise architectures for software evolution of smartlife ecosystems

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    SmartLife ecosystems are emerging as intelligent user-centered systems that will shape future trends in technology and communication. Biological metaphors of living adaptable ecosystems provide the logical foundation for self-optimizing and self-healing run-time environments for intelligent adaptable business services and related information systems with service-oriented enterprise architectures. The present research in progress work investigates mechanisms for adaptable enterprise architectures for the development of service-oriented ecosystems with integrated technologies like Semantic Technologies, Web Services, Cloud Computing and Big Data Management. With a large and diverse set of ecosystem services with different owners, our scenario of service-based SmartLife ecosystems can pose challenges in their development, and more importantly, for maintenance and software evolution. Our research explores the use of knowledge modeling using ontologies and flexible metamodels for adaptable enterprise architectures to support program comprehension for software engineers during maintenance and evolution tasks of service-based applications. Our previous reference enterprise architecture model ESARC -- Enterprise Services Architecture Reference Cube -- and the Open Group SOA Ontology was extended to support agile semantic analysis, program comprehension and software evolution for a SmartLife applications scenario. The Semantic Browser is a semantic search tool that was developed to provide knowledge-enhanced investigation capabilities for service-oriented applications and their architectures


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    Battery consumption in mobile applications development is a very important aspect and has to be considered by all the developers in their applications. This study will present an analysis of different relevant concepts and parameters that may have an impact on energy consumption of Windows Phone applications. This operating system was chosen because limited research related thereto has been conducted, even though there are related studies for Android and iOS operating systems. Furthermore, another reason is the increasing number of Windows Phone users. The objective of this research is to categorise the energy consumption parameters (e.g. use of one thread or several threads for the same output). The result for each group of experiments will be analysed and a rule will be derived. The set of derived rules will serve as a guide for developers who intend to develop energy efficient Windows Phone applications. For each experiment, one application is created for each concept and the results are presented in two ways; a table and a chart. The table presents the duration of the experiment, the battery consumed in the experiment, the expected battery lifetime, and the energy consumption, while the charts display the energy distribution based on the main threads: UI thread, application thread, and network thread


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    With small and medium sized-enterprises (SMEs) taking up the majority of the global businesses, it is important they act in an environmentally responsible manner. Environmental management systems (EMS) help companies evaluate and improve their environmental impact but they often require human, financial, and temporary resources that not all SMEs can afford. This research encompasses interviews with representatives of two small enterprises in Germany to provide insights into their understanding, and knowledge of an EMS and how they perceive their responsibility towards the environment. Furthermore, it presents a toolkit created especially for small and medium-sized enterprises. It serves as a simplified version of an EMS based on the ISO 14001 standard and is evaluated by target users and appropriate representatives. Some of the findings are: while open to the idea of improving their environmental impact, SMEs do not always feel it is their responsibility to do so; they seem to lack the means to fully implement an EMS. The developed toolkit is considered useful and usable and recommendations are drawn for its future enhancement

    A framework for guiding the interdisciplinary design of mHealth intervention apps for physical activity behaviour change

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    The global pandemic of noncommunicable diseases and its associated premature mortality rates and socioeconomic burden have led to increasingly intensified efforts towards designing and delivering health promotion interventions aimed at addressing the leading modifiable health risk behaviours, such as physical inactivity. Developing physical activity behaviour change interventions that target individuals at the dual intra-interpersonal socioecological levels of health promotion has become a key objective worldwide. Digital and mobile technology is revolutionising the ways in which health behaviour change interventions are delivered to individuals across the world, with mobile health applications (mHealth apps) increasingly recognised as a powerful means of promoting physical activity behaviour change. However, with the growth and opportunities of mHealth apps, come several design challenges. Key design challenges concern the integration of theory, the incorporation of evidence-based behaviour change techniques, the application of persuasive systems design principles, and the importance of multi- and interdisciplinary collaborative design, development and evaluation approaches. These key challenges influence the output product design and effectiveness of mHealth physical activity behaviour change intervention apps. There exists a paucity of approaches for guiding and supporting the multi- and interdisciplinary collaborative design, development and evaluation of mHealth physical activity behaviour change intervention apps. To address this gap, this research study proposes an Interdisciplinary mHealth App Design Framework, framed by a novel boundary object view. This view considers the diverse communities of practice, boundary objects and supporting artefacts, process activities, and knowledge sharing practices necessary and relevant to the design of effective mHealth physical activity behaviour change intervention apps. The framework’s development is guided by a Design Science Research (DSR) approach. Its core components are based on the findings of a critical theoretical analysis of twenty existing multi- and interdisciplinary digital health development approaches. Once developed, the framework is evaluated using a qualitative DSR linguistic interpretivist approach, with semi-structured interviews as the research instrument. The thematic analysis findings from interviews with thirty-one international academic researchers and industry practitioners informs the iterative modification and revision of an enhanced Interdisciplinary mHealth App Design Framework, constituting the main DSR artefact contribution of the research study. In addition, four theoretical contributions are made to the mHealth intervention app design body of knowledge, and a practical contribution is made through the provision of guideline recommendations for academics and industry practitioners. Methodological contributions are also made in terms of applying DSR, adopting a hybrid cognitive reasoning strategy, and employing a qualitative linguistic interpretivist approach to evaluation within a DSR project.Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Commerce, Information Systems, 202