14 research outputs found

    Dynamic Queue Utilization Based MAC for multi-hop Ad Hoc networks

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    The end-to-end throughput in single flow multi-hop Ad Hoc networks decays rapidly with path length. Along the path, the success rate of delivering packets towards the destination decreases due to higher contention, interference, limited buffer size and limited shared bandwidth constraints. In such environments the queues fill up faster in nodes closer to the source than in the nodes nearer the destination. In order to reduce buffer overflow and improve throughput for a saturated network, this paper introduces a new MAC protocol named Dynamic Queue Utilization Based Medium Access Control (DQUB-MAC). The protocol aims to prioritise access to the channel for queues with higher utilization and helps in achieving higher throughput by rapidly draining packets towards the destination. The proposed MAC enhances the performance of an end-to-end data flow by up to 30% for a six hop transmission in a chain topology and is demonstrated to remain competitive for other network topologies and for a variety of packet sizes

    Queue utilization with hop based enhanced arbitrary inter frame spacing MAC for saturated ad HOC networks

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    © 2015 IEEE. Path length of a multi hop Ad Hoc networks has an adverse impact on the end-to-end throughput especially during network saturation. The success rate of forwarding packets towards destination is limited due to interference, contention, limited buffer space, and bandwidth. Real time applications streaming data fill the buffer space at a faster rate at the source and its nearby forwarding nodes since the channel is shared. The aim of this paper is to increase the success rate of forwarding the packets to yield a higher end-to-end throughput. In order to reduce loss of packets due to buffer overflow and enhance the performance of the network for a saturated network, a novel MAC protocol named Queue Utilization with Hop Based Enhanced Arbitrary Inter Frame Spacing based (QU-EAIFS) MAC is proposed for alleviating the problems in saturated Ad Hoc networks. The protocol prioritises the nodes based on its queue utilization and hops travelled by the packet and it helps achieving higher end-toend performance by forwarding the packets with higher rate towards the destination during network saturation. The proposed MAC enhances the end-to-end performance by approximately 40% and 34% for a 5hop and 6hop communication respectively in a chain topology as compared to the standard IEEE802.11b. The performance of the new MAC also outperforms the performance of IEEE 802.11e MAC. In order to validate the protocol, it is also tested with short hops and varying packet sizes and more realistic random topologies

    An Effective Service Mechanism to Achieve Low Query Latency along with reduced Negative Acknowledgement in iVANET: An Approach to Improve Quality of Service in iVANET

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    The Internet Based vehicular ad hoc network (iVANET) combines a wired Internet and vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) for developing a new generation of ubiquitous communicating. The Internet is usually applied in vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) solution whereas ad hoc networks are used in vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication. Since vehicular networks is characterized by High speed dynamically changing network topology The latency is one of the hot issues in VANET which is proportional to the source-&-remote vehicle distance and the mechanism involved in accessing source memory. If the distance between data source and the remote vehicle is wittily reduced by using redefined caching technique along with certain cache lookup mechanism, the latency is likely to be reduced by a significant factor in iVANET. This paper studies and analyzes various cache invalidation schemes including state of art ones and come with a novel idea of fructifying network performance within the purview of query latency and negative acknowledgement in iVANET. In this paper the roles of the mediatory network component are redefined with associative service mechanism which guarantees reduced query latency as well as minimizes negative acknowledgements in iVANET environment

    Performance Analysis of Congestion Control Techniques ADTCP and Improved ADTCP for Improving TCP Performance over Ad-hoc Networks

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    Recognizing the event of clog in a mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a noteworthy undertaking. The inbuilt clog control systems of existing transmission control protocol (TCP) intended for wired systems don't deal with the interesting properties of shared remote multi-bounce interface. There are a few methodologies proposed for identifying and defeating the clog in the portable specially appointed system. The sender conduct is modified fittingly. The proposed strategy is likewise good with standard TCP

    On backoff mechanisms for wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Since their emergence within the past decade, which has seen wireless networks being adapted to enable mobility, wireless networks have become increasingly popular in the world of computer research. A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes dynamically forming a temporary network without the use of any existing network infrastructure. MANETs have received significant attention in recent years due to their easiness to setup and to their potential applications in many domains. Such networks can be useful in situations where there is not enough time or resource to configure a wired network. Ad hoc networks are also used in military operations where the units are randomly mobile and a central unit cannot be used for synchronization. The shared media used by wireless networks, grant exclusive rights for a node to transmit a packet. Access to this media is controlled by the Media Access Control (MAC) protocol. The Backoff mechanism is a basic part of a MAC protocol. Since only one transmitting node uses the channel at any given time, the MAC protocol must suspend other nodes while the media is busy. In order to decide the length of node suspension, a backoff mechanism is installed in the MAC protocol. The choice of backoff mechanism should consider generating backoff timers which allow adequate time for current transmissions to finish and, at the same time, avoid unneeded idle time that leads to redundant delay in the network. Moreover, the backoff mechanism used should decide the suitable action to be taken in case of repeated failures of a node to attain the media. Further, the mechanism decides the action needed after a successful transmission since this action affects the next time backoff is needed. The Binary exponential Backoff (BEB) is the backoff mechanisms that MANETs have adopted from Ethernet. Similar to Ethernet, MANETs use a shared media. Therefore, the standard MAC protocol used for MANETs uses the standard BEB backoff algorithms. The first part of this work, presented as Chapter 3 of this thesis, studies the effects of changing the backoff behaviour upon a transmission failure or after a successful transmission. The investigation has revealed that using different behaviours directly affects both network throughput and average packet delay. This result indicates that BEB is not the optimal backoff mechanism for MANETs. Up until this research started, no research activity has focused on studying the major parameters of MANETs. These parameters are the speed at which nodes travel inside the network area, the number of nodes in the network and the data size generated per second. These are referred to as mobility speed, network size and traffic load respectively. The investigation has reported that changes made to these parameters values have a major effect on network performance. Existing research on backoff algorithms for MANETs mainly focuses on using external information, as opposed to information available from within the node, to decide the length of backoff timers. Such information includes network traffic load, transmission failures of other nodes and the total number of nodes in the network. In a mobile network, acquiring such information is not feasible at all times. To address this point, the second part of this thesis proposes new backoff algorithms to use with MANETs. These algorithms use internal information only to make their decisions. This part has revealed that it is possible to achieve higher network throughput and less average packet delay under different values of the parameters mentioned above without the use of any external information. This work proposes two new backoff algorithms. The Optimistic Linear-Exponential Backoff, (OLEB), and the Pessimistic Linear-Exponential Backoff (PLEB). In OLEB, the exponential backoff is combined with linear increment behaviour in order to reduce redundant long backoff times, during which the media is available and the node is still on backoff status, by implementing less dramatic increments in the early backoff stages. PLEB is also a combination of exponential and linear increment behaviours. However, the order in which linear and exponential behaviours are used is the reverse of that in OLEB. The two algorithms have been compared with existing work. Results of this research report that PLEB achieves higher network throughput for large numbers of nodes (e.g. 50 nodes and over). Moreover, PLEB achieves higher network throughput with low mobility speed. As for average packet delay, PLEB significantly improves average packet delay for large network sizes especially when combined with high traffic rate and mobility speed. On the other hand, the measurements of network throughput have revealed that for small networks of 10 nodes, OLEB has higher throughput than existing work at high traffic rates. For a medium network size of 50 nodes, OLEB also achieves higher throughput. Finally, at a large network size of 100 nodes, OLEB reaches higher throughput at low mobility speed. Moreover, OLEB produces lower average packet delay than the existing algorithms at low mobility speed for a network size of 50 nodes. Finally, this work has studied the effect of choosing the behaviour changing point between linear and exponential increments in OLEB and PLEB. Results have shown that increasing the number of times in which the linear increment is used increases network throughput. Moreover, using larger linear increments increase network throughput

    Gezgin tasarsız ağlar için yeni bir konum tabanlı melez yönlendirme algoritması

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Ad hoc kablosuz ağlar baz istasyonu veya erişim cihazı gibi bir altyapı olmaksızın birbirleriyle iletişim kuran gezgin düğümlerden oluşur. Bu tür ağlarda düğümlerin hareketliliğine bağlı olarak sık sık topoloji değişikliği olur. Bundan dolayı düğümlerin birbirleriyle iletişimde kalmaları için ağda yayın paketlerinin sıklıkla gönderimine gereksinim bulunmaktadır. Gezgin tasarsız ağlarda tabloya dayalı ve isteğe bağlı yönlendirme algoritmaları kullanılmaktadır. Her iki tür algoritmada da düğüm sayısının çok olduğu ve aşırı düğüm hareketliliği durumlarında yönlendirme ek yükü artmaktadır. Sınırlı bant genişliği ve düğüm batarya ömürlerinin iki önemli kaynak olduğu bu ağlarda, yönlendirme ek yükünün en düşük seviyeye indirilerek sınırlı kaynakların verimli bir şekilde kullanılması gerekmektedir.Bu tez çalışmasında, tasarsız ağların sınırlı ve en önemli iki kaynağı olan bant genişliği ve batarya kullanımını optimize eden yeni bir yönlendirme algoritması geliştirilmiştir. Konum Tabanlı Melez Yönlendirme Algoritması (KTMYA) adı verilen bu algoritma ile yönlendirme ek yükü azaltılarak bant genişliğinin etkin kullanımı sağlanmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, ağdaki her bir düğüm tarafından yönlendirme amacıyla yapılacak işlem sayısı ve bellekte tutulacak veri miktarı azaltılarak batarya ömrü uzatılmaktadır. KTMYA hem tabloya dayalı hem de isteğe bağlı algoritmaların çalışma esaslarından fatdalanılarak geliştirilmiştir. Ancak KTMYA, yönlendirme kararı verilirken düğüm pozisyon bilgileri, düğüm batarya miktarları ve düğüm yoğunluk bilgileri kullanımı açısından bu iki yöntemin dışında yeni bir yaklaşım içermektedir.Geliştirilen algoritma, MATLAB 7.0.1'de kodlanan bir benzetim programı ile başarım değerlendirmesi yapılarak, paket dağıtım oranı, yönlendirme ek yükü ve uçtan uca paket gecikmesi açısından tabloya dayalı, isteğe bağlı ve konum tabanlı yönlendirme algoritmaları ile karşılaştırmalı olarak sunulmaktadır. KTMYA, yönlendirme ek yükü, paket dağıtım oranı ve uçtan uca paket gecikmesi açısından daha iyi sonuçlar vermektedir.Ad hoc wireless networks consist of nodes which communicate with each other without infrastructure such as base station and access point. In these type networks, the network topology frequently changes due to the movements of the nodes. Broadcast packets are regularly sent to network so that nodes in network can stay in communication with each other. Reactive and proactive routing algorithms are used in ad hoc networks, where routing overhead increases in the case of large number of nodes and raised mobility. Bandwidth and battery lives of nodes are two main sources in ad hoc networks. The reduction of routing overhead and efficiently use of sources are very important issues in these networks.In this study, a new routing algorithm called Position Based Hybrid Routing Algorithm (PBHRA) was developed to optimize bandwidth usage of ad hoc networks. The main goal of PBHRA is effective use of bandwidth by reducing the routing overload. Additionally, the other goals of the algorithm are to extend battery life of the mobile devices by reducing the required number of operations for route determination and reduce the amount of memory used. Although in the PBHRA, some features of both table driven and on-demand algorithms were used to achieve these goals at some stages, PBHRA algorithm is a completely different approach from them in terms of giving routing decision that use node position information, node battery life and node buffer value.The PBHRA was coded and simulated in MATLAB 7.0.1 to evaluate its performance and compared with other algorithms. The results showed that PBHRA performs better in terms of routing overload, packet delivery fraction, and end-to-end average packet delay compared to table driven, on demand, and position based algorithms

    Contributions to the routing of traffic flows in multi-hop IEEE 802.11 wireless networks

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    The IEEE 802.11 standard was not initially designed to provide multi-hop capabilities. Therefore, providing a proper traffic performance in Multi-Hop IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks (MIWNs) becomes a significant challenge. The approach followed in this thesis has been focused on the routing layer in order to obtain applicable solutions not dependent on a specific hardware or driver. Nevertheless, as is the case of most of the research on this field, a cross-layer design has been adopted. Therefore, one of the first tasks of this work was devoted to the study of the phenomena which affect the performance of the flows in MIWNs. Different estimation methodologies and models are presented and analyzed. The first main contribution of this thesis is related to route creation procedures. First, FB-AODV is introduced, which creates routes and forwards packets according to the flows on the contrary to basic AODV which is destination-based. This enhancement permits to balance the load through the network and gives a finer granularity in the control and monitoring of the flows. Results showed that it clearly benefits the performance of the flows. Secondly, a novel routing metric called Weighted Contention and Interference routing Metric (WCIM) is presented. In all analyzed scenarios, WCIM outperformed the other analyzed state-of-the-art routing metrics due to a proper leveraging of the number of hops, the link quality and the suffered contention and interference. The second main contribution of this thesis is focused on route maintenance. Generally, route recovery procedures are devoted to the detection of link breaks due to mobility or fading. However, other phenomena like the arrival of new flows can degrade the performance of active flows. DEMON, which is designed as an enhancement of FB-AODV, allows the preemptive recovery of degraded routes by passively monitoring the performance of active flows. Results showed that DEMON obtains similar or better results than other published solutions in mobile scenarios, while it clearly outperforms the performance of default AODV under congestion Finally, the last chapter of this thesis deals with channel assignment in multi-radio solutions. The main challenge of this research area relies on the circular relationship between channel assignment and routing; channel assignment determines the routes that can be created, while the created routes decide the real channel diversity of the network and the level of interference between the links. Therefore, proposals which join routing and channel assignment are generally complex, centralized and based on traffic patterns, limiting their practical implementation. On the contrary, the mechanisms presented in this thesis are distributed and readily applicable. First, the Interference-based Dynamic Channel Assignment (IDCA) algorithm is introduced. IDCA is a distributed and dynamic channel assignment based on the interference caused by active flows which uses a common channel in order to assure connectivity. In general, IDCA leads to an interesting trade-off between connectivity preservation and channel diversity. Secondly, MR-DEMON is introduced as way of joining channel assignment and route maintenance. As DEMON, MR-DEMON monitors the performance of the active flows traversing the links, but, instead of alerting the source when noticing degradation, it permits reallocating the flows to less interfered channels. Joining route recovery instead of route creation simplifies its application, since traffic patterns are not needed and channel reassignments can be locally decided. The evaluation of MR-DEMON proved that it clearly benefits the performance of IDCA. Also, it improves DEMON functionality by decreasing the number of route recoveries from the source, leading to a lower overhead.El estándar IEEE 802.11 no fue diseñado inicialmente para soportar capacidades multi-salto. Debido a ello, proveer unas prestaciones adecuadas a los flujos de tráfico que atraviesan redes inalámbricas multi-salto IEEE 802.11 supone un reto significativo. La investigación desarrollada en esta tesis se ha centrado en la capa de encaminamiento con el objetivo de obtener soluciones aplicables y no dependientes de un hardware específico. Sin embargo, debido al gran impacto de fenómenos y parámetros relacionados con las capas físicas y de acceso al medio sobre las prestaciones de los tráficos de datos, se han adoptado soluciones de tipo cross-layer. Es por ello que las primeras tareas de la investigación, presentadas en los capítulos iniciales, se dedicaron al estudio y caracterización de estos fenómenos. La primera contribución principal de esta tesis se centra en mecanismos relacionados con la creación de las rutas. Primero, se introduce una mejora del protocolo AODV, que permite crear rutas y encaminar paquetes en base a los flujos de datos, en lugar de en base a los destinos como se da en el caso básico. Esto permite balacear la carga de la red y otorga un mayor control sobre los flujos activos y sus prestaciones, mejorando el rendimiento general de la red. Seguidamente, se presenta una métrica de encaminamiento sensible a la interferencia de la red y la calidad de los enlaces. Los resultados analizados, basados en la simulación de diferentes escenarios, demuestran que mejora significativamente las prestaciones de otras métricas del estado del arte. La segunda contribución está relacionada con el mantenimiento de las rutas activas. Generalmente, los mecanismos de mantenimiento se centran principalmente en la detección de enlaces rotos debido a la movilidad de los nodos o a la propagación inalámbrica. Sin embargo, otros fenómenos como la interferencia y congestión provocada por la llegada de nuevos flujos pueden degradar de forma significativa las prestaciones de los tráficos activos. En base a ello, se diseña un mecanismo de mantenimiento preventivo de rutas, que monitoriza las prestaciones de los flujos activos y permite su reencaminamiento en caso de detectar rutas degradadas. La evaluación de esta solución muestra una mejora significativa sobre el mantenimiento de rutas básico en escenarios congestionados, mientras que en escenarios con nodos móviles obtiene resultados similares o puntualmente mejores que otros mecanismos preventivos diseñados específicamente para casos con movilidad. Finalmente, el último capítulo de la tesis se centra en la asignación de canales en entornos multi-canal y multi-radio con el objetivo de minimizar la interferencia entre flujos activos. El reto principal en este campo es la dependencia circular que se da entre la asignación de canales y la creación de rutas: la asignación de canales determina los enlaces existentes la red y por ello las rutas que se podrán crear, pero son finalmente las rutas y los tráficos activos quienes determinan el nivel real de interferencia que se dará en la red. Es por ello que las soluciones que proponen unificar la asignación de canales y el encaminamiento de tráficos son generalmente complejas, centralizadas y basadas en patrones de tráfico, lo que limita su implementación en entornos reales. En cambio, en nuestro caso adoptamos una solución distribuida y con mayor aplicabilidad. Primero, se define un algoritmo de selección de canales dinámico basado en la interferencia de los flujos activos, que utiliza un canal común en todos los nodos para asegurar la conectividad de la red. A continuación, se introduce un mecanismo que unifica la asignación de canales con el mantenimiento preventivo de las rutas, permitiendo reasignar flujos degradados a otros canales disponibles en lugar de reencaminarlos completamente. Ambas soluciones demuestran ser beneficiosas en este tipo de entornos.Postprint (published version

    Intelligent deployment strategies for passive underwater sensor networks

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    Passive underwater sensor networks are often used to monitor a general area of the ocean, a port or military installation, or to detect underwater vehicles near a high value unit at sea, such as a fuel ship or aircraft carrier. Deploying an underwater sensor network across a large area of interest (AOI), for military surveillance purposes, is a significant challenge due to the inherent difficulties posed by the underwater channel in terms of sensing and communications between sensors. Moreover, monetary constraints, arising from the high cost of these sensors and their deployment, limit the number of available sensors. As a result, sensor deployment must be done as efficiently as possible. The objective of this work is to develop a deployment strategy for passive underwater sensors in an area clearance scenario, where there is no apparent target for an adversary to gravitate towards, such as a ship or a port, while considering all factors pertinent to underwater sensor deployment. These factors include sensing range, communications range, monetary costs, link redundancy, range dependence, and probabilistic visitation. A complete treatment of the underwater sensor deployment problem is presented in this work from determining the purpose of the sensor field to physically deploying the sensors. Assuming a field designer is given a suboptimal number of sensors, they must be methodically allocated across an AOI. The Game Theory Field Design (GTFD) model, proposed in this work, is able to accomplish this task by evaluating the acoustic characteristics across the AOI and allocating sensors accordingly. Since GTFD considers only circular sensing coverage regions, an extension is proposed to consider irregularly shaped regions. Sensor deployment locations are planned using a proposed evolutionary approach, called the Underwater Sensor Deployment Evolutionary Algorithm, which utilizes two suitable network topologies, mesh and cluster. The effects of these topologies, and a sensor\u27s communications range, on the sensing capabilities of a sensor field, are also investigated. Lastly, the impact of deployment imprecision on the connectivity of an underwater sensor field, using a mesh topology, is analyzed, for cases where sensor locations after deployment do not exactly coincide with planned sensor locations