11 research outputs found

    Actuator dynamics augmented DOBC for a small fixed wing UAV

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    This paper presents an actuator dynamics augmentation of the classical Disturbance Observer Based Control (DOBC) approach for control of a small fixed wing Unmanned Aerial Vehcile (UAV). The proposed method modifies the observer to include actuator dynamics. This augmentation allows for significantly higher observer gains in practice than traditional DOBC in the presence of actuator dynamics, resulting in better disturbance rejection performance. The actuator states are unmeasurable, so are also estimated by the proposed observer using an actuator model and the aircraft state. The actuator modelling process of the UAV is provided in detail. The closed-loop stability as well as observer tuning guidelines are discussed. The performance improvement is demonstrated first in numerical simulation and validated with flight test results using a small UAV

    Design and application of advanced disturbance rejection control for small fixed-wing UAVs

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    Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have seen continual growth in both research and commercial applications. Attractive features such as their small size, light weight and low cost are a strong driver of this growth. However, these factors also bring about some drawbacks. The light weight and small size means that small UAVs are far more susceptible to performance degradation from factors such as wind gusts. Due to the generally low cost, available sensors are somewhat limited in both quality and available measurements. For example, it is very unlikely that angle of attack is sensed by a small UAV. These aircraft are usually constructed by the end user, so a tangible amount of variation will exist between different aircraft of the same type. Depending on application, additional variation between flights from factors such as battery placement or additional sensors may exist. This makes the application of optimal model based control methods difficult. Research literature on the topic of small UAV control is very rich in regard to high level control, such as path planning in wind. A common assumption in such literature is the existence of a low level control method which is able to track demanded aircraft attitudes to complete a task. Design of such controllers in the presence of significant wind or modelling errors (factors collectively addressed as lumped disturbances herein) is rarely considered. Disturbance Observer Based Control (DOBC) is a means of improving the robustness of a baseline feedback control scheme in the presence of lumped disturbances. The method allows for the rejection of the influence of unmeasurable disturbances much more quickly than traditional integral control, while also enabling recovery of nominal feedback con- trol performance. The separation principle of DOBC allows for the design of a nominal feedback controller, which does not need to be robust against disturbances. A DOBC augmentation can then be applied to ensure this nominal performance is maintained even in the presence of disturbances. This method offers highly attractive properties for control design, and has seen a large rise in popularity in recent years. Current literature on this subject is very often conducted purely in simulation. Ad- ditionally, very advanced versions of DOBC control are now being researched. To make the method attractive to small UAV operators, it would be beneficial if a simple DOBC design could be used to realise the benefits of this method, as it would be more accessible and applicable by many. This thesis investigates the application of a linear state space disturbance observer to low level flight control of a small UAV, along with developments of the method needed to achieve good performance in flight testing. Had this work been conducted purely in simulation, it is likely many of the difficulties encountered would not have been addressed or discovered. This thesis presents four main contributions. An anti-windup method has been devel- oped which is able to alleviate the effect of control saturation on the disturbance observer dynamics. An observer is designed which explicitly considers actuator dynamics. This development was shown to enable faster observer estimation dynamics, yielding better disturbance rejection performance. During initial flight testing, a significant aeroelastic oscillation mode was discovered. This issue was studied in detail theoretically, with a pro- posed solution developed and applied. The solution was able to fully alleviate the effect in flight. Finally, design and development of an over-actuated DOBC method is presented. A method for design of DOBC for over actuated systems was developed and studied. The majority of results in this thesis are demonstrated with flight test data

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    Department of Mechanical EngineeringSmall fixed-wing UAVs are increasingly attracting attention due to many applications in both military operations such as surveillance, and civilian domains such as powerline patrol and aerial photography. Their popularity growth has reduced the weight and size of small fixed-wing UAVs. They are vulnerable to external disturbances, such as wind due to their reduced size and weight. Disturbance has adverse effects on small fixed-wing UAVs, as it lowers the stability and performance of the control system during the operation. The disturbance includes modeling errors caused by the uncertainty of the system parameters as well as the wind from the external environment. The disturbance effects acting on small fixed-wing UAVs must be considered explicitly and eliminated eventually. In this regard, various control techniques for compensating the disturbance have been actively studied in control fields. Representative controller design techniques for compensating the disturbance include robust control (RC), sliding mode control (SMC) and adaptive control (AC), and disturbance observer-based control (DOBC). Most of the control techniques cause a slow response in attenuating disturbance effects since feedback control is performed based on tracking errors. Therefore, there is a need to compensate directly for disturbance through feedforward control. The disturbance observer-based control scheme directly estimates the uncertainty of the system, external disturbance, and directly compensates the estimated disturbance through the feedforward. This paper proposes a nonlinear disturbance observer-based path following controller for a small fixed-wing UAV affected by disturbance such as wind. We used a nonlinear disturbance observer-based control (NDOBC) method for precise path following for a small fixed-wing UAV along with the Lyapunov guidance vector field (LGVF) technique. The disturbance is estimated by a nonlinear disturbance observer, and then it is incorporated into the LGVF path following controller to compensate disturbance effects. The numerical simulation is first carried out through the MATLAB Simulink environment. Software in the loop simulation (SITL) is carried out to verify its performance. Outdoor flight experiments are performed to demonstrate its performance in a real-world environment.ope

    Disturbance observer enhanced neural network LPV control for a blended-wing-body large aircraft

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    The problem of trajectory tracking control for a Blended-Wing-Body (BWB) large aircraft with model parameter uncertainties and unknown disturbances is considered. A Linear Parameter-Varying (LPV) model is derived from the nonlinear dynamics of the BWB aircraft from which a robust linear parameter-varying controller is designed to track a desired trajectory. Using a Single Quadratic Lyapunov Function (SQLF) and an infinite number of linear matrix inequalities to be evaluated at all vertices, a pair of positive definite symmetric matrix solutions is determined via Lyapunov stability theory and linear matrix inequality technique. Furthermore, a disturbance-observer is designed to process the unknown disturbances. Considering the plant exists some model errors except for disturbances, a Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN) approximation is embedded into the SQLF LPV controller to improve tracking performances, and a composite disturbance-observer based Neural Network Single Quadratic Lyapunov Function (NNSQLF) controller can realize desired trajectory tracking of the linear parameter-varying system through regulating performance weighting functions. The closed-loop system of trajectory tracking control is proved to be asymptotically stable by using Lyapunov theory. Simulation results of forward flight speed and altitude tracking control of the BWB aircraft show that the proposed disturbance-observer based NNSQLF control can robustly stabilize the LPV system and precisely track the desired trajectory by comparing with conventional SQLF control and Parameter-Dependent Lyapunov Functions (PDLF) control, even in unknown exterior disturbances and model uncertainties

    Aircraft Modeling and Simulation

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    Various aerodynamics, structural dynamics, and control design and experimental studies are presented with the aim of advancing green and morphing aircraft research. The results obtained with an in-house CFD code are compared and validated with those of two NASA codes. The aerodynamical model of the UAS-S45 morphing wing as well as the structural model of a morphing winglet are presented. A new design methodology for oleo-pneumatic landing gear drop impact dynamics is presented as well as its experimental validation. The design of a nonlinear dynamic inversion (NDI)-based disturbance rejection control on a tailless aircraft is presented, including its validation using wind tunnel tests

    Multivariable Super Twisting Based Robust Trajectory Tracking Control for Small Unmanned Helicopter

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    This paper presents a highly robust trajectory tracking controller for small unmanned helicopter with model uncertainties and external disturbances. First, a simplified dynamic model is developed, where the model uncertainties and external disturbances are treated as compounded disturbances. Then the system is divided into three interconnected subsystems: altitude subsystem, yaw subsystem, and horizontal subsystem. Second, a disturbance observer based controller (DOBC) is designed based upon backstepping and multivariable super twisting control algorithm to obtain robust trajectory tracking property. A sliding mode observer works as an estimator of the compounded disturbances. In order to lessen calculative burden, a first-order exact differentiator is employed to estimate the time derivative of the virtual control. Moreover, proof of the stability of the closed-loop system based on Lyapunov method is given. Finally, simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed flight control scheme

    Aircraft modeling and simulation

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    UAV perception for safe flight under physical interaction

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins al maig 2020The control of autonomous flying vehicles with navigation purposes is a challenging task. Complexity arises mainly due to the non-linearity and uncertainty inherently present in the flight mechanics and aircraft-air interactions. Recently, interest has grown for equipping unmanned vehicles with the capacity to interact with their environment, other vehicles or humans. This will enable interesting applications such as autonomous load carrying, aerial refueling or parcel delivering. Having measured the interaction wrenches ease the control problem which can be configured to reject disturbances or to take profit of them to fulfill mission objectives. This thesis will contribute to this area by providing perception solutions which use limited and low cost sensors that enable state and disturbance estimation for possible, but not restricted to, interaction scenarios. This thesis contain three parts. The first part, introduces basic concepts related to the navigation state, aircraft dynamics, and sensor models. In addition, the platform under study is presented and mathematical models associated to it are calibrated. The second part is devoted to the observability analysis and the design of state observers. Linear and non-linear observability analysis techniques are used to unveil that the state of quadrotors equipped with GPS, magnetometers an IMU sensors cannot be uniquely identified in some specific flight configurations. Results of this section are relevant because the conflicting flight configurations contain hover, a flight maneuverer central in many unmanned aerial missions of VtoL vehicles. For many possible singular configurations, insightful descriptions and interpretations of the solution space known as indistinguishable region is provided. Findings are verified in simulation scenarios where it can be seen how a filter fails to recover the true state of an aircraft when imposing the hover flight condition. We discuss then the design of Extended Kalman Filters for state estimation that considers the available sensors. Issues that are typically not reported in the literature, such as when to update or propagate in the estimator algorithm or which coordinate frame should be used to represent each state variable are discussed. This leads to the formulation of four potentially equivalent but different discrete event-based filters for which precise algorithmic expressions are given. We compare the results of the four filters in simulation under known favorable conditions for observability. In order to diminish the effect of flying in the conflicting observability configurations, we provide an alternative filter based on the Schmidt Kalman Filter (SKF). The proposed filter shares the structure of the EKF, behaves better in the instants that the EKF fails and provides similar results in the remaining conditions. The last part of the thesis deals with the estimation of external disturbances. Disturbance estimation results are based on the derivation of a linear model for the aircraft dynamics which then extended with a high order disturbance model to enable the estimation of fast varying disturbances. Two external disturbance estimators from the literature are reviewed and adapted to the new model. Also, two Kalman observers that exploit the linearity of the derived model are presented. A simulation comparison is provided demonstrating that the KF disturbance estimators outperform the other. In addition, this part presents a design methodology of generic quadratic bounded observers for linear systems with ellipsoidal bounded uncertainty. The derived observers maximize a user tunable compromise between the estimation convergence speed and the final volume containing the estimation error. An observer for disturbances acting on a flying platform is derived considering the high order disturbance model above mentioned. Finally, an analysis of the estimation performance with respect to the design parameters is presented.Esta tesis, contribuye en este área formulando soluciones de percepción que permiten la estimación del estado y perturbaciones externas en condiciones normales de vuelos así como casos de interacción para UAVs equipados con sensores limitados y de bajo coste. La tesis se estructura en tres partes. La primera de ellas introduce los conceptos básicos relacionados con el estado de navegación, la dinámica de la aeronave y modelos de sensores. Además, se presenta la plataforma de estudio así como los modelos matemáticos asociados a ella y su calibración. La segunda parte está destinada al análisis de observabilidad y el diseño de observadores de estado. Los resultados de esta sección son importantes porque dentro de las condiciones de vuelo conflictivas se encuentra el vuelo a punto fijo, una maniobra de vuelo central en muchas misiones de vehículos VToL. Se analizan estas condiciones críticas de vuelo y para ellas se deriva y describe el espacio de soluciones posible conocido como región indistinguible. Los resultados son verificados en simulación dónde se puede apreciar como un estimador de estado falla al intentar realizar su tarea cuando la aeronave está en vuelo a punto fijo. Seguidamente se presenta el diseño de filtros extendidos de Kalman (EKF) que proveen estimaciones del estado con la información limitada de los sensores disponibles. Se discuten conceptos que habitualmente no se presentan en la literatura como cuando actualizar o propagar en el algoritmo de estimación o que sistema de referencia se debe utilizar para representar adecuadamente las variables de estado. Esto lleva a la formulación algorítmica de cuatro filtros discretos basados en eventos, diferentes, pero en esencia equivalentes. Se derivan rutinas de inicialización para los filtros y se comparan los resultados en simulación bajo condiciones favorables de estimación. Con la idea de disminuir el efecto de volar en configuraciones de observabilidad conflictivas, se deriva un filtro alternativo basado en el filtro de Schmidt Kalman (SKF). El filtro propuesto comparte estructura con el EKF, tiene un mejor comportamiento allí dónde le EKF falla y una respuesta similar en el resto de condiciones de vuelo. La última parte de la tesis trata con la estimación de perturbaciones externas. Para ello se deriva un modelo lineal que relaciona fuerzas y momentos con velocidades junto a un modelo de alto orden para las perturbaciones. Se estudia su aplicación a dos modelos para la estimación de perturbaciones ya presentes en la literatura. Además, se proponen dos nuevos filtros de Kalman que se aprovechan de la linealidad del modelo. Se presenta una comparativa basada en la simulación de escenarios ideales así como realistas que demuestra que los filtros KF superan al resto. Esta misma parte de la tesis presenta el diseño genérico de estimadores "quadratic bounded" para sistemas dinámicos lineales cuya incertidumbre se encuentra acotada dentro de elipsoides. Estos estimadores maximizan un compromiso, ajustable por el usuario que contempla la velocidad de convergencia así como el volumen de la solución final que contiene el error de estimación. Se deriva un observador de perturbaciones para plataformas aéreas basado en el modelo de alto orden arriba mencionado. Finalmente, se presenta un análisis del desempeño de estimación en función de los parámetros de diseño del filtro.Postprint (published version