2,221 research outputs found

    Review of Power Conversion and Conditioning Systems for Stationary Electrochemical Storage

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    This paper deals with the power conversion system architectures to interface a stationary electrochemical storage installation with the network. Theoretical justifications about the conversion system layouts and control, used for actual Italian installations, are given. This paper aims at giving the power energy society an overview of actual possibilities of static conversion of d.c. battery sources

    Modern Physics Engines for WebGL

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    S rozvojem hardwaru přichází další využití internetových prohlížečů přenesením interaktivní 3D grafiky. Technologie WebGL ukázala zatím největší potenciál pro vývoj 3D webových aplikací. Cílem této bakalářské práce bylo srovnat aktuální možnosti javascriptových fyzikálních enginů pro WebGL. Konkrétně byly integrovány opensource fyzikální frameworky. V rámci práce byla vytvořena experimentální aplikace, pomocí které jsme vyhodnotili u jednotlivých frameworků jejich úspěšnost, rychlost, kvalitu a sadu funkcí.With the development of hardware comes another use of internet browsers transferring interactive 3D graphics. Technology called WebGL shows a lot of potentials for developing 3D web applications. The aim if this bachelor thesis is to compare actual possibilities of javascript physics engines for WebGL. Specifically we integrated opensource physics frameworks. Within thesis the experimental aplication was created through which we evaluated the various frameworks for their success, performance, quality and feature set.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Laminated glass as a structural building material

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    The Noetic Account of Scientific Progress and the Factivity of Understanding

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    There are three main accounts of scientific progress: 1) the epistemic account, according to which an episode in science constitutes progress when there is an increase in knowledge; 2) the semantic account, according to which progress is made when the number of truths increases; 3) the problem-solving account, according to which progress is made when the number of problems that we are able to solve increases. Each of these accounts has received several criticisms in the last decades. Nevertheless, some authors think that the epistemic account is to be preferred if one takes a realist stance. Recently, Dellsén proposed the noetic account, according to which an episode in science constitutes progress when scientists achieve increased understanding of a phenomenon. Dellsén claims that the noetic account is a more adequate realist account of scientific progress than the epistemic account. This paper aims precisely at assessing whether the noetic account is a more adequate realist account of progress than the epistemic account

    A destruição do inimigo público inominado: uma interpretação do político em Carl Schmitt

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    This paper proposes a critical analysis of the essential criteria to define the concept of the political as presented by German jurist and philosopher, Carl Schmitt. Based on the essence of the political -i.e. the friend-enemy duality-, the objective is to explore the practical implications resulting from the actual possibilities of confrontation, the key scope being the analysis of a totalitarian potential from a Schmittian´s perspective. In Schmitt´s thought, this distinction is the fundamental reason for the definition of the political. Not every opponent is necessarily the enemy --the other one, the unknown- and likely to be physically destroyed and exterminated but only a public enemy (hostis). Given its indeterminate nature, the enemy may be prescribed according to the sovereign design or, in the context of Nazi Germany where Carl Schmitt lived, in accordance with the President of the Reich´s designs. A hypothetical-deductive methodology is used in this work based on bibliographical research, in particular regarding Carl Schmitt´s theoretical constructions

    HTML5 Node Editor

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    Import 03/11/2016Tato balakářská práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací webové aplikace / komponenty, která plní úlohu tzv. node editoru. Aplikace využívá aktuálních možností HTML5 a CSS3. V úvodu práce jsou popsána již existující řešení a jejich omezení ve vazbě na moderní trendy v HTML5. Další část je věnována analýze a návrhu vlastního řešení s ohledem na univerzálnost a možnost použití pro nejrůznější myslitelné účely. V závěru práce jsou popsány provedené výkonnostní testy a zdokumentovány dosažené výsledky.This bachelor thesis describes design and implementation of web application / component, which plays a role of so called node editor. Application uses an actual possibilities of HTML5 and CSS3. The beginning of a thesis covers existing solutions and their limitations related to modern trends in HTML5. Another part is devoted to analysis and design of the solution considering universality and possibility of using for any conceivable purpose. In the end of a theses, performance tests are described and achieved results are discussed.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Effective managing, initiate and monitoring food forests

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    Starting with 1976, a totally unproductive piece of land located in the Chinteni Valley, Cluj County, severely degraded by landslides, was used as an experimental field in order to study the actual possibilities of agricultural reinstatement of these lands. Out of a large range of problems studied since then, the present paper shows the most important experimental results concerning the gradual stabilisation and agricultural revaluation of landslides by means of hydro- and agroappropriative works applied. The presented results emphasise the fact that as a consequence of appropriation works applied to this landslide (drainage and levellment) as well as by using crop technologies specific for slopes, the horizontal and vertical displacements of ground have been significantly reduced. Gradually, there has been noted an obvious tendency of a long term land stabilisation followed by a natural incorporation of this land into the equilibrium condition of the slope to which it belongs