28,974 research outputs found

    Analisa Routine Activity Theory Dalam Perdagangan Seks Di Thailand, China Dan Vietnam

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    Tulisan ini mengeksplorasi berbagai varian perdagangan seks untuk Eksploitasi SeksKomersil (CSE) dari sebuah perspektif global dengan fokus pada berbagai tujuan dan padakorban. Masing-masing kasus perdagangan seks di setiap wilayah memiliki keunikannyamasing-masing, namun ada beberapa realita yang sama disetiap kasus perdagangan seksdalam perdagangan seks dengan korbannya perempuan dan anak-anak untuk tujuaneksploitasi seksual. Pertama, Kedua, isu-isu sosial termasuk pengabaian hak-hakperempuan dan menjadikan perempuan hanya sebagai objek, ketidaksetaraan gendermenjadi persoalan yang melanda berbagai negara. Ketiga, olah raga dan dunia hiburan jugamemperbesar peluang terjadinya perdagangan orang. Fakta menunjukkan telah terjadipeningkatan jumlah pekerja seks karena terlibat dalam retrafficking, dua, tiga kali bahkanlebih. Karena hampir semua korban yang melarikan diri dihadapkan kembali pada kondisikemiskinan, kekerasan domestik, minimnya kesempatan ekonomi menyebabkan parapenjual pekerja seks berhasil membuat kesepakatan untuk kedua- kalinya dengan parakorban. Hal ini membuat para korban sulit untuk keluar dari lingkaran prostitusi. Para korbanberhasil direkrut kembali oleh para penjual perempuan yang berbeda. Kemiskinan, biasgender, dan lemahnya penegakan hukum telah turut membantu kelancaran prostitusi

    Transforming teacher education, an activity theory analysis

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    This paper explores the work of teacher education in England and Scotland. It seeks to locate this work within conflicting socio-cultural views of professional practice and academic work. Drawing on an activity theory framework that integrates the analysis of these contradictory discourses with a study of teacher educators’ practical activities, including the material artefacts that mediate the work, the paper offers a critical perspective on the social organisation of university-based teacher education. Informed by Engeström’s activity theory concept of transformation, the paper extends the discussion of contradictions in teacher education to consider the wider socio-cultural relations of the work. The findings raise important questions about the way in which teacher education work within universities is organised and the division of labour between schools and universities

    Design smart city apps using activity theory.

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    In this paper we describe an innovative approach to the design process of Smart City interventions. We tested it with participants enrolled in the Master\u2019s Degree program in \u201cInnovators in enterprise and public administration\u201d: the objective of the Master was to stimulate the acquisition of technical and methodological skills useful in designing and implementing specific Smart City actions. During the "project work" phase, participants learned about a design method named SAM \u2013 Smart City Model - based on the Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT). We present an overview of design criteria for Smart City projects, the description of the theoretical framework of Activity Theory, and our proposal of the SAM design model. We also present some examples of student\u2019s \u201cprojects\u201d and a more extensive description of one case study about the full design process of an App planned using SAM, for \u201csmart health\u201d vaccine management and monitoring services. The App was later published and made available to the citizens and was successful in attracting thousands of users. All the participants considered the model very useful in particular because it made possible to understand the interaction and solve contradictions between different stakeholders and systems involved

    Activity Theory Analysis of Heart Failure Self-Care

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    The management of chronic health conditions such as heart failure is a complex process emerging from the activity of a network of individuals and artifacts. This article presents an Activity Theory-based secondary analysis of data from a geriatric heart failure management study. Twenty-one patients' interviews and clinic visit observations were analyzed to uncover eight configurations of roles and activities involving patients, clinicians, and others in the sociotechnical network. For each configuration or activity pattern, we identify points of tension and propose guidelines for developing interventions for future computer-supported healthcare systems

    Food as Experience A Design and Evaluation Methodology

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    This research, conducted for Frito Lay-North America, Inc, demonstrates how new product designs, package designs, concepts, and prototypes can be created based on the social, emotional, cognitive, and sensory information gathered through a combined methodology based on activity theory, Kansei Engineering and the ZMET process. The study examines how activity theory can be used to observe situational settings mediated by products for the purpose of collecting significant social and behavioral data. It also examines how Kansei methods can be used to evaluate sensory experiences and how the ZMET process can be used to gather demographic and marketing data. The outcome of this research concludes that activity theory, Kansei engineering, and ZMET are each useful, however, none of these methods used in isolation are sufficient to inform all aspects of marketing, new product development, and package design decisions. However, as a combined design and evaluation methodology they can provide more useful data for these processes. Keywords: Experience Design, Kansei Assessment, Food, Activity Theory</p

    Activity theory: A framework for analysing intercultural academic activity

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    This article suggests that Activity Theory (AT) can be applied as a holistic framework to analyse the complex sociocultural issues that arise when academics wish to engage in collaborative activity across institutional and cultural boundaries. Attention will initially focus on how Activity Theory, first formulated in the 1930s by Leont’ev (1978), and subsequently developed into a second generation by Engeström (1987), can help to analyse and illuminate the inherent complexity within any one community of practice. A more elaborate model of AT (Engeström, 2001) is currently being developed and applied to analyse and illuminate collaborative activity across institutional boundaries, so as to transform discourse communities into speech communities of practice through expansive learning. It is suggested that this ‘third generation’ model can be further refined to analyse specific contact zones, within and between activity systems, as a precursor to undertaking collaborative activity. It is suggested that, when discourse communities deriving from different culturally diverse traditions seek to work together, such an a priori analysis would enable potential areas for miscommunication and misconstrual to be identified and possibly resolved before collaborative activity actually commences

    Designing for Design Activity

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    The area of graphic design has expanded since digital media was introduced, and it requires new creative thinking skills in the design process. This paper proposes a design process for a graphic design graduate class using activity theory as a theoretical background. This design process consists of three phases to solve the design problems within diverse design projects. Each phase was examined in terms of how the elements of activity theory could apply to the design process. As a research method, Engeström’s activity system model was adapted and explored in the design processes. A case study is presented to see how the proposed design process applied to a design project. Keywords: Graphic Design Project, Design Process, Activity Theory, Prototyping</p
