9,348 research outputs found

    Information-Theoretic Active Perception for Multi-Robot Teams

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    Multi-robot teams that intelligently gather information have the potential to transform industries as diverse as agriculture, space exploration, mining, environmental monitoring, search and rescue, and construction. Despite large amounts of research effort on active perception problems, there still remain significant challenges. In this thesis, we present a variety of information-theoretic control policies that enable teams of robots to efficiently estimate different quantities of interest. Although these policies are intractable in general, we develop a series of approximations that make them suitable for real time use. We begin by presenting a unified estimation and control scheme based on Shannon\u27s mutual information that lets small teams of robots equipped with range-only sensors track a single static target. By creating approximate representations, we substantially reduce the complexity of this approach, letting the team track a mobile target. We then scale this approach to larger teams that need to localize a large and unknown number of targets. We also examine information-theoretic control policies to autonomously construct 3D maps with ground and aerial robots. By using Cauchy-Schwarz quadratic mutual information, we show substantial computational improvements over similar information-theoretic measures. To map environments faster, we adopt a hierarchical planning approach which incorporates trajectory optimization so that robots can quickly determine feasible and locally optimal trajectories. Finally, we present a high-level planning algorithm that enables heterogeneous robots to cooperatively construct maps

    Robotic Motion Planning in Uncertain Environments via Active Sensing

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    Perception and control are at the foundation of automation, and in recent years, we have seen growth in feasible applications including self-driving cars and smart homes. As automation moves from regulated, well-monitored locations (e.g., factories) into society, uncertainty in hardware and the environment poses a safety concern. Within this thesis, we focus primarily on uncertainty in the environment and discuss models of the environment known a priori and learned as the robot functions. The robot is tasked with moving from one location or configuration to another while minimizing the expected cost of observation and motion actions. We focus on control that guides the robot to a position/configuration or identifies that it is impossible to reach the position/configuration. We first focus on a robot creating a plan, prior to deployment, based on a known environment model. This model encodes obstacle configurations into different environmental realizations along with a probability this realization will be encountered. The robot is also provided an observation model it may use to sense the environment during the task. We show that minimizing the expected cost from start to goal within these models is NP-Hard. Therefore, we present an efficient algorithm to create a policy which can react to obstacles in real-time while maintaining safety constraints on motion. A by-product of this algorithm is a lower bound on the expected cost of an optimal policy. We compare the policy and lower bound, generated by our algorithm, against that of an optimal policy and existing research. Our focus then shifts to remove prior information about environmental obstacles. We ask the robot to complete a finite number of start to goal tasks and show the general version of this problem is PSPACE-Hard. To reduce the complexity, we develop a method that uses an arbitrary reactionary algorithm from prior work to handle unexpected obstacles. For each new environment experienced, we incrementally update the robot's policy and show that the dependence on the reactionary algorithm is not increasing. Tests are performed on a flexible factory to demonstrate the scalability of this method

    Active Information Acquisition With Mobile Robots

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    The recent proliferation of sensors and robots has potential to transform fields as diverse as environmental monitoring, security and surveillance, localization and mapping, and structure inspection. One of the great technical challenges in these scenarios is to control the sensors and robots in order to extract accurate information about various physical phenomena autonomously. The goal of this dissertation is to provide a unified approach for active information acquisition with a team of sensing robots. We formulate a decision problem for maximizing relevant information measures, constrained by the motion capabilities and sensing modalities of the robots, and focus on the design of a scalable control strategy for the robot team. The first part of the dissertation studies the active information acquisition problem in the special case of linear Gaussian sensing and mobility models. We show that the classical principle of separation between estimation and control holds in this case. It enables us to reduce the original stochastic optimal control problem to a deterministic version and to provide an optimal centralized solution. Unfortunately, the complexity of obtaining the optimal solution scales exponentially with the length of the planning horizon and the number of robots. We develop approximation algorithms to manage the complexity in both of these factors and provide theoretical performance guarantees. Applications in gas concentration mapping, joint localization and vehicle tracking in sensor networks, and active multi-robot localization and mapping are presented. Coupled with linearization and model predictive control, our algorithms can even generate adaptive control policies for nonlinear sensing and mobility models. Linear Gaussian information seeking, however, cannot be applied directly in the presence of sensing nuisances such as missed detections, false alarms, and ambiguous data association or when some sensor observations are discrete (e.g., object classes, medical alarms) or, even worse, when the sensing and target models are entirely unknown. The second part of the dissertation considers these complications in the context of two applications: active localization from semantic observations (e.g, recognized objects) and radio signal source seeking. The complexity of the target inference problem forces us to resort to greedy planning of the sensor trajectories. Non-greedy closed-loop information acquisition with general discrete models is achieved in the final part of the dissertation via dynamic programming and Monte Carlo tree search algorithms. Applications in active object recognition and pose estimation are presented. The techniques developed in this thesis offer an effective and scalable approach for controlled information acquisition with multiple sensing robots and have broad applications to environmental monitoring, search and rescue, security and surveillance, localization and mapping, precision agriculture, and structure inspection

    Adaptive and learning-based formation control of swarm robots

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    Autonomous aerial and wheeled mobile robots play a major role in tasks such as search and rescue, transportation, monitoring, and inspection. However, these operations are faced with a few open challenges including robust autonomy, and adaptive coordination based on the environment and operating conditions, particularly in swarm robots with limited communication and perception capabilities. Furthermore, the computational complexity increases exponentially with the number of robots in the swarm. This thesis examines two different aspects of the formation control problem. On the one hand, we investigate how formation could be performed by swarm robots with limited communication and perception (e.g., Crazyflie nano quadrotor). On the other hand, we explore human-swarm interaction (HSI) and different shared-control mechanisms between human and swarm robots (e.g., BristleBot) for artistic creation. In particular, we combine bio-inspired (i.e., flocking, foraging) techniques with learning-based control strategies (using artificial neural networks) for adaptive control of multi- robots. We first review how learning-based control and networked dynamical systems can be used to assign distributed and decentralized policies to individual robots such that the desired formation emerges from their collective behavior. We proceed by presenting a novel flocking control for UAV swarm using deep reinforcement learning. We formulate the flocking formation problem as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP), and consider a leader-follower configuration, where consensus among all UAVs is used to train a shared control policy, and each UAV performs actions based on the local information it collects. In addition, to avoid collision among UAVs and guarantee flocking and navigation, a reward function is added with the global flocking maintenance, mutual reward, and a collision penalty. We adapt deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) with centralized training and decentralized execution to obtain the flocking control policy using actor-critic networks and a global state space matrix. In the context of swarm robotics in arts, we investigate how the formation paradigm can serve as an interaction modality for artists to aesthetically utilize swarms. In particular, we explore particle swarm optimization (PSO) and random walk to control the communication between a team of robots with swarming behavior for musical creation
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