83 research outputs found

    Active Self-Assembly of Algorithmic Shapes and Patterns in Polylogarithmic Time

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    We describe a computational model for studying the complexity of self-assembled structures with active molecular components. Our model captures notions of growth and movement ubiquitous in biological systems. The model is inspired by biology's fantastic ability to assemble biomolecules that form systems with complicated structure and dynamics, from molecular motors that walk on rigid tracks and proteins that dynamically alter the structure of the cell during mitosis, to embryonic development where large-scale complicated organisms efficiently grow from a single cell. Using this active self-assembly model, we show how to efficiently self-assemble shapes and patterns from simple monomers. For example, we show how to grow a line of monomers in time and number of monomer states that is merely logarithmic in the length of the line. Our main results show how to grow arbitrary connected two-dimensional geometric shapes and patterns in expected time that is polylogarithmic in the size of the shape, plus roughly the time required to run a Turing machine deciding whether or not a given pixel is in the shape. We do this while keeping the number of monomer types logarithmic in shape size, plus those monomers required by the Kolmogorov complexity of the shape or pattern. This work thus highlights the efficiency advantages of active self-assembly over passive self-assembly and motivates experimental effort to construct general-purpose active molecular self-assembly systems

    Intrinsic universality and the computational power of self-assembly

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    This short survey of recent work in tile self-assembly discusses the use of simulation to classify and separate the computational and expressive power of self-assembly models. The journey begins with the result that there is a single universal tile set that, with proper initialization and scaling, simulates any tile assembly system. This universal tile set exhibits something stronger than Turing universality: it captures the geometry and dynamics of any simulated system. From there we find that there is no such tile set in the noncooperative, or temperature 1, model, proving it weaker than the full tile assembly model. In the two-handed or hierarchal model, where large assemblies can bind together on one step, we encounter an infinite set, of infinite hierarchies, each with strictly increasing simulation power. Towards the end of our trip, we find one tile to rule them all: a single rotatable flipable polygonal tile that can simulate any tile assembly system. It seems this could be the beginning of a much longer journey, so directions for future work are suggested.Comment: In Proceedings MCU 2013, arXiv:1309.104

    Tight Bounds for Active Self-Assembly Using an Insertion Primitive

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    We prove two tight bounds on the behavior of a model of self-assembling particles introduced by Dabby and Chen (SODA 2013), called insertion systems, where monomers insert themselves into the middle of a growing linear polymer. First, we prove that the expressive power of these systems is equal to context-free grammars, answering a question posed by Dabby and Chen. Second, we prove that systems of kk monomer types can deterministically construct polymers of length n=2Θ(k3/2)n = 2^{\Theta(k^{3/2})} in O(log5/3(n))O(\log^{5/3}(n)) expected time, and that this is optimal in both the number of monomer types and expected time.Comment: To appear in Algorithmica. An abstract (12-page) version of this paper appeared in the proceedings of ESA 201

    Parallel Computation Using Active Self-assembly

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    We study the computational complexity of the recently proposed nubots model of molecular-scale self-assembly. The model generalizes asynchronous cellular automaton to have non-local movement where large assemblies of molecules can be moved around, analogous to millions of molecular motors in animal muscle effecting the rapid movement of large arms and legs. We show that nubots is capable of simulating Boolean circuits of polylogarithmic depth and polynomial size, in only polylogarithmic expected time. In computational complexity terms, any problem from the complexity class NC is solved in polylogarithmic expected time on nubots that use a polynomial amount of workspace. Along the way, we give fast parallel algorithms for a number of problems including line growth, sorting, Boolean matrix multiplication and space-bounded Turing machine simulation, all using a constant number of nubot states (monomer types). Circuit depth is a well-studied notion of parallel time, and our result implies that nubots is a highly parallel model of computation in a formal sense. Thus, adding a movement primitive to an asynchronous non-deterministic cellular automation, as in nubots, drastically increases its parallel processing abilities

    Fast algorithmic self-assembly of simple shapes using random agitation

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    We study the power of uncontrolled random molecular movement in a model of self-assembly called the nubots model. The nubots model is an asynchronous nondeterministic cellular automaton augmented with rigid-body movement rules (push/pull, deterministically and programmatically applied to specific monomers) and random agitations (nondeterministically applied to every monomer and direction with equal probability all of the time). Previous work on nubots showed how to build simple shapes such as lines and squares quickly—in expected time that is merely logarithmic of their size. These results crucially make use of the programmable rigid-body movement rule: the ability for a single monomer to push or pull large objects quickly, and only at a time and place of the programmers’ choosing. However, in engineered molecular systems, molecular motion is largely uncontrolled and fundamentally random. This raises the question of whether similar results can be achieved in a more restrictive, and perhaps easier to justify, model where uncontrolled random movements, or agitations, are happening throughout the self-assembly process and are the only form of rigid-body movement. We show that this is indeed the case: we give a polylogarithmic expected time construction for squares using agitation, and a sublinear expected time construction to build a line. Such results are impossible in an agitation-free (and movement-free) setting and thus show the benefits of exploiting uncontrolled random movement

    On the Transformation Capability of Feasible Mechanisms for Programmable Matter

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    In this work, we study theoretical models of \emph{programmable matter} systems. The systems under consideration consist of spherical modules, kept together by magnetic forces and able to perform two minimal mechanical operations (or movements): \emph{rotate} around a neighbor and \emph{slide} over a line. In terms of modeling, there are nn nodes arranged in a 2-dimensional grid and forming some initial \emph{shape}. The goal is for the initial shape AA to \emph{transform} to some target shape BB by a sequence of movements. Most of the paper focuses on \emph{transformability} questions, meaning whether it is in principle feasible to transform a given shape to another. We first consider the case in which only rotation is available to the nodes. Our main result is that deciding whether two given shapes AA and BB can be transformed to each other, is in P\mathbf{P}. We then insist on rotation only and impose the restriction that the nodes must maintain global connectivity throughout the transformation. We prove that the corresponding transformability question is in PSPACE\mathbf{PSPACE} and study the problem of determining the minimum \emph{seeds} that can make feasible, otherwise infeasible transformations. Next we allow both rotations and slidings and prove universality: any two connected shapes A,BA,B of the same order, can be transformed to each other without breaking connectivity. The worst-case number of movements of the generic strategy is Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2). We improve this to O(n)O(n) parallel time, by a pipelining strategy, and prove optimality of both by matching lower bounds. In the last part of the paper, we turn our attention to distributed transformations. The nodes are now distributed processes able to perform communicate-compute-move rounds. We provide distributed algorithms for a general type of transformations

    Collaborative Computation in Self-Organizing Particle Systems

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    Many forms of programmable matter have been proposed for various tasks. We use an abstract model of self-organizing particle systems for programmable matter which could be used for a variety of applications, including smart paint and coating materials for engineering or programmable cells for medical uses. Previous research using this model has focused on shape formation and other spatial configuration problems (e.g., coating and compression). In this work we study foundational computational tasks that exceed the capabilities of the individual constant size memory of a particle, such as implementing a counter and matrix-vector multiplication. These tasks represent new ways to use these self-organizing systems, which, in conjunction with previous shape and configuration work, make the systems useful for a wider variety of tasks. They can also leverage the distributed and dynamic nature of the self-organizing system to be more efficient and adaptable than on traditional linear computing hardware. Finally, we demonstrate applications of similar types of computations with self-organizing systems to image processing, with implementations of image color transformation and edge detection algorithms

    On the Transformation Capability of Feasible Mechanisms for Programmable Matter

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    We study theoretical models of programmable matter systems, consisting of n spherical modules kept together by magnetic or electrostatic forces and able to perform two minimal mechanical operations (movements): rotate and/or slide. The goal is for an initial shape A to transform to some target shape B by a sequence of movements. Most of the paper focuses on transformability (feasibility) questions. When only rotation is available, we prove that deciding whether two given shapes can transform to each other, is in P. Under the additional restriction of maintaining global connectivity, we prove inclusion in PSPACE and explore minimum seeds that can make otherwise infeasible transformations feasible. Allowing both rotations and slidings yields universality: any two connected shapes of the same order can be transformed to each other without breaking connectivity, in O(n2) sequential and O(n) parallel time (both optimal). We finally provide a type of distributed transformation

    A Stochastic Approach to Shortcut Bridging in Programmable Matter

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    In a self-organizing particle system, an abstraction of programmable matter, simple computational elements called particles with limited memory and communication self-organize to solve system-wide problems of movement, coordination, and configuration. In this paper, we consider a stochastic, distributed, local, asynchronous algorithm for "shortcut bridging", in which particles self-assemble bridges over gaps that simultaneously balance minimizing the length and cost of the bridge. Army ants of the genus Eciton have been observed exhibiting a similar behavior in their foraging trails, dynamically adjusting their bridges to satisfy an efficiency trade-off using local interactions. Using techniques from Markov chain analysis, we rigorously analyze our algorithm, show it achieves a near-optimal balance between the competing factors of path length and bridge cost, and prove that it exhibits a dependence on the angle of the gap being "shortcut" similar to that of the ant bridges. We also present simulation results that qualitatively compare our algorithm with the army ant bridging behavior. Our work gives a plausible explanation of how convergence to globally optimal configurations can be achieved via local interactions by simple organisms (e.g., ants) with some limited computational power and access to random bits. The proposed algorithm also demonstrates the robustness of the stochastic approach to algorithms for programmable matter, as it is a surprisingly simple extension of our previous stochastic algorithm for compression.Comment: Published in Proc. of DNA23: DNA Computing and Molecular Programming - 23rd International Conference, 2017. An updated journal version will appear in the DNA23 Special Issue of Natural Computin