502 research outputs found

    Design of an Elastic Actuation System for a Gait-Assistive Active Orthosis for Incomplete Spinal Cord Injured Subjects

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    A spinal cord injury severely reduces the quality of life of affected people. Following the injury, limitations of the ability to move may occur due to the disruption of the motor and sensory functions of the nervous system depending on the severity of the lesion. An active stance-control knee-ankle-foot orthosis was developed and tested in earlier works to aid incomplete SCI subjects by increasing their mobility and independence. This thesis aims at the incorporation of elastic actuation into the active orthosis to utilise advantages of the compliant system regarding efficiency and human-robot interaction as well as the reproduction of the phyisological compliance of the human joints. Therefore, a model-based procedure is adapted to the design of an elastic actuation system for a gait-assisitve active orthosis. A determination of the optimal structure and parameters is undertaken via optimisation of models representing compliant actuators with increasing level of detail. The minimisation of the energy calculated from the positive amount of power or from the absolute power of the actuator generating one human-like gait cycle yields an optimal series stiffness, which is similar to the physiological stiffness of the human knee during the stance phase. Including efficiency factors for components, especially the consideration of the electric model of an electric motor yields additional information. A human-like gait cycle contains high torque and low velocities in the stance phase and lower torque combined with high velocities during the swing. Hence, the efficiency of an electric motor with a gear unit is only high in one of the phases. This yields a conceptual design of a series elastic actuator with locking of the actuator position during the stance phase. The locked position combined with the series compliance allows a reproduction of the characteristics of the human gait cycle during the stance phase. Unlocking the actuator position for the swing phase enables the selection of an optimal gear ratio to maximise the recuperable energy. To evaluate the developed concept, a laboratory specimen based on an electric motor, a harmonic drive gearbox, a torsional series spring and an electromagnetic brake is designed and appropriate components are selected. A control strategy, based on impedance control, is investigated and extended with a finite state machine to activate the locking mechanism. The control scheme and the laboratory specimen are implemented at a test bench, modelling the foot and shank as a pendulum articulated at the knee. An identification of parameters yields high and nonlinear friction as a problem of the system, which reduces the energy efficiency of the system and requires appropriate compensation. A comparison between direct and elastic actuation shows similar results for both systems at the test bench, showing that the increased complexity due to the second degree of freedom and the elastic behaviour of the actuator is treated properly. The final proof of concept requires the implementation at the active orthosis to emulate uncertainties and variations occurring during the human gait

    Design, control and evaluation of a low-cost active orthosis for the gait of spinal cord injured subjects

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    Robotic gait training after spinal cord injury is of high priority to maximize independence and improve the living conditions of the patients. Current rehabilitation robots are expensive and heavy, and are generally found only in the clinical environment. To overcome these issues, we present the design of a low-cost, low-weight and personalized robotic orthosis for incomplete spinal cord injured subjects. The paper also presents a preliminary experimental evaluation of the assistive device on one subject with spinal cord injury that can control hip flexion to a certain extent, but lacks control of knee and ankle muscles. Results show that gait velocity, stride length and cadence of walking increased (24,11%, 7,41% and 15,56%, respectively) when wearing active orthoses compared to the case when the subject used the usual passive orthoses.Postprint (published version

    Feasibility of Manual Teach-and-Replay and Continuous Impedance Shaping for Robotic Locomotor Training Following Spinal Cord Injury

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    Robotic gait training is an emerging technique for retraining walking ability following spinal cord injury (SCI). A key challenge in this training is determining an appropriate stepping trajectory and level of assistance for each patient, since patients have a wide range of sizes and impairment levels. Here, we demonstrate how a lightweight yet powerful robot can record subject-specific, trainer-induced leg trajectories during manually assisted stepping, then immediately replay those trajectories. Replay of the subject-specific trajectories reduced the effort required by the trainer during manual assistance, yet still generated similar patterns of muscle activation for six subjects with a chronic SCI. We also demonstrate how the impedance of the robot can be adjusted on a step-by-step basis with an error-based, learning law. This impedance-shaping algorithm adapted the robot's impedance so that the robot assisted only in the regions of the step trajectory where the subject consistently exhibited errors. The result was that the subjects stepped with greater variability, while still maintaining a physiologic gait pattern. These results are further steps toward tailoring robotic gait training to the needs of individual patients

    Towards human-knee orthosis interaction based on adaptive impedance control through stiffness adjustment

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    Rehabilitation interventions involving powered, wearable lower limb orthoses that can provide high-challenging locomotor tasks for repetitive training sessions, mainly when assist-as-needed strategies, such as adaptive impedance control, are designed. In this study, the adaptive behavior was ensured by software control of the robotic stiffness involved in the human-knee orthosis interaction in function of the gait cycle and speed. To estimate the stiffness, we analyzed the interaction torque-angle characteristics with experimental data. The speed-stiffness dependency was more evident when high stiffness values are demanded by the user's effort. Experimental evidence from five healthy subjects highlight that the adaptive control strategy provides a more comfortable, natural motion, and kinematic freedom as compared to the trajectory tracking control, allowing the user to contribute to the gait training. Future insights cover the implementation of gravitational compensation and real-time estimation and control of all inner dynamic properties of the impedance control law.This work has been supported by the FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia - with the reference scholarship SFRH/BD/108309/2015, with the reference project UID/EEA/04436/2013, and by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizacao (POCI) - with the reference project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006941, and partially supported with grant RYC-2014-16613 by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

    Lower-Limb Wearable Exoskeleton

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    Towards a human-in-the-loop control for a smart orthotic system

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Eletrónica Médica)Stroke is the main cause of paralysis. This pathology has provoked a considerable increase of persons with motor impairments. With a therapy focused on each clinical case, the total or partial recovery can be achieved. Powered orthoses have been developed to promote an effective recover, based on repetitive gait training and user’s active participation. Many control approaches have been developed to control these devices, but none of them promotes an user-oriented strategy focused to the user’s needs. In an attempt of solving this issue, a new approach named Human-in-the-loop is emerging. This strategy allows the adaptation of some assistive parameters based on the user’s energetic cost, promoting a therapy tailored to each end-user needs. However, to estimate the energy expenditure, the use of non-ergonomic sensors, not suitable for clinical context, is required. Thus, it is necessary to find new ways of estimating energy expenditure using wearable and comfortable sensors. In this dissertation, the first steps to introduce the Human-in-the-loop strategy into a powered orthosis are presented. For this purpose, two strategies were developed: a strategy that allows the angular trajectory adaptation in real-time and other that promotes a stiffness adaptation all over the gait cycle. Both strategies were validated with healthy subjects. In the first strategy, the orthosis was able to modify its assistance in a fraction of microseconds, and the end-users were able to follow her with a median error below 10%. Regarding the second strategy, the results show that the orthosis allowed an effective change in the systems’ interaction stiffness, promoting an active participation of each user during its assistance. The energetic impact of using the robotic assistive device is also presented. As it promotes an energy expenditure augmentation in more than 30% in comparison to walk without the device, the necessity of implementing the Human-in-the-loop strategy was highlighted. In an attempt of finding an ergonomic technique to estimate the energetic cost, the use of machine learning algorithms was tested. The results, obtained with a MLP and a LSTM, prove that it is possible to estimate the energy expenditure with a mean error close to 11%. Future work consists in the implementation of the model in real-time and the collection of more data with the aforementioned control approaches, in a way of constructing a more robust model.O AVC é uma das maiores causas de paralisia. Esta patologia, cada vez mais com maior incidência nos jovens, tem provocado um aumento considerável de pessoas com problemas de mobilidade. Com uma terapia focada a cada caso clínico, a recuperação total ou parcial pode ser conseguida. As ortóteses ativas têm vindo a ser desenvolvidas com o propósito de promover uma recuperação eficaz, baseada em treinos repetitivos e numa participação ativa dos utilizadores. Várias abordagens de controlo têm vindo a ser desenvolvidas para controlar estes dispositivos, mas nenhuma delas promove uma estratégia orientada às necessidades do utilizador. Na tentativa de solucionar este problema, uma nova abordagem, designada por Human-in-the-loop está a emergir. Baseada no custo energético, esta estratégia permite adaptar parâmetros da assistência, promovendo uma terapia focada e direcionada a cada utilizador. No entanto, para estimar o custo energético, recorre-se ao uso de sensores que não são adequados para contexto clínico. Assim, torna-se necessário estudar novas formas de estimar o custo energético. Nesta dissertação são apresentados os primeiros passos para introduzir o controlo Human-in-the-loop numa ortótese ativa. Para isso, duas estratégias foram apresentadas: uma estratégia que permite adaptar a trajetória angular da ortótese, em tempo real, e outra que promove a adaptação da complacência do sistema ao longo do ciclo da marcha. Ambas foram validadas com sujeitos saudáveis. Relativamente à primeira abordagem, a ortótese foi capaz de modificar a sua assistência em microssegundos, e os utilizadores foram capazes de a seguir com um erro mediano inferior a 10%. No que diz respeito à segunda abordagem, os resultados mostram que a ortótese promoveu uma alteração eficaz da complacência de interação, promovendo uma participação ativa do utilizador durante a sua assistência. O impacto energético do uso do sistema robótico é, também, apresentado. Promovendo um aumento do custo energético em mais de 30%, a necessidade da estratégia Human-in-the-loop foi realçada. Na tentativa de encontrar uma técnica para estimar o custo energético, recorreu-se ao uso de machine learning. Os resultados, obtidos com uma MLP e uma LSTM, provam que é possível estimar o custo energético com um erro médio próximo dos 11%. Trabalho futuro passa pela implementação do modelo em tempo real e a recolha de mais dados com as abordagens de controlo apresentadas, de forma a construir um modelo mais robusto

    An Active Knee Orthesis for the Physical Therapy of NEurological Disorders

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    This paper presents the design of a new robotic orthotic solution aimed at improving the rehabilitation of a number of neurological disorders (Multiple Sclerosis, Post-Polio and Stroke). These neurological disorders are the most expensive for the European Health Systems, and the personalization of the therapy will contribute to a 47% cost reduction. Most orthotic devices have been evaluated as an aid to in-hospital training and rehabilitation in patients with motor disorders of various origins. The advancement of technology opens the possibility of new active orthoses able to improve function in the usual environment of the patient, providing added benefits to state-of-the-art devices in life quality. The active knee orthosis aims to serve as a basis to justify the prescription and adaptation of robotic orthoses in patients with impaired gait resulting from neurological processes.Peer Reviewe

    Design and Evaluation of the LOPES Exoskeleton Robot for Interactive Gait Rehabilitation

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    This paper introduces a newly developed gait rehabilitation device. The device, called LOPES, combines a freely translatable and 2-D-actuated pelvis segment with a leg exoskeleton containing three actuated rotational joints: two at the hip and one at the knee. The joints are impedance controlled to allow bidirectional mechanical interaction between the robot and the training subject. Evaluation measurements show that the device allows both a "pa- tient-in-charge" and "robot-in-charge" mode, in which the robot is controlled either to follow or to guide a patient, respectively. Electromyography (EMG) measurements (one subject) on eight important leg muscles, show that free walking in the device strongly resembles free treadmill walking; an indication that the device can offer task-specific gait training. The possibilities and limitations to using the device as gait measurement tool are also shown at the moment position measurements are not accurate enough for inverse-dynamical gait analysis

    Analysis of the human interaction with a wearable lower-limb exoskeleton

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    The design of a wearable robotic exoskeleton needs to consider the interaction, either physical or cognitive, between the human user and the robotic device. This paper presents a method to analyse the interaction between the human user and a unilateral, wearable lower-limb exoskeleton. The lower-limb exoskeleton function was to compensate for muscle weakness around the knee joint. It is shown that the cognitive interaction is bidirectional; on the one hand, the robot gathered information from the sensors in order to detect human actions, such as the gait phases, but the subjects also modified their gait patterns to obtain the desired responses from the exoskeleton. The results of the two-phase evaluation of learning with healthy subjects and experiments with a patient case are presented, regarding the analysis of the interaction, assessed in terms of kinematics, kinetics and/or muscle recruitment. Human-driven response of the exoskeleton after training revealed the improvements in the use of the device, while particular modifications of motion patterns were observed in healthy subjects. Also, endurance (mechanical) tests provided criteria to perform experiments with one post-polio patient. The results with the post-polio patient demonstrate the feasibility of providing gait compensation by means of the presented wearable exoskeleton, designed with a testing procedure that involves the human users to assess the human-robot interaction

    Joint Trajectory Generation and High-level Control for Patient-tailored Robotic Gait Rehabilitation

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    This dissertation presents a group of novel methods for robot-based gait rehabilitation which were developed aiming to offer more individualized therapies based on the specific condition of each patient, as well as to improve the overall rehabilitation experience for both patient and therapist. A novel methodology for gait pattern generation is proposed, which offers estimated hip and knee joint trajectories corresponding to healthy walking, and allows the therapist to graphically adapt the reference trajectories in order to fit better the patient's needs and disabilities. Additionally, the motion controllers for the hip and knee joints, mobile platform, and pelvic mechanism of an over-ground gait rehabilitation robotic system are also presented, as well as some proposed methods for assist as needed therapy. Two robot-patient synchronization approaches are also included in this work, together with a novel algorithm for online hip trajectory adaptation developed to reduce obstructive forces applied to the patient during therapy with compliant robotic systems. Finally, a prototype graphical user interface for the therapist is also presented