7 research outputs found

    Combined object recognition approaches for mobile robotics

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    There are numerous solutions to simple object recognition problems when the machine is operating under strict environmental conditions (such as lighting). Object recognition in real-world environments poses greater difficulty however. Ideally mobile robots will function in real-world environments without the aid of fiduciary identifiers. More robust methods are therefore needed to perform object recognition reliably. A combined approach of multiple techniques improves recognition results. Active vision and peripheral-foveal vision—systems that are designed to improve the information gathered for the purposes of object recognition—are examined. In addition to active vision and peripheral-foveal vision, five object recognition methods that either make use of some form of active vision or could leverage active vision and/or peripheral-foveal vision systems are also investigated: affine-invariant image patches, perceptual organization, 3D morphable models (3DMMs), active viewpoint, and adaptive color segmentation. The current state-of-the-art in these areas of vision research and observations on areas of future research are presented. Examples of state-of-theart methods employed in other vision applications that have not been used for object recognition are also mentioned. Lastly, the future direction of the research field is hypothesized

    Learning and recognition of objects inspired by early cognition

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    In this paper, we present a unifying approach for learning and recognition of objects in unstructured environments through exploration. Taking inspiration from how young infants learn objects, we establish four principles for object learning. First, early object detection is based on an attention mechanism detecting salient parts in the scene. Second, motion of the object allows more accurate object localization. Next, acquiring multiple observations of the object through manipulation allows a more robust representation of the object. And last, object recognition benefits from a multi-modal representation. Using these principles, we developed a unifying method including visual attention, smooth pursuit of the object, and a multi-view and multi-modal object representation. Our results indicate the effectiveness of this approach and the improvement of the system when multiple observations are acquired from active object manipulation

    Active exploration and keypoint clustering for object recognition

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    Active Exploration and Keypoint Clustering for Object Recognition

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    Object recognition is a challenging problem for artificial systems. This is especially true for objects that are placed in cluttered and uncontrolled environments. To challenge this problem, we discuss an active approach to object recognition. Instead of passively observing objects, we use a robot to actively explore the objects. This enables the system to learn objects from different viewpoints and to actively select viewpoints for optimal recognition. Active vision furthermore simplifies the segmentation of the object from its background. As the basis for object recognition we use the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). SIFT has been a successful method for image representation. However, a known drawback of SIFT is that the computational complexity of the algorithm increases with the number of keypoints. We discuss a growing-when-required (GWR) network for efficient clustering of the key- points. The results show successful learning of 3D objects in real-world environments. The active approach is successful in separating the object from its cluttered background, and the active selection of viewpoint further increases the performance. Moreover, the GWR-network strongly reduces the number of keypoints.© 2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. QC 2011111

    Active exploration and keypoint clustering for object recognition.

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    Object recognition is a challenging problem for artificial systems. This is especially true for objects that are placed in cluttered and uncontrolled environments. To challenge this problem, we discuss an active approach to object recognition. Instead of passively observing objects, we use a robot to actively explore the objects. This enables the system to learn objects from different viewpoints and to actively select viewpoints for optimal recognition. Active vision furthermore simplifies the segmentation of the object from its background. As the basis for object recognition we use the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). SIFT has been a successful method for image representation. However, a known drawback of SIFT is that the computational complexity of the algorithm increases with the number of keypoints. We discuss a growing-when-required (GWR) network for efficient clustering of the key- points. The results show successful learning of 3D objects in real-world environments. The active approach is successful in separating the object from its cluttered background, and the active selection of viewpoint further increases the performance. Moreover, the GWR-network strongly reduces the number of keypoints.

    Active exploration and keypoint clustering for object recognition.

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    Object recognition is a challenging problem for artificial systems. This is especially true for objects that are placed in cluttered and uncontrolled environments. To challenge this problem, we discuss an active approach to object recognition. Instead of passively observing objects, we use a robot to actively explore the objects. This enables the system to learn objects from different viewpoints and to actively select viewpoints for optimal recognition. Active vision furthermore simplifies the segmentation of the object from its background. As the basis for object recognition we use the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). SIFT has been a successful method for image representation. However, a known drawback of SIFT is that the computational complexity of the algorithm increases with the number of keypoints. We discuss a growing-when-required (GWR) network for efficient clustering of the key- points. The results show successful learning of 3D objects in real-world environments. The active approach is successful in separating the object from its cluttered background, and the active selection of viewpoint further increases the performance. Moreover, the GWR-network strongly reduces the number of keypoints.