5 research outputs found

    Visible Light Communication System Using an Organic Bulk Heterojunction Photodetector

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    A visible light communication (VLC) system using an organic bulk heterojunction photodetector (OPD) is presented. The system has been successfully proven indoors with an audio signal. The emitter consists of three commercial high-power white LEDs connected in parallel. The receiver is based on an organic photodetector having as active layer a blend of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and phenyl C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM). The OPD is opto-electrically characterized, showing a responsivity of 0.18 A/W and a modulation response of 790 kHz at -6 V.This work has been supported by Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid under project S2009/ESP-1781.Publicad

    The Behaviour Of Graphene Nanoplatelates Thin Film For High Cyclic Fatigue

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    Conductive inks thin film is a composite with conductive material that can replace a conventional and rigid electronic device into one that is flexible and thin electronic device. The thin film behavior was investigated in condition when it was subjected to cyclic bending up to 5000 cycles. The goal of this study is to obtain data for developing electrical packaging with different patterns. Surface roughness, sheet resistivity and bulk resistivity of thin films were measured at every thousand bending cycle. The surface roughness decreased as the cycles increased, meanwhile the sheet and bulk resistivity increased as the cycles increased. This GnP thin film could endure high cycle stress up to 3000 cycles before it failed

    Carbon Nanotube Based Interconnect Material for Electronic Applications

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are considered as a candidate material for future electronic interconnect applications. This thesis summarizes the research work on the fabrication and characterization of CNT-based interconnect systems, and explores the possibilities of integrating CNTs into various electronic interconnect scenarios. CNT material properties and fabrication methods are introduced as well as its potential for solving the future interconnect challenges. The technology development works are presented in detail in four categories: synthesis, densification, coating and transfer. The principles of the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method for producing the CNTs are described and discussed. Densification methods are developed in order to increase the volume density of the pristine porous CVD-grown CNTs. Two techniques, vapor-based densification and paper-mediated wet densification, have been proposed and characterized. CNT transfer techniques are developed in order to decouple the harsh CVD growth environment from the target application devices. Two kinds of transfer medium materials, indium and polymer, have been proposed and optimized. To improve the electrical performance of the pristine CNTs, metallic coating techniques for both vertically aligned and randomly dispersed CNTs are developed and characterized. Finally, three different CNT-based interconnect scenarios: bumps, through silicon vias, and flexible conductors, are demonstrated and characterized, using the as-developed processes. The integration technologies developed in this thesis not only improve the CNT process compatibility with the conventional electronics manufacture flows, but also offers state-of-the-art electrical and mechanical performance for the non-conventional flexible and stretchable interconnect applications

    Materiales 2D para dispositivos eléctricos ponibles

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Física. Curso académico 2020-2021[ES]El trabajo que presento es una explicación lo más detallada posible de cómo se lleva a cabo los textiles inteligentes y la electrónica ponible, partiendo de lo más general hasta lo más concreto, centrándome en algunos procesos para su realización como las fibras y tintas conductoras y los dispositivos electrónicos embebidos en telas. Después daré paso a los materiales 2D y dicalcogenuros de metales de transición (TMD), centrándome exclusivamente en el MoS2 y el WSe2, donde expondré sus características y propiedades. Por último, comentaré algunos sensores realizados mediante dichos compuestos químicos y finalizaré con las conclusiones obtenidas.[EN]The work I present is an explanation as detailed as possible of how smart textiles and wearable electronics are carried out, starting from the most general to the most concrete, focusing on some processes for their realization such as conductive fibers and inks and electronic devices embedded in fabrics. Then I will give way to 2d materials and transition metal dichalcogenides (tmd), focusing exclusively on mos2 and wse2, where I will present their characteristics and properties. Finally, I will comment on some sensors made by means of these chemical compounds and I will end with the conclusions obtaine

    Active devices based on organic semiconductors for wearable applications

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    Plastic electronics is an enabling technology for obtaining active (transistor based) electronic circuits on flexible and/or nonplanar surfaces. For these reasons, it appears as a perfect candidate to promote future developments of wearable electronics toward the concept of fabrics and garments made by functional (in this case, active electronic) yarns. In this paper, a panoramic view of recent achievements and future perspectives is given