13 research outputs found

    Active Learning with Logged Data

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    We consider active learning with logged data, where labeled examples are drawn conditioned on a predetermined logging policy, and the goal is to learn a classifier on the entire population, not just conditioned on the logging policy. Prior work addresses this problem either when only logged data is available, or purely in a controlled random experimentation setting where the logged data is ignored. In this work, we combine both approaches to provide an algorithm that uses logged data to bootstrap and inform experimentation, thus achieving the best of both worlds. Our work is inspired by a connection between controlled random experimentation and active learning, and modifies existing disagreement-based active learning algorithms to exploit logged data.Comment: ICML 201

    Active learning of driving scenario trajectories

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    Annotated driving scenario trajectories are crucial for verification and validation of autonomous vehicles. However, annotation of such trajectories based only on explicit rules (i.e. knowledge-based methods) may be prone to errors, such as false positive/negative classification of scenarios that lie on the border of two scenario classes, missing unknown scenario classes, or even failing to detect anomalies. On the other hand, verification of labels by annotators is not cost-efficient. For this purpose, active learning (AL) could potentially improve the annotation procedure by including an annotator/expert in an efficient way. In this study, we develop a generic active learning framework to annotate driving trajectory time series data. We first compute an embedding of the trajectories into a latent space in order to extract the temporal nature of the data. Given such an embedding, the framework becomes task agnostic since active learning can be performed using any classification method and any query strategy, regardless of the structure of the original time series data. Furthermore, we utilize our active learning framework to discover unknown driving scenario trajectories. This will ensure that previously unknown trajectory types can be effectively detected and included in the labeled dataset. We evaluate our proposed framework in different settings on novel real-world datasets consisting of driving trajectories collected by Volvo Cars Corporation. We observe that active learning constitutes an effective tool for labeling driving trajectories as well as for detecting unknown classes. Expectedly, the quality of the embedding plays an important role in the success of the proposed framework

    A Unified Active Learning Framework for Annotating Graph Data with Application to Software Source Code Performance Prediction

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    Most machine learning and data analytics applications, including performance engineering in software systems, require a large number of annotations and labelled data, which might not be available in advance. Acquiring annotations often requires significant time, effort, and computational resources, making it challenging. We develop a unified active learning framework, specializing in software performance prediction, to address this task. We begin by parsing the source code to an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and augmenting it with data and control flow edges. Then, we convert the tree representation of the source code to a Flow Augmented-AST graph (FA-AST) representation. Based on the graph representation, we construct various graph embeddings (unsupervised and supervised) into a latent space. Given such an embedding, the framework becomes task agnostic since active learning can be performed using any regression method and query strategy suited for regression. Within this framework, we investigate the impact of using different levels of information for active and passive learning, e.g., partially available labels and unlabeled test data. Our approach aims to improve the investment in AI models for different software performance predictions (execution time) based on the structure of the source code. Our real-world experiments reveal that respectable performance can be achieved by querying labels for only a small subset of all the data

    Model-Centric and Data-Centric Aspects of Active Learning for Neural Network Models

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    We study different data-centric and model-centric aspects of active learning with neural network models. i) We investigate incremental and cumulative training modes that specify how the currently labeled data are used for training. ii) Neural networks are models with a large capacity. Thus, we study how active learning depends on the number of epochs and neurons as well as the choice of batch size. iii) We analyze in detail the behavior of query strategies and their corresponding informativeness measures and accordingly propose more efficient querying and active learning paradigms. iv) We perform statistical analyses, e.g., on actively learned classes and test error estimation, that reveal several insights about active learning

    Active learning for treatment effects

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    Companies introduce new features to their websites through carefully testing different variations. In its most basic form, they do this by randomly splitting the population into different groups and showing different versions to the different groups. After the experiment has finished, they can compare the performance of the different versions and decide which one to keep.They decide this by evaluating the treatment effect, the value associated to the change. This product development process is called A/B testing and is widely used in many industries. However, A/B testing is not always the best approach. For example, when the treatment effect is small, the sample size required to detect the effect can be prohibitively large. Furthermore, when different costs are associated with the units, A/B tests can be suboptimal. This thesis focuses on the problem of active learning for treatment effects, where the goal is to learn the treatment effect of a new feature as quickly as possible by selecting the most informative units for treatment.The thesis consists of three studies. The first two introduces new algorithms for actively selecting units for experiments, while the third one introduces a programming package written in Python, called Asbe, that helps researchers and practitioners to develop and evaluate new active learning algorithms. The thesis contains several simulations, on simulated and real world data as well._Bedrijven introduceren nieuwe functies op hun websites door verschillende varianten zorgvuldig te testen. In de meest basale vorm doen ze dit door de bevolking willekeurig in verschillende groepen te verdelen en verschillende versies aan de verschillende groepen te tonen. Nadat het experiment is afgelopen, kunnen ze de prestaties van de verschillende versies vergelijken en beslissen welke ze willen behouden. Zij beslissen hierover door het behandeleffect, de waarde die aan de verandering is gekoppeld, te evalueren.Dit productontwikkelingsproces wordt A/B-testen genoemd en wordt in veel industrie¨en veel gebruikt. A/B-testen zijn echter niet altijd de beste aanpak. Als het behandeleffect bijvoorbeeld klein is, kan de steekproefomvang die nodig is om het effect te detecteren onbetaalbaar groot zijn. Bovendien kunnen A/B-tests suboptimaal zijn als er verschillende kosten aan de eenheden zijn verbonden. Dit proefschrift richt zich op het probleem van active learning voor behandeleffecten, waarbij het doel is om het behandeleffect van een nieuw kenmerk zo snel mogelijk te leren kennen door de meest informatieve eenheden voor behandeling te selecteren.Het proefschrift bestaat uit drie onderzoeken. De eerste twee introduceren nieuwe algoritmen voor het actief selecteren van eenheden voor experimenten, terwijl de derde een in Python geschreven programmeerpakket introduceert, genaamd Asbe, dat onderzoekers en praktijkmensen helpt nieuwe actieve leer algoritmen te ontwikkelen en evalueren. Het proefschrift bevat verschillende simulaties, zowel op gesimuleerde als op echte gegevens