8 research outputs found

    Traducci贸n autom谩tica ingl茅s-catal谩n : tecnolog铆a de vanguardia, calidad y productividad

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    Els grans canvis i aven莽os tecnol貌gics recents han consolidat la traducci贸 autom脿tica (TA) com un element clau a tenir en compte en el m贸n dels serveis ling眉铆stics. En molts casos, 茅s fins i tot un actor essencial per les limitacions de pressupost i temps. En els 煤ltims anys s'ha prestat molta atenci贸 a la investigaci贸 sobre la TA i l'煤s d'usuaris professionals o aficionats ha augmentat. No obstant aix貌, la investigaci贸 s'ha centrat principalment en les combinacions d'idiomes amb grans quantitats de corpus disponibles en l铆nia (per exemple, angl猫s-espanyol). La situaci贸 de les lleng眉es minorit脿ries o sense estat com el catal脿 茅s diferent. En aquest estudi s'analitza el nou motor de traducci贸 autom脿tica neuronal de codi lliure de Softcatal脿 i es compara amb Apertium i el Traductor de Google a la combinaci贸 angl猫s-catal脿. Tot i que els desenvolupadors de motors de TA utilitzen m猫triques autom脿tiques per a l'avaluaci贸 dels motors, l'avaluaci贸 humana segueix sent la refer猫ncia malgrat el seu cost elevat. Amb DQF de TAUS, s'ha avaluat la qualitat de traducci贸 (en termes de classificaci贸 relativa, precisi贸 i flu茂desa) i la productivitat (en comparar els temps i les dist脿ncies d'edici贸) amb la participaci贸 d'11 persones avaluadores. Els resultats mostren que el Traductor de Softcatal脿 ofereix una qualitat i una productivitat superior a les de la resta de motors analitzats.Los grandes cambios y avances tecnol贸gicos recientes han consolidado la traducci贸n autom谩tica (TA) como un elemento clave a tener en cuenta en el mundo de los servicios ling眉铆sticos. En muchos casos, es incluso un actor esencial por las limitaciones de presupuesto y tiempo. En los 煤ltimos a帽os se ha prestado mucha atenci贸n a la investigaci贸n sobre la TA y el uso de usuarios profesionales o aficionados ha aumentado. Sin embargo, la investigaci贸n se ha centrado principalmente en las combinaciones de idiomas con grandes cantidades de corpus disponibles en l铆nea (por ejemplo, ingl茅s-espa帽ol). La situaci贸n de las lenguas minoritarias o sin estado como el catal谩n es diferente. En este estudio se analiza el nuevo motor de traducci贸n autom谩tica neuronal de c贸digo libre de Softcatal脿 y se compara con Apertium y el Traductor de Google en la combinaci贸n ingl茅s-catal谩n. Aunque los desarrolladores de motores de TA utilizan m茅tricas autom谩ticas para la evaluaci贸n de los motores, la evaluaci贸n humana sigue siendo la referencia a pesar de su coste elevado. Con DQF de TAUS, se ha evaluado la calidad de traducci贸n (en t茅rminos de clasificaci贸n relativa, precisi贸n y fluidez) y la productividad (al comparar los tiempos y las distancias de edici贸n) con la participaci贸n de 11 personas evaluadoras. Los resultados muestran que el Traductor de Softcatal脿 ofrece una calidad y una productividad superior a las del resto de motores analizados.Recent major changes and technological advances have consolidated machine translation (MT) as a key player to be taken into account in the language services world. In many cases, it is even an essential player due to budget and time constraints. Much attention has been paid to MT research in recent years, and MT use by professional or amateur users has increased. Yet, research has focused mainly on language combinations with huge amounts of online available corpora (e.g. English-Spanish). Nevertheless, the situation for minoritized or stateless languages like Catalan is different. This study analyses Softcatal脿's new open-source, neural machine translation engine and compares it with Apertium and Google Translator in the English-Catalan combination. Although MT engine developers use automatic metrics for MT engine evaluation, human evaluation remains the gold standard despite its cost. Using TAUS DQF tools, translation quality (in terms of relative ranking, accuracy and fluency) and productivity (comparing editing times and distances) have been evaluated with the participation of 11 evaluators. Results show that Softcatal脿's Translator offers higher quality and productivity than the other engines analysed

    Syntax-informed interactive neural machine translation

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    In interactive machine translation (MT), human translators correct errors in automatic translations in collaboration with the MT systems, and this is an effective way to improve productivity gain in translation. Phrase-based statistical MT (PB-SMT) has been the mainstream approach to MT for the past 30 years, both in academia and industry. Neural MT (NMT), an end-to-end learning approach to MT, represents the current state-of-the-art in MT research. The recent studies on interactive MT have indicated that NMT can significantly outperform PB-SMT. In this work, first we investigate the possibility of integrating lexical syntactic descriptions in the form of supertags into the state-of-the-art NMT model, Transformer. Then, we explore whether integration of supertags into Transformer could indeed reduce human efforts in translation in an interactive-predictive platform. From our investigation we found that our syntax-aware interactive NMT (INMT) framework significantly reduces simulated human efforts in the French鈥搕o鈥揈nglish and Hindi鈥搕o鈥揈nglish translation tasks, achieving a 2.65 point absolute corresponding to 5.65% relative improvement and a 6.55 point absolute corresponding to 19.1% relative improvement, respectively, in terms of word prediction accuracy (WPA) over the respective baselines

    Online Learning for Effort Reduction in Interactive Neural Machine Translation

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    [EN] Neural machine translation systems require large amounts of training data and resources. Even with this, the quality of the translations may be insufficient for some users or domains. In such cases, the output of the system must be revised by a human agent. This can be done in a post-editing stage or following an interactive machine translation protocol. We explore the incremental update of neural machine translation systems during the post-editing or interactive translation processes. Such modifications aim to incorporate the new knowledge, from the edited sentences, into the translation system. Updates to the model are performed on-the-fly, as sentences are corrected, via online learning techniques. In addition, we implement a novel interactive, adaptive system, able to react to single-character interactions. This system greatly reduces the human effort required for obtaining high-quality translations. In order to stress our proposals, we conduct exhaustive experiments varying the amount and type of data available for training. Results show that online learning effectively achieves the objective of reducing the human effort required during the post-editing or the interactive machine translation stages. Moreover, these adaptive systems also perform well in scenarios with scarce resources. We show that a neural machine translation system can be rapidly adapted to a specific domain, exclusively by means of online learning techniques.The authors wish to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable criticisms and suggestions. The research leading to these results has received funding from the Generalitat Valenciana under grant PROMETEOII/2014/030 and from TIN2015-70924-C2-1-R. We also acknowledge NVIDIA Corporation for the donation of GPUs used in this work.Peris-Abril, 脕.; Casacuberta Nolla, F. (2019). Online Learning for Effort Reduction in Interactive Neural Machine Translation. Computer Speech & Language. 58:98-126. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csl.2019.04.001S981265