8,816 research outputs found

    Bio-inspired Tensegrity Soft Modular Robots

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    In this paper, we introduce a design principle to develop novel soft modular robots based on tensegrity structures and inspired by the cytoskeleton of living cells. We describe a novel strategy to realize tensegrity structures using planar manufacturing techniques, such as 3D printing. We use this strategy to develop icosahedron tensegrity structures with programmable variable stiffness that can deform in a three-dimensional space. We also describe a tendon-driven contraction mechanism to actively control the deformation of the tensegrity mod-ules. Finally, we validate the approach in a modular locomotory worm as a proof of concept.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Living Machine conference 201


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    Resilient robotic systems are a kind of robotic system that is able to recover their original function after partial damage of the system. This is achieved by making changes on the partially damaged robot. In this dissertation study, a general robot, which makes sense by including active joints, passive joints, passive links, and passive adjustable links, was proposed in order to explore its resilience. Note that such a robot is also called an under-actuated robot. This dissertation presents the following studies. First, a novel architecture of robots was proposed, which is characterized as under-actuated robot. The architecture enables three types of recovery strategy, namely (1) change of the robot behavior, (2) change of the robot state, and (3) change of the robot configuration. Second, a novel docking system was developed, which allows for the realization of real-time assembly and disassembly and passive joint and adjustable passive link, and this thus enables the realization of the proposed architecture. Third, an example prototype system was built to experiment the effectiveness of the proposed architecture and to demonstrate the resilient behavior of the robot. Fourth, a novel method for robot configuration synthesis was developed, which is based on the genetic algorithm (GA), to determine the goal configuration of a partially damaged robot, at which the robot can still perform its original function. The novelty of the method lies in the integration of both discrete variables such as the number of modules, type of modules, and assembly patterns between modules and the continuous variables such as the length of modules and initial location of the robot. Fifth, a GA-based method for robot reconfiguration planning and scheduling was developed to actually change the robot from its initial configuration to the goal configuration with a minimum effort (time and energy). Two conclusions can be drawn from the above studies. First, the under-actuated robotic architecture can build a cost effective robot that can achieve the highest degree of resilience. Second, the design of the under-actuated resilient robot with the proposed docking system not only reduces the cost but also overcomes the two common actuator failures: (i) an active joint is unlocked (thus becoming a passive joint) and (ii) an active joint is locked (thus becoming an adjustable link). There are several contributions made by this dissertation to the field of robotics. The first is the finding that an under-actuated robot can be made more resilient. In the field of robotics, the concept of the under-actuated robot is available, but it has not been considered for reconfiguration (in literature, the reconfiguration is mostly about fully actuated robots). The second is the elaboration on the concept of reconfiguration planning, scheduling, and manipulation/control. In the literature of robotics, only the concept of reconfiguration planning is precisely given but not for reconfiguration scheduling. The third is the development of the model along with its algorithm for synthesis of the goal reconfiguration, reconfiguration planning, and scheduling. The application of the proposed under-actuated resilient robot lies in the operations in unknown or dangerous environments, for example, in rescue missions and space explorations. In these applications, replacement or repair of a damaged robot is impossible or cost-prohibited

    Force-Guiding Particle Chains for Shape-Shifting Displays

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    We present design and implementation of a chain of particles that can be programmed to fold the chain into a given curve. The particles guide an external force to fold, therefore the particles are simple and amenable for miniaturization. A chain can consist of a large number of such particles. Using multiple of these chains, a shape-shifting display can be constructed that folds its initially flat surface to approximate a given 3D shape that can be touched and modified by users, for example, enabling architects to interactively view, touch, and modify a 3D model of a building.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure, submitted to IROS 201

    Reconfigurable Robot Control Using Flexible Coupling Mechanisms

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    Reconfigurable robot swarms are capable of connecting with each other to form complex structures. Current mechanical or magnetic connection mechanisms can be complicated to manufacture, consume high power, have a limited load-bearing capacity, or can only form rigid structures. In this paper, we present our low-cost soft anchor design that enables flexible coupling and decoupling between robots. Our asymmetric anchor requires minimal force to be pushed into the opening of another robot while having a strong pulling force so that the connection between robots can be secured. To maintain this flexible coupling mechanism as an assembled structure, we present our Model Predictive Control (MPC) frameworks with polygon constraints to model the geometric relationship between robots. We conducted experiments on the soft anchor to obtain its force profile, which informed the three-bar linkage model of the anchor in the simulations. We show that the proposed mechanism and MPC frameworks enable the robots to couple, decouple, and perform various behaviors in both the simulation environment and hardware platform. Our code is available at https://github.com/ZoomLabCMU/puzzlebot_anchor . Video is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3gFplorCJg

    A flexible sensor technology for the distributed measurement of interaction pressure

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    We present a sensor technology for the measure of the physical human-robot interaction pressure developed in the last years at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. The system is composed of flexible matrices of opto-electronic sensors covered by a soft silicone cover. This sensory system is completely modular and scalable, allowing one to cover areas of any sizes and shapes, and to measure different pressure ranges. In this work we present the main application areas for this technology. A first generation of the system was used to monitor human-robot interaction in upper- (NEUROExos; Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna) and lower-limb (LOPES; University of Twente) exoskeletons for rehabilitation. A second generation, with increased resolution and wireless connection, was used to develop a pressure-sensitive foot insole and an improved human-robot interaction measurement systems. The experimental characterization of the latter system along with its validation on three healthy subjects is presented here for the first time. A perspective on future uses and development of the technology is finally drafted

    Evolved embodied phase coordination enables robust quadruped robot locomotion

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    Overcoming robotics challenges in the real world requires resilient control systems capable of handling a multitude of environments and unforeseen events. Evolutionary optimization using simulations is a promising way to automatically design such control systems, however, if the disparity between simulation and the real world becomes too large, the optimization process may result in dysfunctional real-world behaviors. In this paper, we address this challenge by considering embodied phase coordination in the evolutionary optimization of a quadruped robot controller based on central pattern generators. With this method, leg phases, and indirectly also inter-leg coordination, are influenced by sensor feedback.By comparing two very similar control systems we gain insight into how the sensory feedback approach affects the evolved parameters of the control system, and how the performances differs in simulation, in transferal to the real world, and to different real-world environments. We show that evolution enables the design of a control system with embodied phase coordination which is more complex than previously seen approaches, and that this system is capable of controlling a real-world multi-jointed quadruped robot.The approach reduces the performance discrepancy between simulation and the real world, and displays robustness towards new environments.Comment: 9 page

    Design and Evolution of a Modular Tensegrity Robot Platform

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    NASA Ames Research Center is developing a compliant modular tensegrity robotic platform for planetary exploration. In this paper we present the design and evolution of the platform's main hardware component, an untethered, robust tensegrity strut, with rich sensor feedback and cable actuation. Each strut is a complete robot, and multiple struts can be combined together to form a wide range of complex tensegrity robots. Our current goal for the tensegrity robotic platform is the development of SUPERball, a 6-strut icosahedron underactuated tensegrity robot aimed at dynamic locomotion for planetary exploration rovers and landers, but the aim is for the modular strut to enable a wide range of tensegrity morphologies. SUPERball is a second generation prototype, evolving from the tensegrity robot ReCTeR, which is also a modular, lightweight, highly compliant 6-strut tensegrity robot that was used to validate our physics based NASA Tensegrity Robot Toolkit (NTRT) simulator. Many hardware design parameters of the SUPERball were driven by locomotion results obtained in our validated simulator. These evolutionary explorations helped constrain motor torque and speed parameters, along with strut and string stress. As construction of the hardware has finalized, we have also used the same evolutionary framework to evolve controllers that respect the built hardware parameters
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