2,804 research outputs found

    Fast joint detection-estimation of evoked brain activity in event-related fMRI using a variational approach

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    In standard clinical within-subject analyses of event-related fMRI data, two steps are usually performed separately: detection of brain activity and estimation of the hemodynamic response. Because these two steps are inherently linked, we adopt the so-called region-based Joint Detection-Estimation (JDE) framework that addresses this joint issue using a multivariate inference for detection and estimation. JDE is built by making use of a regional bilinear generative model of the BOLD response and constraining the parameter estimation by physiological priors using temporal and spatial information in a Markovian modeling. In contrast to previous works that use Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques to approximate the resulting intractable posterior distribution, we recast the JDE into a missing data framework and derive a Variational Expectation-Maximization (VEM) algorithm for its inference. A variational approximation is used to approximate the Markovian model in the unsupervised spatially adaptive JDE inference, which allows fine automatic tuning of spatial regularisation parameters. It follows a new algorithm that exhibits interesting properties compared to the previously used MCMC-based approach. Experiments on artificial and real data show that VEM-JDE is robust to model mis-specification and provides computational gain while maintaining good performance in terms of activation detection and hemodynamic shape recovery

    Physiologically Informed Bayesian Analysis of ASL fMRI Data

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    Arterial Spin Labelling (ASL) functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data provides a quantitative measure of blood perfusion, that can be correlated to neuronal activation. In contrast to BOLD measure, it is a direct measure of cerebral blood flow. However, ASL data has a lower SNR and resolution so that the recovery of the perfusion response of interest suffers from the contamination by a stronger hemodynamic component in the ASL signal. In this work we consider a model of both hemodynamic and perfusion components within the ASL signal. A physiological link between these two components is analyzed and used for a more accurate estimation of the perfusion response function in particular in the usual ASL low SNR conditions

    Combining spatial priors and anatomical information for fMRI detection

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    In this paper, we analyze Markov Random Field (MRF) as a spatial regularizer in fMRI detection. The low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in fMRI images presents a serious challenge for detection algorithms, making regularization necessary to achieve good detection accuracy. Gaussian smoothing, traditionally employed to boost SNR, often produces over-smoothed activation maps. Recently, the use of MRF priors has been suggested as an alternative regularization approach. However, solving for an optimal configuration of the MRF is NP-hard in general. In this work, we investigate fast inference algorithms based on the Mean Field approximation in application to MRF priors for fMRI detection. Furthermore, we propose a novel way to incorporate anatomical information into the MRF-based detection framework and into the traditional smoothing methods. Intuitively speaking, the anatomical evidence increases the likelihood of activation in the gray matter and improves spatial coherency of the resulting activation maps within each tissue type. Validation using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis and the confusion matrix analysis on simulated data illustrates substantial improvement in detection accuracy using the anatomically guided MRF spatial regularizer. We further demonstrate the potential benefits of the proposed method in real fMRI signals of reduced length. The anatomically guided MRF regularizer enables significant reduction of the scan length while maintaining the quality of the resulting activation maps.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (U.S.)/National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (U.S.) Grant U54-EB005149)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant IIS 9610249)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Center for Research Resources (U.S.)/Biomedical Informatics Research Network Grant U24-RR021382)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Center for Research Resources (U.S.)/Neuroimaging Analysis Center (U.S.) Grant P41-RR13218)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (U.S.) Grant R01-NS051826)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CAREER Grant 0642971)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research FellowshipNational Center for Research Resources (U.S.) (FIRST-BIRN Grant)Neuroimaging Analysis Center (U.S.

    Hemodynamic Brain Parcellation Using A Non-Parametric Bayesian Approach

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    One of the most challenging issues in task-related fMRI data analysis consists of deriving a meaningful functional brain parcellation. The joint parcellation detection estimation (JPDE) model addresses this issue through an automatic inference of the parcels directly from fMRI data. However, for doing so, the number of parcels needs to be fixed a priori and an appropriate initialization for the mask parcellation must be provided too. Hence, this difficult task generally depends on the subject. In this paper, an automatic model selection approach is proposed to overcome this limitation at the subject-level. Our approach relies on a non-parametric Bayesian approach that estimates the number of parcels online using a Dirichlet process mixture model combined with a hidden Markov random field. The inference is carried out using a variational expectation maximization strategy. As compared to a standard model selection approach in the original JPDE framework, our non-parametric extension appears more efficient in terms of computational time and does not require finely tuned initialization. Our method is first validated on synthetic data to demonstrate its robustness in selecting the right model order and providing accurate estimates for the parcellation, the hemodynamic response function (HRF) shapes and the activation maps. The method is then validated on real fMRI data in two regions of interest (ROIs): right motor and bilateral occipital ROIs. The results show the ability of the proposed method to aggregate parcels with similar behaviour from a hemodynamic point of view, while discriminating them from other parcels having different hemodynamic properties. The HRF estimates of the dfferent hemodynamic territories obtained with our approach are close the the canonical HRF shape in both the right motor and the bilateral occipital cortices. The discrimination power of the proposed approach is increased compared to its ancestors where the results on real data show its ability to discriminate HRF profiles with different Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM). The robust performance of detecting the elicited task-related activity is confirmed by comparing the neural response level estimates obtained using our approach with those obtained using the joint detection estimation (JDE) model

    Fast spatial inference in the homogeneous Ising model

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    The Ising model is important in statistical modeling and inference in many applications, however its normalizing constant, mean number of active vertices and mean spin interaction are intractable. We provide accurate approximations that make it possible to calculate these quantities numerically. Simulation studies indicate good performance when compared to Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods and at a tiny fraction of the time. The methodology is also used to perform Bayesian inference in a functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging activation detection experiment.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, 3 table

    A Novel Synergistic Model Fusing Electroencephalography and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Modeling Brain Activities

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    Study of the human brain is an important and very active area of research. Unraveling the way the human brain works would allow us to better understand, predict and prevent brain related diseases that affect a significant part of the population. Studying the brain response to certain input stimuli can help us determine the involved brain areas and understand the mechanisms that characterize behavioral and psychological traits. In this research work two methods used for the monitoring of brain activities, Electroencephalography (EEG) and functional Magnetic Resonance (fMRI) have been studied for their fusion, in an attempt to bridge together the advantages of each one. In particular, this work has focused in the analysis of a specific type of EEG and fMRI recordings that are related to certain events and capture the brain response under specific experimental conditions. Using spatial features of the EEG we can describe the temporal evolution of the electrical field recorded in the scalp of the head. This work introduces the use of Hidden Markov Models (HMM) for modeling the EEG dynamics. This novel approach is applied for the discrimination of normal and progressive Mild Cognitive Impairment patients with significant results. EEG alone is not able to provide the spatial localization needed to uncover and understand the neural mechanisms and processes of the human brain. Functional Magnetic Resonance imaging (fMRI) provides the means of localizing functional activity, without though, providing the timing details of these activations. Although, at first glance it is apparent that the strengths of these two modalities, EEG and fMRI, complement each other, the fusion of information provided from each one is a challenging task. A novel methodology for fusing EEG spatiotemporal features and fMRI features, based on Canonical Partial Least Squares (CPLS) is presented in this work. A HMM modeling approach is used in order to derive a novel feature-based representation of the EEG signal that characterizes the topographic information of the EEG. We use the HMM model in order to project the EEG data in the Fisher score space and use the Fisher score to describe the dynamics of the EEG topography sequence. The correspondence between this new feature and the fMRI is studied using CPLS. This methodology is applied for extracting features for the classification of a visual task. The results indicate that the proposed methodology is able to capture task related activations that can be used for the classification of mental tasks. Extensions on the proposed models are examined along with future research directions and applications
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