14 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional range data compression using computer graphics rendering pipeline

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    This paper presents the idea of naturally encoding three-dimensional (3D) range data into regular two-dimensional (2D) images utilizing computer graphics rendering pipeline. The computer graphics pipeline provides a means to sample 3D geometry data into regular 2D images, and also to retrieve the depth information for each sampled pixel. The depth information for each pixel is further encoded into red, green, and blue color channels of regular 2D images. The 2D images can further be compressed with existing 2D image compression techniques. By this novel means, 3D geometry data obtained by 3D range scanners can be instantaneously compressed into 2D images, providing a novel way of storing 3D range data into its 2D counterparts. We will present experimental results to verify the performance of this proposed technique

    Mutual Gaze Support in Videoconferencing Reviewed

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    Videoconferencing allows geographically dispersed parties to communicate by simultaneous audio and video transmissions. It is used in a variety of application scenarios with a wide range of coordination needs and efforts, such as private chat, discussion meetings, and negotiation tasks. In particular, in scenarios requiring certain levels of trust and judgement non-verbal communication, cues are highly important for effective communication. Mutual gaze support plays a central role in those high coordination need scenarios but generally lacks adequate technical support from videoconferencing systems. In this paper, we review technical concepts and implementations for mutual gaze support in videoconferencing, classify them, evaluate them according to a defined set of criteria, and give recommendations for future developments. Our review gives decision makers, researchers, and developers a tool to systematically apply and further develop videoconferencing systems in serious settings requiring mutual gaze. This should lead to well-informed decisions regarding the use and development of this technology and to a more widespread exploitation of the benefits of videoconferencing in general. For example, if videoconferencing systems supported high-quality mutual gaze in an easy-to-set-up and easy-to-use way, we could hold more effective and efficient recruitment interviews, court hearings, or contract negotiations

    GazeLens: Guiding Attention to Improve Gaze Interpretation in Hub-Satellite Collaboration

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    In hub-satellite collaboration using video, interpreting gaze direction is critical for communication between hub coworkers sitting around a table and their remote satellite colleague. However, 2D video distorts images and makes this interpretation inaccurate. We present GazeLens, a video conferencing system that improves hub coworkers’ ability to interpret the satellite worker’s gaze. A 360∘ camera captures the hub coworkers and a ceiling camera captures artifacts on the hub table. The system combines these two video feeds in an interface. Lens widgets strategically guide the satellite worker’s attention toward specific areas of her/his screen allow hub coworkers to clearly interpret her/his gaze direction. Our evaluation shows that GazeLens (1) increases hub coworkers’ overall gaze interpretation accuracy by 25.8% in comparison to a conventional video conferencing system, (2) especially for physical artifacts on the hub table, and (3) improves hub coworkers’ ability to distinguish between gazes toward people and artifacts. We discuss how screen space can be leveraged to improve gaze interpretation

    High-quality, real-time 3D video visualization in head mounted displays

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    The main goal of this thesis research was to develop the ability to visualize high- quality, three-dimensional (3D) data within a virtual reality head mounted display (HMD). High-quality, 3D data collection has become easier in past years due to the development of 3D scanning technologies such as structured light methods. Structured light scanning and modern 3D data compression techniques have improved to the point at which 3D data can be captured, processed, compressed, streamed across a network, decompressed, reconstructed, and visualized all in near real-time. Now the question becomes what can be done with this live 3D information? A web application allows for real-time visualization of and interaction with this 3D video on the web. Streaming this data to the web allows for greater ease of access by a larger population. In the past, only two-dimensional (2D) video streaming has been available to the public via the web or installed desktop software. Commonly, 2D video streaming technologies, such as Skype, FaceTime or Google Hangout, are used to connect people around the world for both business and recreational purposes. As the trend continues in which society conducts itself in online environments, improvements to these telecommunication and telecollaboration technologies must be made as current systems have reached their limitations. These improvements are to ensure that interactions are as natural and as user-friendly as possible. One resolution to the limitations imposed by 2D video streaming is to stream 3D video via the aforementioned technologies to a user in a virtual reality HMD. With 3D data, improvements such as eye-gaze correction, obtaining a natural angle of viewing, and more can be accomplished. One common advantage of using 3D data in lieu of 2D data is what can be done with it during redisplay. For example, when a viewer moves about their environment in a physical space while on Skype, the 2D image on their computer monitor does not change; however, via the use of an HMD, the user can naturally view and move about their partner in 3D space almost as if they were sitting directly across from them. With these improvements, increased user perception and level of immersion in the digital world has been achieved. This allows users to perform at an increased level of efficiency in telecollaboration and telecommunication environments due to the increased ability to visualize and communicate more naturally with another human being. This thesis will present some preliminary results which support the notion that users better perceive their environments and also have a greater sense of interpersonal communica- tion when immersed in a 3D video scenario as opposed to a 2D video scenario. This novel technology utilizes high-quality and real-time 3D scanning and 3D compression techniques which in turn allows the user to experience a realistic reconstruction within a virtual reality HMD

    Enhanced life-size holographic telepresence framework with real-time three-dimensional reconstruction for dynamic scene

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    Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction has the ability to capture and reproduce 3D representation of a real object or scene. 3D telepresence allows the user to feel the presence of remote user that was remotely transferred in a digital representation. Holographic display is one of alternatives to discard wearable hardware restriction, it utilizes light diffraction to display 3D images to the viewers. However, to capture a real-time life-size or a full-body human is still challenging since it involves a dynamic scene. The remaining issue arises when dynamic object to be reconstructed is always moving and changes shapes and required multiple capturing views. The life-size data captured were multiplied exponentially when working with more depth cameras, it can cause the high computation time especially involving dynamic scene. To transfer high volume 3D images over network in real-time can also cause lag and latency issue. Hence, the aim of this research is to enhance life-size holographic telepresence framework with real-time 3D reconstruction for dynamic scene. There are three stages have been carried out, in the first stage the real-time 3D reconstruction with the Marching Square algorithm is combined during data acquisition of dynamic scenes captured by life-size setup of multiple Red Green Blue-Depth (RGB-D) cameras. Second stage is to transmit the data that was acquired from multiple RGB-D cameras in real-time and perform double compression for the life-size holographic telepresence. The third stage is to evaluate the life-size holographic telepresence framework that has been integrated with the real-time 3D reconstruction of dynamic scenes. The findings show that by enhancing life-size holographic telepresence framework with real-time 3D reconstruction, it has reduced the computation time and improved the 3D representation of remote user in dynamic scene. By running the double compression for the life-size holographic telepresence, 3D representations in life-size is smooth. It has proven can minimize the delay or latency during acquired frames synchronization in remote communications

    Computational immersive displays

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 77-79).Immersion is an oft-quoted but ill-defined term used to describe a viewer or participant's sense of engagement with a visual display system or participatory media. Traditionally, advances in immersive quality came at the high price of ever-escalating hardware requirements and computational budgets. But what if one could increase a participant's sense of immersion, instead, by taking advantage of perceptual cues, neuroprocessing, and emotional engagement while adding only a small, yet distinctly targeted, set of advancements to the display hardware? This thesis describes three systems that introduce small amounts of computation to the visual display of information in order to increase the viewer's sense of immersion and participation. It also describes the types of content used to evaluate the systems, as well as the results and conclusions gained from small user studies. The first system, Infinity-by-Nine, takes advantage of the dropoff in peripheral visual acuity to surround the viewer with an extended lightfield generated in realtime from existing video content. The system analyzes an input video stream and outpaints a low-resolution, pattern-matched lightfield that simulates a fully immersive environment in a computationally efficient way. The second system, the Narratarium, is a context-aware projector that applies pattern recognition and natural language processing to an input such as an audio stream or electronic text to generate images, colors, and textures appropriate to the narrative or emotional content. The system outputs interactive illustrations and audio projected into spaces such as children's rooms, retail settings, or entertainment venues. The final system, the 3D Telepresence Chair, combines a 19th-century stage illusion known as Pepper's Ghost with an array of micro projectors and a holographic diffuser to create an autostereoscopic representation of a remote subject with full horizontal parallax. The 3D Telepresence Chair is a portable, self-contained apparatus meant to enhance the experience of teleconferencing.by Daniel E. Novy.S.M

    Spatially Aware Computing for Natural Interaction

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    Spatial information refers to the location of an object in a physical or digital world. Besides, it also includes the relative position of an object related to other objects around it. In this dissertation, three systems are designed and developed. All of them apply spatial information in different fields. The ultimate goal is to increase the user friendliness and efficiency in those applications by utilizing spatial information. The first system is a novel Web page data extraction application, which takes advantage of 2D spatial information to discover structured records from a Web page. The extracted information is useful to re-organize the layout of a Web page to fit mobile browsing. The second application utilizes the 3D spatial information of a mobile device within a large paper-based workspace to implement interactive paper that combines the merits of paper documents and mobile devices. This application can overlay digital information on top of a paper document based on the location of a mobile device within a workspace. The third application further integrates 3D space information with sound detection to realize an automatic camera management system. This application automatically controls multiple cameras in a conference room, and creates an engaging video by intelligently switching camera shots among meeting participants based on their activities. Evaluations have been made on all three applications, and the results are promising. In summary, this dissertation comprehensively explores the usage of spatial information in various applications to improve the usability

    Portal-s: High-resolution real-time 3D video telepresence

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    The goal of telepresence is to allow a person to feel as if they are present in a location other than their true location; a common application of telepresence is video conferencing in which live video of a user is transmitted to a remote location for viewing. In conventional two-dimensional (2D) video conferencing, loss of correct eye gaze commonly occurs, due to a disparity between the capture and display optical axes. Newer systems are being developed which allow for three-dimensional (3D) video conferencing, circumventing issues with this disparity, but new challenges are arising in the capture, delivery, and redisplay of 3D contents across existing infrastructure. To address these challenges, a novel system is proposed which allows for 3D video conferencing across existing networks while delivering full resolution 3D video and establishing correct eye gaze. During the development of Portal-s, many innovations to the field of 3D scanning and its applications were made; specifically, this dissertation research has achieved the following innovations: a technique to realize 3D video processing entirely on a graphics processing unit (GPU), methods to compress 3D videos on a GPU, and combination of the aforementioned innovations with a special holographic display hardware system to enable the novel 3D telepresence system entitled Portal-s. The first challenge this dissertation addresses is the cost of real-time 3D scanning technology, both from a monetary and computing power perspective. New advancements in 3D scanning and computation technology are continuing to increase, simplifying the acquisition and display of 3D data. These advancements are allowing users new methods of interaction and analysis of the 3D world around them. Although the acquisition of static 3D geometry is becoming easy, the same cannot be said of dynamic geometry, since all aspects of the 3D processing pipeline, capture, processing, and display, must be realized in real-time simultaneously. Conventional approaches to solve these problems utilize workstation computers with powerful central processing units (CPUs) and GPUs to accomplish the large amounts of processing power required for a single 3D frame. A challenge arises when trying to realize real-time 3D scanning on commodity hardware such as a laptop computer. To address the cost of a real-time 3D scanning system, an entirely parallel 3D data processing pipeline that makes use of a multi-frequency phase-shifting technique is presented. This novel processing pipeline can achieve simultaneous 3D data capturing, processing, and display at 30 frames per second (fps) on a laptop computer. By implementing the pipeline within the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL), nearly any modern computer with a dedicated graphics device can run the pipeline. Making use of multiple threads sharing GPU resources and direct memory access transfers, high frame rates on low compute power devices can be achieved. Although these advancements allow for low compute power devices such as a laptop to achieve real-time 3D scanning, this technique is not without challenges. The main challenge being selecting frequencies that allow for high quality phase, yet do not include phase jumps in equivalent frequencies. To address this issue, a new modified multi-frequency phase shifting technique was developed that allows phase jumps to be introduced in equivalent frequencies yet unwrapped in parallel, increasing phase quality and reducing reconstruction error. Utilizing these techniques, a real-time 3D scanner was developed that captures 3D geometry at 30 fps with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0:00081 mm for a measurement area of 100 mm X 75 mm at a resolution of 800 X 600 on a laptop computer. With the above mentioned pipeline the CPU is nearly idle, freeing it to perform additional tasks such as image processing and analysis. The second challenge this dissertation addresses is associated with delivering huge amounts of 3D video data in real-time across existing network infrastructure. As the speed of 3D scanning continues to increase, and real-time scanning is achieved on low compute power devices, a way of compressing the massive amounts of 3D data being generated is needed. At a scan resolution of 800 X 600, streaming a 3D point cloud at 30 frames per second (FPS) would require a throughput of over 1.3 Gbps. This amount of throughput is large for a PCIe bus, and too much for most commodity network cards. Conventional approaches involve serializing the data into a compressible state such as a polygon file format (PLY) or Wavefront object (OBJ) file. While this technique works well for structured 3D geometry, such as that created with computer aided drafting (CAD) or 3D modeling software, this does not hold true for 3D scanned data as it is inherently unstructured. A challenge arises when trying to compress this unstructured 3D information in such a way that it can be easily utilized with existing infrastructure. To address the need for real-time 3D video compression, new techniques entitled Holoimage and Holovideo are presented, which have the ability to compress, respectively, 3D geometry and 3D video into 2D counterparts and apply both lossless and lossy encoding. Similar to the aforementioned 3D scanning pipeline, these techniques make use of a completely parallel pipeline for encoding and decoding; this affords high speed processing on the GPU, as well as compression before streaming the data over the PCIe bus. Once in the compressed 2D state, the information can be streamed and saved until the 3D information is needed, at which point 3D geometry can be reconstructed while maintaining a low amount of reconstruction error. Further enhancements of the technique have allowed additional information, such as texture information, to be encoded by reducing the bit rate of the data through image dithering. This allows both the 3D video and associated 2D texture information to be interlaced and compressed into 2D video, synchronizing the streams automatically. The third challenge this dissertation addresses is achieving correct eye gaze in video conferencing. In 2D video conferencing, loss of correct eye gaze commonly occurs, due to a disparity between the capture and display optical axes. Conventional approaches to mitigate this issue involve either reducing the angle of disparity between the axes by increasing the distance of the user to the system, or merging the axes through the use of beam splitters. Newer approaches to this issue make use of 3D capture and display technology, as the angle of disparity can be corrected through transforms of the 3D data. Challenges arise when trying to create such novel systems, as all aspects of the pipeline, capture, transmission, and redisplay must be simultaneously achieved in real-time with the massive amounts of 3D data. Finally, the Portal-s system is presented, which is an integration of all the aforementioned technologies into a holistic software and hardware system that enables real-time 3D video conferencing with correct mutual eye gaze. To overcome the loss of eye contact in conventional video conferencing, Portal-s makes use of dual structured-light scanners that capture through the same optical axis as the display. The real-time 3D video frames generated on the GPU are then compressed using the Holovideo technique. This allows the 3D video to be streamed across a conventional network or the Internet, and redisplayed at a remote node for another user on the Holographic display glass. Utilizing two connected Portal-s nodes, users of the systems can engage in 3D video conferencing with natural eye gaze established. In conclusion, this dissertation research substantially advances the field of real-time 3D scanning and its applications. Contributions of this research span into both academic and industrial practices, where the use of this information has allowed users new methods of interaction and analysis of the 3D world around them


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    The overarching goal of Augmented Reality (AR) is to provide users with the illusion that virtual and real objects coexist indistinguishably in the same space. An effective persistent illusion requires accurate registration between the real and the virtual objects, registration that is spatially and temporally coherent. However, visible misregistration can be caused by many inherent error sources, such as errors in calibration, tracking, and modeling, and system delay. This dissertation focuses on new methods that could be considered part of "the last mile" of spatio-temporal registration in AR: closed-loop spatial registration and low-latency temporal registration: 1. For spatial registration, the primary insight is that calibration, tracking and modeling are means to an end---the ultimate goal is registration. In this spirit I present a novel pixel-wise closed-loop registration approach that can automatically minimize registration errors using a reference model comprised of the real scene model and the desired virtual augmentations. Registration errors are minimized in both global world space via camera pose refinement, and local screen space via pixel-wise adjustments. This approach is presented in the context of Video See-Through AR (VST-AR) and projector-based Spatial AR (SAR), where registration results are measurable using a commodity color camera. 2. For temporal registration, the primary insight is that the real-virtual relationships are evolving throughout the tracking, rendering, scanout, and display steps, and registration can be improved by leveraging fine-grained processing and display mechanisms. In this spirit I introduce a general end-to-end system pipeline with low latency, and propose an algorithm for minimizing latency in displays (DLP DMD projectors in particular). This approach is presented in the context of Optical See-Through AR (OST-AR), where system delay is the most detrimental source of error. I also discuss future steps that may further improve spatio-temporal registration. Particularly, I discuss possibilities for using custom virtual or physical-virtual fiducials for closed-loop registration in SAR. The custom fiducials can be designed to elicit desirable optical signals that directly indicate any error in the relative pose between the physical and projected virtual objects.Doctor of Philosoph