56 research outputs found

    A General Framework for Analyzing, Characterizing, and Implementing Spectrally Modulated, Spectrally Encoded Signals

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    Fourth generation (4G) communications will support many capabilities while providing universal, high speed access. One potential enabler for these capabilities is software defined radio (SDR). When controlled by cognitive radio (CR) principles, the required waveform diversity is achieved via a synergistic union called CR-based SDR. Research is rapidly progressing in SDR hardware and software venues, but current CR-based SDR research lacks the theoretical foundation and analytic framework to permit efficient implementation. This limitation is addressed here by introducing a general framework for analyzing, characterizing, and implementing spectrally modulated, spectrally encoded (SMSE) signals within CR-based SDR architectures. Given orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a 4G candidate signal, OFDM-based signals are collectively classified as SMSE since modulation and encoding are spectrally applied. The proposed framework provides analytic commonality and unification of SMSE signals. Applicability is first shown for candidate 4G signals, and resultant analytic expressions agree with published results. Implementability is then demonstrated in multiple coexistence scenarios via modeling and simulation to reinforce practical utility

    Design of large polyphase filters in the Quadratic Residue Number System

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    Temperature aware power optimization for multicore floating-point units

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    Agile wireless transmission strategies

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    Orbital Angular Momentum Waves: Generation, Detection and Emerging Applications

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    Orbital angular momentum (OAM) has aroused a widespread interest in many fields, especially in telecommunications due to its potential for unleashing new capacity in the severely congested spectrum of commercial communication systems. Beams carrying OAM have a helical phase front and a field strength with a singularity along the axial center, which can be used for information transmission, imaging and particle manipulation. The number of orthogonal OAM modes in a single beam is theoretically infinite and each mode is an element of a complete orthogonal basis that can be employed for multiplexing different signals, thus greatly improving the spectrum efficiency. In this paper, we comprehensively summarize and compare the methods for generation and detection of optical OAM, radio OAM and acoustic OAM. Then, we represent the applications and technical challenges of OAM in communications, including free-space optical communications, optical fiber communications, radio communications and acoustic communications. To complete our survey, we also discuss the state of art of particle manipulation and target imaging with OAM beams

    Multi-user detection for multi-carrier communication systems

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    Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringBalasubramaniam NatarajanWireless broadband communications is a rapidly growing industry. New enabling technologies such as multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) are shaping the future of wireless systems. However, research efforts in improving MC-CDMA receiver performance have received limited attention and there is a need for innovative receiver designs for next generation MC-CDMA. In this thesis, we propose novel multi-user detection (MUD) schemes to enhance the performance of both synchronous and asynchronous MC-CDMA. First, we adapt the ant colony optimization (ACO) approach to solve the optimal MUD problem in MC-CDMA systems. Our simulations indicate that the ACO based MUD converges to the optimal BER performance in relatively few iterations providing more that 95% savings in computational complexity. Second, we propose a new MUD structure specifically for asynchronous MC-CDMA. Previously proposed MUDs for asynchronous MC-CDMA perform the detection for one user (desired user) at a time, mandating multiple runs of the algorithm to detect all users' symbols. In this thesis, for the first time we present a MUD structure that detects all users' symbols simultaneously in one run by extending the receiver's integration window to capture the energy scattered in two consecutive symbol durations. We derive the optimal, decorrelator and minimum mean square error (MMSE) MUD for the extended window case. Our simulations demonstrate that the proposed MUD structures not only perform similar to a MUD that detects one user at a time, but its computational complexity is significantly lower. Finally, we extend the MUD ideas to multicarrier implementation of single carrier systems. Specifically, we employ the novel MUD structure as a multi-symbol detection scheme in CI-CDMA and illustrate the resulting performance gain via simulations

    Measurements and characterization of optical wireless communications through biological tissues

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    Abstract. Radio frequency (RF) has been predominantly utilized for wireless transmission of data across biological tissues. However, RF communications need to address several challenges like interference, safety, security, and privacy, which often hamper the communications through the tissues. To mitigate these challenges, light-based communication can be exploited, as optical wireless communications have unique advantages in terms of security, interference and safety. In this thesis work, we have utilized near-infrared (NIR) light to investigate the feasibility of optical wireless data transfer through biological tissues. To understand the basics of optical communications through biological tissues (OCBT), fresh meat samples and optical phantoms have been used as models of living biological tissues. An experimental testbed containing a data modulated light source and a photodetector was implemented to carry out different measurements regarding the OCBT concept. We have explored the influence of parameters like transmitted optical power, temperature of the tissue, tissue thickness, and position of the light source on the performance of the light-based through-tissue communication system. Analysis of the measurement data allowed us to compare and characterize the effect of used optical elements for better performance evaluation of the optical communication system. We have successfully transmitted a high-resolution image file through a 3 cm thick pork tissue sample. The maximum transmitted power through the tissue sample during the optical communication was 231.4 mW/cm2, which is well below the limits defined by standard of safety regulation. A data rate of 22 kilobits per second has been achieved with the experimental system. Practical limitations of the current testbed prevented obtaining a higher data throughput. The results indicate a dependence of optical received power with respect to the tissue temperature. Moreover, we found both thickness and compositional differences of the biological tissues have a significant impact on the transmittance rate. This thesis work can be considered as a part of the development of 6G technology. The outcomes of this pilot study are very promising, and in the future, numerous potential applications based on OCBT could be developed, including wireless communications to implanted devices, in-body sensors, smart pills, and others

    Design and implementation of an SDR-based multi-frequency ground-based SAR system

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) has proven a valuable tool in the monitoring of the Earth, either at a global or local scales. SAR is a coherent radar system able to image extended areas with high resolution, and finds applications in many areas such as forestry, agriculture, mining, structure inspection or security operations. Although space-borne SAR systems can image extended areas, their main limitation is the long revisit times, which are not suitable for applications where the target experiments rapid changes, in the scale of minutes to few days. GBSAR systems have proven useful to fill this revisit time gap by imaging relatively small areas continuously, with extensions usually smaller than a few square kilometers. Ground Based SAR (GBSAR) systems have been used extensively for the monitoring of slope instability, and are a common tool in the mining sector. The development of the GBSAR is relatively recent, and various developments have taken place since the 2000s, transitioning from the usage of Vector Network Analyzers (VNAs) to custom radar cores tailored for this application. This transition is accompanied by a reduction in cost, but at the same time is accompanied by a loss of operational flexibility. Specifically, most GBSAR sensors now operate at a single frequency, losing the value of the multi-band operation that VNAs provided. This work is motivated by the idea that it is worth to use the value of multi-frequency GBSAR measurements, while maintaining a limited system cost. In order to implement a GBSAR with these characteristics, it is realized that Software Defined Radio (SDR) devices are a good option for fast and flexible implementation of broadband transceivers. This thesis details the design and implementation process of an SDR-based Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) GBSAR system from the ground up, presenting the main issues related with the usage of the most common SDR analog architecture, the Zero-IF transceiver. The main problem is determined to be the behavior of spurs related to IQ imbalances of the analog transceiver with the FMCW demodulation process. Two effective techniques to overcome these issues, the Super Spatial Variant Apodization (SSVA) and the Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) signal reconstruction techniques, are implemented and tested. The thesis also deals with the digital implementation of the signal generator and digital receiver, which are implemented on top of an RF Network-on-Chip (RFNoC) architecture in the SDR Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Another important aspect of this work is the development of an radiofrequency front-end that extends the capabilities of the SDR, implementing filtering, amplification, leakage mitigation and up-conversion to X-band. Finally, a set of test campaigns is described, in which the operation of the system is verified and the value of multi-frequency GBSAR observations is shown.El radar d'obertura sintètica (SAR) ha demostrat ser una eina valuosa en el monitoratge de la Terra, sigui a escala global o local. El SAR és un sistema de radar coherent capaç d’obtenir imatges de zones extenses amb alta resolució i té aplicacions en moltes àrees com la silvicultura, l’agricultura, la mineria, la inspecció d’estructures o les operacions de seguretat. Tot i que els sistemes SAR embarcats en plataformes orbitals poden obtenir imatges d'àrees extenses, la seva principal limitació és el temps de revisita, que no són adequats per a aplicacions on l'objectiu experimenta canvis ràpids, en una escala de minuts a pocs dies. Els sistemes GBSAR han demostrat ser útils per omplir aquesta bretxa de temps, obtenint imatges d'àrees relativament petites de manera contínua, amb extensions generalment inferiors a uns pocs quilòmetres quadrats. Els sistemes SAR terrestres (GBSAR) s’han utilitzat àmpliament per al control de la inestabilitat de talussos i esllavissades i són una eina comuna al sector miner. El desenvolupament del GBSAR és relativament recent i s’han produït diversos desenvolupaments des de la dècada de 2000, passant de l’ús d’analitzadors de xarxes vectorials (VNA) a nuclis de radar personalitzats i adaptats a aquesta aplicació. Aquesta transició s’acompanya d’una reducció del cost, però al mateix temps d’una pèrdua de flexibilitat operativa. Concretament, la majoria dels sensors GBSAR funcionen a una única freqüència, perdent el valor de l’operació en múltiples bandes que proporcionaven els VNA. Aquesta tesi està motivada per la idea de recuperar el valor de les mesures GBSAR multifreqüència, mantenint un cost del sistema limitat. Per tal d’implementar un GBSAR amb aquestes característiques, s’adona que els dispositius de ràdio definida per software (SDR) són una bona opció per a la implementació ràpida i flexible dels transceptors de banda ampla. Aquesta tesi detalla el procés de disseny i implementació d’un sistema GBSAR d’ona contínua modulada en freqüència (FMCW) basat en la tecnologia SDR, presentant els principals problemes relacionats amb l’ús de l’arquitectura analògica de SDR més comuna, el transceptor Zero-IF. Es determina que el problema principal és el comportament dels espuris relacionats amb el balanç de les cadenes de fase i quadratura del transceptor analògic amb el procés de desmodulació FMCW. S’implementen i comproven dues tècniques efectives per minimitzar aquests problemes basades en la reconstrucció de la senyal contaminada per espuris: la tècnica anomenada Super Spatial Variant Apodization (SSVA) i una tècnica basada en la transformada de Fourier amb finestra (STFT). La tesi també tracta la implementació digital del generador de senyal i del receptor digital, que s’implementen sobre una arquitectura RF Network-on-Chip (RFNoC). Un altre aspecte important d’aquesta tesi és el desenvolupament d’un front-end de radiofreqüència que amplia les capacitats de la SDR, implementant filtratge, amplificació, millora de l'aïllament entre transmissió i recepció i conversió a banda X. Finalment, es descriu un conjunt de campanyes de prova en què es verifica el funcionament del sistema i es mostra el valor de les observacions GBSAR multifreqüència
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