9 research outputs found

    The Efficient Evaluation of the Hypergeometric Function of a Matrix Argument

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    We present new algorithms that efficiently approximate the hypergeometric function of a matrix argument through its expansion as a series of Jack functions. Our algorithms exploit the combinatorial properties of the Jack function, and have complexity that is only linear in the size of the matrix.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Subtraction-free complexity, cluster transformations, and spanning trees

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    Rank-deficient submatrices of Fourier matrices

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    AbstractWe consider the maximal rank-deficient submatrices of Fourier matrices with order a power of a prime number. We do this by considering a hierarchical subdivision of these matrices into low rank blocks. We also explore some connections with the fast Fourier transform (FFT), and with an uncertainty principle for Fourier transforms over finite Abelian groups

    The Horn Problem for Real Symmetric and Quaternionic Self-Dual Matrices

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    Horn's problem, i.e., the study of the eigenvalues of the sum C=A+BC=A+B of two matrices, given the spectrum of AA and of BB, is re-examined, comparing the case of real symmetric, complex Hermitian and self-dual quaternionic 3×33\times 3 matrices. In particular, what can be said on the probability distribution function (PDF) of the eigenvalues of CC if AA and BB are independently and uniformly distributed on their orbit under the action of, respectively, the orthogonal, unitary and symplectic group? While the two latter cases (Hermitian and quaternionic) may be studied by use of explicit formulae for the relevant orbital integrals, the case of real symmetric matrices is much harder. It is also quite intriguing, since numerical experiments reveal the occurrence of singularities where the PDF of the eigenvalues diverges. Here we show that the computation of the PDF of the symmetric functions of the eigenvalues for traceless 3×33\times 3 matrices may be carried out in terms of algebraic functions;- roots of quartic polynomials;- and their integrals. The computation is carried out in detail in a particular case, and reproduces the expected singular patterns. The divergences are of logarithmic or inverse power type. We also relate this PDF to the (rescaled) structure constants of zonal polynomials and introduce a zonal analogue of the Weyl SU(n){\rm SU}(n) characters

    Polynomial Total Positivity and High Relative Accuracy Through Schur Polynomials

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    In this paper, Schur polynomials are used to provide a bidiagonal decomposition of polynomial collocation matrices. The symmetry of Schur polynomials is exploited to analyze the total positivity on some unbounded intervals of a relevant class of polynomial bases. The proposed factorization is used to achieve relative errors of the order of the unit round-off when solving algebraic problems involving the collocation matrix of relevant polynomial bases, such as the Hermite basis. The numerical experimentation illustrates the accurate results obtained when using the findings of the paper

    Central Charge and Quasihole Scaling Dimensions From Model Wavefunctions: Towards Relating Jack Wavefunctions to W-algebras

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    We present a general method to obtain the central charge and quasihole scaling dimension directly from groundstate and quasihole wavefunctions. Our method applies to wavefunctions satisfying specific clustering properties. We then use our method to examine the relation between Jack symmetric functions and certain W-algebras. We add substantially to the evidence that the (k,r) admissible Jack functions correspond to correlators of the conformal field theory W_k(k+1,k+r), by calculating the central charge and scaling dimensions of some of the fields in both cases and showing that they match. For the Jacks described by unitary W-models, the central charge and quasihole exponents match the ones previously obtained from analyzing the physics of the edge excitations. For the Jacks described by non-unitary W-models the central charge and quasihole scaling dimensions obtained from the wavefunctions differ from the ones obtained from the edge physics, which instead agree with the "effective" central charge of the corresponding W-model.Comment: 22 pages, no figure