2,853 research outputs found

    Accuracy assessment of global and local atrophy measurement techniques with realistic simulated longitudinal data

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    The main goal of this work was to assess the accuracy of several well-known methods which provide global (BSI and SIENA) or local (Jacobian integration) estimates of longitudinal atrophy in brain structures using Magnetic Resonance images. For that purpose, we have generated realistic simulated images which mimic the patterns of change obtained from a cohort of 19 real controls and 27 probable Alzheimer's disease patients. SIENA and BSI results correlate very well with gold standard data (BSI mean absolute error < 0.29%; SIENA < 0.44%). Jacobian integration was guided by both fluid and FFD-based registration techniques and resulting deformation fields and associated Jacobians were compared, region by region, with gold standard ones. The FFD registration technique provided more satisfactory results than the fluid one. Mean absolute error differences between volume changes given by the FFD-based technique and the gold standard were: sulcal CSF < 2.49%; lateral ventricles < 2.25%; brain < 0.36%; hippocampi < 1.42%

    Evaluation of local and global atrophy measurement techniques with simulated Alzheimer's disease data

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    The main goal of this work was to evaluate several well-known methods which provide global (BSI and SIENA) or local (Jacobian integration) estimates of atrophy in brain structures using Magnetic Resonance images. For that purpose, we have generated realistic simulated Alzheimer's disease images in which volume changes are modelled with a Finite Element thermoelastic model, which mimic the patterns of change obtained from a cohort of 19 real controls and 27 probable Alzheimer's disease patients. SIENA and BSI results correlate very well with gold standard data (BSI mean absolute error <0.29%; SIENA <0.44%). Jacobian integration was guided by both fluid and FFD-based registration techniques and resulting deformation fields and associated Jacobians were compared, region by region, with gold standard ones. The FFD registration technique provided more satisfactory results than the fluid one. Mean absolute error differences between volume changes given by the FFD-based technique and the gold standard were: sulcal CSF <2.49%; lateral ventricles 2.25%; brain <0.36%; hippocampi <0.42%

    Phenomenological model of diffuse global and regional atrophy using finite-element methods

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    The main goal of this work is the generation of ground-truth data for the validation of atrophy measurement techniques, commonly used in the study of neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia. Several techniques have been used to measure atrophy in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, but it is extremely difficult to compare their performance since they have been applied to different patient populations. Furthermore, assessment of performance based on phantom measurements or simple scaled images overestimates these techniques' ability to capture the complexity of neurodegeneration of the human brain. We propose a method for atrophy simulation in structural magnetic resonance (MR) images based on finite-element methods. The method produces cohorts of brain images with known change that is physically and clinically plausible, providing data for objective evaluation of atrophy measurement techniques. Atrophy is simulated in different tissue compartments or in different neuroanatomical structures with a phenomenological model. This model of diffuse global and regional atrophy is based on volumetric measurements such as the brain or the hippocampus, from patients with known disease and guided by clinical knowledge of the relative pathological involvement of regions and tissues. The consequent biomechanical readjustment of structures is modelled using conventional physics-based techniques based on biomechanical tissue properties and simulating plausible tissue deformations with finite-element methods. A thermoelastic model of tissue deformation is employed, controlling the rate of progression of atrophy by means of a set of thermal coefficients, each one corresponding to a different type of tissue. Tissue characterization is performed by means of the meshing of a labelled brain atlas, creating a reference volumetric mesh that will be introduced to a finite-element solver to create the simulated deformations. Preliminary work on the simulation of acquisition artefa- - cts is also presented. Cross-sectional and

    A model of brain morphological changes related to aging and Alzheimer's disease from cross-sectional assessments

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    In this study we propose a deformation-based framework to jointly model the influence of aging and Alzheimer's disease (AD) on the brain morphological evolution. Our approach combines a spatio-temporal description of both processes into a generative model. A reference morphology is deformed along specific trajectories to match subject specific morphologies. It is used to define two imaging progression markers: 1) a morphological age and 2) a disease score. These markers can be computed locally in any brain region. The approach is evaluated on brain structural magnetic resonance images (MRI) from the ADNI database. The generative model is first estimated on a control population, then, for each subject, the markers are computed for each acquisition. The longitudinal evolution of these markers is then studied in relation with the clinical diagnosis of the subjects and used to generate possible morphological evolution. In the model, the morphological changes associated with normal aging are mainly found around the ventricles, while the Alzheimer's disease specific changes are more located in the temporal lobe and the hippocampal area. The statistical analysis of these markers highlights differences between clinical conditions even though the inter-subject variability is quiet high. In this context, the model can be used to generate plausible morphological trajectories associated with the disease. Our method gives two interpretable scalar imaging biomarkers assessing the effects of aging and disease on brain morphology at the individual and population level. These markers confirm an acceleration of apparent aging for Alzheimer's subjects and can help discriminate clinical conditions even in prodromal stages. More generally, the joint modeling of normal and pathological evolutions shows promising results to describe age-related brain diseases over long time scales.Comment: NeuroImage, Elsevier, In pres

    MIRIAD--Public release of a multiple time point Alzheimer's MR imaging dataset

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    The Minimal Interval Resonance Imaging in Alzheimer's Disease (MIRIAD) dataset is a series of longitudinal volumetric T1 MRI scans of 46 mild-moderate Alzheimer's subjects and 23 controls. It consists of 708 scans conducted by the same radiographer with the same scanner and sequences at intervals of 2, 6, 14, 26, 38 and 52 weeks, 18 and 24 months from baseline, with accompanying information on gender, age and Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores. Details of the cohort and imaging results have been described in peer-reviewed publications, and the data are here made publicly available as a common resource for researchers to develop, validate and compare techniques, particularly for measurement of longitudinal volume change in serially acquired MR

    Recommendations to improve imaging and analysis of brain lesion load and atrophy in longitudinal studies of multiple sclerosis

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    Focal lesions and brain atrophy are the most extensively studied aspects of multiple sclerosis (MS), but the image acquisition and analysis techniques used can be further improved, especially those for studying within-patient changes of lesion load and atrophy longitudinally. Improved accuracy and sensitivity will reduce the numbers of patients required to detect a given treatment effect in a trial, and ultimately, will allow reliable characterization of individual patients for personalized treatment. Based on open issues in the field of MS research, and the current state of the art in magnetic resonance image analysis methods for assessing brain lesion load and atrophy, this paper makes recommendations to improve these measures for longitudinal studies of MS. Briefly, they are (1) images should be acquired using 3D pulse sequences, with near-isotropic spatial resolution and multiple image contrasts to allow more comprehensive analyses of lesion load and atrophy, across timepoints. Image artifacts need special attention given their effects on image analysis results. (2) Automated image segmentation methods integrating the assessment of lesion load and atrophy are desirable. (3) A standard dataset with benchmark results should be set up to facilitate development, calibration, and objective evaluation of image analysis methods for MS

    Evaluation of cerebral cortex viscoelastic property estimation with nonlinear inversion magnetic resonance elastography

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    Objective. Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) of the brain has shown promise as a sensitive neuroimaging biomarker for neurodegenerative disorders; however, the accuracy of performing MRE of the cerebral cortex warrants investigation due to the unique challenges of studying thinner and more complex geometries. Approach. A series of realistic, whole-brain simulation experiments are performed to examine the accuracy of MRE to measure the viscoelasticity (shear stiffness, μ, and damping ratio, ξ) of cortical structures predominantly effected in aging and neurodegeneration. Variations to MRE spatial resolution and the regularization of a nonlinear inversion (NLI) approach are examined. Main results. Higher-resolution MRE displacement data (1.25 mm isotropic resolution) and NLI with a low soft prior regularization weighting provided minimal measurement error compared to other studied protocols. With the optimized protocol, an average error in μ and ξ was 3% and 11%, respectively, when compared with the known ground truth. Mid-line structures, as opposed to those on the cortical surface, generally display greater error. Varying model boundary conditions and reducing the thickness of the cortex by up to 0.67 mm (which is a realistic portrayal of neurodegenerative pathology) results in no loss in reconstruction accuracy. Significance. These experiments establish quantitative guidelines for the accuracy expected of in vivo MRE of the cortex, with the proposed method providing valid MRE measures for future investigations into cortical viscoelasticity and relationships with health, cognition, and behavior

    Partial Volume Correction in Quantitative Amyloid Imaging.

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    Amyloid imaging is a valuable tool for research and diagnosis in dementing disorders. As positron emission tomography (PET) scanners have limited spatial resolution, measured signals are distorted by partial volume effects. Various techniques have been proposed for correcting partial volume effects, but there is no consensus as to whether these techniques are necessary in amyloid imaging, and, if so, how they should be implemented. We evaluated a two-component partial volume correction technique and a regional spread function technique using both simulated and human Pittsburgh compound B (PiB) PET imaging data. Both correction techniques compensated for partial volume effects and yielded improved detection of subtle changes in PiB retention. However, the regional spread function technique was more accurate in application to simulated data. Because PiB retention estimates depend on the correction technique, standardization is necessary to compare results across groups. Partial volume correction has sometimes been avoided because it increases the sensitivity to inaccuracy in image registration and segmentation. However, our results indicate that appropriate PVC may enhance our ability to detect changes in amyloid deposition