7,747 research outputs found

    Long-range epidemic spreading with immunization

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    We study the phase transition between survival and extinction in an epidemic process with long-range interactions and immunization. This model can be viewed as the well-known general epidemic process (GEP) in which nearest-neighbor interactions are replaced by Levy flights over distances r which are distributed as P(r) ~ r^(-d-sigma). By extensive numerical simulations we confirm previous field-theoretical results obtained by Janssen et al. [Eur. Phys. J. B7, 137 (1999)].Comment: LaTeX, 14 pages, 4 eps figure

    Penetrable-Square-Well fluids: Analytical study and Monte Carlo simulations

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    We study structural and thermophysical properties of a one-dimensional classical fluid made of penetrable spheres interacting via an attractive square-well potential. Penetrability of the spheres is enforced by reducing from infinite to finite the repulsive energy barrier in the pair potentials As a consequence, an exact analytical solution is lacking even in one dimension. Building upon previous exact analytical work in the low-density limit [Santos \textit{et al.}, Phys. Rev. E \text{77}, 051206 (2008)], we propose an approximate theory valid at any density and in the low-penetrable regime. By comparison with specialized Monte Carlo simulations and integral equation theories, we assess the regime of validity of the theory. We investigate the degree of inconsistency among the various routes to thermodynamics and explore the possibility of a fluid-fluid transition. Finally we locate the dependence of the Fisher-Widom line on the degree of penetrability. Our results constitute the first systematic study of penetrable spheres with attractions as a prototype model for soft systems.Comment: 26 pages and 9 figure

    A Sampling Strategy for High-Dimensional Spaces Applied to Free-Form Gravitational Lensing

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    We present a novel proposal strategy for the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm designed to efficiently sample general convex polytopes in 100 or more dimensions. This improves upon previous sampling strategies used for free-form reconstruction of gravitational lenses, but is general enough to be applied to other fields. We have written a parallel implementation within the lens modeling framework GLASS. Testing shows that we are able to produce uniform uncorrelated random samples which are necessary for exploring the degeneracies inherent in lens reconstruction.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    A Stellar Mass Threshold for Quenching of Field Galaxies

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    We demonstrate that dwarf galaxies (10^7 < M_stellar < 10^9 Msun) with no active star formation are extremely rare (<0.06%) in the field. Our sample is based on the NASA-Sloan Atlas which is a re-analysis of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 8. We examine the relative number of quenched versus star forming dwarf galaxies, defining quenched galaxies as having no Halpha emission (EW_Halpha < 2 AA) and a strong 4000AA-break. The fraction of quenched dwarf galaxies decreases rapidly with increasing distance from a massive host, leveling off for distances beyond 1.5 Mpc. We define galaxies beyond 1.5 Mpc of a massive host galaxy to be in the field. We demonstrate that there is a stellar mass threshold of M_stellar < 1.0x10^9 Msun below which quenched galaxies do not exist in the field. Below this threshold, we find that none of the 2951 field dwarf galaxies are quenched; all field dwarf galaxies show evidence for recent star formation. Correcting for volume effects, this corresponds to a 1-sigma upper limit on the quenched fraction of 0.06%. In more dense environments, quenched galaxies account for 23% of the dwarf population over the same stellar mass range. The majority of quenched dwarf galaxies (often classified as dwarf elliptical galaxies) are within 2 virial radii of a massive galaxy, and only a few percent of quenched dwarf galaxies exist beyond 4 virial radii. Thus, for galaxies with stellar mass less than 1.0x10^9 Msun, ending star-formation requires the presence of a more massive neighbor, providing a stringent constraint on models of star formation feedback.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted to Ap

    Social interactions dominate speed control in driving natural flocks toward criticality

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    Flocks of birds exhibit a remarkable degree of coordination and collective response. It is not just that thousands of individuals fly, on average, in the same direction and at the same speed, but that even the fluctuations around the mean velocity are correlated over long distances. Quantitative measurements on flocks of starlings, in particular, show that these fluctuations are scale-free, with effective correlation lengths proportional to the linear size of the flock. Here we construct models for the joint distribution of velocities in the flock that reproduce the observed local correlations between individuals and their neighbors, as well as the variance of flight speeds across individuals, but otherwise have as little structure as possible. These minimally structured, or maximum entropy models provide quantitative, parameter-free predictions for the spread of correlations throughout the flock, and these are in excellent agreement with the data. These models are mathematically equivalent to statistical physics models for ordering in magnets, and the correct prediction of scale-free correlations arises because the parameters - completely determined by the data - are in the critical regime. In biological terms, criticality allows the flock to achieve maximal correlation across long distances with limited speed fluctuations

    Correlations and enlarged superconducting phase of tt-JJ_\perp chains of ultracold molecules on optical lattices

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    We compute physical properties across the phase diagram of the tt-JJ_\perp chain with long-range dipolar interactions, which describe ultracold polar molecules on optical lattices. Our results obtained by the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) indicate that superconductivity is enhanced when the Ising component JzJ_z of the spin-spin interaction and the charge component VV are tuned to zero, and even further by the long-range dipolar interactions. At low densities, a substantially larger spin gap is obtained. We provide evidence that long-range interactions lead to algebraically decaying correlation functions despite the presence of a gap. Although this has recently been observed in other long-range interacting spin and fermion models, the correlations in our case have the peculiar property of having a small and continuously varying exponent. We construct simple analytic models and arguments to understand the most salient features.Comment: published version with minor modification