6 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient Network Function Virtualisation in 5G Networks

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    Once the dust settled around 4G, 5G mobile networks become the buzz word in the world of communication systems. The recent surge of bandwidth-greedy applications and the proliferation of smart phones and other wireless connected devices has led to an enormous increase in mobile traffic. Therefore, 5G networks have to deal with a huge number of connected devices of different types and applications, including devices running life-critical applications, and facilitate access to mobile resources easily. Therefore given the increase in traffic and number of connected devices, intelligent and energy efficient architectures are needed to adequately and sustainably meet these requirements. In this thesis network function virtualisation is investigated as a promising paradigm that can contribute to energy consumption reduction in 5G networks. The work carried out in this thesis considers the energy efficiency mainly in terms of processing power consumption and network power consumption. Furthermore, it considers the energy consumption reduction that can be achieved by optimising the locations of virtual machines running the mobile 5G network functions. It also evaluates the consolidation and pooling of the mobile resources. A framework was introduced to virtualise the mobile core network functions and baseband processing functions. Mixed integer linear programming optimisation models and heuristics were developed minimise the total power consumption. The impact of virtualisation in the 5G front haul and back haul passive optical network was investigated by developing MILP models to optimise the location of virtual machines. A further consideration is caching the contents close to the user and its impact on the total power consumption. The impact of a number of factor on the power consumption were investigated such as the total number of active users, the backhaul to the fronthaul traffic ratio, reduction/expansion in the traffic due to baseband processing, and the communication between virtual machines. Finally, the integration of network function virtualisation and content caching were introduced and their impact on improving the energy efficiency was investigated

    A simulation study of access protocols for optical burst-switched ring networks

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    Abstract. In this paper, we consider a WDM metro ring architecture with optical burst switching. Several access protocols are proposed and their performance is analyzed by simulation.

    Algorithm With Linear Computational Complexity For Batch Scheduling In Obs Networks

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    This paper introduces a batch scheduling algorithm for OBS networks which has linear computational complexity. A transformation of the problem formulation is applied to allow the modeling of the problem as a job scheduling with identical machine type of problem. The proposed algorithm was compared to several other heuristic. Results show that it produces a lower bound to the blocking probability of those given by heuristics and it is only 3% slower than the fastest one. © 2011 IEEE. IEEE Communication Society,IEICE Communications Society,Science Council of JapanXiong, Y., Vandenhoute, M., Cankaya, C., Design and analysis of optical burst-switched networks (1999) SPIE'99 Conf. All Optical Networking: Architecture, Control and Management Issues, 3843, pp. 112-119Xu, L., Perros, H.G., Rouskas, G.N., A Simulation Study of Access Protocols for Optical Burst-Switched Ring Networks (2003) Computer Networks, 41, pp. 143-160Xu, J., Qiao, C., Li, J., Xu, G., Efficient channel scheduling algorithms in optical burst switched networks (2003) IEEE INFOCOM, 3, pp. 2268-2278Yu, X., Li, J., Cao, X., Chen, Y., Qiao, C., Traffic statistics and performance evaluation in optical burst switched networks (2004) Journal of Lightwave Technology, 22 (12), pp. 2722-2738Xiong, Y., Vandenhoute, M., Cankaya, C., Control architecture in optical burst-switched wdm networks (2000) IEEE Journal of Selected Areas on Communications, pp. 1838-1851Wang, X., Morikawa, H., Aoyama, T., Priority-based wavelength assignment algorithm for optical burst switched photonic networks Optical Fiber Communications Conference, 2002, pp. 765-766Turner, J., Terabit burst switching (1999) Journal of High Speed Networking, pp. 3-16Murty, C., Gurusamy, M., (2002) WDM Optical Networks: Concepts, Design and Algorithms, , Prentice HallLi, J., Qiao, C., Schedule bursts proactively for optical burst switched networks (2004) Computer Networks, 44, pp. 617-629Kaheel, A., Alnuweiri, H., Batch scheduling algorithms for optical burst switching networks (2005) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3462 (2005), pp. 90-101Figueiredo, G.B., Xavier, E.C., Da Fonseca, N.L.S., An optimal batch scheduling algorithm for obs networks (2009) IEEE Globecom, pp. 1-6Bouzina, K.I., Emmons, H., Interval scheduling on identical machines (1996) Journal of Global Optimization, 9 (3-4), pp. 379-393Arkin, E.M., Silverberg, E.B., Scheduling jobs with fixed start and end times (1987) Discrete Applied Mathematics, 18, pp. 1-8Charcranoon, S., El-Bawab, T.S., Cankaya, H.C., Shin, J.D., Group scheduling for optical burst switched (obs) networks (2003) Globecom, pp. 2745-2749Figueiredo, G.B., (2009) Control Mechanisms for Optical Burst Switching Networks, , Ph.D. dissertation, Institute of Computing, University of Campina

    An Optimal Batch Scheduling Algorithm For Obs Networks

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    This paper introduces an optimal batch scheduling algorithm for the scheduling of batches of bursts in optical burst switching networks. The algorithm, called BATCHOPT, considers both the requests being processed in the current batch and the requests previously scheduled in the search for an optimal solution. Moreover, an extended version of the JET reservation protocol is proposed for efficiently handling batches of bursts. Results obtained via simulation show that the BATCHOPT algorithm produces good performance when compared to other proposed existing algorithms.Qiao, C., Yoo, M., Choices, Features and Issues in Optical Burst Swirching (OBS) (2000) Optical Network Magazine, 1, pp. 36-44. , AprilTurner, J., Terabit burst switching (1999) Journal of High Speed Networking, pp. 3-16Xiong, Y., Vandenhoute, M., Cankaya Hakki, C., Design and analysis of optical burst-switched networks (1999) Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 3843, pp. 112-119Xiong, Y., Vandenhoute, M., Cankaya, H.C., Control architecture in optical burst-switched WDM networks (2000) IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 18 (10), pp. 1838-1851. , DOI 10.1109/49.887906Xu, L., Perros, H.G., Rouskas, G.N., A Simulation Study of Access Protocols for Optical Burst-Switched Ring Networks (2003) Computer Networks, 41, pp. 143-160Xu, J., Qiao, C., Li, J., Xu, G., Efficient channel scheduling algorithms in optical burst switched networks (2003) IEEE INFOCOM, 3, pp. 2268-2278Kaheel, A., Alnuweiri, H., Batch scheduling algorithms for optical burst switching networks (2005) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3462, pp. 90-101. , NETWORKING 2005 - Networking Technologies, Services, and ProtocolsPerformance of Computer and Communication NetworksMobile and Wireless Commun. Syst.: 4th Int. IFIP-TC6 Networking Conf., ProcCharcranoon, S., El-Bawab, T.S., Cankaya, H.C., Shin, J.D., Group scheduling for optical burst switched (obs) networks (2003) Globecom, pp. 2745-2749Arkin, E.M., Silverberg, E.B., Scheduling jobs with fixed start and end times (1987) Discrete Applied Mathematics, 18, pp. 1-8Rodrigues, J.J.P.C., Freire, M.M., Pascal, L., Impact of setup message processing and optical switch configuration times on the performance of ip over optical burst switching networks (2005) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3733 (20), pp. 264-273Elhaddad, M., Melhem, R., Znati, T., Basak, D., Traffic shaping and scheduling for obs-based ip/wdm backbones (2003) IEEE Opticom, 5285, pp. 336-345Morato, D., Aracil, J., Diez, L.A., On linear prediction of internet traffic for packet and burst switchin networks (2001) International Conference in Computer Communications Networks, pp. 138-143Liu, J., Ansari, N., Ott, T.J., Frr for latency reduction and qos provisioning in obs networks (2003) Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 21, pp. 1210-1219Maranhao, J., Soares, A., Giozza, W.F., A study on architectures of obs networks XXV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks, 2007, pp. 133-14