11 research outputs found

    Abstraction in situation calculus action theories

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    We develop a general framework for agent abstraction based on the situation calculus and the ConGolog agent programming language. We assume that we have a high-level specification and a low-level specification of the agent, both repre- sented as basic action theories. A refinement mapping specifies how each high-level action is implemented by a low- level ConGolog program and how each high-level fluent can be translated into a low-level formula. We define a notion of sound abstraction between such action theories in terms of the existence of a suitable bisimulation between their respective models. Sound abstractions have many useful properties that ensure that we can reason about the agent’s actions (e.g., executability, projection, and planning) at the abstract level, and refine and concretely execute them at the low level. We also characterize the notion of complete abstraction where all actions (including exogenous ones) that the high level thinks can happen can in fact occur at the low level

    Abstraction in situation calculus action theories

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    We develop a general framework for agent abstraction based on the situation calculus and the ConGolog agent programming language. We assume that we have a high-level specification and a low-level specification of the agent, both repre- sented as basic action theories. A refinement mapping specifies how each high-level action is implemented by a low- level ConGolog program and how each high-level fluent can be translated into a low-level formula. We define a notion of sound abstraction between such action theories in terms of the existence of a suitable bisimulation between their respective models. Sound abstractions have many useful properties that ensure that we can reason about the agent’s actions (e.g., executability, projection, and planning) at the abstract level, and refine and concretely execute them at the low level. We also characterize the notion of complete abstraction where all actions (including exogenous ones) that the high level thinks can happen can in fact occur at the low level

    Abstraction of Agents Executing Online and their Abilities in the Situation Calculus

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    We develop a general framework for abstracting online behavior of an agent that may acquire new knowledge during execution (e.g., by sensing), in the situation calculus and ConGolog. We assume that we have both a high-level action theory and a low-level one that represent the agent's behavior at different levels of detail. In this setting, we define ability to perform a task/achieve a goal, and then show that under some reasonable assumptions, if the agent has a strategy by which she is able to achieve a goal at the high level, then we can refine it into a low-level strategy to do so

    Hierarchical agent supervision

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    Agent supervision is a form of control/customization where a supervisor restricts the behavior of an agent to enforce certain requirements, while leaving the agent as much autonomy as possible. To facilitate supervision, it is often of interest to consider hierarchical models where a high level abstracts over low-level behavior details. We study hierarchical agent supervision in the context of the situation calculus and the ConGolog agent programming language, where we have a rich first-order representation of the agent state. We define the constraints that ensure that the controllability of in-dividual actions at the high level in fact captures the controllability of their implementation at the low level. On the basis of this, we show that we can obtain the maximally permissive supervisor by first considering only the high-level model and obtaining a high- level supervisor and then refining its actions locally, thus greatly simplifying the supervisor synthesis task

    Abstracting Noisy Robot Programs

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    Abstraction is a commonly used process to represent some low-level system by a more coarse specification with the goal to omit unnecessary details while preserving important aspects. While recent work on abstraction in the situation calculus has focused on non-probabilistic domains, we describe an approach to abstraction of probabilistic and dynamic systems. Based on a variant of the situation calculus with probabilistic belief, we define a notion of bisimulation that allows to abstract a detailed probabilistic basic action theory with noisy actuators and sensors by a possibly deterministic basic action theory. By doing so, we obtain abstract Golog programs that omit unnecessary details and which can be translated back to a detailed program for actual execution. This simplifies the implementation of noisy robot programs, opens up the possibility of using deterministic reasoning methods (e.g., planning) on probabilistic problems, and provides domain descriptions that are more easily understandable and explainable

    Abstraction of situation calculus concurrent game structures

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    Enhancing Temporal Planning Domains by Sequential Macro-actions (Extended Version)

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    Temporal planning is an extension of classical planning involving concurrent execution of actions and alignment with temporal constraints. Durative actions along with invariants allow for modeling domains in which multiple agents operate in parallel on shared resources. Hence, it is often important to avoid resource conflicts, where temporal constraints establish the consistency of concurrent actions and events. Unfortunately, the performance of temporal planning engines tends to sharply deteriorate when the number of agents and objects in a domain gets large. A possible remedy is to use macro-actions that are well-studied in the context of classical planning. In temporal planning settings, however, introducing macro-actions is significantly more challenging when the concurrent execution of actions and shared use of resources, provided the compliance to temporal constraints, should not be suppressed entirely. Our work contributes a general concept of sequential temporal macro-actions that guarantees the applicability of obtained plans, i.e., the sequence of original actions encapsulated by a macro-action is always executable. We apply our approach to several temporal planners and domains, stemming from the International Planning Competition and RoboCup Logistics League. Our experiments yield improvements in terms of obtained satisficing plans as well as plan quality for the majority of tested planners and domains

    Abstracting Probabilistic Models: Relations, Constraints and Beyond

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