181 research outputs found

    Abstract Interleaving Semantics for Reconfigurable Petri Nets

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    Reconfigurable Petri nets are Petri nets together with rules for the dynamic change of the nets. We employ them for the formal modeling in the context of the Living Place Hamburg, a smart home that is an urban apartment serving as  a laboratory for investigating different areas of ambient intelligence. The interaction of the resident and the smart home is modeled using informal descriptions of scenarios. These scenarios provide the resident's procedures together with the smart home's support. A case study using reconfigurable Petri nets for modeling these scenarios has required extensions of the theory and has clearly shown the need for an interleaving semantics for reconfigurable Petri nets. Scenarios are then given by nets, namely decorated place/transition nets that can be adapted to the evolving subgoals by applying rules that change the nets and hence the behavior of the smart home. Decorated place/transition nets are annotated place/transition nets with additional transition labels that may change when the transition is fired. To obtain such reconfigurable Petri nets  we prove that decorated place/transition nets  give rise to an M-adhesive HLR category. The abstract interleaving semantics we introduce is a graph with nodes that consist of an isomorphism class of the net structure and an isomorphism class of the current  marking. Arcs between these nodes represent computation steps being either a transition firing or a direct transformation

    On Modelling and Analysis of Dynamic Reconfiguration of Dependable Real-Time Systems

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    This paper motivates the need for a formalism for the modelling and analysis of dynamic reconfiguration of dependable real-time systems. We present requirements that the formalism must meet, and use these to evaluate well established formalisms and two process algebras that we have been developing, namely, Webpi and CCSdp. A simple case study is developed to illustrate the modelling power of these two formalisms. The paper shows how Webpi and CCSdp represent a significant step forward in modelling adaptive and dependable real-time systems.Comment: Presented and published at DEPEND 201

    Reconfigurable Decorated PT Nets with Inhibitor Arcs and Transition Priorities

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    In this paper we deal with additional control structures for decorated PT Nets. The main contribution are inhibitor arcs and priorities. The first ensure that a marking can inhibit the firing of a transition. Inhibitor arcs force that the transition may only fire when the place is empty. an order of transitions restrict the firing, so that an transition may fire only if it has the highest priority of all enabled transitions. This concept is shown to be compatible with reconfigurable Petri nets

    An Operational Petri Net Semantics for the Join-Calculus

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    We present a concurrent operational Petri net semantics for the join-calculus, a process calculus for specifying concurrent and distributed systems. There often is a gap between system specifications and the actual implementations caused by synchrony assumptions on the specification side and asynchronously interacting components in implementations. The join-calculus is promising to reduce this gap by providing an abstract specification language which is asynchronously distributable. Classical process semantics establish an implicit order of actually independent actions, by means of an interleaving. So does the semantics of the join-calculus. To capture such independent actions, step-based semantics, e.g., as defined on Petri nets, are employed. Our Petri net semantics for the join-calculus induces step-behavior in a natural way. We prove our semantics behaviorally equivalent to the original join-calculus semantics by means of a bisimulation. We discuss how join specific assumptions influence an existing notion of distributability based on Petri nets.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2012, arXiv:1208.244


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    Subtyping for Hierarchical, Reconfigurable Petri Nets

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    Hierarchical Petri nets allow a more abstract view and reconfigurable Petri nets model dynamic structural adaptation. In this contribution we present the combination of reconfigurable Petri nets and hierarchical Petri nets yielding hierarchical structure for reconfigurable Petri nets. Hierarchies are established by substituting transitions by subnets. These subnets are themselves reconfigurable, so they are supplied with their own set of rules. Moreover, global rules that can be applied in all of the net, are provided

    Bisimilarity and Behaviour-Preserving Reconfigurations of Open Petri Nets

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    We propose a framework for the specification of behaviour-preserving reconfigurations of systems modelled as Petri nets. The framework is based on open nets, a mild generalisation of ordinary Place/Transition nets suited to model open systems which might interact with the surrounding environment and endowed with a colimit-based composition operation. We show that natural notions of bisimilarity over open nets are congruences with respect to the composition operation. The considered behavioural equivalences differ for the choice of the observations, which can be single firings or parallel steps. Additionally, we consider weak forms of such equivalences, arising in the presence of unobservable actions. We also provide an up-to technique for facilitating bisimilarity proofs. The theory is used to identify suitable classes of reconfiguration rules (in the double-pushout approach to rewriting) whose application preserves the observational semantics of the net.Comment: To appear in "Logical Methods in Computer Science", 41 page

    Reconfigurable and software-defined networks of connectors and components

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    The diffusion of adaptive systems motivate the study of models of software entities whose interaction capabilities can evolve dynamically. In this paper we overview the contributions in the ASCENS project in the area of software defined networks and of reconfigurable connectors. In particular we highlight: (i) the definition of the Network-conscious pi-calculus and its use in the modeling and verification of the PASTRY protocol, and (ii) the mutual correspondence between different frameworks for defining networks of connectors together with two suitable enhancements for addressing dynamically changing systems

    Towards Model Checking Reconfigurable Petri Nets using Maude

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    This paper introduces an approach to model checking of reconfigurable Petri nets. The main task is to flatten the two levels of dynamic behavior that reconfigurable nets provide, the firing of transitions on the one hand and the transformation of the nets on the other hand. We show how to translate a reconfigurable net into  Maude modules. Maude's LTL model-checker is then used to verify properties of these modules

    Reconfigurable Open Algebraic High-Level Systems

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    In this paper reconfigurable open algebraic high-level (AHL) systems are introduced as an extension of AHL systems [PER95]. In addition to the integration of data structures open places and communicating transitions allow modelling reactive behavior as communication with their environment. Reconfigurable open AHL systems are defined that comprise rules and transformations of these nets. Formally they are an instance of weak adhesive HLR systems [EP06] and so yield the same results. Moreover, a case study is presented that demonstrates the practical need for reconfigurable open AHL systems