30,688 research outputs found

    Term Reduction Using Directed Congruence Closure

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    Many problems in computer science can be described in terms of reduction rules that tell how to transform terms. Problems that can be handled in this way include interpreting programs, implementing abstract data types, and proving certain kinds of theorems. A terms is said to have a normal form if it can be transformed, using the reduction rules, into a term to which no further reduction rules apply. In this paper, we extend the Congruence Closure Algorithm, an algorithm for finding the consequences of a finite set of equations, to develop Directed Congruence Closure, a technique for finding the normal form of a term provided the reduction rules satisfy the conditions for a regular term rewriting system. This technique is particularly efficient because it inherits, from the Congruence Closure Algorithm, the ability to remember all objects that have already been proved equivalent

    Extending SMTCoq, a Certified Checker for SMT (Extended Abstract)

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    This extended abstract reports on current progress of SMTCoq, a communication tool between the Coq proof assistant and external SAT and SMT solvers. Based on a checker for generic first-order certificates implemented and proved correct in Coq, SMTCoq offers facilities both to check external SAT and SMT answers and to improve Coq's automation using such solvers, in a safe way. Currently supporting the SAT solver zChaff, and the SMT solver veriT for the combination of the theories of congruence closure and linear integer arithmetic, SMTCoq is meant to be extendable with a reasonable amount of effort: we present work in progress to support the SMT solver CVC4 and the theory of bit vectors.Comment: In Proceedings HaTT 2016, arXiv:1606.0542

    Automatic Abstraction for Congruences

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    One approach to verifying bit-twiddling algorithms is to derive invariants between the bits that constitute the variables of a program. Such invariants can often be described with systems of congruences where in each equation c⃗⋅x⃗=dmod  m\vec{c} \cdot \vec{x} = d \mod m, (unknown variable m)isapoweroftwo, is a power of two, \vec{c}isavectorofintegercoefficients,and is a vector of integer coefficients, and \vec{x}$ is a vector of propositional variables (bits). Because of the low-level nature of these invariants and the large number of bits that are involved, it is important that the transfer functions can be derived automatically. We address this problem, showing how an analysis for bit-level congruence relationships can be decoupled into two parts: (1) a SAT-based abstraction (compilation) step which can be automated, and (2) an interpretation step that requires no SAT-solving. We exploit triangular matrix forms to derive transfer functions efficiently, even in the presence of large numbers of bits. Finally we propose program transformations that improve the analysis results

    Almost structural completeness; an algebraic approach

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    A deductive system is structurally complete if its admissible inference rules are derivable. For several important systems, like modal logic S5, failure of structural completeness is caused only by the underivability of passive rules, i.e. rules that can not be applied to theorems of the system. Neglecting passive rules leads to the notion of almost structural completeness, that means, derivablity of admissible non-passive rules. Almost structural completeness for quasivarieties and varieties of general algebras is investigated here by purely algebraic means. The results apply to all algebraizable deductive systems. Firstly, various characterizations of almost structurally complete quasivarieties are presented. Two of them are general: expressed with finitely presented algebras, and with subdirectly irreducible algebras. One is restricted to quasivarieties with finite model property and equationally definable principal relative congruences, where the condition is verifiable on finite subdirectly irreducible algebras. Secondly, examples of almost structurally complete varieties are provided Particular emphasis is put on varieties of closure algebras, that are known to constitute adequate semantics for normal extensions of S4 modal logic. A certain infinite family of such almost structurally complete, but not structurally complete, varieties is constructed. Every variety from this family has a finitely presented unifiable algebra which does not embed into any free algebra for this variety. Hence unification in it is not unitary. This shows that almost structural completeness is strictly weaker than projective unification for varieties of closure algebras

    Congruence Lattices of Certain Finite Algebras with Three Commutative Binary Operations

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    A partial algebra construction of Gr\"atzer and Schmidt from "Characterizations of congruence lattices of abstract algebras" (Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 24 (1963), 34-59) is adapted to provide an alternative proof to a well-known fact that every finite distributive lattice is representable, seen as a special case of the Finite Lattice Representation Problem. The construction of this proof brings together Birkhoff's representation theorem for finite distributive lattices, an emphasis on boolean lattices when representing finite lattices, and a perspective based on inequalities of partially ordered sets. It may be possible to generalize the techniques used in this approach. Other than the aforementioned representation theorem only elementary tools are used for the two theorems of this note. In particular there is no reliance on group theoretical concepts or techniques (see P\'eter P\'al P\'alfy and Pavel Pud\'lak), or on well-known methods, used to show certain finite lattice to be representable (see William J. DeMeo), such as the closure method
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