4,875 research outputs found

    Modelling of content-aware indicators for effective determination of shot boundaries in compressed MPEG videos

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    In this paper, a content-aware approach is proposed to design multiple test conditions for shot cut detection, which are organized into a multiple phase decision tree for abrupt cut detection and a finite state machine for dissolve detection. In comparison with existing approaches, our algorithm is characterized with two categories of content difference indicators and testing. While the first category indicates the content changes that are directly used for shot cut detection, the second category indicates the contexts under which the content change occurs. As a result, indications of frame differences are tested with context awareness to make the detection of shot cuts adaptive to both content and context changes. Evaluations announced by TRECVID 2007 indicate that our proposed algorithm achieved comparable performance to those using machine learning approaches, yet using a simpler feature set and straightforward design strategies. This has validated the effectiveness of modelling of content-aware indicators for decision making, which also provides a good alternative to conventional approaches in this topic

    The TREC-2002 video track report

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    TREC-2002 saw the second running of the Video Track, the goal of which was to promote progress in content-based retrieval from digital video via open, metrics-based evaluation. The track used 73.3 hours of publicly available digital video (in MPEG-1/VCD format) downloaded by the participants directly from the Internet Archive (Prelinger Archives) (internetarchive, 2002) and some from the Open Video Project (Marchionini, 2001). The material comprised advertising, educational, industrial, and amateur films produced between the 1930's and the 1970's by corporations, nonprofit organizations, trade associations, community and interest groups, educational institutions, and individuals. 17 teams representing 5 companies and 12 universities - 4 from Asia, 9 from Europe, and 4 from the US - participated in one or more of three tasks in the 2001 video track: shot boundary determination, feature extraction, and search (manual or interactive). Results were scored by NIST using manually created truth data for shot boundary determination and manual assessment of feature extraction and search results. This paper is an introduction to, and an overview of, the track framework - the tasks, data, and measures - the approaches taken by the participating groups, the results, and issues regrading the evaluation. For detailed information about the approaches and results, the reader should see the various site reports in the final workshop proceedings

    Indexing Techniques for Image and Video Databases: an approach based on Animate Vision Paradigm

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    [ITALIANO]In questo lavoro di tesi vengono presentate e discusse delle innovative tecniche di indicizzazione per database video e di immagini basate sul paradigma della “Animate Vision” (Visione Animata). Da un lato, sarĂ  mostrato come utilizzando, quali algoritmi di analisi di una data immagine, alcuni meccanismi di visione biologica, come i movimenti saccadici e le fissazioni dell'occhio umano, sia possibile ottenere un query processing in database di immagini piĂč efficace ed efficiente. In particolare, verranno discussi, la metodologia grazie alla quale risulta possibile generare due sequenze di fissazioni, a partire rispettivamente, da un'immagine di query I_q ed una di test I_t del data set, e, come confrontare tali sequenze al fine di determinare una possibile misura della similaritĂ  (consistenza) tra le due immagini. Contemporaneamente, verrĂ  discusso come tale approccio unito a tecniche classiche di clustering possa essere usato per scoprire le associazioni semantiche nascoste tra immagini, in termini di categorie, che, di contro, permettono un'automatica pre-classificazione (indicizzazione) delle immagini e possono essere usate per guidare e migliorare il processo di query. Saranno presentati, infine, dei risultati preliminari e l'approccio proposto sarĂ  confrontato con le piĂč recenti tecniche per il recupero di immagini descritte in letteratura. Dall'altro lato, sarĂ  mostrato come utilizzando la precedente rappresentazione “foveata” di un'immagine, risulti possibile partizionare un video in shot. PiĂč precisamente, il metodo per il rilevamento dei cambiamenti di shot si baserĂ  sulla computazione, in ogni istante di tempo, della misura di consistenza tra le sequenze di fissazioni generate da un osservatore ideale che guarda il video. Lo schema proposto permette l'individuazione, attraverso l'utilizzo di un'unica tecnica anzichĂ© di piĂč metodi dedicati, sia delle transizioni brusche sia di quelle graduali. Vengono infine mostrati i risultati ottenuti su varie tipologie di video e, come questi, validano l'approccio proposto. / [INGLESE]In this dissertation some novel indexing techniques for video and image database based on “Animate Vision” Paradigm are presented and discussed. From one hand, it will be shown how, by embedding within image inspection algorithms active mechanisms of biological vision such as saccadic eye movements and fixations, a more effective query processing in image database can be achieved. In particular, it will be discussed the way to generate two fixation sequences from a query image I_q and a test image I_t of the data set, respectively, and how to compare the two sequences in order to compute a possible similarity (consistency) measure between the two images. Meanwhile, it will be shown how the approach can be used with classical clustering techniques to discover and represent the hidden semantic associations among images, in terms of categories, which, in turn, allow an automatic pre-classification (indexing), and can be used to drive and improve the query processing. Eventually, preliminary results will be presented and the proposed approach compared with the most recent techniques for image retrieval described in the literature. From the other one, it will be discussed how by taking advantage of such foveated representation of an image, it is possible to partitioning of a video into shots. More precisely, the shot-change detection method will be based on the computation, at each time instant, of the consistency measure of the fixation sequences generated by an ideal observer looking at the video. The proposed scheme aims at detecting both abrupt and gradual transitions between shots using a single technique, rather than a set of dedicated methods. Results on videos of various content types are reported and validate the proposed approach


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    VIDEO segmentation facilitates e±cient video indexing and navigation in large digital video archives. It is an important process in a content-based video indexing and retrieval (CBVIR) system. Many automated solutions performed seg- mentation by utilizing information about the \facts" of the video. These \facts" come in the form of labels that describe the objects which are captured by the cam- era. This type of solutions was able to achieve good and consistent results for some video genres such as news programs and informational presentations. The content format of this type of videos is generally quite standard, and automated solutions were designed to follow these format rules. For example in [1], the presence of news anchor persons was used as a cue to determine the start and end of a meaningful news segment. The same cannot be said for video genres such as movies and feature films. This is because makers of this type of videos utilized different filming techniques to design their videos in order to elicit certain affective response from their targeted audience. Humans usually perform manual video segmentation by trying to relate changes in time and locale to discontinuities in meaning [2]. As a result, viewers usually have doubts about the boundary locations of a meaningful video segment due to their different affective responses. This thesis presents an entirely new view to the problem of high level video segmentation. We developed a novel probabilistic method for affective level video content analysis and segmentation. Our method had two stages. In the first stage, aŸective content labels were assigned to video shots by means of a dynamic bayesian 0. Abstract 3 network (DBN). A novel hierarchical-coupled dynamic bayesian network (HCDBN) topology was proposed for this stage. The topology was based on the pleasure- arousal-dominance (P-A-D) model of aŸect representation [3]. In principle, this model can represent a large number of emotions. In the second stage, the visual, audio and aŸective information of the video was used to compute a statistical feature vector to represent the content of each shot. Affective level video segmentation was achieved by applying spectral clustering to the feature vectors. We evaluated the first stage of our proposal by comparing its emotion detec- tion ability with all the existing works which are related to the field of aŸective video content analysis. To evaluate the second stage, we used the time adaptive clustering (TAC) algorithm as our performance benchmark. The TAC algorithm was the best high level video segmentation method [2]. However, it is a very computationally intensive algorithm. To accelerate its computation speed, we developed a modified TAC (modTAC) algorithm which was designed to be mapped easily onto a field programmable gate array (FPGA) device. Both the TAC and modTAC algorithms were used as performance benchmarks for our proposed method. Since affective video content is a perceptual concept, the segmentation per- formance and human agreement rates were used as our evaluation criteria. To obtain our ground truth data and viewer agreement rates, a pilot panel study which was based on the work of Gross et al. [4] was conducted. Experiment results will show the feasibility of our proposed method. For the first stage of our proposal, our experiment results will show that an average improvement of as high as 38% was achieved over previous works. As for the second stage, an improvement of as high as 37% was achieved over the TAC algorithm

    Characterization of Common Videos with Signatures Extracted from Frame Transition Profiles

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    People have access to a tremendous amount of video nowadays, both on television and Internet. The amount of video that a viewer has to choose from is so large that it is infeasible for a human to go through it all to find a video of interest. Organizing video into categories will make the process of large number of videos much faster and improves the ease of access. A profile created by observing the rate at which the contents of video frame changes helps in categorization of videos in different types. The experiments we conducted on three types of videos (News, Sports, and Music) show that a profile built on a set of frame transition parameter measurements could be applied to automatically distinguish the types of these videos. We have researched a way to automatically characterize videos into their respected video type, such as a news, music, or sports video clips, by comparing the content value transitions among the video frames. The objective of this research is to see if some measurements extracted from frame transitions are used to show the differences between different categories of videos. In other words, we want to see if such kind of values and measurements can be used to tell different kind of videos or the genre of videos, e.g., with respect to the authors. Our program extracts the statistical data from the video frames based on the histograms of the grayscale pixel intensity changes in the frame transitions. A variety of videos were tested to categorize them using the extracted signatures from these frame transition profiles. The signatures extracted presents a problem of classification that can be addressed using the machine learning algorithms. Time complexity of the evaluation is decreased when compared to other methods in video classification as the video is processed in a single step where all the features are extracted and analysis is performed on the obtained signatures. This provides a simple approach in classifying the videos, additional signatures will be extracted to create a more efficient profiling system to better reveal the nature and characteristics of the video categorization
