1,481 research outputs found

    Endomorphisms of the Cuntz Algebras

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    This mainly expository article is devoted to recent advances in the study of dynamical aspects of the Cuntz algebras O_n, with n finite, via their automorphisms and, more generally, endomorphisms. A combinatorial description of permutative automorphisms of O_n in terms of labeled, rooted trees is presented. This in turn gives rise to an algebraic characterization of the restricted Weyl group of O_n. It is shown how this group is related to certain classical dynamical systems on the Cantor set. An identification of the image in Out(O_n) of the restricted Weyl group with the group of automorphisms of the full two-sided n-shift is given, for prime n, providing an answer to a question raised by Cuntz in 1980. Furthermore, we discuss proper endomorphisms of O_n which preserve either the canonical UHF-subalgebra or the diagonal MASA, and present methods for constructing exotic examples of such endomorphisms.Comment: 2 figures, uses pictex, to appear in the Proceedings of the Workshop on Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis, Bedlewo 201

    Endomorphisms and automorphisms of locally covariant quantum field theories

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    In the framework of locally covariant quantum field theory, a theory is described as a functor from a category of spacetimes to a category of *-algebras. It is proposed that the global gauge group of such a theory can be identified as the group of automorphisms of the defining functor. Consequently, multiplets of fields may be identified at the functorial level. It is shown that locally covariant theories that obey standard assumptions in Minkowski space, including energy compactness, have no proper endomorphisms (i.e., all endomorphisms are automorphisms) and have a compact automorphism group. Further, it is shown how the endomorphisms and automorphisms of a locally covariant theory may, in principle, be classified in any single spacetime. As an example, the endomorphisms and automorphisms of a system of finitely many free scalar fields are completely classified.Comment: v2 45pp, expanded to include additional results; presentation improved and an error corrected. To appear in Rev Math Phy

    Representations of Conformal Nets, Universal C*-Algebras and K-Theory

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    We study the representation theory of a conformal net A on the circle from a K-theoretical point of view using its universal C*-algebra C*(A). We prove that if A satisfies the split property then, for every representation \pi of A with finite statistical dimension, \pi(C*(A)) is weakly closed and hence a finite direct sum of type I_\infty factors. We define the more manageable locally normal universal C*-algebra C*_ln(A) as the quotient of C*(A) by its largest ideal vanishing in all locally normal representations and we investigate its structure. In particular, if A is completely rational with n sectors, then C*_ln(A) is a direct sum of n type I_\infty factors. Its ideal K_A of compact operators has nontrivial K-theory, and we prove that the DHR endomorphisms of C*(A) with finite statistical dimension act on K_A, giving rise to an action of the fusion semiring of DHR sectors on K_0(K_A)$. Moreover, we show that this action corresponds to the regular representation of the associated fusion algebra.Comment: v2: we added some comments in the introduction and new references. v3: new authors' addresses, minor corrections. To appear in Commun. Math. Phys. v4: minor corrections, updated reference

    Monic representations of the Cuntz algebra and Markov measures

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    We study representations of the Cuntz algebras \O_N. While, for fixed NN, the set of equivalence classes of representations of \O_N is known not to have a Borel cross section, there are various subclasses of representations which can be classified. We study monic representations of \O_N, that have a cyclic vector for the canonical abelian subalgebra. We show that \O_N has a certain universal representation which contains all positive monic representations. A large class of examples of monic representations is based on Markov measures. We classify them and as a consequence we obtain that different parameters yield mutually singular Markov measure, extending the classical result of Kakutani. The monic representations based on the Kakutani measures are exactly the ones that have a one-dimensional cyclic SiS_i^*-invariant space