1,095 research outputs found

    Computing with cells: membrane systems - some complexity issues.

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    Membrane computing is a branch of natural computing which abstracts computing models from the structure and the functioning of the living cell. The main ingredients of membrane systems, called P systems, are (i) the membrane structure, which consists of a hierarchical arrangements of membranes which delimit compartments where (ii) multisets of symbols, called objects, evolve according to (iii) sets of rules which are localised and associated with compartments. By using the rules in a nondeterministic/deterministic maximally parallel manner, transitions between the system configurations can be obtained. A sequence of transitions is a computation of how the system is evolving. Various ways of controlling the transfer of objects from one membrane to another and applying the rules, as well as possibilities to dissolve, divide or create membranes have been studied. Membrane systems have a great potential for implementing massively concurrent systems in an efficient way that would allow us to solve currently intractable problems once future biotechnology gives way to a practical bio-realization. In this paper we survey some interesting and fundamental complexity issues such as universality vs. nonuniversality, determinism vs. nondeterminism, membrane and alphabet size hierarchies, characterizations of context-sensitive languages and other language classes and various notions of parallelism

    Minimization Strategies for Maximally Parallel Multiset Rewriting Systems

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    Maximally parallel multiset rewriting systems (MPMRS) give a convenient way to express relations between unstructured objects. The functioning of various computational devices may be expressed in terms of MPMRS (e.g., register machines and many variants of P systems). In particular, this means that MPMRS are computationally complete; however, a direct translation leads to quite a big number of rules. Like for other classes of computationally complete devices, there is a challenge to find a universal system having the smallest number of rules. In this article we present different rule minimization strategies for MPMRS based on encodings and structural transformations. We apply these strategies to the translation of a small universal register machine (Korec, 1996) and we show that there exists a universal MPMRS with 23 rules. Since MPMRS are identical to a restricted variant of P systems with antiport rules, the results we obtained improve previously known results on the number of rules for those systems.Comment: This article is an improved version of [1

    The Computational Complexity of Tissue P Systems with Evolutional Symport/Antiport Rules

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    Tissue P systems with evolutional communication (symport/antiport) rules are computational models inspired by biochemical systems consisting of multiple individuals living and cooperating in a certain environment, where objects can be modified when moving from one region to another region. In this work, cell separation, inspired from membrane fission process, is introduced in the framework of tissue P systems with evolutional communication rules.The computational complexity of this kind of P systems is investigated. It is proved that only problems in class P can be efficiently solved by tissue P systems with cell separation with evolutional communication rules of length at most (��, 1), for each natural number �� ≥ 1. In the case where that length is upper bounded by (3, 2), a polynomial time solution to the SAT problem is provided, hence, assuming that P ̸= NP a new boundary between tractability and NP-hardness on the basis of the length of evolutional communication rules is provided. Finally, a new simulator for tissue P systems with evolutional communication rules is designed and is used to check the correctness of the solution to the SAT problem

    P Systems with Active Cells

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    P systems with active membranes is a widely studied framework within the field of Membrane Computing since the creation of the discipline. The abstraction of the structure and behavior of living cells is reflected in the tree-like hierarchy and the kinds of rules that can be used in these kinds of systems. Resembling the organization and communication between cells within tissues that form organs, tissue-like P systems were defined as their abstractions, using symport/antiport rules, that is, moving and exchanging elements from one cell to another one. All the cells are located in an environment where there exist an arbitrary number of some elements. Lately, symport/antiport rules have been used in the framework of cell-like membrane systems in order to study their computational power. Interesting results have been reached, since they act similarly to their counterparts in the framework of tissue P systems. Here, the use of the former defined rules (that is, evolution, communication, dissolution and division/separation rules) is considered, but not working with a tree-like structure. Some remarks about choosing good semantics are given

    Narrowing Frontiers of Efficiency with Evolutional Communication Rules and Cell Separation

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    In the framework of Membrane Computing, several efficient solutions to computationally hard problems have been given. To find new borderlines between families of P systems that can solve them and the ones that cannot is an important way to tackle the P versus NP problem. Adding syntactic and/or semantic ingredients can mean passing from non-efficiency to presumably efficiency. Here, we try to get narrow frontiers, setting the stage to adapt efficient solutions from a family of P systems to another one. In order to do that, a solution to the SAT problem is given by means of a family of tissue P systems with evolutional symport/antiport rules and cell separation with the restriction that both the left-hand side and the right-hand side of the rules have at most two objects.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2017-89842-PNational Natural Science Foundation of China No 6132010600

    Catalytic and communicating Petri nets are Turing complete

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    In most studies about the expressiveness of Petri nets, the focus has been put either on adding suitable arcs or on assuring that a complete snapshot of the system can be obtained. While the former still complies with the intuition on Petri nets, the second is somehow an orthogonal approach, as Petri nets are distributed in nature. Here, inspired by membrane computing, we study some classes of Petri nets where the distribution is partially kept and which are still Turing complete

    New Choice for Small Universal Devices: Symport/Antiport P Systems

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    Symport/antiport P systems provide a very simple machinery inspired by corresponding operations in the living cell. It turns out that systems of small descriptional complexity are needed to achieve the universality by these systems. This makes them a good candidate for small universal devices replacing register machines for different simulations, especially when a simulating parallel machinery is involved. This article contains survey of these systems and presents different trade-offs between parameters

    Communication in membrana Systems with symbol Objects.

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    Esta tesis está dedicada a los sistemas de membranas con objetos-símbolo como marco teórico de los sistemas paralelos y distribuidos de procesamiento de multiconjuntos.Una computación de parada puede aceptar, generar o procesar un número, un vector o una palabra; por tanto el sistema define globalmente (a través de los resultados de todas sus computaciones) un conjunto de números, de vectores, de palabras (es decir, un lenguaje), o bien una función. En esta tesis estudiamos la capacidad de estos sistemas para resolver problemas particulares, así como su potencia computacional. Por ejemplo, las familias de lenguajes definidas por diversas clases de estos sistemas se comparan con las familias clásicas, esto es, lenguajes regulares, independientes del contexto, generados por sistemas 0L tabulados extendidos, generados por gramáticas matriciales sin chequeo de apariciones, recursivamente enumerables, etc. Se prestará especial atención a la comunicación de objetos entre regiones y a las distintas formas de cooperación entre ellos.Se pretende (Sección 3.4) realizar una formalización los sistemas de membranas y construir una herramienta tipo software para la variante que usa cooperación no distribuida, el navegador de configuraciones, es decir, un simulador, en el cual el usuario selecciona la siguiente configuración entre todas las posibles, estando permitido volver hacia atrás. Se considerarán diversos modelos distribuidos. En el modelo de evolución y comunicación (Capítulo 4) separamos las reglas tipo-reescritura y las reglas de transporte (llamadas symport y antiport). Los sistemas de bombeo de protones (proton pumping, Secciones 4.8, 4.9) constituyen una variante de los sistemas de evolución y comunicación con un modo restrictivo de cooperación. Un modelo especial de computación con membranas es el modelo puramente comunicativo, en el cual los objetos traspasan juntos una membrana. Estudiamos la potencia computacional de las sistemas de membranas con symport/antiport de 2 o 3 objetos (Capítulo 5) y la potencia computacional de las sistemas de membranas con alfabeto limitado (Capítulo 6).El determinismo (Secciones 4.7, 5.5, etc.) es una característica especial (restrictiva) de los sistemas computacionales. Se pondrá especial énfasis en analizar si esta restricción reduce o no la potencia computacional de los mismos. Los resultados obtenidos para sistemas de bombeo del protones están transferidos (Sección 7.3) a sistemas con catalizadores bistabiles. Unos ejemplos de aplicación concreta de los sistemas de membranas (Secciones 7.1, 7.2) son la resolución de problemas NP-completos en tiempo polinomial y la resolución de problemas de ordenación.This thesis deals with membrane systems with symbol objects as a theoretical framework of distributed parallel multiset processing systems.A halting computation can accept, generate or process a number, a vector or a word, so the system globally defines (by the results of all its computations) a set of numbers or a set of vectors or a set of words, (i.e., a language), or a function. The ability of these systems to solve particular problems is investigated, as well as their computational power, e.g., the language families defined by different classes of these systems are compared to the classical ones, i.e., regular, context-free, languages generated by extended tabled 0L systems, languages generated by matrix grammars without appearance checking, recursively enumerable languages, etc. Special attention is paid to communication of objects between the regions and to the ways of cooperation between the objects.An attempt to formalize the membrane systems is made (Section 3.4), and a software tool is constructed for the non-distributed cooperative variant, the configuration browser, i.e., a simulator, where the user chooses the next configuration among the possible ones and can go back. Different distributed models are considered. In the evolution-communication model (Chapter 4) rewriting-like rules are separated from transport rules. Proton pumping systems (Sections 4.8, 4.9) are a variant of the evolution-communication systems with a restricted way of cooperation. A special membrane computing model is a purely communicative one: the objects are moved together through a membrane. We study the computational power of membrane systems with symport/antiport of 2 or 3 objects (Chapter 5) and the computational power of membrane systems with a limited alphabet (Chapter 6).Determinism (Sections 4.7, 5.5, etc.) is a special property of computational systems; the question of whether this restriction reduces the computational power is addressed. The results on proton pumping systems can be carried over (Section 7.3) to the systems with bi-stable catalysts. Some particular examples of membrane systems applications are solving NP-complete problems in polynomial time, and solving the sorting problem