19 research outputs found

    Abnormality Detection inside Blood Vessels with Mobile Nanomachines

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    Motivated by the numerous healthcare applications of molecular communication within Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT), this work addresses the problem of abnormality detection in a blood vessel using multiple biological embedded computing devices called cooperative biological nanomachines (CNs), and a common receiver called the fusion center (FC). Due to blood flow inside a vessel, each CN and the FC are assumed to be mobile. In this work, each of the CNs perform abnormality detection with certain probabilities of detection and false alarm by counting the number of molecules received from a source, e.g., infected tissue. These CNs subsequently report their local decisions to a FC over a diffusion-advection blood flow channel using different types of molecules in the presence of inter-symbol interference, multi-source interference, and counting errors. Due to limited computational capability at the FC, OR and AND logic based fusion rules are employed to make the final decision after obtaining each local decision based on the optimal likelihood ratio test. For the aforementioned system, probabilities of detection and false alarm at the FC are derived for OR and AND fusion rules. Finally, simulation results are presented to validate the derived analytical results, which provide important insights.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications Letters for possible publicatio

    Identification Capacity of the Discrete-Time Poisson Channel

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    Numerous applications in the field of molecular communications (MC) such as healthcare systems are often event-driven. The conventional Shannon capacity may not be the appropriate metric for assessing performance in such cases. We propose the identification (ID) capacity as an alternative metric. Particularly, we consider randomized identification (RI) over the discrete-time Poisson channel (DTPC), which is typically used as a model for MC systems that utilize molecule-counting receivers. In the ID paradigm, the receiver's focus is not on decoding the message sent. However, he wants to determine whether a message of particular significance to him has been sent or not. In contrast to Shannon transmission codes, the size of ID codes for a Discrete Memoryless Channel (DMC) grows doubly exponentially fast with the blocklength, if randomized encoding is used. In this paper, we derive the capacity formula for RI over the DTPC subject to some peak and average power constraints. Furthermore, we analyze the case of state-dependent DTPC

    Channel modeling for diffusive molecular communication - a tutorial review

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    Molecular communication (MC) is a new communication engineering paradigm where molecules are employed as information carriers. MC systems are expected to enable new revolutionary applications such as sensing of target substances in biotechnology, smart drug delivery in medicine, and monitoring of oil pipelines or chemical reactors in industrial settings. As for any other kind of communication, simple yet sufficiently accurate channel models are needed for the design, analysis, and efficient operation of MC systems. In this paper, we provide a tutorial review on mathematical channel modeling for diffusive MC systems. The considered end-to-end MC channel models incorporate the effects of the release mechanism, the MC environment, and the reception mechanism on the observed information molecules. Thereby, the various existing models for the different components of an MC system are presented under a common framework and the underlying biological, chemical, and physical phenomena are discussed. Deterministic models characterizing the expected number of molecules observed at the receiver and statistical models characterizing the actual number of observed molecules are developed. In addition, we provide channel models for timevarying MC systems with moving transmitters and receivers, which are relevant for advanced applications such as smart drug delivery with mobile nanomachines. For complex scenarios, where simple MC channel models cannot be obtained from first principles, we investigate simulation-driven and experiment-driven channel models. Finally, we provide a detailed discussion of potential challenges, open research problems, and future directions in channel modeling for diffusive MC systems

    Channel Modeling for Diffusive Molecular Communication - A Tutorial Review

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    Molecular communication (MC) is a new communication engineering paradigm where molecules are employed as information carriers. MC systems are expected to enable new revolutionary applications such as sensing of target substances in biotechnology, smart drug delivery in medicine, and monitoring of oil pipelines or chemical reactors in industrial settings. As for any other kind of communication, simple yet sufficiently accurate channel models are needed for the design, analysis, and efficient operation of MC systems. In this paper, we provide a tutorial review on mathematical channel modeling for diffusive MC systems. The considered end-to-end MC channel models incorporate the effects of the release mechanism, the MC environment, and the reception mechanism on the observed information molecules. Thereby, the various existing models for the different components of an MC system are presented under a common framework and the underlying biological, chemical, and physical phenomena are discussed. Deterministic models characterizing the expected number of molecules observed at the receiver and statistical models characterizing the actual number of observed molecules are developed. In addition, we provide channel models for time-varying MC systems with moving transmitters and receivers, which are relevant for advanced applications such as smart drug delivery with mobile nanomachines. For complex scenarios, where simple MC channel models cannot be obtained from first principles, we investigate simulation-driven and experimentally-driven channel models. Finally, we provide a detailed discussion of potential challenges, open research problems, and future directions in channel modeling for diffusive MC systems.Comment: 40 pages; 23 figures, 2 tables; this paper is submitted to the Proceedings of IEE

    Macro-Scale Molecular Communications

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    The use of electromagnetic (EM) waves to transmit information has allowed our society to collaborate and share information on a scale that was unimaginable just a few decades ago. But as with any technology, there are areas where EM-based communications do not function well. For example, underwater and underground communications where EM waves experience high attenuation. This limitation has generated interest in an alternative mode of information transmission, molecular communications. In this thesis, after giving a survey of micro- and macro-scale molecular communications, the two most important aspects of molecular communications are identified: macroscale molecular communications and the experimental analysis of molecular communications. Molecular communication has been dominated so far by interest in the nano-scale, where the application focus is on drug-delivery and DNA communications, etc. Studies in the macro-scale are relatively rare compared to nano- and micro-scale research. This thesis looks closely at macro-scale molecular communication and attempts to improve our understanding of this novel communication paradigm. To achieve this, a mathematical model was developed, based on the advective-diffusion equation (ADE). The model was compared with experimental results, and showed a strong correlation. In addition, a model was developed to simulate molecular communication in both 1D and 3D environments. To generate the modulated chemicals and transmit them in the environment, an inhouse- built odour generator was used, and to detect the chemicals in the environment a mass spectrometer (MS) with a quadrupole mass analyser (QMA) was employed. Mass spectrometers have the ability to distinguish multiple chemicals in the environment concurrently, making them ideal detectors for use in molecular communications. Based on the experimental setup, various aspects of the communication paradigm are investigated in the three main sections. The first section focuses on the fundamental parameters that govern the propagation of molecules in a flow. The second section delves into the communication properties of this new form of information transfer. The final section studies aspects of simultaneous multiple-chemical transmission. Based on this multiple-chemical transmission, modulation methods are developed that exploit this new approach for use in molecular communications

    Nanotechnology and supramolecular chemistry in controlled release and molecular recognition proceses for biomedical applications"

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    Tesis por compendioLa presente tesis doctoral, titulada "Nanotecnología y química supramolecular en procesos de liberación controlada y reconocimiento molecular para aplicaciones biomédicas", se centra en dos temas importantes: el reconocimiento molecular y los procesos de liberación controlada. Esta tesis doctoral está estructurada en cuatro capítulos. El primer capítulo introduce el concepto de materiales híbridos orgánicos-inorgánicos funcionalizados con puertas moleculares y sus aplicaciones biomédicas como nanomateriales para dirigir y controlar la liberación controlada de fármacos. Además se introduce una breve descripción sobre sensors colorimétricos basados en la base de la quimica supramolecular, particularmente en los procesos de reconocimiento molecular. En particular, el capítulo 2 describe la preparacion de cinco nanodispositivos que responden a enzimas. Estos materiales híbridos se componen de dos unidades principales: un soporte mesoporoso basado en sílice inorgánica, capaz de encapsular moléculas orgánicas y un compuesto orgánico anclado en la superficie externa del soporte mesoporoso inorgánico que actúa como puerta molecular. Todos los sistemas propuestos utilizan puertas moleculares peptídicas que responden a temperatura o enzimas como estímulo. La segunda parte de esta tesis doctoral se centra en el diseño y desarrollo de un nuevo compuesto químico capaz de detectar monóxido de carbono in vivo. En resumen, para todos los resultados antes mencionados podemos decir que esta tesis doctoral constituye una contribución científica original al desarrollo de la química supramolecular. Sus resultados derivados de los estudios presentados dejan rutas abiertas para continuar el estudio y el desarrollo de nuevos materiales híbridos y sensors químicos más eficientes para aplicaciones biomédicas y terapeuticas.This PhD thesis entitled "Nanotechnology and supramolecular chemistry in controlled release and molecular recognition processes for biomedical applications", is focused on two important subjects: molecular recognition and controlled delivery processes. This PhD thesis is structured in four chapters. The first chapter introduces the concept of organic-inorganic hybrid materials containing switchable "gate-like" ensembles and their biomedical applications as nanomaterials for targeting and control drug delivery. Furthermore, is introduced a short review about chromo-fluorogenic chemosensors based on basic principles of supramolecular chemistry, particulary in molecular recognition processes. In particular, in chapter 2 is focus on the development of enzymatic-driven nanodevices. These hybrid materials are composed of two main units: an inorganic silica based mesoporous scaffold, able to store organic molecules and an organic compound anchored on the external surface of the inorganic mesoporous support than acts as molecular gate. All the systems proposed use peptidic gates that respond to temperature or enzimatic stimulis. The second part of this PhD thesis is focused on the design and development of a new chemical compound capable of detecting carbon monoxide in vivo. In summary, for all the results above mentioned we can say that this PhD thesis constitutes an original scientific contribution to the development of supramolecular chemistry. Its results derived from the studies presented leaves open routes to continue the study and development of new hybrid materials and more efficient chemical sensors with biomedical and therapeutic applications.La present tesi doctoral, titulada "Nanotecnologia i química supramolecular en processos d'alliberament controlat i reconeixement molecular per a aplicacions biomèdiques", es centra en dos temes importants de la química: el reconeixement molecular i els processos d'alliberament controlat. Aquesta tesi doctoral està estructurada en quatre capítols. El primer capítol introdueix el concepte de materials híbrids orgànics-inorgànics funcionalitzats amb portes moleculars i les seves aplicacions biomèdiques com nanomaterials per dirigir i controlar l'alliberament controlat de fàrmacs. A més s'introdueix una breu descripció sobre sensors colorimètrics fonamentats en la base de la química supramolecular, particularment en els processos de reconeixement molecular. En particular, el capítol 2 descriu la preparació de cinc nanodispositius que responen a enzims. Aquests materials híbrids es componen de dues unitats principals: un suport mesoporos basat en sílice inorgànica, capaç d'encapsular molècules orgàniques i un compost orgànic ancorat a la superfície externa del suport mesoporós inorgànic que actua com a porta molecular. La segona part d'aquesta tesi doctoral es centra en el disseny i desenvolupaent d'un nou compost químic capaç de detectar monòxid de carboni in vivo. En resum, per a tots els resultats abans mencionats podem dir que esta tesi doctoral constituïx una contribució científica original al desenvolupament de la química supramolecular. Els seus resultats derivats dels estudis presentats deixen rutes obertes per a continuar l'estudi i el desenvolupament de nous materials hibrids i sensors químics més eficients per a aplicacions biomèdiques i terapeutiques.De La Torre Paredes, C. (2017). Nanotechnology and supramolecular chemistry in controlled release and molecular recognition proceses for biomedical applications" [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/94043TESISCompendi