8 research outputs found

    Augmented virtual accessibility of CH: The web navigation model of inquisition prisons

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    The latest advances in the architectural survey and 3D reconstruction have produced new technologies and methodologies to enhance cultural assets and improve their accessibility. The possibility of virtually visiting a place of historical and cultural interest is often the only way to have access to it. This can happen for various reasons: users' disabilities, temporary site closure, assets located in remote and inaccessible places, and assets destined to disappear over time. Fortunately, new Geomatics and Computer Science technologies allow the virtual reconstruction of entire archaeological and monumental sites with high levels of accuracy. Considering the technologies related to VR, online virtual fruition techniques were recently adopted, using the open source WebGL JavaScript libraries. These libraries allow users to virtually explore the virtual model employing web browsers without installing any client-side applications. The work presented adopts these technologies. It falls within the VASARI project, whose goal is to create a single digital platform for the enhancement, use, and management of the Italian artistic heritage. In particular, the described work concerns the survey, 3D reconstruction, and web visualization of the archaeological site of the Inquisition Prisons located within the monumental complex of Palazzo Chiaramonte in Palermo, known as the "Steri" and today the headquarters of the Rectorate of the University of Palermo. The adopted workflow and encountered issues during implementation will be described

    Pengembangan Media Augmented Reality untuk Program Keahlian Teknik Gambar Bangunan Di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    Abstrak: Augmented reality adalah penambahan objek virtual ke dalam lingkungan nyata yang mengijinkan pengguna untuk berinteraksi dengan objek virtual selayaknya berinteraksi dengan objek nyata. Siswa Teknik Gambar Bangunan membutuhkan media untuk membantu mereka dalam membayangkan objek dari berbagai sudut pandang. Kemampuan membayangkan objek sangat dibutuhkan oleh siswa Teknik Gambar Bangunan karena berhubungan langsung dengan pekerjaan mereka nantinya. Model pengembangan yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan media AR adalah model Lee & Owens yang terdiri dari empat tahapan. Hasil validasi dari ahli media dan materi menunjukkan bahwa media AR valid dan dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Hasil uji coba ke siswa juga menunjukkan bahwa media AR dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran.Abstract: Augmented reality is the addition of virtual objects into a real environment that allows users to interact with virtual objects as they interact with real objects. Building Image Engineering students need media to help them imagine objects from various perspectives. The ability to imagine objects is needed by Building Image Engineering students because it deals directly with their work later. The development model used to develop AR media is the Lee & Owens model which consists of four stages. The validation results from media and material experts show that AR media is valid and can be used in learning. The results of trials to students also show that AR media can be used in learning. Keywords: media, augmented reality, building drawing technique


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    The latest advances in the architectural survey and 3D reconstruction have produced new technologies and methodologies to enhance cultural assets and improve their accessibility. The possibility of virtually visiting a place of historical and cultural interest is often the only way to have access to it. This can happen for various reasons: users' disabilities, temporary site closure, assets located in remote and inaccessible places, and assets destined to disappear over time. Fortunately, new Geomatics and Computer Science technologies allow the virtual reconstruction of entire archaeological and monumental sites with high levels of accuracy. Considering the technologies related to VR, online virtual fruition techniques were recently adopted, using the open source WebGL JavaScript libraries. These libraries allow users to virtually explore the virtual model employing web browsers without installing any client-side applications. The work presented adopts these technologies. It falls within the VASARI project, whose goal is to create a single digital platform for the enhancement, use, and management of the Italian artistic heritage. In particular, the described work concerns the survey, 3D reconstruction, and web visualization of the archaeological site of the Inquisition Prisons located within the monumental complex of Palazzo Chiaramonte in Palermo, known as the "Steri" and today the headquarters of the Rectorate of the University of Palermo. The adopted workflow and encountered issues during implementation will be described


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    Augmented Reality (AR) adalah teknologi interaktif yang mampu memproyeksi objek maya ke dalam objek nyata secara real time. Perkembangan teknologi AR dimasa ini telah memberikan banyak kontribusi ke dalam berbagai bidang Salah satu implementasi AR di bidang edukasi contohnya adalah AR book. Buku merupakan salah satu media pembelajaran yang banyak digunakan. Apabila suatu buku itu menarik dan bagus tentunya akan menarik perhatian. Misalkan seperti jenis buku pengenalan negara-negara ASEAN Augmented Reality (AR) adalah teknologi interaktif yang mampu memproyeksi. Salah satu sistem operasi yang digunakan mobile phone atau smartphone yaitu android. Dengan memanfaatkan media mobile yang berbasis linux yang bersifat open source. Dengan memanfaatkan media mobile untuk membangun aplikasi menggunakan teknologi pembelajaran aplikasi AR berbasis mobile mempunyai keunggulan karena sifatnya yang mudah berpindah. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini mempermudah kegiatan belajar dan mengajar mengenai pengenalan negara-negara ASEAN dan juga membantu proses belajar siswa khususnya siswa Sekolah Dasar (SD), Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP), dan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) dan juga semoga dengan adanya aplikasi ini dunia pendidikan di Indonesia semakin berkembang. Kata Kunci : ASEAN, Augmented Reality,buku,androi

    Aplikasi Pembelajaran Organ Lambung pada Manusia Berbasis Android Menggunakan Augmented Reality

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    Lambung merupakan salah satu saluran yang dilewati oleh makanan yang digunakan sebagai media penampungan, pelarutan, dan yang paling terpenting adalah sebagai tempat pencernaan. Siswa sekolah dapat melihat dan mempelajari dengan menggunakan torso atau yang disebut alat peraga organ tubuh manusia. Pembelajaran menggunakan torso hanya bisa digunakan di sekolah, sedangkan waktu belajar di sekolah hanya sekitar delapan jam. Maka dari itu, media pembelajaran yang fleksible perlu untuk dikembangkan kembali. Banyak media pembelajaran yang telah dibuat dan sudah tersebar luas akan tetapi masih mengggunakan alat yang cukup besar dan memakan tempat, maka pada proyek akhir ini telah didesain suatu aplikasi pembelajaran berbasis android menggunakan augmented reality. Pada aplikasi ini membutuhkan marker untuk proses scanning citra. Berdasarkan hasil survei yang diikuti 63 orang responden didapatkan hasil sebagai berikut. Untuk hasil kepuasan pengguna tercatat sebanyak 3.2% responden menjawab cukup puas, sebanyak 22.2% responden menjawab puas , dan sebanyak 74.6% responden menjawab sangat puas dengan adanya aplikasi pembelajaran lambung ini. Sedangkan untuk hasil kemudahan penggunaan aplikasi tercatat tercatat sebanyak 20.6% responden menjawab penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran lambung ini mudah dan sebanyak 79.4% responden menjawab penggunaan aplikasi pembelajaran lambung ini sangat mudah digunakan. Kata Kunci: Lambung, Augmented Realit


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    La rivelazione di bersagli in scenari marittimi e la determinazione della loro posizione è un compito che risulta cruciale in molteplici contesti e, dunque, un attuale argomento di ricerca. Le tecnologie di localizzazione e sorveglianza si sono spesso avvalse di sistemi di telerilevamento attivi (radar), i quali però, oltre ad essere costosi, possono presentare problemi di compatibilità elettromagnetica in caso di vicinanza di diverse apparecchiature elettroniche. Inoltre, l’emissione di radiazioni elettromagnetiche può avere un forte impatto negativo sia sull’ambiente sia sulla salute dell’uomo. E’ di notevole interesse lo sviluppo di tecnologie che consentano di ridurre tale inquinamento elettromagnetico. Si presenta quindi un sistema passivo, che funziona cioè senza emissione di onde elettromagnetiche, per la rivelazione e la determinazione della posizione di un bersaglio, anche ad elevata distanza. Il sistema è composto da una coppia stereoscopica di termocamere opportunamente posizionate per inquadrare la stessa scena di interesse. Le termocamere possono essere collocate a piacimento, permettendo dunque al sistema di adattarsi a molteplici utilizzi. L’impiego di questo apparato per la scoperta di bersagli a bassa quota sul livello del mare consente di superare il limite di scoperta dei sistemi radar dovuto alle riflessioni delle onde emesse sulla superficie marina. Un ulteriore vantaggio rispetto a un radar, soprattutto in ambito militare, è quello di non incrementare il livello di osservabilità dell’unità o della sede dove viene montato il sistema. Nell’elaborato viene proposto un algoritmo di rivelazione e di localizzazione automatica di bersagli in ambiente marittimo, realizzato specificamente per funzionare sul sistema sopra descritto. Selezionando un bersaglio di interesse nell’immagine fornita dalla prima termocamera, l’algoritmo implementato è in grado di sfruttare la geometria che descrive il processo di acquisizione di entrambi i dispositivi, per individuare automaticamente un’area nella seconda immagine entro la quale si troverà il bersaglio scelto. Utilizzando una tecnica di rivelazione basata sulla sottrazione del background all’interno dell’area di interesse e sulla stima della linea dell’orizzonte al fine di segmentare le aree di cielo e di mare, l’algoritmo procede con il riconoscimento del baricentro del bersaglio. Nota la posizione del bersaglio sulle due immagini, l’uso congiunto dei due punti di vista differenti permette di effettuare la triangolazione e, dunque, di ricavare posizione e distanza del bersaglio. L’algoritmo è stato validato su un dataset di immagini reali acquisite in ambiente marittimo, dando risultati promettenti anche in caso di bersagli a grande distanza dalle telecamere. Per poter operare anche una valutazione quantitativa della bontà dell’algoritmo è stato implementato un simulatore in grado di ricreare dei bersagli all’interno delle immagini reali. Il simulatore permette all’utente di definire le caratteristiche dei bersagli che, essendo note, possono essere usate in seguito come ground truth da comparare con i risultati ottenuti dall’algoritmo. In fase di validazione del simulatore, questo è stato applicato anche a sequenze video, rivelandosi un utile strumento anche per il test di algoritmi di tracking. I risultati ottenuti dimostrano che il sistema è particolarmente adatto a tutte quelle situazioni nelle quali si rendono necessarie delle valutazioni sulla presenza e sulla posizione di oggetti in ambiente marittimo. Operazioni di search and rescue (uomo a mare, soccorso profughi…), di sorveglianza (intrusioni in aree portuali, lotta alla pirateria…) e di monitoraggio di incidenti (incendi a bordo di navi, unità navali alla deriva…) sono solo alcune delle possibili applicazioni che potrebbero beneficiare dell’utilizzo del sistema e dell’algoritmo di scoperta implementato

    Can bank interaction during rating measurement of micro and very small enterprises ipso facto Determine the collapse of PD status?

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    This paper begins with an analysis of trends - over the period 2012-2018 - for total bank loans, non-performing loans, and the number of active, working enterprises. A review survey was done on national data from Italy with a comparison developed on a local subset from the Sardinia Region. Empirical evidence appears to support the hypothesis of the paper: can the rating class assigned by banks - using current IRB and A-IRB systems - to micro and very small enterprises, whose ability to replace financial resources using endogenous means is structurally impaired, ipso facto orient the results of performance in the same terms of PD assigned by the algorithm, thereby upending the principle of cause and effect? The thesis is developed through mathematical modeling that demonstrates the interaction of the measurement tool (the rating algorithm applied by banks) on the collapse of the loan status (default, performing, or some intermediate point) of the assessed micro-entity. Emphasis is given, in conclusion, to the phenomenon using evidence of the intrinsically mutualistic link of the two populations of banks and (micro) enterprises provided by a system of differential equation

    Virtualidad geolocalizada, proyectos de Realidad Aumentada en el espacio público, propuestas experimentales

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    [EN] This doctoral thesis aims to make an approach to the area of Public Art and Augmented Reality. To this end, it is essential to understand the changes that have taken place in public space, changes that are linked to the concept of speed of movement, and which have been affected significantly in recent decades with the introduction of new technologies in daily life. Augmented Reality has been formed as an emerging art form. It is a genre in which we find subdivisions according to the technologies employed and the ideas or metaphors to represent by the artists. We understand that in the last decade of economic and social crisis activist involvement is an ethical imperative for the artist. Activism has been and is capable of adapting to the emergence and standardization of several communication technologies to make a critical and artistic use of them. It is able to break the classic barrier between the real and the virtual while providing a positive overcoming of the conflicts that the system generates in its post-industrial age like the atomization and alienation of the citizen, as well as the processes as much from constitution of ghettos that are isolated urbanistically as from the gentrification in several districts of the current cities. In this respect, a catalog of works related to the use of Augmented Reality technologies in the artistic activism is proposed. The empirical experimentation and practical production turns out to be, likewise, necessary to approach the theoretical parameters proposed in this thesis. For this reason our work has been focused on the implementation of artistic specific projects, which allow us to demonstrate this relation between the Public Art and the Augmented Reality. A relation that shows us simultaneously, the new typology of human relations and alternative topographies of the city that are generated in the public hybrid space, increasing its accessibility to citizens and overcoming the artist-active / audience-passive dichotomy through the contextual practice and the situationist drift through the different works that we have proposed. This practice establishes a new democratizing vector of the art that, therefore, allows the civil participation in other artistic closed circles which transmute into a constellation of decentralized interconnected nodes like artistic participative rhizome in which the citizenship can express creatively in all their dimensions.[ES] La presente tesis pretende realizar una aproximación al campo del Arte Público y la Realidad Aumentada. Para ello resulta imprescindible comprender los cambios acontecidos en el espacio público, cambios que van ligados al concepto de velocidad de movimiento, y que se han visto afectados significativamente en las ultimas décadas con la implantación de las nuevas tecnologías en la vida cotidiana. La Realidad Aumentada se ha conformado como un género artístico emergente. Un género en el que podemos encontrar subdivisiones en función de las tecnologías empleadas y de las ideas o metáforas a representar por los artistas. Entendemos que en esta última década de crisis económica y social la implicación activista resulta un imperativo ético para el artista. Pues el activismo ha sido y es capaz de adaptarse al surgimiento y estandarización de diversas tecnologías de comunicación para hacer un uso crítico-artístico de las mismas capaz de romper la barrera clásica entre lo real y lo virtual al tiempo que propone una superación positiva de los conflictos que genera el sistema en su era pos-industrial como son la atomización y alienación del ciudadano, así como los procesos tanto de constitución de guetos aislados urbanísticamente como de gentrificación en diversos distritos de las ciudades actuales. En este sentido, se propone una catalogación de obras relacionadas con la utilización de tecnologías de Realidad Aumentada dentro del activismo artístico. Resulta, así mismo, necesaria la experimentación empírica y producción práctica para abordar los parámetros teóricos propuestos en esta tesis, por lo que nuestro trabajo se ha centrado en la implementación de proyectos artísticos concretos, que permiten evidenciar esta relación entre el Arte Público y la Realidad Aumentada. Una relación que nos muestra a un tiempo, la nueva tipología de relaciones humanas y topografías alternativas de la urbe que se generan en el espacio público híbrido, aumentando su accesibilidad a la ciudadanía y superando la dicotomía artista-activo / público-pasivo mediante la práctica contextual y la deriva situacionista a través de las diferentes obras que hemos propuesto. Práctica que recorre un nuevo vector democratizador del arte, que por ende permite la participación ciudadana en círculos artísticos cerrados, que transmutan en una constelación de nodos descentralizados interconexionados a modo de rizoma artístico participativo, en el que la ciudadanía puede expresarse creativamente en toda su magnitud.[CA] La present tesi pretén realitzar una aproximació al camp de l'Art Públic i la Realitat Augmentada. Per açò resulta imprescindible comprendre els canvis esdevinguts en l'espai públic, canvis que van lligats al concepte de velocitat de moviment, i que s'han vist afectats significativament en les últimes dècades amb la implantació de les noves tecnologies en la vida quotidiana. La Realitat Augmentada s'ha conformat com un gènere artístic emergent. Un gènere en el qual podem trobar subdivisions en funció de les tecnologies emprades i de les idees o metàfores a representar pels artistes. Entenem que en aquesta última dècada de crisi econòmica i social la implicació activista resulta un imperatiu ètic per a l'artista. Doncs l'activisme ha sigut i és capaç d'adaptar-se al sorgiment i estandardització de diverses tecnologies de comunicació per a fer un ús crític-artístic de les mateixes, capaç de trencar la barrera clàssica entre el real i el virtual al mateix temps que proposa una superació positiva dels conflictes que genera el sistema en la seua era post-industrial com són l'atomització i alienació del ciutadà, així com els processos tant de constitució de guetos aïllats urbanísticament com de gentrificació en diversos districtes de les ciutats actuals. En aquest sentit, es proposa una catalogació d'obres relacionades amb la utilització de tecnologies de Realitat Augmentada dins de l'activisme artístic. Resulta, així mateix, necessària l'experimentació empírica i producció pràctica per a abordar els paràmetres teòrics proposats en aquesta tesi, per la qual cosa el nostre treball s'ha centrat en la implementació de projectes artístics concrets, que permeten evidenciar aquesta relació entre l'Art Públic i la Realitat Augmentada. Una relació que ens mostra a un temps, la nova tipologia de relacions humanes i topografies alternatives de la urbs que es generen en l'espai públic híbrid, augmentant la seua accessibilitat a la ciutadania i superant la dicotomia artista-actiu / públic-passiu mitjançant la pràctica contextual i la deriva situacionista a través de les diferents obres que hem proposat. Pràctica que recorre un nou vector democratitzador de l'art que per tant permet la participació ciutadana en els altres cercles artístics tancats que transmuten en una constel·lació de nodes descentralitzats interconnectats a manera de rizoma artístic participatiu en el qual la ciutadania pot expressar-se creativament en tota la seua magnitud.Ferrer Hernández, M. (2016). Virtualidad geolocalizada, proyectos de Realidad Aumentada en el espacio público, propuestas experimentales [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61771TESI