73 research outputs found

    Wireless Sensor Network Transport Protocol - A State of the Art

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    In this article, we present a survey of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) existing Transport Protocols. Wehave evaluated the design concepts of different protocols based on congestion control, reliability support and source traffic priority support. Then we draw the concluding remarks, while highlighting up-and-coming research challenges for WSN transport protocols, which should be addressed further in prospective designs

    Wireless industrial monitoring and control networks: the journey so far and the road ahead

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    While traditional wired communication technologies have played a crucial role in industrial monitoring and control networks over the past few decades, they are increasingly proving to be inadequate to meet the highly dynamic and stringent demands of today’s industrial applications, primarily due to the very rigid nature of wired infrastructures. Wireless technology, however, through its increased pervasiveness, has the potential to revolutionize the industry, not only by mitigating the problems faced by wired solutions, but also by introducing a completely new class of applications. While present day wireless technologies made some preliminary inroads in the monitoring domain, they still have severe limitations especially when real-time, reliable distributed control operations are concerned. This article provides the reader with an overview of existing wireless technologies commonly used in the monitoring and control industry. It highlights the pros and cons of each technology and assesses the degree to which each technology is able to meet the stringent demands of industrial monitoring and control networks. Additionally, it summarizes mechanisms proposed by academia, especially serving critical applications by addressing the real-time and reliability requirements of industrial process automation. The article also describes certain key research problems from the physical layer communication for sensor networks and the wireless networking perspective that have yet to be addressed to allow the successful use of wireless technologies in industrial monitoring and control networks

    Wireless Sensor Network transport protocol: A critical review

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    The transport protocols for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) play vital role in achieving the high performance together with longevity of the network. The researchers are continuously contributing in developing new transport layer protocols based on different principles and architectures enabling different combinations of technical features. The uniqueness of each new protocol more or less lies in these functional features, which can be commonly classified based on their proficiencies in fulfilling congestion control, reliability support, and prioritization. The performance of these protocols has been evaluated using dissimilar set of experimental/simulation parameters, thus there is no well defined benchmark for experimental/simulation settings. The researchers working in this area have to compare the performance of the new protocol with the existing protocols to prove that new protocol is better. However, one of the major challenges faced by the researchers is investigating the performance of all the existing protocols, which have been tested in different simulation environments. This leads the significance of having a well-defined benchmark for the experimental/simulation settings. If the future researchers simulate their protocols according to a standard set of simulation/experimental settings, the performance of those protocols can be directly compared with each other just using the published simulation results.This article offers a twofold contribution to support researchers working in the area of WSN transport protocol design. First, we extensively review the technical features of existing transport protocols and suggest a generic framework for a WSN transport protocol, which offers a strong groundwork for the new researchers to identify the open research issues. Second we analyse the experimental settings, focused application areas and the addressed performance criteria of existing protocols; thus suggest a benchmark of experimental/simulation settings for evaluating prospective transport protocols

    End-to-End Resilience Mechanisms for Network Transport Protocols

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    The universal reliance on and hence the need for resilience in network communications has been well established. Current transport protocols are designed to provide fixed mechanisms for error remediation (if any), using techniques such as ARQ, and offer little or no adaptability to underlying network conditions, or to different sets of application requirements. The ubiquitous TCP transport protocol makes too many assumptions about underlying layers to provide resilient end-to-end service in all network scenarios, especially those which include significant heterogeneity. Additionally the properties of reliability, performability, availability, dependability, and survivability are not explicitly addressed in the design, so there is no support for resilience. This dissertation presents considerations which must be taken in designing new resilience mechanisms for future transport protocols to meet service requirements in the face of various attacks and challenges. The primary mechanisms addressed include diverse end-to-end paths, and multi-mode operation for changing network conditions

    Study on Packet Forwarding Mechanism by Narrowing Relay Range in Ad Hoc Networks

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    Energy Efficient and Reliable Data Delivery in Urban Sensing Applications: A Performance Analysis

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    Urban sensing is an emerging application field for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), where a number of static sensors is sparsely deployed in an urban area to collect environmental information. Data sensed by each sensor are, then, opportunistically transmitted to Mobile Nodes (MNs) that happen to be in contact. In the considered scenario, communications between MNs and sensors require paradigms with a minimal synchronization between devices, extremely fast and energy efficient, especially at the sensor side. To deal with the above issues, in [1] we proposed a hybrid protocol for data delivery from sensors to MNs, named Hybrid Adaptive Interleaved Data Protocol (HI). By combining Erasure Coding (EC) with an Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) scheme, the proposed protocol maximizes the reliability of communications while minimizing the energy consumed by sensors. In this paper, we present an in-depth analysis of the HI performance. We provide an analytical evaluation by defining a flexible model to derive the probability of data delivery and exploiting it to investigate the performance over a wide range of parameters. Moreover, we avail of an experimental study to evaluate the HI effectiveness on real sensor platforms. Specifically, we analyze the impact of resource constraints imposed by sensors on data delivery and provide a careful characterization of its actual consumption of resources

    On feedback-based rateless codes for data collection in vehicular networks

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    The ability to transfer data reliably and with low delay over an unreliable service is intrinsic to a number of emerging technologies, including digital video broadcasting, over-the-air software updates, public/private cloud storage, and, recently, wireless vehicular networks. In particular, modern vehicles incorporate tens of sensors to provide vital sensor information to electronic control units (ECUs). In the current architecture, vehicle sensors are connected to ECUs via physical wires, which increase the cost, weight and maintenance effort of the car, especially as the number of electronic components keeps increasing. To mitigate the issues with physical wires, wireless sensor networks (WSN) have been contemplated for replacing the current wires with wireless links, making modern cars cheaper, lighter, and more efficient. However, the ability to reliably communicate with the ECUs is complicated by the dynamic channel properties that the car experiences as it travels through areas with different radio interference patterns, such as urban versus highway driving, or even different road quality, which may physically perturb the wireless sensors. This thesis develops a suite of reliable and efficient communication schemes built upon feedback-based rateless codes, and with a target application of vehicular networks. In particular, we first investigate the feasibility of multi-hop networking for intra-car WSN, and illustrate the potential gains of using the Collection Tree Protocol (CTP), the current state of the art in multi-hop data aggregation. Our results demonstrate, for example, that the packet delivery rate of a node using a single-hop topology protocol can be below 80% in practical scenarios, whereas CTP improves reliability performance beyond 95% across all nodes while simultaneously reducing radio energy consumption. Next, in order to migrate from a wired intra-car network to a wireless system, we consider an intermediate step to deploy a hybrid communication structure, wherein wired and wireless networks coexist. Towards this goal, we design a hybrid link scheduling algorithm that guarantees reliability and robustness under harsh vehicular environments. We further enhance the hybrid link scheduler with the rateless codes such that information leakage to an eavesdropper is almost zero for finite block lengths. In addition to reliability, one key requirement for coded communication schemes is to achieve a fast decoding rate. This feature is vital in a wide spectrum of communication systems, including multimedia and streaming applications (possibly inside vehicles) with real-time playback requirements, and delay-sensitive services, where the receiver needs to recover some data symbols before the recovery of entire frame. To address this issue, we develop feedback-based rateless codes with dynamically-adjusted nonuniform symbol selection distributions. Our simulation results, backed by analysis, show that feedback information paired with a nonuniform distribution significantly improves the decoding rate compared with the state of the art algorithms. We further demonstrate that amount of feedback sent can be tuned to the specific transmission properties of a given feedback channel

    JTP, an energy-aware transport protocol for mobile ad hoc networks (PhD thesis)

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    Wireless ad-hoc networks are based on a cooperative communication model, where all nodes not only generate traffic but also help to route traffic from other nodes to its final destination. In such an environment where there is no infrastructure support the lifetime of the network is tightly coupled with the lifetime of individual nodes. Most of the devices that form such networks are battery-operated, and thus it becomes important to conserve energy so as to maximize the lifetime of a node. In this thesis, we present JTP, a new energy-aware transport protocol, whose goal is to reduce power consumption without compromising delivery requirements of applications. JTP has been implemented within the JAVeLEN system. JAVeLEN [RKM+08], is a new system architecture for ad hoc networks that has been developed to elevate energy efficiency as a first-class optimization metric at all protocol layers, from physical to transport. Thus, energy gains obtained in one layer would not be offset by incompatibilities and/or inefficiencies in other layers. To meet its goal of energy efficiency, JTP (1) contains mechanisms to balance end-toend vs. local retransmissions; (2) minimizes acknowledgment traffic using receiver regulated rate-based flow control combined with selected acknowledgments and in-network caching of packets; and (3) aggressively seeks to avoid any congestion-based packet loss. Within this ultra low-power multi-hop wireless network system, simulations and experimental results demonstrate that our transport protocol meets its goal of preserving the energy efficiency of the underlying network. JTP has been implemented on the actual JAVeLEN nodes and its benefits have been demonstrated on a real system

    JTP, an energy-aware transport protocol for mobile ad hoc networks

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    Wireless ad-hoc networks are based on a cooperative communication model, where all nodes not only generate traffic but also help to route traffic from other nodes to its final destination. In such an environment where there is no infrastructure support the lifetime of the network is tightly coupled with the lifetime of individual nodes. Most of the devices that form such networks are battery-operated, and thus it becomes important to conserve energy so as to maximize the lifetime of a node. In this thesis, we present JTP, a new energy-aware transport protocol, whose goal is to reduce power consumption without compromising delivery requirements of applications. JTP has been implemented within the JAVeLEN system. JAVeLEN~\cite{javelen08redi}, is a new system architecture for ad hoc networks that has been developed to elevate energy efficiency as a first-class optimization metric at all protocol layers, from physical to transport. Thus, energy gains obtained in one layer would not be offset by incompatibilities and/or inefficiencies in other layers. To meet its goal of energy efficiency, JTP (1) contains mechanisms to balance end-to-end vs. local retransmissions; (2) minimizes acknowledgment traffic using receiver regulated rate-based flow control combined with selected acknowledgments and in-network caching of packets; and (3) aggressively seeks to avoid any congestion-based packet loss. Within this ultra low-power multi-hop wireless network system, simulations and experimental results demonstrate that our transport protocol meets its goal of preserving the energy efficiency of the underlying network. JTP has been implemented on the actual JAVeLEN nodes and its benefits have been demoed on a real system