568 research outputs found

    ISAR: Ein Autorensystem für Interaktive Tische

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    Developing augmented reality systems involves several challenges, that prevent end users and experts from non-technical domains, such as education, to experiment with this technology. In this research we introduce ISAR, an authoring system for augmented reality tabletops targeting users from non-technical domains. ISAR allows non-technical users to create their own interactive tabletop applications and experiment with the use of this technology in domains such as educations, industrial training, and medical rehabilitation.Die Entwicklung von Augmented-Reality-Systemen ist mit mehreren Herausforderungen verbunden, die Endbenutzer und Experten aus nicht-technischen Bereichen, wie z.B. dem Bildungswesen, daran hindern, mit dieser Technologie zu experimentieren. In dieser Forschung stellen wir ISAR vor, ein Autorensystem für Augmented-Reality-Tabletops, das sich an Benutzer aus nicht-technischen Bereichen richtet. ISAR ermöglicht es nicht-technischen Anwendern, ihre eigenen interaktiven Tabletop-Anwendungen zu erstellen und mit dem Einsatz dieser Technologie in Bereichen wie Bildung, industrieller Ausbildung und medizinischer Rehabilitation zu experimentieren


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    We explore the integration of projected imagery with a physical book that acts as a tangible interface to multimedia data. Using a camera and projector pair, a tracking framework is presented wherein the 3D position of planar pages are monitored as they are turned back and forth by a user, and data is correctly warped and projected onto each page at interactive rates to provide the user with an intuitive mixed-reality experience. The book pages are blank, so traditional camera-based approaches to tracking physical features on the display surface do not apply. Instead, in each frame, feature points are independently extracted from the camera and projector images, and matched to recover the geometry of the pages in motion. The book can be loaded with multimedia content, including images and videos. In addition, volumetric datasets can be explored by removing a page from the book and using it as a tool to navigate through a virtual 3D volume

    SurfaceCast: Ubiquitous, Cross-Device Surface Sharing

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    Real-time online interaction is the norm today. Tabletops and other dedicated interactive surface devices with direct input and tangible interaction can enhance remote collaboration, and open up new interaction scenarios based on mixed physical/virtual components. However, they are only available to a small subset of users, as they usually require identical bespoke hardware for every participant, are complex to setup, and need custom scenario-specific applications. We present SurfaceCast, a software toolkit designed to merge multiple distributed, heterogeneous end-user devices into a single, shared mixed-reality surface. Supported devices include regular desktop and laptop computers, tablets, and mixed-reality headsets, as well as projector-camera setups and dedicated interactive tabletop systems. This device-agnostic approach provides a fundamental building block for exploration of a far wider range of usage scenarios than previously feasible, including future clients using our provided API. In this paper, we discuss the software architecture of SurfaceCast, present a formative user study and a quantitative performance analysis of our framework, and introduce five example application scenarios which we enhance through the multi-user and multi-device features of the framework. Our results show that the hardware- and content-agnostic architecture of SurfaceCast can run on a wide variety of devices with sufficient performance and fidelity for real-time interaction

    A Tangible Interface for the AMI Content Linking Device -- The Automated Meeting Assistant

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    In this Paper we describe our approach to support ongoing meetings with an automated meeting assistant. The system based on the AMIDA Content Linking Device aims at providing relevant documents used in previous meetings for the ongoing meeting based on automatic speech recognition. Once the content linking device finds documents linked to a discussion about a similar subject in a previous meeting, it assumes they may be relevant for the current discussion as well. We believe that the way these documents are offered to the meeting participants is equally important as the way they are found. We developed a projection based mixed reality user interface that lets the documents appear on the table tops in front of the meeting participants. They can hand them over to others or bring them onto the shared projection screen easily if they consider them relevant for others as well. Yet, irrelevant documents do not draw too much attention from the discussion. In this paper we describe the concept and implementation of this user interface and provide some preliminary results

    Design and Development of a Multi-Sided Tabletop Augmented Reality 3D Display Coupled with Remote 3D Imaging Module

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    This paper proposes a tabletop augmented reality (AR) 3D display paired with a remote 3D image capture setup that can provide three-dimensional AR visualization of remote objects or persons in real-time. The front-side view is presented in stereo-3D format, while the left-side and right-side views are visualized in 2D format. Transparent glass surfaces are used to demonstrate the volumetric 3D augmentation of the captured object. The developed AR display prototype mainly consists of four 40 × 30 cm2 LCD panels, 54% partially reflective glass, an in-house developed housing assembly, and a processing unit. The capture setup consists of four 720p cameras to capture the front-side stereo view and both the left- and right-side views. The real-time remote operation is demonstrated by connecting the display and imaging units through the Internet. Various system characteristics, such as range of viewing angle, stereo crosstalk, polarization perseverance, frame rate, and amount of reflected and transmitted light through partially reflective glass, were examined. The demonstrated system provided 35% optical transparency and less than 4% stereo crosstalk within a viewing angle of ±20 degrees. An average frame rate of 7.5 frames per second was achieved when the resolution per view was 240 × 240 pixels

    Design and Development of a Multi-Sided Tabletop Augmented Reality 3D Display Coupled with Remote 3D Imaging Module

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    This paper proposes a tabletop augmented reality (AR) 3D display paired with a remote 3D image capture setup that can provide three-dimensional AR visualization of remote objects or persons in real-time. The front-side view is presented in stereo-3D format, while the left-side and right-side views are visualized in 2D format. Transparent glass surfaces are used to demonstrate the volumetric 3D augmentation of the captured object. The developed AR display prototype mainly consists of four 40 × 30 cm2 LCD panels, 54% partially reflective glass, an in-house developed housing assembly, and a processing unit. The capture setup consists of four 720p cameras to capture the front-side stereo view and both the left- and right-side views. The real-time remote operation is demonstrated by connecting the display and imaging units through the Internet. Various system characteristics, such as range of viewing angle, stereo crosstalk, polarization perseverance, frame rate, and amount of reflected and transmitted light through partially reflective glass, were examined. The demonstrated system provided 35% optical transparency and less than 4% stereo crosstalk within a viewing angle of ±20 degrees. An average frame rate of 7.5 frames per second was achieved when the resolution per view was 240 × 240 pixels

    Sidestep and sneak peek: spatial actions in augmented reality games

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    We propose a novel concept of game, which allows players to experience tangible interaction with the virtual world of digital games by mixing motorized scenery (object support) with dynamically generated spatial augmented reality. A specific hardware, which includes a turntable platform, on where players can setup customized polygonal shaped scenery to play the game projected onto its surfaces, and a single, or a pair, of focus free laser pico-projectors pointed toward the platform is proposed as a game console able to run this experiment. The turntable platform orientation is synchronized with the game play in a way the physical object rotates aligned with the projected virtual reality in relation to the player’s fixed perspective. By designing 3-dimensional animations, which are rendered and projected in accordance with the surface orientations, we were able to enhance the illusion of depth toward these planar structures during the game play. The use of spatial augmented reality is justified by exploiting the characteristics of projected 2-dimensional light onto 3- dimensional objects in order to extend the game possibilities. As an example, the number and orientation of polygons found on the support can be directly associated with the complexity of the game universe, affecting the game difficulty, scale and game play. In this paper we discuss about spatial actions, which are actions players can perform at object support creases. When synchronized with motor movements, these actions extend the sense of volume in relation to the game avatars providing a tangible connection between players and digital content