1,398 research outputs found

    Vertical transmission of honey bee viruses in a Belgian queen breeding program

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    Background: The Member States of European Union are encouraged to improve the general conditions for the production and marketing of apicultural products. In Belgium, programmes on the restocking of honey bee hives have run for many years. Overall, the success ratio of this queen breeding programme has been only around 50%. To tackle this low efficacy, we organized sanitary controls of the breeding queens in 2012 and 2014. Results: We found a high quantity of viruses, with more than 75% of the egg samples being infected with at least one virus. The most abundant viruses were Deformed Wing Virus and Sacbrood Virus (>= 40%), although Lake Sinai Virus and Acute Bee Paralysis Virus were also occasionally detected (between 10-30%). In addition, Aphid Lethal Paralysis Virus strain Brookings, Black Queen Cell Virus, Chronic Bee Paralysis Virus and Varroa destructor Macula-like Virus occurred at very low prevalences (<= 5%). Remarkably, we found Apis mellifera carnica bees to be less infected with Deformed Wing Virus than Buckfast bees ( p < 0.01), and also found them to have a lower average total number of infecting viruses ( p < 0.001). This is a significant finding, given that Deformed Wing Virus has earlier been shown to be a contributory factor to winter mortality and Colony Collapse Disorder. Moreover, negative-strand detection of Sacbrood Virus in eggs was demonstrated for the first time. Conclusions: High pathogen loads were observed in this sanitary control program. We documented for the first time vertical transmission of some viruses, as well as significant differences between two honey bee races in being affected by Deformed Wing Virus. Nevertheless, we could not demonstrate a correlation between the presence of viruses and queen breeding efficacies

    Heritabilnost negovateljskog ponašanja sive medonosne pčele (Apis mellifera Carnica)

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    Grooming behavior is considered an important defensive mechanism of honey bees against Varroa mites. The aim of this study was to reveal whether grooming behavior is a useful criterion in breeding of Varroa-tolerant bees. To obtain a reliable evaluation the environmental influences were excluded. The degree of grooming potential was estimated by the percentage of damaged mites in the total number of fallen mites. The heritability of grooming behavior throughout the three consecutive generations of queens was assessed by mother-daughter regression method. Among unselected queens, expressed grooming behavior was recorded only in colonies with F1 queens (36.27%), but not in colonies with P queens and F2 queens (33.69%, 31.66%, respectively). Significant differences in grooming behavior were found between colonies of P and F1 queens (p lt 0.001), and between colonies of P and F2 queens (p lt 0.05). However, all of the three generations of selected queens showed expressed grooming behavior (37.99%, 39.42% and 38.58% in Ps, F1s and F2s, respectively) without significant (p>0.05) difference among them. Nevertheless, the relatively low heritability of grooming behavior in the three generations of queens examined (h2yx=0.49±0.02; h2zx=0.18±0.01; h2zy=0.16±0.01) indicate that breeding colonies for grooming behavior only cannot be advised to beekeepers whose aim is to breed bees highly tolerant to Varroa mites.Negovateljsko ponašanje se smatra značajnim mehanizmom odbrane pčela od Varroa krpelja. Cilj ovog rada je bilo ispitivanje negovateljskog ponašanja, procena njegove heritabilnosti i mogućnosti povećanja ekspresije te osobine putem selekcije. Radi dobijanja pouzdanih rezultata korišćenja je metodologija kojom se uticaj spoljašnjih faktora isključuje. Ispoljenost negovateljskog ponašanja procenjivana je na osnovu procenta oštećenih u ukupnom broju otpalih krpelja. Heritabilnost negovateljskog ponašanja praćena na kroz generacije matica i procenjivana metodom regresije majka-ćerka. Među neselekcionisanim maticama, negovateljsko ponašanje bilo je izraženo samo kod matica F1 generacije (36,27%), ali ne i kod P (33,69%) i F2 generacije (31,66%). Statistički značajne razlike u negovateljskom ponašanju zabeležene su između društava P i F1 matica (p lt 0,001) i između društava P i F2 matica (p lt 0,05). Međutim, selekcionisane matice sve tri generacije (Ps, F1s, F2s) su imale izraženo negovateljsko ponašanje (37,99%, 39,42% i 38,58%) bez statistički značajnih (p>0,05) razlika među njima. Ipak, nizak koeficijent heritabilnosti praćene osobine (h2yx=0,49±0,02; h2zx=0,18±0,01; h2zy=0,16±0,01) ukazuje da se pčelarima ne može preporučiti selekcija pčela samo na negovateljsko ponašanje ako je njihov cilj uzgoj pčelinjih zajednica povećane otpornosti na Varroa krpelje


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    Thirty six honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica) colonies were tested for gentleness, swarming behaviour, colony strength, racial characteristics, Cubital index (Ci), honey production, extension of capped brood, hygienic behaviour and the presence of Nosema spp. spores. The average value of Ci of all measures was 2.7 (±0.40). The average honey production was 9.5 kg (±6.6) and the area of capped brood was 7061 cm2 (±2813). Colonies expressed hygienic behaviour observed 24 hours after killing pupae twice in May and July at the level of 83.4% (±11.2). Each of twelve colonies uncapped and removed more than 90% of killed pupae, and of these, eight colonies cleaned more than 96% of killed pupae. The highest Nosema spp. spore load was found during September. We conclude that establishing the colony performance factors, with maximal level of 34 points, is a suitable tool for ranking and selection of colonies in each queen rearing apiary.Šestintrideset čebeljih družin (Apis mellifera carnica) smo vrednotili glede na mirnost, rojivost, živalnost, rasne karakteristike, kubitalni indeks (Ci), pridelavo medu, obseg pokrite zalege, sposobnost čiščenja odmrle zalege in prisotnost spor Nosema spp. Povprečna vrednost Ci je bila 2,69 (±0,40), povprečna pridelava medu 9,52 kg (±6,64) in obseg pokrite zalege je v povprečju obsegal 7061 cm2 (±2813). Družine so v 24 urnem testu čiščenja odmrle zalege, izvedenem v maju in juniju odstranile 83,4 % (±11,2) zalege. Nad 90 % odmrle zalege je bilo odstranjenih v dvanajstih družinah, nad 96 % odmrle zalege pa je bilo odstranjene v osmih družinah. Največja količina ugotovljenih spor Nosema spp. je bila v septembru. Na osnovi izvedenih testov, ugotavljamo, da je ocenjevanje in selekcija čebeljih družin na osnovi uporabljenih karakteristik, z največjo oceno 34 točk, ustrezna metoda za rangiranje in odbiro družin v vzrejališču čebeljih matic

    Winterization techniques for populations of Apis mellifera ligustica and Apis mellifera carnica in western Montana

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    Winterization techniques for populations of Apis mellifera ligustica and Apis mellifera carnica in western Montana Agroecology Abstract: The relationship between domestic honey bees (Apis mellifera ligustica and Apis mellifera carnica) and winter in a northern climate was studied to determine an effective, economical, and environmentally-sustainable method to keep the University of Montana Gardens’ colonies alive over the winter. Successfully winterizing bees would kickstart UM Gardens’ pollination and reduce the carbon impact from implementing new colonies every season, ultimately contributing to earlier, healthier and fuller plants and produce for the Food Zoo. The University currently owns two hives containing colonies of Apis mellifera ligustica and Apis mellifera carnica and has failed, thus far, to keep either colony strong enough to survive the winter. Keeping the honey bees alive over the winter will spare UM Gardens from having to buy new packages of bees every year, saving both money and start-up time. Established colonies lower the risk of implementing new colonies every season while reducing any footprint that shipping new bees across the country to Montana may have on the environment, which furthers UM Gardens’ mission of sustainability. I researched different types of winterization techniques from across the world by beekeepers in different climates, ultimately utilizing a combination of successful winterization techniques used by beekeepers in Alberta and Saskatchewan. These methods include using recycled wood chips and burlap for moisture absorption and reclaimed wood for the creation of candy boards. By applying sustainable and effective winterization techniques used in regions with similarly harsh winter climates, I designed and built my own system of winterization to keep the University of Montana’s bees alive over the winter. I applied my design to two hives by feeding the hives two different sugar mixes and building a windbreak. The results of this process will be fully revealed in spring 2020

    Cloning and Characterization of Phospholipases A2 and Hyaluronidase Genes from the Venom of the Honeybee Apis mellifera carnica (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

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    Bee venom contains the allergic enzymes phospholipases A2 (PLA2) and hyaluronidase. These enzymes have been extensively studied as therapeutic modalities because of their proven effects in pharmaceutical and clinical applications. The cDNA cloning of PLA2 and hyaluronidase was amplified by RT-PCR from the total RNA of the venom gland of a honeybee (Apis mellifera carnica). The lengths of the PLA2 and hyaluronidase of Apis mellifera ligustica were 504 and 1146bp, respectively. The genes of PLA2 and hyaluronidase shared 90.94% and 96.65% homologies with A. mellifera ligustica and Apis cerana cerana, respectively. Some similar PLA2 and hyaluronidase were also found in the venom of other bee species, We analyzed their sequences and compared them with those of other sources. A notable finding was that the two genes differed from those of A. mellifera ligustica and A. cerana cerana. The positions of the disulfide bonds of PLA2 and hyaluronidase were also completely different from those previously reported. We used the available sequences to construct a phylogenetic tree and discovered that these two genes of A. mellifera carnica belonged to the western honeybee, and was more closely related to that of A. mellifera ligustica than to any other insect

    Heritabilnost higijenskog ponašanja sive medonosne pčele (Apis mellifera carnica)

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    Breeding grey A. m. carnica queens for hygienic behavior is beneficial for commercial beekeeping in Serbia, since hygienic behavior is associated with the resistance to the mite Varroa destructor, as well as to American foulbrood and chalk brood. In this work, heritability of hygienic behavior was analyzed in autochthonous grey A. m. carnica honey bees from Šumadija region in order to ascertain if the expression of their hygienic behavior could be enhanced through selective breeding. Heritability of hygienic behavior was monitored through three queen generations and estimated by one-parent-offspring regression method (motherdaughter regression method). The heritability values for hygienic behavior were h2=0.63±0.02 in relationship between daughter queens (F1s) and breeder mother queens (Ps), h2=0.45±0.01 in relationship between grand-daughter queens (F2s) and Ps and h2=0.44±0.02 in relationship between F2s and F1s. These results show that the expression of hygienic behavior through selective breeding could be enhanced and the best results could be achieved in the F1 generation. It is important to emphasize that the F1 colonies bred for hygienic behavior in our study suffer no apparent costs in reproductive and productive performances.Odgajanje matica sive medonosne pčele A. m. carnica sa ispoljenim higijenskim ponašanjem od velikog je značaja za komercijalno pčelarenje u Srbiji, obzirom da je higijensko ponašanje povezano sa otpornošću prema krpelju Varroa destructor, kao i prema izazivačima bolesti američke truleži pčelinjeg legla i krečnog legla. U ovom radu, ispitivana je heritabilnost higijenskog ponašanja kod autohtone sive medonosne pčele A. m. carnica iz Šumadije da bi se utvrdilo da li ispoljenost higijenskog ponašanja kod tih pčela može da se poveća putem selektivnog gajenja. Heritabilnost higijenskog ponašanja praćena je kroz tri generacije matica i procenjivana metodom regresije jedan roditelj-potomak (metoda regresije majka-ćerka). Vrednosti koeficijenta heritabilnosti higijenskog ponašanja bile su h2=0,63±0,02 između ćerki matica (F1s) i majki matica (Ps), h2=0,45±0,01 između unuka matica (F2s) i Ps, i h2=0.44±0.02 između F2s i F1s. Ovi rezultati pokazuju da ispoljenost higijenskog ponašanja kod analiziranih pčela može biti povećana, kao i da se najbolji rezultati mogu postići u F1 generaciji. Pri tome je značajno istaći da kod društava F1 generacije odgajenih na higijensko ponašanje u našem radu nije bilo nikakvih negativnih posledica u pogledu reproduktivnih i produktivnih sposobnosti

    Population-genetical characteristics of the bee population of Vojvodina

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    In 1893. Jovan Zivanovic notes that based on the color of the abdomen of bees, two varieties of bees are present in Vojvodina, one dark and the other with two yellow rings on abdomen. Up to the present time there are mixed opinions about the presence of one or more populations of bees in Vojvodina, especially about the presence of the yellow variety in Banat. The aim of this paper is to establish the existence of one or more populations of bees, using genetic analysis of bees. Evaluation of genetic connections, diversity within the population and structure of the bee population in Vojvodina, were calculated on the basis of allele variation of 25 microsatellite loci. A genetic typification of the following microsatellites was performed: A8, A14, A24, A29, A43, A79, A88, A113, Ac11, Ac88, Ac139, Ac306, Ap15, Ap68, Ap85, Ap90, Ap223, Ap224, Ap226, Ap249, Ap273, Ap274, Ap288, At168, At188. 92% or 23 loci proved to be polymorphic in samples of bees from Srem and Backa, and 88% or 22 loci proved to be polymorphic in samples of bees from Banat. Heterozygosity calculated for the whole population is not significantly different from the expected heterozygosity. It was found that the obtained genetic differences between bees of Srem and Backa, and Banat region are not sufficient for these two populations to be considered separate

    Genetic variation of apis mellifera from Serbia inferred from mitochondrial analysis

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    Two honeybee subspecies inhabit Serbia; Apis mellifera carnica and A. m. macedonica. Both belong to eastern Mediterranean (C) evolutionary lineage. Furthermore three Serbian honeybee ecotypes restricted to particular regions, were defined through morphometry and cytogenetic analyses. In this study, mitochondrial data have been used to analyze the molecular diversity of the honeybee population from Serbia. Seven haplotypes of the C evolutionary lineage have been found, two of them are newly described (C2o and C2p) and restricted to two regions, which ultimately increased the number of haplotypes found in this lineage. Comparisons with surrounding honeybee populations suggest a hybrid situation between A. m. carnica and A. m. macedonica and also introgression from A. m. ligustica. The results should be considered when dealing with future conservation strategies, and for pathogen-parasite-tolerant breeding programs

    Diferencijacija prednjeg krila medonosne pčele iz Srbije

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    In this study, 12 morphological characteristics were measured on worker bee samples collected from seven different locations covering the territory of Republic Serbia. The measurement of 11 angles on the front wing and cubital index was done with stereo microscope Leica XTL-3400D, and software package IL 1009 in accordance with the standard method. The results showed significant differences between the groups of bees and investigation of angles on the forewing could be contributed to a clearer separation of groups of bees inside domestic population.U ovom istraživanju mereno je 12 morfoloških karakteristika prednjeg krila pčela radilica u skladu sa metodama Ruttner i sar. (1978). Uzorci pčela radilica su prikupljeni sa 7 različitih lokacija čime su pokriveni glavni pčelarski regioni na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Morfometrijska istraživanja pokazala su da pčele iz Zapadno Bačkog regiona u Vojvodini imaju najveću vrednost uglova B4 (113,17º), D7 (100,10º), E9 (24,28º), K19 (79,60º) i najveći kubitalni indeks (2,92). Iste pčele se na osnovu multivarijantne diskriminantne analize najviše razlikuju od grupe pčela sa Kosova. Na osnovu analize varijanse, utvrđeno je da postoji vrlo značajna razlika (P lt 0.01) u 7 morfoloških karakteristika između grupa pčela sa izabranih lokaliteta. Može se zaključiti da utvrđene vrednosti za ispitivane karaktere ukazuju na postojanje značajne varijabilnosti i impliciraju na postojanje subpopulacija uslovljenih delovanjem čoveka