7 research outputs found

    API Fluency

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    Towards an聽API Marketplace for聽an聽e-Invoicing Ecosystem

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    Driven by a large number of very diverse and fast-evolving regulations, the adoption of e-invoicing is creating many challenges for solution providers, such as dealing with compliance requirements, cross-border issues, heterogeneity of standards and constant changes. Existing solutions do not represent a cost-effective and vendor-independent alternative to existing legacy systems, ERPs and databases. The proposed solution is based on leveraging cloud computing concepts, Software-as-a-Service concept, API economy, and Business Process Modelling (BPM) concepts. It allows solution providers to choose SaaS components and customise their offerings according to customers needs. Given an ecosystem of APIs available via a marketplace, it becomes possible to rapidly compose and build new applications via BPM technologies. The paper describes an implementation of this concept realised using several e-invoicing APIs being composed using the WASP workflow system. Some preliminary results regarding the feasibility of the proposed approach in a simple buyer-seller scenario are discussed

    Breaks and Code Quality: Investigating the Impact of Forgetting on Software Development. A Registered Report

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    Developers interrupting their participation in a project might slowly forget critical information about the code, such as its intended purpose, structure, the impact of external dependencies, and the approach used for implementation. Forgetting the implementation details can have detrimental effects on software maintenance, comprehension, knowledge sharing, and developer productivity, resulting in bugs, and other issues that can negatively influence the software development process. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that developers have a clear understanding of the codebase and can work efficiently and effectively even after long interruptions. This registered report proposes an empirical study aimed at investigating the impact of the developer's activity breaks duration and different code quality properties. In particular, we aim at understanding if the amount of activity in a project impact the code quality, and if developers with different activity profiles show different impacts on code quality. The results might be useful to understand if it is beneficial to promote the practice of developing multiple projects in parallel, or if it is more beneficial to reduce the number of projects each developer contributes

    Identificaci贸n de anomal铆as de APIs web en mashup

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    Las aplicaciones web mashup son el resultado de extraer y combinar informaci贸n o datos de diversas fuentes externas. Las APIs web son fundamentales en el proceso de desarrollo de una web mashup ya que permiten el acceso a informaci贸n de distinto tipo (texto, im谩genes, videos). Luego, cuando la aplicaci贸n mashup est谩 disponible, es posible que se produzcan anomal铆as en las respuestas de las APIs web, esto ocasiona fallas o p茅rdidas de informaci贸n. Por este motivo, es necesario que los desarrolladores identifiquen estas anomal铆as para manejar estas situaciones. Este trabajo presenta un mashup que integra informaci贸n de las redes sociales Facebook, Twitter y YouTube, e incorpora un mecanismo para identificar y registrar anomal铆as conocidas como respuestas vac铆as y respuestas mal formadas. A partir de un archivo JSON personalizado se registran las anomal铆as para su an谩lisis. Los resultados se presentan mediante ejemplos sobre la aplicaci贸n web y el reporte de anomal铆as encontradas.XIX Workshop Ingenier铆a de Software (WIS)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tic

    Una propuesta para asistir a la Co-evoluci贸n de Mashup cuando las APIs web evolucionan

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    As web application programming interfaces (APIs) evolve, previously established contracts change, and thus can affect the behavior, operation and / or execution of consumer applications such as Mashup. In these cases, these applications need to be repaired to continue working, which is a process called co-evolution. Identifying and locating the operations that are affected by the evolution of web APIs and estimating the impact they generate are necessary tasks that help the developer update the code. This work presents a proposal to assist the coevolution of Mashup. Specifically from a mashup operations graph, we identify and locate the operations affected by some changes in the web APIs. We also propose a set of simple metrics that allow estimating the impact of these changes on the mashup. The mashup operations graph and metrics assist web developers in co-evolution tasks. The proposal was applied to two mashups that are currently available on the web. The preliminary results show that the proposal is applicable.A medida que evolucionan las interfaces de programaci贸n de aplicaciones web (API), los contratos establecidos previamente cambian y, por lo tanto, pueden afectar el comportamiento, el funcionamiento y / o la ejecuci贸n de aplicaciones de consumo como Mashup. En estos casos, estas aplicaciones necesitan ser reparadas para seguir funcionando, es un proceso llamado co-evoluci贸n. Identificar y localizar las operaciones que se ven afectadas por la evoluci贸n de las API web y estimar el impacto que generan son tareas necesarias que ayudan al desarrollador a actualizar el c贸digo. Este trabajo presenta una propuesta para asistir a la coevoluci贸n de Mashup. Espec铆ficamente a partir de un grafo de operaciones de mashup, identificamos y ubicamos las operaciones afectadas por algunos cambios en las API web. Tambi茅n proponemos un conjunto de m茅tricas simples que permiten estimar el impacto de estos cambios en el mashup. El grafo y las m茅tricas de operaciones de mashup ayudan a los desarrolladores web en las tareas de co-evoluci贸n. La propuesta fue aplicada a dos mashup que actualmente se encuentran disponibles en la web. Los resultados preliminares muestran que la propuesta es aplicable