6 research outputs found

    The use of information and communication technologies by enterprises in the European Union member countries

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    The paper analyzes the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in enterprises in the European Union member states. The objectives of the analysis were to examine the level reached in the application of ICT in European enterprises and explore the differences in ICT usage that exist between the EU member states. The analysis is based on the Eurostat data on ICT usage in enterprises in the European Union countries (EU-28) for the years 2018 and 2017. The following indicators of ICT usage were analyzed: fixed broadband access, the speed of the internet connections, the presence of the Internet (enterprises having a website), the use of social media, the use of cloud computing services, e-commerce indicators (the share of the enterprises making e-sales and the share of e-commerce in the total turnover) and the indicators of e-business integration - the share of the enterprises using enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM) and the supply chain management (SCM) software applications. A comparative analysis of the EU countries by the value of these indicators was carried out. The main focus in the analysis was to identify the factors that influence the difference in the value of the ICT indicators between the countries. The analysis has shown that the regional position, the geographic characteristics, the size of the country and the level of its economic development are the factors that influence these differences.U radu se analizira primena informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija (IKT) u preduzećima u zemljama članicama Evropske unije (EU). Ciljevi analize bili su da se ispita dostignuti nivo u primeni IKT u preduzećima i da se istraže razlike u korišćenju IKT koje postoje među zemljama članicama EU. U analizi su korišćeni podaci EUROSTAT-a o primeni IKT u preduzećima Evropske unije (EU-28) za 2017. i 2018. Analizirani su sledeći indikatori primene IKT u preduzećima: širokopojasna internet konekcija, brzina internet konekcije, prisustvo na internetu (posedovanje Web sajta), korišćenje društvenih medija, korišćenje cloud računarstva, indikatori e-trgovine (udeo preduzeća koja prodaju svoje proizvode preko interneta i učešće e-trgovine u ukupnom prometu), i indikatori integrisanosti e-poslovanja (udeo preduzeća koja koriste integralni poslovni software, software za upravljanje odnosima sa klijentima i softver za upravljanje lancem snabdevanja). Izvršena je komparativna analiza zemalja EU po vrednosti ovih indikatora, sa ciljem da se utvrdi koji faktori utiču na razlike u vrednosti indikatora među zemljama. Analiza je pokazala da su regionalni položaj, geografske karakteristike, veličina zemlje i dostignut nivo ekonomskog razvoja faktori koji utiču na ove razlike

    The use of information and communication technologies by enterprises in the European Union member countries

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    The paper analyzes the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in enterprises in the European Union member states. The objectives of the analysis were to examine the level reached in the application of ICT in European enterprises and explore the differences in ICT usage that exist between the EU member states. The analysis is based on the Eurostat data on ICT usage in enterprises in the European Union countries (EU-28) for the years 2018 and 2017. The following indicators of ICT usage were analyzed: fixed broadband access, the speed of the internet connections, the presence of the Internet (enterprises having a website), the use of social media, the use of cloud computing services, e-commerce indicators (the share of the enterprises making e-sales and the share of e-commerce in the total turnover) and the indicators of e-business integration - the share of the enterprises using enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM) and the supply chain management (SCM) software applications. A comparative analysis of the EU countries by the value of these indicators was carried out. The main focus in the analysis was to identify the factors that influence the difference in the value of the ICT indicators between the countries. The analysis has shown that the regional position, the geographic characteristics, the size of the country and the level of its economic development are the factors that influence these differences.U radu se analizira primena informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija (IKT) u preduzećima u zemljama članicama Evropske unije (EU). Ciljevi analize bili su da se ispita dostignuti nivo u primeni IKT u preduzećima i da se istraže razlike u korišćenju IKT koje postoje među zemljama članicama EU. U analizi su korišćeni podaci EUROSTAT-a o primeni IKT u preduzećima Evropske unije (EU-28) za 2017. i 2018. Analizirani su sledeći indikatori primene IKT u preduzećima: širokopojasna internet konekcija, brzina internet konekcije, prisustvo na internetu (posedovanje Web sajta), korišćenje društvenih medija, korišćenje cloud računarstva, indikatori e-trgovine (udeo preduzeća koja prodaju svoje proizvode preko interneta i učešće e-trgovine u ukupnom prometu), i indikatori integrisanosti e-poslovanja (udeo preduzeća koja koriste integralni poslovni software, software za upravljanje odnosima sa klijentima i softver za upravljanje lancem snabdevanja). Izvršena je komparativna analiza zemalja EU po vrednosti ovih indikatora, sa ciljem da se utvrdi koji faktori utiču na razlike u vrednosti indikatora među zemljama. Analiza je pokazala da su regionalni položaj, geografske karakteristike, veličina zemlje i dostignut nivo ekonomskog razvoja faktori koji utiču na ove razlike

    The use of information and communication technologies by enterprises in the European Union member countries

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    The paper analyzes the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in enterprises in the European Union member states. The objectives of the analysis were to examine the level reached in the application of ICT in European enterprises and explore the differences in ICT usage that exist between the EU member states. The analysis is based on the Eurostat data on ICT usage in enterprises in the European Union countries (EU-28) for the years 2018 and 2017. The following indicators of ICT usage were analyzed: fixed broadband access, the speed of the internet connections, the presence of the Internet (enterprises having a website), the use of social media, the use of cloud computing services, e-commerce indicators (the share of the enterprises making e-sales and the share of e-commerce in the total turnover) and the indicators of e-business integration - the share of the enterprises using enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM) and the supply chain management (SCM) software applications. A comparative analysis of the EU countries by the value of these indicators was carried out. The main focus in the analysis was to identify the factors that influence the difference in the value of the ICT indicators between the countries. The analysis has shown that the regional position, the geographic characteristics, the size of the country and the level of its economic development are the factors that influence these differences.U radu se analizira primena informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija (IKT) u preduzećima u zemljama članicama Evropske unije (EU). Ciljevi analize bili su da se ispita dostignuti nivo u primeni IKT u preduzećima i da se istraže razlike u korišćenju IKT koje postoje među zemljama članicama EU. U analizi su korišćeni podaci EUROSTAT-a o primeni IKT u preduzećima Evropske unije (EU-28) za 2017. i 2018. Analizirani su sledeći indikatori primene IKT u preduzećima: širokopojasna internet konekcija, brzina internet konekcije, prisustvo na internetu (posedovanje Web sajta), korišćenje društvenih medija, korišćenje cloud računarstva, indikatori e-trgovine (udeo preduzeća koja prodaju svoje proizvode preko interneta i učešće e-trgovine u ukupnom prometu), i indikatori integrisanosti e-poslovanja (udeo preduzeća koja koriste integralni poslovni software, software za upravljanje odnosima sa klijentima i softver za upravljanje lancem snabdevanja). Izvršena je komparativna analiza zemalja EU po vrednosti ovih indikatora, sa ciljem da se utvrdi koji faktori utiču na razlike u vrednosti indikatora među zemljama. Analiza je pokazala da su regionalni položaj, geografske karakteristike, veličina zemlje i dostignut nivo ekonomskog razvoja faktori koji utiču na ove razlike

    Impact of information and communication technologies on the tourism sector

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    PURPOSE: The article aims to assess the impact of information and communication technologies on the operation of the tourism sector.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research methodology was based on the application of the desk research method, involving the verification of data obtained from publicly available found sources (professional literature, Internet, web research).FINDINGS: The continuous development of information and communication technologies over the past decade has radically changed tourism. ICT technologies offer a broad spectrum of solutions affecting the entire tourism industry, including travel, transportation, leisure, and hospitality, and increase the efficiency of economic processes in the tourism sector.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The article contains valuable information that can serve as source material and a reference for further research related to the development of the tourism sector.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This article contributes to recent European and global academic discussions on the competitiveness of ICT and its importance in the tourism sector.peer-reviewe

    Economic Security of the Enterprise Within the Conditions of Digital Transformation

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    In the context of the digital economy development, the priority component of the economic security of an enterprise is changing from material to digital, constituting an independent element of enterprise security. The relevance of the present research is driven by the need to solve the issue of modernizing the economic security of the enterprise taking into account the new risks and opportunities of digitalization. The purpose of the academic paper lies in identifying the features of preventing internal and external negative influences (threats) in order to guarantee the effective and stable functioning and dynamic social development of the enterprise in the context of digitalization. The research methods are as follows: general scientific research methods, in particular, logical analysis, theoretical substantiation, methods of induction and deduction, formalization and generalization, statistical observation. Results. It has been proposed to introduce the concept of “digital security of the enterprise” for replacing the concept of “information component of economic security” in order to bring the terminology in line with new economic realities. The implementation of the “black box” model has made it possible to identify the latest risks and threats to the economic security of an enterprise within the conditions of the digitalization that differs from the existing ones. The assessment of enterprises’ digital security of the European Union member states has revealed that the digital security level does not depend on the size of the country, however, it is influenced by the institutional environment (in particular, digital development tools in the EU) and the size of enterprises. Also, within the research framework, an assessment of the digital security level of enterprises in the context of digitalization has been proposed. In order to characterize enterprises by the level of digital security, a calculation procedure using the coefficient method has been proposed

    ICT Usage in Enterprises in the Years 2010–2019 – Poland in Comparison with Other European Union Countries

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    As Eurostat’s glossary explains, the term Information and Communication Technologies (ICT): ‘covers all technical means used to handle information and aid communication. This includes both computer and network hardware, as well as their software.’ In both local and global perspective, the ICT impact on modern economies and societies is undeniable. Moreover, it is growing, as the usability and technical capabilities are expanding. The researchers recognised that the ICT expansion in enterprises is a stimulant for economic development, as it strengthens competitiveness and innovation. Its impact on labour markets is significant, and constantly increasing demand for digital competences and ICT specialists can be observed. In both global and local perspective, the ICT sector is growing dynamically along with its value share in GDP. Monitoring the development of ICT usage as well as analysing how it stimulates socio‑economic transformations and growth are crucial for global leaders, governments and local authorities all over the world in order to formulate policy at all levels. Also, it plays a significant role in modern businesses expansion, as it strengthens innovativeness and competitiveness. The main objective of the paper is to study the ICT usage development in Poland against other EU countries from the enterprises’ perspective in the years 2010–2019 (before the COVID–19 pandemic and Brexit). The research presented was based on Eurostat data. The variables were selected on the basis of the literature review on ICT usage, as well as the criterion of data availability and comprehensiveness. The exploratory data analysis methods dealing with three‑way data structures, i.e. the between and within‑class principal component analysis, were used, and the presentation of the results was supported by factorial maps (scatterplots and biplots). In the analysed period, enterprises in all the European Union Member States intensified their ICT usage. Despite the positive trend from 2010 to 2019, Poland remained far behind the leading countries, and more precisely, was in the group of the least developed ones