491 research outputs found


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    In this paper we present the concept of a scalable job centric monitoring infrastructure.The overall performance of this distributed, layer based architecturecalled SLAte can be increased by installing additional servers to adapt to thedemands of the monitored resources and users. Another important aspect is tooffer a uniform global view on all data which are stored distributed to providean easy access for users or visualisation tools. Additionally we discus the impactof these uniform access layer on scalability

    Analysis of Series of Measurements from Job-Centric Monitoring by Statistical Functions

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    The rising number of executed programs (jobs) enabled by thegrowing amount of available resources from Clouds, Grids,and HPC (for example) has resulted in an enormous number ofjobs. Nowadays, most of the executed jobs are mainlyunobserved, so unusual behavior, non-optimal resource usage,and silent faults are not systematically searched andanalyzed. Job-centric monitoring enables permanent jobobservation and, thus, enables the analysis of monitoringdata.  In this paper, we show how statistic functions can beused to analyze job-centric monitoring data and how themethods compare to more-complex analysis methods.Additionally, we present the usefulness of job-centricmonitoring based on practical experiences


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    - HochrĂŒstung Campusnetz und X-WiN-Anschluss - Erweiterung DFN-PKI-Dienst durch Grid-Zertifikate - HRSK-Wartungsarbeiten - MitsĂ€ngerInnen fĂŒr Chor-Kompositions-Projekt gesucht - ZIH auf der CeBIT - ZIH an ECMTB08 in Edinburgh beteiligt - Erfolgreicher Parallel Programming Workshop - Neue ZIH-Publikationen - Veranstaltungen und Termin

    Life-Cycle Modeling and Environmental Impact Assessment of Commercial Scale Biogas Production

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    Biogas is becoming an increasingly popular product from the treatment of wastewater, agriculture, food, and municipal solid waste. The process of anaerobic digestion (AD) allows organic waste streams such as sewage sludge, manure, and landfill organics to be converted into usable products such as biogas, fertilizer, and soil amendments. The benefits of resource recovery from waste streams depend on the current economic context and establishing a defined market for value-added products. However, there is a significant challenge in evaluating these opportunities without first understanding the environmental impact associated with various AD resource recovery systems. Applying life cycle assessment (LCA) to commercial biogas production provides a valuable tool for evaluating the environmental impact of waste management processes and assists in economic decision-making. Using life cycle assessment as a basis for evaluating the biogas production at the Swedish Biogas International, LLC (SBI) Facility in Flint, Michigan this study quantifies the environmental benefits of implementing AD at the Flint Water Pollution Control Facility. The study compares the emissions associated with the incineration of biosolids to emissions from Class B land application on a local brownfield site and the use of biogas in an electrical generator to that of upgrading biogas to biomethane. Several other options for the use of AD byproducts are investigated including kiln drying of biosolids, phosphorus recovery, and the growth of energy crops (maize) for use as an AD feedstock. The results are quantified using a dynamic Excel-based model, which incorporates primary data collected at the Flint SBI facility and previous research data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and private sources. The intent of the model is to provide the management of SBI with a quantitative analysis of the environmental impacts of the facility compared to previous operations. The knowledge can be used to optimize the biogas management process and select the best opportunity for biosolids management within the context of the City of Flint, Michigan. The primary environmental impacts investigated were Global Warming Potential, Acidification, and Smog Formation. All scenarios showed a substantial improvement over incineration. Upon termination of incineration, Global Warming Potential is greatly reduced due to avoided N2O emissions. Electricity generation is preferable to biogas upgrading due the credit from avoided emissions from Michigan’s coal intensive energy mix. The alternative and supplemental benefits incur high initial investment costs but could provide additional revenue for SBI while making significant improvements in environmental impacts. Energy crops provide a benefit in the form of carbon sequestration, but maize has a poor biomass to biogas conversion, and so is not an optimal feedstock for AD.Master of ScienceNatural Resources and EnvironmentUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90871/1/Swedish_Biogas_MP_2012.pd

    Jobzentrisches Monitoring in Verteilten Heterogenen Umgebungen mit Hilfe Innovativer Skalierbarer Methoden

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    Im Bereich des wissenschaftlichen Rechnens nimmt die Anzahl von ProgrammlĂ€ufen (Jobs), die von einem Benutzer ausgefĂŒhrt werden, immer weiter zu. Dieser Trend resultiert sowohl aus einer steigenden Anzahl an CPU-Cores, auf die ein Nutzer zugreifen kann, als auch durch den immer einfacheren Zugriff auf diese mittels Portalen, Workflow-Systemen oder Services. Gleichzeitig schrĂ€nken zusĂ€tzliche Abstraktionsschichten von Grid- und Cloud-Umgebungen die Möglichkeit zur Beobachtung von Jobs ein. Eine Lösung bietet das jobzentrische Monitoring, das die AusfĂŒhrung von Jobs transparent darstellen kann. Die vorliegende Dissertation zeigt zum einen Methoden mit denen eine skalierbare Infrastruktur zur Verwaltung von Monitoring-Daten im Kontext von Grid, Cloud oder HPC (High Performance Computing) realisiert werden kann. Zu diesem Zweck wird sowohl eine Aufgabenteilung unter BerĂŒcksichtigung von Aspekten wie Netzwerkbandbreite und SpeicherkapazitĂ€t mittels einer Strukturierung der verwendeten Server in Schichten, als auch eine dezentrale Aufbereitung und Speicherung der Daten realisiert. Zum anderen wurden drei Analyseverfahren zur automatisierten und massenhaften Auswertung der Daten entwickelt. Hierzu wurde unter anderem ein auf der Kreuzkorrelation basierender Algorithmus mit einem baumbasierten Optimierungsverfahren zur Reduzierung der Laufzeit und des Speicherbedarfs entwickelt. Diese drei Verfahren können die Anzahl der manuell zu analysierenden Jobs von vielen Tausenden, auf die wenigen, interessanten, tatsĂ€chlichen Ausreißer bei der JobausfĂŒhrung reduzieren. Die Methoden und Verfahren zur massenhaften Analyse, sowie zur skalierbaren Verwaltung der jobzentrischen Monitoring-Daten, wurden entworfen, prototypisch implementiert und mittels Messungen sowie durch theoretische Analysen untersucht.An increasing number of program executions (jobs) is an ongoing trend in scientific computing. Increasing numbers of available compute cores and lower access barriers, based on portal-systems, workflow-systems, or services, drive this trend. At the same time, the abstraction layers that enable grid and cloud solutions pose challenges in observing job behaviour. Thus, observation and monitoring capabilities for large numbers of jobs are lacking. Job-centric monitoring offers a solution to present job executions in a transparent manner. This dissertation presents methods for scalable infrastructures that handle monitoring data of jobs in grid, cloud, and HPC (High Performance Computing) solutions. A layer-based organisation of servers with a distributed storage scheme enables a task sharing that respects network bandwidths and data capacities. Additionally, three proposed automatic analysis techniques enable an evaluation of huge data quantities. One of the developed algorithms is based on cross-correlation and uses a tree-based optimisation strategy to decrease both runtime and memory usage. These three methods are able to significantly reduce the number of jobs for manual analysis from many thousands to a few interesting jobs that exhibit outlier-behaviour during job execution. Contributions of this thesis include a design, a prototype implementation, and an evaluation for methods that analyse large amounts of job-data, as well for the scalable storage concept for such data

    WSU Research News, Spring/Summer 2013

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    A twenty page newsletter of the WSU Research News. The WSU Research News was published monthly beginning in June of 1968 and issued by the Office of Research Development. This newsletter was created to provide information to the WSU faculty about the availability of outside funds for research and educational programs, new developments that may affect availability of funds, and general information on research and educational activities at Wright State University.https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/wsu_research_news/1207/thumbnail.jp

    Lanthorn, vol. 48, no. 44, February 20, 2014

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    Lanthorn is Grand Valley State\u27s student newspaper, published from 1968 to the present

    UB Knightlines Spring 2015

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    The UB Knightlines newsletter for the Spring of 2015. This issue contains articles discussing Seed Money Grants, alumnus Milan Bull's work to save threatened bird species in Connecticut, alumna Amelia Amon's work combining solar power with design, UB professor Steve Jackowicz's work with pharmaceutical plants, professor Xingguo Xiong's work to use MEMS technology to track miniscule pollutants, UB's alumni at Welcome Back Weekend, UB alumnus Ger Duany's experience starring in a film with Reese Witherspoon, filmmaker Monica Lange speaking at "Necessary Voices", UB security officer Ralph Gonzalez and his bike patrol, UB students attending Heifer International's Global Gateway program, UB student Bao Lei winning the Chunhui Cup contest, BackCountry Jazz Billie Holiday Celebration Concerts sponsored by UB, UB named best online education in the nation by U.S. News, faculty news, books published by alums and faculty, a focus on alumnus Rindy Higgins, alumni news, the UB Taekwondo winning 12 medals at the U.S. Open Taekwondo Championship, the story of UB Basketball player Willie Williams III, the UB alumni Basketball game, the continued success of UB women's volleyball, UB Martial Arts major Edward Jeong to seventh at the World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships in Mexico, and other campus and sports news

    Energy Power, Digital Infrastructure and Elearning Platforms: Afrrican Experience.

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    Information and communication technologies are one of the most pervasive technologies in the world, second only to 'human intelligence' or the human brain. Thus, understanding the factors that determine the diffusion of new technologies across african countries is important to understanding the process of economic development. And whereas, energy is linked with the capacity to perform, the rate at which energy is consumed for the acceleration of the pace of socio-economic activities is regarded as power. Consequently, it will be obvious that the magnitude of the standard of living in any society; the growth and development of such an economy; and its ability to affect the course of events(such as ICT revolution)will be a function of the extent to which its energy(power) resources are developed and utilised. This paper therefore argued for the need to provide assistance in reducing vulnerability and building the capacity of african countries to more widely reap the benefits of the clean development mechanism in areas such as the development of cleaner and renewable energies. Inevitably, this is the critical condition for the sustainability of the emergent e-learning platforms and digital networks in africa.ICT, learning, elearning, development, energy, power, information, communication, solar, electricity, wind, governance, africa, electronics, telecommunications, internet, digital, satellite, renewable energy, gas turbine, power plants, bandwidth, coal, hydro, biomass, steam, transmission, distribution, utilisation
