12 research outputs found


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    O objetivo deste artigo é realizar um estudo bibliométrico das publicações científicas em nível internacional sobre modelos multicritérios de apoio à tomada de decisão aplicados em instituições de ensino superior. O estudo concentra-se no período de 2012 a 2021. Para a realização da pesquisa foram utilizadas três bases de dados que indexam publicações científicas: Web of Science (WoS), Scopus e ERIC – Institute of Education Sciences. Os resultados da análise bibliométrica demonstram que, no âmbito internacional, foram localizados 28 trabalhos sobre o tema, que foram referenciados 466 vezes. Ainda, verificou-se que nos 28 trabalhos filtrados na pesquisa foram utilizadas ao todo 124 palavras-chaves, sendo uma média de quatro palavras-chave por artigo. Com relação à frequência de estudos na área de pesquisa nos últimos dez anos, verificou-se que o ano de 2018 foi o que mais obteve publicações, seguido dos anos 2019 e 2020. A partir do levantamento realizado, foi possível perceber o uso do MCDA em IES para as mais diferentes áreas, como por exemplo: priorização de processos para implementação de gerenciamento de riscos; avaliação de páginas da web de universidades; redesenho de cursos universitários; identificação de barreiras estratégicas de sistema de informação gerencial; avaliação de desempenho de sustentabilidade financeira, entre outros

    Propuesta del modelo Multi Project Management para la priorización de programas académicos a partir de una herramienta tecnológica. Un estudio de caso

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    This study proposes the Multi-Project Management model for the Pascual Bravo University Institution to carry out the prioritization processes of the Institution's academic programs prioritization processes in its 2017-2021 Academic Development Plan to search for references and sources of information. For efficient and timely decision-making regarding excellent educational programs, the design processes, regulatory formalization and investment of resources and institutional efforts can be initiated. The results obtained validate the Hierarchical Analysis Processes (AHP), applied in the methodological development, giving institutional criteria adjustable to technological profiles, strategic plans and dynamic efficiency, allowing the quantitative contextualization of institutional processes based on standards and sub-criteria around them. The prioritization of academic programs within the Institution and technological aspects that derive techniques in science, technology and innovation focused on the social relevance of the Institution are highlighted as models used to carry out prioritization exercises of academic programs. As a result, a digital tool that improves educational processes, evaluation and prioritization of university programs, enhances institutional coverage, reduces risks and changes sustainable conditions over time is contextualized practically. It is concluded that the model is applicable to any professional training institution to project the programs as the central axis of society with the projection to evolve.Este estudio propone el modelo Multi Project Management en aras de que la Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo realice los procesos de priorización de los programas académicos de la Institución contenidos en su Plan de Desarrollo Académico 2017 – 2021, con el fin de buscar referentes y fuentes de información para una eficiente y oportuna toma de decisiones con respecto a cuáles programas académicos se les puede iniciar los procesos de diseño, formalización normativa e inversión de recursos y esfuerzos institucionales. Los resultados obtenidos validan los procesos de análisis Jerárquicos (AHP), aplicados en el desarrollo metodológico, dando criterios institucionales ajustables a los perfiles tecnológicos, planes estratégicos y eficiencia dinámica permitiendo la contextualización cuantitativa de los procesos institucionales basados en criterios y subcriterios entorno a la priorización de programas académicos dentro la institución, además, se resaltan aspectos tecnológicos que derivan procesos en ciencia, tecnología e innovación centrados en la pertinencia social de la institución como modelos aplicables para la realización de ejercicios de priorización de programas académicos. Como resultado, se contextualiza de manera práctica una herramienta digital que mejora los procesos académicos, la evaluación y priorización de programas universitarios potencializado la cobertura institucional, disminuyendo los riesgos y generando condiciones sostenibles en el tiempo. Se concluye que el modelo es aplicable a cualquier institución de formación profesional para proyectar los programas como eje central de una sociedad con proyección a evolucionar. &nbsp

    A Framework for Prioritizing Opportunities of Improvement in the Context of Business Excellence Model in Healthcare Organization

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    In today\u27s world, the healthcare sector is facing challenges to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its operations. More and more improvement projects are being adopted to enhance healthcare services, making it more patient-centric, and enabling better cost control. Healthcare organizations strive to identify and carry out such improvement initiatives to sustain their businesses and gain competitive advantage. Seeking to reach a higher operational level of excellence, healthcare organizations utilize business excellence criteria to conduct assessment and identify organizational strengths and weaknesses. However, while such assessments routinely identify numerous areas for potential improvement, it is not feasible to conduct all improvement projects simultaneously due to limitations in time, capital, and personnel, as well as conflict with other organization\u27s projects or strategic objectives. An effective prioritization and selection approach is valuable in that it can assist the organization to optimize its available resources and outcomes. This study attempts to enable such an approach by developing a framework to prioritize improvement opportunities in healthcare in the context of the business excellence model through the integration of the Fuzzy Delphi Method and Fuzzy Interface System. To carry out the evaluation process, the framework consists of two phases. The first phase utilizes Fuzzy Delphi Method to identify the most significant factors that should be considered in healthcare for electing the improvement projects. The FDM is employed to handle the subjectivity of human assessment. The research identifies potential factors for evaluating projects, then utilizes FDM to capture expertise knowledge. The first round in FDM is intended to validate the identified list of factors from experts; which includes collecting additional factors from experts that the literature might have overlooked. When an acceptable level of consensus has been reached, a second round is conducted to obtain experts\u27 and other related stakeholders\u27 opinions on the appropriate weight of each factor\u27s importance. Finally, FDM analyses eliminate or retain the criteria to produce a final list of critical factors to select improvement projects. The second phase in the framework attempts to prioritize improvement initiatives using the Hierarchical Fuzzy Interface System. The Fuzzy Interface System combines the experts\u27 ratings for each improvement opportunity with respect to the factors deemed critical to compute the priority index. In the process of calculating the priority index, the framework allows the estimation of other intermediate indices including: social, financial impact, strategical, operational feasibility, and managerial indices. These indices bring an insight into the improvement opportunities with respect to each framework\u27s dimensions. The framework allows for a reduction of the bias in the assessment by developing a knowledge based on the perspectives of multiple experts

    Leading in public life : Emerging African Leaders programme : the first 100+ 2015-2018

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    The Emerging African Leaders Programme (EALP) aims to strengthen public leadership in Africa and create new networks, connecting a strong cohort of courageous and ethical leaders committed to driving change in their own countries and across the continent. This policy brief provides biographies of participants, and enlarges on the activities of EALP and the Nelson Mandela School. It provides a recently published LinkedIn Mandela School Alumni page so that connections between participants can be better maintained. Training the next generation of Africa’s leaders is a key focus of the Mandela School’s “Building Bridges” team, who also co-ordinate the EALP programme.Ford Foundatio

    Methodology for the Development of a Highway Asset Management System for Indiana

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    The role of student satisfaction and student loyalty on intention to return to the specific university: A comparative study of UK and Czech Republic university

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    Vzdělávací zařízení v současné době čelí mnohým výzvám. Hlavní výzvou vysokého školství je být konkurenceschopný na trhu vzdělávání. Jednou z cest k získání konkurenční výhody je spokojenost a loajalita zákazníků studentů. Bakalářská práce si klade za cíl identifikovat atributy, které mají vliv na spokojenost studentů s nabízenými službami univerzity; určit vztah mezi spokojeností studentů a jejich loajalitou a v neposlední řadě určit vztah mezi loajalitou studentů a jejich ochotou pokračovat ve studiu na stávající instituci. Jako nástroj pro naplnění cíle byl použit marketingový výzkum, konkrétně on-line a osobní dotazování, kterého se zúčastnili studenti the University of Huddersfield Business School a Ekonomické fakulty Technické univerzity v Liberci. Výsledky výzkumu poukazují na fakt, že identifikované a analyzované atributy mají signifikantní a pozitivní vliv na spokojenost studentů. Dále lze na základě výsledků výzkumu konstatovat, že spokojenost studentů má významný vliv na jejich loajalitu a následnou ochotu pokračovat ve studiu na současné vzdělávací instituci. Jelikož byl tento výzkum proveden pouze na dvou univerzitách, bylo by vhodné, ho rozšířit o další vyšší vzdělávací instituce.The educational sector faces many challenges. One of them is a need of higher education institutions to market themselves in order to survive in this highly competitive industry. The way how to gain a competitive advantage leads through high number of satisfied and loyal students. The aims of this dissertation are to identify attributes that have an impact on the student satisfaction with offered services by a university, to develop a relationship between student satisfaction and student loyalty and afterwards to indicate the role of student loyalty on the intension to return to the university. Information from a survey of students of the University of Huddersfield Business School and the Technical university of Liberec The Faculty of Economics were collected and analysed. The results of the research shown a positive and significant effect of the analysed attributes on student satisfaction and positive and significant effect of student satisfaction on student loyalty and subsequent intention to return to study at particular university. This research was conducted at only two higher education institutions, thus it would be appropriate to expand the research to other universities

    Interdependent Security and Compliance in Service Selection

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    Application development today is characterized by ever shorter release cycles and more frequent change requests. Hence development methods such as service composition are increasingly arousing interest as viable alternative approaches. While employing web services as building blocks rapidly reduces development times, it raises new challenges regarding security and compliance since their implementation remains a black box which usually cannot be controlled. Security in particular gets even more challenging since some applications require domainspecific security objectives such as location privacy. Another important aspect is that security objectives are in general no singletons but subject to interdependence. Hence this thesis addresses the question of how to consider interdependent security and compliance in service composition. Current approaches for service composition do neither consider interdependent security nor compliance. Selecting suiting services for a composition is a combinatorial problem which is known to be NP-hard. Often this problem is solved utilizing genetic algorithms in order to obtain near-optimal solutions in reasonable time. This is particularly the case if multiple objectives have to be optimized simultaneously such as price, runtime and data encryption strength. Security properties of compositions are usually verified using formal methods. However, none of the available methods supports interdependence effects or defining arbitrary security objectives. Similarly, no current approach ensures compliance of service compositions during service selection. Instead, compliance is verified afterwards which might necessitate repeating the selection process in case of a non-compliant solution. In this thesis, novel approaches for considering interdependent security and compliance in service composition are being presented and discussed. Since no formal methods exist covering interdependence effects for security, this aspect is covered in terms of a security assessment. An assessment method is developed which builds upon the notion of structural decomposition in order to assess the fulfillment of arbitrary security objectives in terms of a utility function. Interdependence effects are being modeled as dependencies between utility functions. In order to enable compliance-awareness, an approach is presented which checks compliance of compositions during service selection and marks non-compliant parts. This enables to repair the corresponding parts during the selection process by replacing the current services and hence avoids the necessity to repeat the selection process. It is demonstrated how to embed the presented approaches into a genetic algorithm in order to ease integration with existing approaches for service composition. The developed approaches are being compared to state-of-the-art genetic algorithms using simulations

    Appropriate Wisdom, Technology, and Management toward Environmental Sustainability for Development

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    The protection and maintenance of environmental resources for future generations require responsible interaction between humans and the environment in order to avoid wasting natural resources. According to an ancient Native American proverb, “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.” This indigenous wisdom has the potential to play a significant role in defining environmental sustainability. Recent technological advances could sustain humankind and allow for comfortable living. However, not all of these advancements have the potential to protect the environment for future generations. Developing societies and maintaining the sustainability of the ecosystem require appropriate wisdom, technology, and management collaboration. This book is a collection of 19 important articles (15 research articles, 3 review papers, and 1 editorial) that were published in the Special Issue of the journal Sustainability entitled “Appropriate Wisdom, Technology, and Management toward Environmental Sustainability for Development” during 2021-2022.addresses the policymakers and decision-makers who are willing to develop societies that practice environmental sustainability, by collecting the most recent contributions on the appropriate wisdom, technology, and management regarding the different aspects of a community that can retain environmental sustainability

    Short-Term Plasticity at the Schaffer Collateral: A New Model with Implications for Hippocampal Processing

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    A new mathematical model of short-term synaptic plasticity (STP) at the Schaffer collateral is introduced. Like other models of STP, the new model relates short-term synaptic plasticity to an interaction between facilitative and depressive dynamic influences. Unlike previous models, the new model successfully simulates facilitative and depressive dynamics within the framework of the synaptic vesicle cycle. The novelty of the model lies in the description of a competitive interaction between calcium-sensitive proteins for binding sites on the vesicle release machinery. By attributing specific molecular causes to observable presynaptic effects, the new model of STP can predict the effects of specific alterations to the presynaptic neurotransmitter release mechanism. This understanding will guide further experiments into presynaptic functionality, and may contribute insights into the development of pharmaceuticals that target illnesses manifesting aberrant synaptic dynamics, such as Fragile-X syndrome and schizophrenia. The new model of STP will also add realism to brain circuit models that simulate cognitive processes such as attention and memory. The hippocampal processing loop is an example of a brain circuit involved in memory formation. The hippocampus filters and organizes large amounts of spatio-temporal data in real time according to contextual significance. The role of synaptic dynamics in the hippocampal system is speculated to help keep the system close to a region of instability that increases encoding capacity and discriminating capability. In particular, synaptic dynamics at the Schaffer collateral are proposed to coordinate the output of the highly dynamic CA3 region of the hippocampus with the phase-code in the CA1 that modulates communication between the hippocampus and the neocortex

    Modelling the relationship between green supply chain management practices, dynamic capabilities and supply chain performance in the South African manufacturing sector

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    The quest for sustainability as a result of both resource scarcity and customer environmental conscious attitude has prompted manufacturing companies to start investing in green innovation and technology. The adoption and implementation of green supply chain management (GSCM) is still in its early stage in South Africa. The aim of the study is to contribute to the body of knowledge by providing a research model for the relationships between green supply chain management (GSCM) practices, supply chain dynamic capabilities (SCDCs) and supply chain performance (SCP) in the South African manufacturing sector. Quantitative data were collected from 402 respondents of the South African manufacturing sector in Gauteng, Free State, Mpumalanga and Limpopo through online survey questionnaires using a cross-sectional design. The collected data were tested using a partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) through Smart-PLS 3 and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for data screening (descriptive statistics). The results of the study suggest that GSCM practices, which include eco-design (ED), green distribution (GD) and green training (GT), exert a positive and significant impact on SCDCs, which in turn positively influence SCP through supply chain agility (SCA), supply chain reliability (SCRELL), supply chain costs (SCCs), supply chain responsiveness (SCR), customer satisfaction (CS) and supply chain balance (SCB) in the South African manufacturing sector. This study contributes to the body of knowledge, innovation, and organisational capability literature of the manufacturing sector by providing a comprehensive model for the relationships between GSCM practices, SCDCs and SCP.Graduate School of Business LeadershipD.B.L.(Supply Chain Management