412 research outputs found

    Cross-language Information Retrieval

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    Two key assumptions shape the usual view of ranked retrieval: (1) that the searcher can choose words for their query that might appear in the documents that they wish to see, and (2) that ranking retrieved documents will suffice because the searcher will be able to recognize those which they wished to find. When the documents to be searched are in a language not known by the searcher, neither assumption is true. In such cases, Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) is needed. This chapter reviews the state of the art for CLIR and outlines some open research questions.Comment: 49 pages, 0 figure

    UW-BHI at MEDIQA 2019: An Analysis of Representation Methods for Medical Natural Language Inference

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    Recent advances in distributed language modeling have led to large performance increases on a variety of natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, it is not well understood how these methods may be augmented by knowledge-based approaches. This paper compares the performance and internal representation of an Enhanced Sequential Inference Model (ESIM) between three experimental conditions based on the representation method: Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), Embeddings of Semantic Predications (ESP), or Cui2Vec. The methods were evaluated on the Medical Natural Language Inference (MedNLI) subtask of the MEDIQA 2019 shared task. This task relied heavily on semantic understanding and thus served as a suitable evaluation set for the comparison of these representation methods

    Towards Robust Word Embeddings for Noisy Texts

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    [Abstract] Research on word embeddings has mainly focused on improving their performance on standard corpora, disregarding the difficulties posed by noisy texts in the form of tweets and other types of non-standard writing from social media. In this work, we propose a simple extension to the skipgram model in which we introduce the concept of bridge-words, which are artificial words added to the model to strengthen the similarity between standard words and their noisy variants. Our new embeddings outperform baseline models on noisy texts on a wide range of evaluation tasks, both intrinsic and extrinsic, while retaining a good performance on standard texts. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first explicit approach at dealing with these types of noisy texts at the word embedding level that goes beyond the support for out-of-vocabulary words.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a, Industria y Competitividad. MINECO; TIN2017-85160-C2-2-RMinisterio de EconomĂ­a, Industria y Competitividad. MINECO; TIN2017-85160-C2-1-REuropean Social Fund. ESF; BES-2015-073768Xunta de Galicia; ED431D 2017/12Xunta de Galicia; ED431B 2017/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2020/11Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/0

    Social Search: retrieving information in Online Social Platforms -- A Survey

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    Social Search research deals with studying methodologies exploiting social information to better satisfy user information needs in Online Social Media while simplifying the search effort and consequently reducing the time spent and the computational resources utilized. Starting from previous studies, in this work, we analyze the current state of the art of the Social Search area, proposing a new taxonomy and highlighting current limitations and open research directions. We divide the Social Search area into three subcategories, where the social aspect plays a pivotal role: Social Question&Answering, Social Content Search, and Social Collaborative Search. For each subcategory, we present the key concepts and selected representative approaches in the literature in greater detail. We found that, up to now, a large body of studies model users' preferences and their relations by simply combining social features made available by social platforms. It paves the way for significant research to exploit more structured information about users' social profiles and behaviors (as they can be inferred from data available on social platforms) to optimize their information needs further

    Quantum Theory and Conceptuality: Matter, Stories, Semantics and Space-Time

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    We elaborate the new interpretation of quantum theory that we recently proposed, according to which quantum particles are considered conceptual entities mediating between pieces of ordinary matter which are considered to act as memory structures for them. Our aim is to identify what is the equivalent for the human cognitive realm of what physical space-time is for the realm of quantum particles and ordinary matter. For this purpose, we identify the notion of 'story' as the equivalent within the human cognitive realm of what ordinary matter is in the physical quantum realm, and analyze the role played by the logical connectives of disjunction and conjunction with respect to the notion of locality. Similarly to what we have done in earlier investigations on this new quantum interpretation, we use the specific cognitive environment of the World-Wide Web to elucidate the comparisons we make between the human cognitive realm and the physical quantum realm.Comment: 14 page
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