11 research outputs found

    Dampak Peralihan Pengunaan Web 3.0 bagi Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Edukasi Bidang Peternakan

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    The world wide web has improved significantly since its inception in the 90's. Currently we are using web 3.0 or third generation web which is semantic and personal web. Previous studies have found that web 3.0 has been effectively used for various purposes such as business and education. Web 3.0 is considered capable of improving the user experience in meeting their information needs because it is more personal and real time and is able to meet user needs. Even though the benefits of using web 3.0 have been proven in previous studies, students and the public do not understand how web 3.0 can be used in the world of animal husbandry, therefore this journal will provide insight into how the web 3.0 platform can be used for study purposes and the livestock industry. . Through the use of a secondary data analysis approach, it was found that interesting and meaningful learning could potentially be delivered via the web 3.0 platform. There are several strategies to maximize the use of web 3.0 for learning. Among them are creating social media accounts, digitizing teaching materials and storing them in a cloud storage system, and personalizing teaching materials. In conclusion, web 3.0 can be used for learning purposes through the right strategy as found in this research. Students individually and in groups must improve their knowledge and skills in using web 3.0 for learning purposes. The limitation of this study is that the data were collected from secondary sources only. Future research will need to test through empirical environments to increase validity

    International Cooperation to Combat Money Laundering in the Southeast Asia: A Narrative Perspective in Vietnam

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    The fight against money laundering is a special concern of international, regional, and national scale. In recent years, Vietnam is a country that is significantly affected by this type of crime. To combat money laundering need not only to strengthen domestic legislation’s system and professional task forces, but also to enhance international cooperation among multilateral and bilateral agreements between host countries and their counterparts. Using the document analysis combined with legal norm’s analysis, this paper draws the nature of money laundering in Vietnam and also analysis Vietnam’s perspectives to implement their national efforts to curb this crime. The research highlights the significant role of international cooperation in this battle rather than building national improvements. Some recommendations to improve the effectiveness of international cooperation to fight money laundering in general as well as to enhance policing plans of Vietnam’s law enforcement agencies that call for special attentions in the end of the research.Keywords: Money laundering, money laundering prevention, international cooperation, VietnamDOI: 10.7176/JLPG/96-09Publication date: April 30th 202

    A Pairwise Dataset for GUI Conversion and Retrieval between Android Phones and Tablets

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    With the popularity of smartphones and tablets, users have become accustomed to using different devices for different tasks, such as using their phones to play games and tablets to watch movies. To conquer the market, one app is often available on both smartphones and tablets. However, although one app has similar graphic user interfaces (GUIs) and functionalities on phone and tablet, current app developers typically start from scratch when developing a tablet-compatible version of their app, which drives up development costs and wastes existing design resources. Researchers are attempting to employ deep learning in automated GUIs development to enhance developers' productivity. Deep learning models rely heavily on high-quality datasets. There are currently several publicly accessible GUI page datasets for phones, but none for pairwise GUIs between phones and tablets. This poses a significant barrier to the employment of deep learning in automated GUI development. In this paper, we collect and make public the Papt dataset, which is a pairwise dataset for GUI conversion and retrieval between Android phones and tablets. The dataset contains 10,035 phone-tablet GUI page pairs from 5,593 phone-tablet app pairs. We illustrate the approaches of collecting pairwise data and statistical analysis of this dataset. We also illustrate the advantages of our dataset compared to other current datasets. Through preliminary experiments on this dataset, we analyse the present challenges of utilising deep learning in automated GUI development and find that our dataset can assist the application of some deep learning models to tasks involving automatic GUI development.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    The Possibility of Application Services Based on Users Location

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    Usluge temeljene na lokaciji daju mogućnost dvosmjerne komunikacije i interakcije. LBS usluge su informacijske usluge dostupne mobilnim uređajima putem mobilne mreže i koriste mogućnosti korištenja lokacije mobilnog uređaja. Postoji širok raspon različitih usluga temeljenih na lokaciji korisnika. Stalan rast broja različitih aplikacija i mogućnosti dovodi do širokog područja primjene LBS usluga. Određivanje lokacije je srce svake lokacijsko bazirane usluge te se LBS kvaliteta usluge prvenstveno bavi performansama određivanja lokacije uključujući pogreške pri određivanju lokacije, metodama određivanja lokacije i vremenu odgovora jednog lokacijskog senzora ili kombinacije više njih. Kvaliteta usluge identificirana je kao jedan o glavnih izazova u razvoju LBS-a. Pozicioniranje i infrastruktura pozicioniranja može se klasificirati s obzirom na različite kriterije: integrirane i samostalne infrastrukture pozicioniranja, pozicioniranja baziranog na terminalu i mreži kao i satelitske, ćelijske i unutarnje infrastrukture. LBS je heterogena tehnologija i sadrži niz pod arhitektura opća podjela Klijent , LBS poslužiteljem, Mreža, Web aplikacije,GIS i prostorne baze podataka, kartografija.Location-based services provide two-way communication and interaction. LBS services are information services available to mobile devices via the mobile network and use the possibilities of location of a mobile device. There is a wide range of different services based on the user's location. The steady increase in the number of different applications and opportunities leads to a wide area of application of LBS services. Determining the location is the heart of any location-based services and LBS quality of services is principally engaged in the performance of location measurement, including errors in determining the location, methods of determining the location and the response time one of location sensors or a combination of them. Te quality of service has been identified as one of the major challenges in the development of LBS. Positioning and positioning infrastructure can be classified based on different criteria: integrated and stand-alone infrastructure positioning, positioning based on the terminal and the network as well as satellite, cellular and internal infrastructure. LBS is a heterogeneous technology and contains a number of general architecture of the client division, LBS server, network, Web applications, GIS and spatial databases, cartography