210 research outputs found

    Compensation methods to support generic graph editing: A case study in automated verification of schema requirements for an advanced transaction model

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    Compensation plays an important role in advanced transaction models, cooperative work, and workflow systems. However, compensation operations are often simply written as a^−1 in transaction model literature. This notation ignores any operation parameters, results, and side effects. A schema designer intending to use an advanced transaction model is expected (required) to write correct method code. However, in the days of cut-and-paste, this is much easier said than done. In this paper, we demonstrate the feasibility of using an off-the-shelf theorem prover (also called a proof assistant) to perform automated verification of compensation requirements for an OODB schema. We report on the results of a case study in verification for a particular advanced transaction model that supports cooperative applications. The case study is based on an OODB schema that provides generic graph editing functionality for the creation, insertion, and manipulation of nodes and links

    Bipolar Proof Nets for MALL

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    In this work we present a computation paradigm based on a concurrent and incremental construction of proof nets (de-sequentialized or graphical proofs) of the pure multiplicative and additive fragment of Linear Logic, a resources conscious refinement of Classical Logic. Moreover, we set a correspon- dence between this paradigm and those more pragmatic ones inspired to transactional or distributed systems. In particular we show that the construction of additive proof nets can be interpreted as a model for super-ACID (or co-operative) transactions over distributed transactional systems (typi- cally, multi-databases).Comment: Proceedings of the "Proof, Computation, Complexity" International Workshop, 17-18 August 2012, University of Copenhagen, Denmar

    Pemilihan Produk Database pada Google Cloud Platform Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process untuk Aplikasi XYZ

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    Aplikasi XYZ merupakan aplikasi yang dikembangkan untuk pengguna gawai dengan operating system Android. Aplikasi ini berfungsi untuk mengidentifikasi berbagai jenis buah dari foto yang diambil secara langsung maupun dari galeri penguna. Dalam pengembangannya, aplikasi diharapkan dapat menyimpan informasi dan gambar hasil identifikasi pada penyimpanan cloud. Google Cloud Platform, yang ditawarkan oleh Google, merupakan penyedia layanan cloud computing. Terdapat setidaknya tiga produk yang ditawarkan oleh Google Cloud Platform untuk mengembangkan database aplikasi XYZ, yakni Cloud Firestore, Cloud SQL, dan Cloud Spanner. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan prioritas pemilihan produk database, guna pengembangan aplikasi XYZ dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Digunakan empat kriteria, yakni user needs, easy to use, security, dan cost. Berdasarkan pengolahan data, cost menjadi prioritas utama untuk dipertimbangkan dalam memilih database, sementara disaster recovery menempati prioritas terakhir. Berdasarkan analisis menggunakan metode AHP, dapat disimpulkan produk database yang paling direkomendasikan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi XYZ adalah Cloud Firestore

    Theory and Practice of Transactional Method Caching

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    Nowadays, tiered architectures are widely accepted for constructing large scale information systems. In this context application servers often form the bottleneck for a system's efficiency. An application server exposes an object oriented interface consisting of set of methods which are accessed by potentially remote clients. The idea of method caching is to store results of read-only method invocations with respect to the application server's interface on the client side. If the client invokes the same method with the same arguments again, the corresponding result can be taken from the cache without contacting the server. It has been shown that this approach can considerably improve a real world system's efficiency. This paper extends the concept of method caching by addressing the case where clients wrap related method invocations in ACID transactions. Demarcating sequences of method calls in this way is supported by many important application server standards. In this context the paper presents an architecture, a theory and an efficient protocol for maintaining full transactional consistency and in particular serializability when using a method cache on the client side. In order to create a protocol for scheduling cached method results, the paper extends a classical transaction formalism. Based on this extension, a recovery protocol and an optimistic serializability protocol are derived. The latter one differs from traditional transactional cache protocols in many essential ways. An efficiency experiment validates the approach: Using the cache a system's performance and scalability are considerably improved