190 research outputs found

    A Mini-History of Computing

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    This book was produced by George K. Thiruvathukal for the American Institute of Physics to promote interest in the interdisciplinary publication, Computing in Science and Engineering. It accompanied a limited edition set of playing cards that is no longer available (except in PDF). This book features a set of 54 significant computers by era/category, including ancient calculating instruments, pre-electronic mechanical calculators and computers, electronic era computers, and modern computing (minicomputers, maniframes, personal computers, devices, and gaming consoles)

    Analysis of A Splitting Approach for the Parallel Solution of Linear Systems on GPU Cards

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    We discuss an approach for solving sparse or dense banded linear systems Ax=b{\bf A} {\bf x} = {\bf b} on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) card. The matrix A∈RNΓ—N{\bf A} \in {\mathbb{R}}^{N \times N} is possibly nonsymmetric and moderately large; i.e., 10000≀N≀50000010000 \leq N \leq 500000. The ${\it split\ and\ parallelize}( ({\tt SaP})approachseekstopartitionthematrix) approach seeks to partition the matrix {\bf A}intodiagonalsubβˆ’blocks into diagonal sub-blocks {\bf A}_i,, i=1,\ldots,P,whichareindependentlyfactoredinparallel.Thesolutionmaychoosetoconsiderortoignorethematricesthatcouplethediagonalsubβˆ’blocks, which are independently factored in parallel. The solution may choose to consider or to ignore the matrices that couple the diagonal sub-blocks {\bf A}_i.Thisapproach,alongwiththeKrylovsubspaceβˆ’basediterativemethodthatitpreconditions,areimplementedinasolvercalled. This approach, along with the Krylov subspace-based iterative method that it preconditions, are implemented in a solver called {\tt SaP::GPU},whichiscomparedintermsofefficiencywiththreecommonlyusedsparsedirectsolvers:, which is compared in terms of efficiency with three commonly used sparse direct solvers: {\tt PARDISO},, {\tt SuperLU},and, and {\tt MUMPS}.. {\tt SaP::GPU},whichrunsentirelyontheGPUexceptseveralstagesinvolvedinpreliminaryrowβˆ’columnpermutations,isrobustandcompareswellintermsofefficiencywiththeaforementioneddirectsolvers.InacomparisonagainstIntelβ€²s, which runs entirely on the GPU except several stages involved in preliminary row-column permutations, is robust and compares well in terms of efficiency with the aforementioned direct solvers. In a comparison against Intel's {\tt MKL},, {\tt SaP::GPU}alsofareswellwhenusedtosolvedensebandedsystemsthatareclosetobeingdiagonallydominant. also fares well when used to solve dense banded systems that are close to being diagonally dominant. {\tt SaP::GPU}$ is publicly available and distributed as open source under a permissive BSD3 license.Comment: 38 page

    Student Attitudes Toward a New Application of Instructional Television in a Computer Programming Course

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    Higher Educatio

    People, Events, Techniques

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    Manuscript: You Can\u27t Patent Software: Patenting Software is Wrong

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    NASA Tech Briefs, November/December 1987

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    Topics include: NASA TU Services; New Product Ideas; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Fabrication Technology; Machinery; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences

    The machine refinement of raw graphic data for translation into a low level data base for computer aided architectural design (CAAD).

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    It is argued that a significant feature which acts as a disincentive against the adoption of CAAD systems by small private architectural practices, is the awkwardness of communicating with computers when compared with traditional drawing board techniques. This consideration, although not perhaps the dominant feature, may be mitigated by the development of systems in which the onus of communicating is placed on the machine, through the medium of an architect's sketch plan drawing. In reaching this conclusion, a design morphology is suggested, in which the creative generation of building designs is set in the context of the development of a 'data-base' of information which completely and consistently describes the architect's hypothetical building solution. This thesis describes research carried out by the author between 1981 and 1984, and describes the theory, development and application of algorithms to interpret architect's sketch plan drawings, and hence permit the encoding of building geometries for CAAD applications programs
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