164 research outputs found


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    Department of Electrical EngineeringThis thesis focuses on the design of digitally-controlled oscillators (DCO) for ultra-low-jitter digital phase-locked-loops (PLL), which requires very fine frequency resolution and low phase noise performance. Before going details of the design, fundamentals of the digital-to-analog converter (DAC), delta-sigma modulator (DSM), LC voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) are discussed in Chapters 2, 3, and 4 respectively. Detailly, Chapter 2 begins with the basic operations of the digital-toanalog converters. Plus, several types of DACs and their properties are discussed. For instance, resistorbased DAC or current source-based DAC. In Chapter 3, the backgrounds of DSMs are presented. The reason why DSMs are indispensable components in fractional number generation is presented. The meaning of the randomization and noise shaping in DSMs is discussed then high-order noise shaping DSMs are explained as well. Chapter 4, starts with the LC tanks. Integrated passive components are introduced such as spiral inductors, metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors, and metal-oxide-metal (MOM) capacitors. The start-up of the oscillators also explained by using two approaches, the Barkhausen criterion and the negative resistance theory. Then the pros and cons of the CMOS and NMOS type topologies are stated. Finally, the phase noise in oscillators is analyzed by using the Leeson???s equation and the impulse-sensitivity function theory. In chapter 5, the detailed designs of the prototype DCO are presented. The designed DCO consists of 2nd order DSM, string resistor-based DAC, and CMOS-type LC VCO. The frequency resolutions of the proportional and integral path are different but the structures are identical. For the high-performance oscillator, iterative design is required. In the measurements, the designed DCO achieved 17 and 18 bit of frequency resolution in the proportional and integral path respectively, 12-14.5GHz of the frequency tuning range, 50 and 500MHz/V of KVCO for the main and auxiliary loop respectively, and -184.5 dB of figure of merit (FOM). The power consumption is 5.5mW and the prototype was fabricated in TSMC 65nm CMOS process.clos

    Broadband Direct RF Digitization Receivers

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    Integrated RF oscillators and LO signal generation circuits

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    This thesis deals with fully integrated LC oscillators and local oscillator (LO) signal generation circuits. In communication systems a good-quality LO signal for up- and down-conversion in transmitters is needed. The LO signal needs to span the required frequency range and have good frequency stability and low phase noise. Furthermore, most modern systems require accurate quadrature (IQ) LO signals. This thesis tackles these challenges by presenting a detailed study of LC oscillators, monolithic elements for good-quality LC resonators, and circuits for IQ-signal generation and for frequency conversion, as well as many experimental circuits. Monolithic coils and variable capacitors are essential, and this thesis deals with good structures of these devices and their proper modeling. As experimental test devices, over forty monolithic inductors and thirty varactors have been implemented, measured and modeled. Actively synthesized reactive elements were studied as replacements for these passive devices. At first glance these circuits show promising characteristics, but closer noise and nonlinearity analysis reveals that these circuits suffer from high noise levels and a small dynamic range. Nine circuit implementations with various actively synthesized variable capacitors were done. Quadrature signal generation can be performed with three different methods, and these are analyzed in the thesis. Frequency conversion circuits are used for alleviating coupling problems or to expand the number of frequency bands covered. The thesis includes an analysis of single-sideband mixing, frequency dividers, and frequency multipliers, which are used to perform the four basic arithmetical operations for the frequency tone. Two design cases are presented. The first one is a single-sideband mixing method for the generation of WiMedia UWB LO-signals, and the second one is a frequency conversion unit for a digital period synthesizer. The last part of the thesis presents five research projects. In the first one a temperature-compensated GaAs MESFET VCO was developed. The second one deals with circuit and device development for an experimental-level BiCMOS process. A cable-modem RF tuner IC using a SiGe process was developed in the third project, and a CMOS flip-chip VCO module in the fourth one. Finally, two frequency synthesizers for UWB radios are presented

    BiCMOS high-performance ICs : from DC to mm-wave

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    Progress with silicon and silicon germanium (SiGe) based BiCMOS technologies over the past few years has been very impressive. This enables the implementation of traditional microwave and emerging mm-wave applications in silicon. The paper gives an overview of several high-performance ICs that have been implemented in a state-of-the-art BiCMOS technology (QUBiC4). Examples of high-performance ICs are described ranging from basic building blocks for mobile applications to highly integrated receiver and transmitter ICs for applications up to the mm-wave range

    Improved Spectrum Usage with Multi-RF Channel Aggregation Technologies for the Next-Generation Terrestrial Broadcasting

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    [EN] Next-generation terrestrial broadcasting targets at enhancing spectral efficiency to overcome the challenges derived from the spectrum shortage as a result of the progressive allocation of frequencies - the so-called Digital Dividend - to satisfy the growing demands for wireless broadband capacity. Advances in both transmission standards and video coding are paramount to enable the progressive roll-out of high video quality services such as HDTV (High Definition Televison) or Ultra HDTV. The transition to the second generation European terrestrial standard DVB-T2 and the introduction of MPEG-4/AVC video coding already enables the transmission of 4-5 HDTV services per RF (Radio Frequency) channel. However, the impossibility to allocate higher bit-rate within the remaining spectrum could jeopardize the evolution of the DTT platforms in favour of other high-capacity systems such as the satellite or cable distribution platforms. Next steps are focused on the deployment of the recently released High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard, which provides more than 50% coding gain with respect to AVC, with the next-generation terrestrial standards. This could ensure the competitiveness of the DTT. This dissertation addresses the use of multi-RF channel aggregation technologies to increase the spectral efficiency of future DTT networks. The core of the Thesis are two technologies: Time Frequency Slicing (TFS) and Channel Bonding (CB). TFS and CB consist in the transmission of the data of a TV service across multiple RF channels instead of using a single channel. CB spreads data of a service over multiple classical RF channels (RF-Mux). TFS spreads the data by time-slicing (slot-by-slot) across multiple RF channels which are sequentially recovered at the receiver by frequency hopping. Transmissions using these features can benefit from capacity and coverage gains. The first one comes from a more efficient statistical multiplexing (StatMux) for Variable Bit Rate (VBR) services due to a StatMux pool over a higher number of services. Furthermore, CB allows increasing service data rate with the number of bonded RF channels and also advantages when combined with SVC (Scalable Video Coding). The coverage gain comes from the increased RF performance due to the reception of the data of a service from different RF channels rather that a single one that could be, eventually, degraded. Robustness against interferences is also improved since the received signal does not depend on a unique potentially interfered RF channel. TFS was firstly introduced as an informative annex in DVB-T2 (not normative) and adopted in DVB-NGH (Next Generation Handheld). TFS and CB are proposed for inclusion in ATSC 3.0. However, they have never been implemented. The investigations carried out in this dissertation employ an information-theoretical approach to obtain their upper bounds, physical layer simulations to evaluate the performance in real systems and the analysis of field measurements that approach realistic conditions of the network deployments. The analysis report coverage gains about 4-5 dB with 4 RF channels and high capacity gains already with 2 RF channels. This dissertation also focuses on implementation aspects. Channel bonding receivers require one tuner per bonded RF channel. The implementation of TFS with a single tuner demands the fulfilment of several timing requirements. However, the use of just two tuners would still allow for a good performance with a cost-effective implementation by the reuse of existing chipsets or the sharing of existing architectures with dual tuner operation such as MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output).[ES] La televisión digital terrestre (TDT) de última generación está orientada a una necesaria mejora de la eficiencia espectral con el fin de abordar los desafíos derivados de la escasez de espectro como resultado de la progresiva asignación de frecuencias - el llamado Dividendo Digital - para satisfacer la creciente demanda de capacidad para la banda ancha inalámbrica. Los avances tanto en los estándares de transmisión como de codificación de vídeo son de suma importancia para la progresiva puesta en marcha de servicios de alta calidad como la televisión de Ultra AD (Alta Definición). La transición al estándar europeo de segunda generación DVB-T2 y la introducción de la codificación de vídeo MPEG-4 / AVC ya permite la transmisión de 4-5 servicios de televisión de AD por canal RF (Radiofrecuencia). Sin embargo, la imposibilidad de asignar una mayor tasa de bit sobre el espectro restante podría poner en peligro la evolución de las plataformas de TDT en favor de otros sistemas de alta capacidad tales como el satélite o las distribuidoras de cable. El siguiente paso se centra en el despliegue del reciente estándar HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding), que ofrece un 50% de ganancia de codificación con respecto a AVC, junto con los estándares terrestres de próxima generación, lo que podría garantizar la competitividad de la TDT en un futuro cercano. Esta tesis aborda el uso de tecnologías de agregación de canales RF que permitan incrementar la eficiencia espectral de las futuras redes. La tesis se centra en torno a dos tecnologías: Time Frequency Slicing (TFS) y Channel Bonding (CB). TFS y CB consisten en la transmisión de los datos de un servicio de televisión a través de múltiples canales RF en lugar de utilizar un solo canal. CB difunde los datos de un servicio a través de varios canales RF convencionales formando un RF-Mux. TFS difunde los datos a través de ranuras temporales en diferentes canales RF. Los datos son recuperados de forma secuencial en el receptor mediante saltos en frecuencia. La implementación de estas técnicas permite obtener ganancias en capacidad y cobertura. La primera de ellas proviene de una multiplexación estadística (StatMux) de servicios de tasa variable (VBR) más eficiente. Además, CB permite aumentar la tasa de pico de un servicio de forma proporcional al número de canales así como ventajas al combinarla con codificación de vídeo escalable. La ganancia en cobertura proviene de un mejor rendimiento RF debido a la recepción de los datos de un servicio desde diferentes canales en lugar uno sólo que podría estar degradado. Del mismo modo, es posible obtener una mayor robustez frente a interferencias ya que la recepción o no de un servicio no depende de si el canal que lo alberga está o no interferido. TFS fue introducido en primer lugar como un anexo informativo en DVB-T2 (no normativo) y posteriormente fue adoptado en DVB-NGH (Next Generation Handheld). TFS y CB han sido propuestos para su inclusión en ATSC 3.0. Aún así, nunca han sido implementados. Las investigaciones llevadas a cabo en esta Tesis emplean diversos enfoques basados en teoría de la información para obtener los límites de ganancia, en simulaciones de capa física para evaluar el rendimiento en sistemas reales y en el análisis de medidas de campo. Estos estudios reportan ganancias en cobertura en torno a 4-5 dB con 4 canales e importantes ganancias en capacidad aún con sólo 2 canales RF. Esta tesis también se centra en los aspectos de implementación. Los receptores para CB requieren un sintonizador por canal RF agregado. La implementación de TFS con un solo sintonizador exige el cumplimiento de varios requisito temporales. Sin embargo, el uso de dos sintonizadores permitiría un buen rendimiento con una implementación más rentable con la reutilización de los actuales chips o su introducción junto con las arquitecturas existentes que operan con un doble sintonizador tales como[CA] La televisió digital terrestre (TDT) d'última generació està orientada a una necessària millora de l'eficiència espectral a fi d'abordar els desafiaments derivats de l'escassetat d'espectre com a resultat de la progressiva assignació de freqüències - l'anomenat Dividend Digital - per a satisfer la creixent demanda de capacitat per a la banda ampla sense fil. Els avanços tant en els estàndards de transmissió com de codificació de vídeo són de la màxima importància per a la progressiva posada en marxa de serveis d'alta qualitat com la televisió d'Ultra AD (Alta Definició). La transició a l'estàndard europeu de segona generació DVB-T2 i la introducció de la codificació de vídeo MPEG-4/AVC ja permet la transmissió de 4-5 serveis de televisió d'AD per canal RF (Radiofreqüència). No obstant això, la impossibilitat d'assignar una major taxa de bit sobre l'espectre restant podria posar en perill l'evolució de les plataformes de TDT en favor d'altres sistemes d'alta capacitat com ara el satèl·lit o les distribuïdores de cable. El següent pas se centra en el desplegament del recent estàndard HEVC (High Efficiency Vídeo Coding), que oferix un 50% de guany de codificació respecte a AVC, junt amb els estàndards terrestres de pròxima generació, la qual cosa podria garantir la competitivitat de la TDT en un futur pròxim. Aquesta tesi aborda l'ús de tecnologies d'agregació de canals RF que permeten incrementar l'eficiència espectral de les futures xarxes. La tesi se centra entorn de dues tecnologies: Time Frequency Slicing (TFS) i Channel Bonding (CB). TFS i CB consistixen en la transmissió de les dades d'un servei de televisió a través de múltiples canals RF en compte d'utilitzar un sol canal. CB difon les dades d'un servei a través d'uns quants canals RF convencionals formant un RF-Mux. TFS difon les dades a través de ranures temporals en diferents canals RF. Les dades són recuperades de forma seqüencial en el receptor per mitjà de salts en freqüència. La implementació d'aquestes tècniques permet obtindre guanys en capacitat i cobertura. La primera d'elles prové d'una multiplexació estadística (StatMux) de serveis de taxa variable (VBR) més eficient. A més, CB permet augmentar la taxa de pic d'un servei de forma proporcional al nombre de canals així com avantatges al combinar-la amb codificació de vídeo escalable. El guany en cobertura prové d'un millor rendiment RF a causa de la recepció de les dades d'un servei des de diferents canals en lloc de només un que podria estar degradat. De la mateixa manera, és possible obtindre una major robustesa enfront d'interferències ja que la recepció o no d'un servei no depén de si el canal que l'allotja està o no interferit. TFS va ser introduït en primer lloc com un annex informatiu en DVB-T2 (no normatiu) i posteriorment va ser adoptat en DVB-NGH (Next Generation Handheld). TFS i CB han sigut proposades per a la seva inclusió en ATSC 3.0. Encara així, mai han sigut implementades. Les investigacions dutes a terme en esta Tesi empren diverses vessants basades en teoria de la informació per a obtindre els límits de guany, en simulacions de capa física per a avaluar el rendiment en sistemes reals i en l'anàlisi de mesures de camp. Aquestos estudis reporten guanys en cobertura entorn als 4-5 dB amb 4 canals i importants guanys en capacitat encara amb només 2 canals RF. Esta tesi també se centra en els aspectes d'implementació. Els receptors per a CB requerixen un sintonitzador per canal RF agregat. La implementació de TFS amb un sol sintonitzador exigix el compliment de diversos requisit temporals. No obstant això, l'ús de dos sintonitzadors permetria un bon rendiment amb una implementació més rendible amb la reutilització dels actuals xips o la seua introducció junt amb les arquitectures existents que operen amb un doble sintonitzador com ara MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output).Giménez Gandia, JJ. (2015). Improved Spectrum Usage with Multi-RF Channel Aggregation Technologies for the Next-Generation Terrestrial Broadcasting [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/52520TESI

    Design and Development of a Digital Radio Frequency Control System for Linear Accelerators

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    The new control system for Radio Frequency (RF) structures at Legnaro National Laboratories (LNL) is presented in this document. LNL is one of the four national laboratories of the National Institute for Nucler Physics (INFN) and it is devoted to basic research in nuclear physics and nuclear-astrophysics, together with applications of nuclear technologies. The subject of this Ph.D. thesis is indeed the development of a fully digital RF feedback system, focusing on the validation of the RF controller, its programming and its integration in the particle accelerator control system. The RF controller interacts directly with the cavities and it works in a real-time closed loop. It is a set of analog and digital electronics which provides phase, amplitude and frequency corrections to stabilize the RF field in presence of disturbances and vibrations due to other subsystems of the accelerator. The control algorithm is implemented via a programmable device as an FPGA. This increases dramatically the flexibility and the programmability of the controller. The digital board of the RF controller can work in a wide range of the RF spectrum. It is a versatile tool, easy to adapt to 40/80/160/352 MHz resonators, thus spanning all types of cavities of the final SPES configuration. At LNL, it may be used to control RF cavities like bunchers to pulse the beam, superconducting cavities to accelerate the beam and RF quadrupoles (RFQ) to both accelerate and focus the beam. Most of them work in superconducting condition, while the other ones in normal condition. The controlling and the monitoring of the RF controller is done by the particle accelerator control system based on EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System). It is a widely adopted software framework for control systems. EPICS is a set of tools, libraries and applications developed collaboratively and used worldwide to create distributed soft real-time control systems for scientific instruments such as particle accelerators. Beam transport was carried out with the 8 cavities working in superconducting mode with the new instruments. The controller kept locked the cavities for few days. In this time the controller has proven to be more stable and reliable than the precedent system. The first chapter of the document introduces the SPES and ALPI facility and the RF subsystem to a certain level of details: RF acceleration concepts and Low Level RF (LLRF) control for an optimum energy gain of the particle beam. In order to better understand the issues faced during the design of the control system it is useful to derive mathematical models of the RF cavities. This is the subject of the second chapter. In the third chapter the disturbance sources of the accelerating field are listed, besides clarifying the stability requirements, the frequency tuning of the cavities and their driving modes. Furthermore, the choice of the frequency sampling is outlined. The fourth chapter introduces the controller in detail. The boards functionalities are highlighted, the fundamental elements of the boards are described as well as the communication between components and boards. The fifth, sixth and seventh chapters describe the main contribution of this Ph.D. thesis. The firmware development for the Field Programmable Field Array, that is the heart of the RF controller, is covered in chapter five, emphasizing the module for the communication with the accelerator control system and the module that implements the control algorithms. The sixth chapter gives an overview of the EPICS framework, focusing on the driver support, the integration of the RF controller with the EPICS based control system is further expanded while in the last section the RF cavity tuning is explained. The seventh chapter is split in two sections. The first section lists the tests performed in order to qualify the boards of the RF controller. The second section analyzes some key parameters acquired during a successful beam test in real working conditions, where the performance of the new controller has been evaluated. Finally, a concluding chapter summarizes the results obtained so far and outlines improvements and future upgrades that can implement new functionalities in the Radio Frequency control system

    The deep space network, volume 19

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    The progress is reported in the DSN for Nov. and Dec. 1973. Research is described for the following areas: functions and facilities, mission support for flight projects, tracking and ground-based navigation, spacecraft/ground communication, network control and operations technology, and deep space stations

    Social defense mechanisms : tools for reclaiming our personal space

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (leaf 67).In contemporary Western society, electronic devices are becoming so prevalent that many people find themselves surrounded by technologies they find frustrating or annoying. The electronics industry has little incentive to address this complaint; I designed two counter-technologies to help people defend their personal space from unwanted electronic intrusion. Both devices were designed and prototyped with reference to the culture-jamming "Design Noir" philosophy. The first is a pair of glasses that darken whenever a television is in view. The second is low- power RF jammer capable of preventing cell phones or similarly intrusive wireless devices from operating within a user's personal space. By building functional prototypes that reflect equal consideration of technical and social issues, I identify three attributes of Noir products: Personal empowerment, participation in a critical discourse, and subversion.by Limor Fried.M.Eng

    Self tuning control applied to heating systems.

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    BiCMOS high-performance ICs: From DC to mm-wave

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    Progress with silicon and silicon germanium (SiGe) based BiCMOS technologies over the past few years has been very impressive. This enables the implementation of traditional microwave and emerging mm-wave applications in silicon. The paper gives an overview of several high-performance ICs that have been implemented in a state-of-the-art BiCMOS technology (QUBiC4). Examples of high-performance ICs are described ranging from basic building blocks for mobile applications to highly integrated receiver and transmitter ICs for applications up to the mm-wave range