5 research outputs found

    Active Self-Tracking of Subjective Experience with a One-Button Wearable: A Case Study in Military PTSD

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    We describe a case study with the participation of a Danish veteran suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). As part of psychotherapeutic treatment the participant and therapist have used our novel technique for instrumenting self-tracking of select aspects of subjective experience using a one-button wearable device. The instrumentation system is described along with the specific self-track- ing protocol which defined the participant's self-tracking of a single symptom, namely the occurrences of a bodily experienced precursor to hyperarousal. Results from the case study demonstrate how self-tracking data on a single symptom collected by a patient can provide valuable input to the therapeutic process. Specifically, it facilitated identification of crucial details otherwise unavailable from the clinical assessment and even became decisive in disentangling different symptoms and their causes.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 2nd Symposium Computing and Mental Health at ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 201

    From the Inside Out: A Literature Review on Possibilities of Mobile Emotion Measurement and Recognition

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    Information systems are becoming increasingly intelligent and emotion artificial intelligence is an important component for the future. Therefore, the measurement and recognition of emotions is necessary and crucial. This paper presents a state of the art in the research field of mobile emotion measurement and recognition. The aim of this structured literature analysis using the PRISMA statement is to collect and classify the relevant literature and to provide an overview of the current status of mobile emotion recording and its future trends. A total of 59 articles were identified in the relevant literature databases, which can be divided into four main categories of emotion measurement. There was an increase of publications over the years in all four categories, but with a particularly strong increase in the areas of optical and vital-data-based recording. Over time, both the speed as well as the accuracy of the measurement has improved considerably in all four categories

    Education, social work and digitality

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    Der Sammelband fokussiert Veränderungen in Pädagogik und Sozialer Arbeit durch Digitalität im Bereich theoretischer Grundlagen, didaktischer Prinzipien, Methoden und Eigenlogiken der Arbeitsfelder. Schwerpunkte sind Potentiale und Limitierungen von Bildung, Hilfe und Lernen angesichts digitaler Infrastrukturen, Mediatisierung von Lebenswelten, methodisch-didaktische Anforderungen digitaler Bildungs-, Hilfs- und Lernwelten, Sensorierung und Datafizierung als Teile von sowie Herausforderungen für Pädagogik und Soziale Arbeit und Implikationen von Kontrolle und Überwachung durch Dritte. (DIPF/Orig.