14,823 research outputs found

    A monolithic fluid-structure interaction formulation for solid and liquid membranes including free-surface contact

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    A unified fluid-structure interaction (FSI) formulation is presented for solid, liquid and mixed membranes. Nonlinear finite elements (FE) and the generalized-alpha scheme are used for the spatial and temporal discretization. The membrane discretization is based on curvilinear surface elements that can describe large deformations and rotations, and also provide a straightforward description for contact. The fluid is described by the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, and its discretization is based on stabilized Petrov-Galerkin FE. The coupling between fluid and structure uses a conforming sharp interface discretization, and the resulting non-linear FE equations are solved monolithically within the Newton-Raphson scheme. An arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation is used for the fluid in order to account for the mesh motion around the structure. The formulation is very general and admits diverse applications that include contact at free surfaces. This is demonstrated by two analytical and three numerical examples exhibiting strong coupling between fluid and structure. The examples include balloon inflation, droplet rolling and flapping flags. They span a Reynolds-number range from 0.001 to 2000. One of the examples considers the extension to rotation-free shells using isogeometric FE.Comment: 38 pages, 17 figure

    Fluid-structure interaction in blood flow capturing non-zero longitudinal structure displacement

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    We present a new model and a novel loosely coupled partitioned numerical scheme modeling fluid-structure interaction (FSI) in blood flow allowing non-zero longitudinal displacement. Arterial walls are modeled by a {linearly viscoelastic, cylindrical Koiter shell model capturing both radial and longitudinal displacement}. Fluid flow is modeled by the Navier-Stokes equations for an incompressible, viscous fluid. The two are fully coupled via kinematic and dynamic coupling conditions. Our numerical scheme is based on a new modified Lie operator splitting that decouples the fluid and structure sub-problems in a way that leads to a loosely coupled scheme which is {unconditionally} stable. This was achieved by a clever use of the kinematic coupling condition at the fluid and structure sub-problems, leading to an implicit coupling between the fluid and structure velocities. The proposed scheme is a modification of the recently introduced "kinematically coupled scheme" for which the newly proposed modified Lie splitting significantly increases the accuracy. The performance and accuracy of the scheme were studied on a couple of instructive examples including a comparison with a monolithic scheme. It was shown that the accuracy of our scheme was comparable to that of the monolithic scheme, while our scheme retains all the main advantages of partitioned schemes, such as modularity, simple implementation, and low computational costs

    Effective Landau theory of ferronematics

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    An effective Landau-like description of ferronematics, i.e., suspensions of magnetic colloidal particles in a nematic liquid crystal (NLC), is developed in terms of the corresponding magnetization and nematic director fields. The study is based on a microscopic model and on classical density functional theory. Ferronematics are susceptible to weak magnetic fields and they can exhibit a ferromagnetic phase, which has been predicted several decades ago and which has recently been found experimentally. Within the proposed effective Landau theory of ferronematics one has quantitative access, e.g., to the coupling between the magnetization of the magnetic colloids and the nematic director of the NLC. On mesoscopic length scales this generates complex response patterns
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